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Cite at least 3 moral principles that you were taught when you were a child and give the reason
behind it: e.g. you must not lie Or state a certain maxim( a saying/ principle in life) that you
were taught or you learned at a young age and explain its meaning or significance: e.g. honesty
is the best policy

1. “Let go and Let God”

Reason/ Explanation:

In this epoch, Being bombarded with many adversities lead us to be physically,

emotionally, mentally, and socially drained and exhausted to the point of giving up as ending
one's life. I once was in this kind of situation. Giving up was my last option, from being outcast
to depression. However, while surfing on the internet, A saying “Let Go and Let God" drawn my
attention. It means consciously surrender one's free will to the will of God and turning your
trouble in the hand of God. I hold this quotation now and then. It gives me the strength to stand
firm in every rain in life, believing that God would never abandon nor forsake His children,
endlessly there for us in all the ups and downs of life. Let go of everything; the hatreds, anxiety,
over thinking, negativity, and adversities and Let God heal those things if you allow Him to do

2. “Makes your choices carefully for each decision is part of your destiny"


Undeniably, many individuals make decisions in life hesitantly. They tend to rush life by
making silly decisions resulting in a miserable tomorrow and future. In the past, I used to decide
quickly without thinking about it all time and again. The outcome was not what I expected; it
was a mess and devastating. By that, I always bear to mind that to have a good life; I must be
wise in my decision and choices in the present life. Learning to make a decision intelligently is
essential to have a prosperous future because the sum of our choices and decisions is our life.
2. “Make Prayer as a habit, not as an emergency exit”


The first time I joined religious meetings was memorable. Prayer was their topic; how to pray
and what would be the benefit if we make it a habit. The speaker provides us with a salient
phrase;” make prayer as a habit, not as an emergency exit". Everyone struggled. Nevertheless,
we have a different kind of ways on how to face it. Some of us go to friends: drinking, doing sex
and assuming that this would ease the pain we felt. Yet, we are wrong. The affliction is still
there; it won’t end unless we come to God through prayer. However, people prayed when they
are in a stake situation, not because they used to it. They prayed because of the storm raging
their life. When it ends, they forgot God”, he added.

Whenever I experienced challenges in life, I run to God but when it ends I stop praying.
However, I realized that it is essential to make prayer a habit, not just an emergency exit to the
problems we faced. If we make prayer as a habit, everything will follow. I am holding this
principle now and then, because it assures me that whatever happens, whatever struggle we
faced, God is always there.

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