Alc211 - Assignment - No.1 - Bote, Mark Aljun

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ALC 211 - Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits

Assignment No. 1

BSCpE 2018

Name: Bote, Mark Aljun C.

ID No.: 19-A0655

Mr. Dino Alba

1. What, Where, and Why Electronics?
- Electronics is the branch of science that deals with the study of flow and
control of electrons (electricity) and the study of their behavior and effects in
vacuums, gases, and semiconductors, and with devices using such electrons.

- Using electronics today is so much a part of our daily lives we hardly think of
the way the world would be without electronics. Everything from cooking to
music uses electronics or electronic components in some way. Our family car
has many electronic components, as does our cooking stove, laptop and cell
phone. Children and teenagers carry mobile phones with them everywhere
and use them to take and send pictures, videos, and to play music. They
send text messages on the cell phone to other phones and to their home

- This control of electrons is accomplished by devices (electronic components)
that resist, carry, select, steer, switch, store, manipulate, and exploit the
2. History of Electronics.
- In this 21st century, every day we are dealing with the electronic circuits and
devices in some or the other forms because gadgets, home appliances,
computers, transport systems, cell phones, cameras, TV, etc. all electronic
components and devices. Today’s world of electronics has made deep
inroads in several areas, such as healthcare, medical diagnosis, automobiles,
industries, electronics projects etc. and convinced everyone that without
electronics, it is really impossible to work.
3. What is Electricity
- Electricity is a natural phenomenon that occurs throughout nature and takes
many different forms. In this tutorial we'll focus on current electricity: the stuff
that powers our electronic gadgets. Our goal is to understand how electricity
flows from a power source through wires, lighting up LEDs, spinning motors,
and powering our communication devices.
- Electricity is briefly defined as the flow of electric charge, but there's so much
behind that simple statement. Where do the charges come from? How do we
move them? Where do they move to? How does an electric charge cause
mechanical motion or make things light up? So many questions! To begin to
explain what electricity is we need to zoom way in, beyond the matter and
molecules, to the atoms that make up everything we interact with in life.
4. What is the Importance of Electricity?
- Electricity is one of the most important blessings that science has given to
mankind. It has also become a part of modern life and one cannot think of a
world without it. Electricity has many uses in our day to day life. It is used for
lighting rooms, working fans and domestic appliances like using electric
stoves, A/C and more. All these provide comfort to people. In factories, large
machines are worked with the help of electricity. Essential items like food,
cloth, paper and many other things are the product of electricity.
- Modern means of transportation and communication have been
revolutionized by it. Electric trains and battery cars are quick means of travel.
Electricity also provides means of amusement, radio, television and cinema,
which are the most popular forms of entertainment are the result of electricity.
Modern equipment like computers and robots have also been developed
because of electricity. Electricity plays a pivotal role in the fields of medicines
and surgery too — such as X-ray, ECG. The use of electricity is increasing
day by day.

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