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Name: Roduta, Zyruz Dale R.

GED102 - MMW
Program & Year: CE-1 Section: B4 Writing Exercise #3
Synthesis Essay
Student No.: 2017142321 Date: 06/30/2020 4th Quarter 2019-2020

Title of Reading: Fractals – The Color of Infinity

Nature is such a wonderful thing created by some great being. Many believed that there
is this ultimate being who created this wonderful nature we have around us. We tend to
appreciate its beauty since most of us view it as a perfect creation and sometimes it is
questionable of how it was created and what it is made of. Some famous scientists and great
mathematicians explored and studied how nature works and explained through the language of
mathematics. As shown in the video, Sir Isaac Newton, who is a well-known Physicist in this
universe, explained the motion of the planets and how it “revolve” through one gigantic entity
called the sun. This phenomenon of nature was expressed to a simple formula so that this
phenomenon could be broken down into less complex terms and become easier to comprehend
or understand.

In this video, another detail about nature is explained. This is about how geometrical
build-up of every entity in this world. This type of phenomenon is shown using Mandlebrot Sets,
which is a well-known fractal. It is explained that in every entity in nature, let’s say for example
trees or mountains, as we dive into deeper detail within this entity, there is a composition of
infinite number of fractals which build up this one big entity that we see. However, this one big
entity would look so perfect in contrast with its own build-up – the fractals. These fractals are
irregularly shaped geometrical fragments which look like tree branches that branch out infinitely
when magnified. These fragments build-up every entity of nature, which makes me appreciate
the beauty of the details of every entity.
Name: Roduta, Zyruz Dale R. Score
GED102 - MMW
Program & Year: CE-1 Section: B4 Writing Exercise #4
Synthesis Essay
Student No.: 2017142321 Date: 06/30/2020 4th Quarter 2019-2020

Title of Reading: Die Hard: With a Vengeance

In the short clip, it shows how a white person shows hate against black people, or in
other words racism. The diversity between race has been a great issue in this world.
Stereotyping has become really a big deal in this world, not only in race, but also in gender and
other aspects our physical, emotional, or mental aspects. But for this essay, I am going to focus
more on racism. Most common stereotype for black people is that they consider most black
people to be criminals or “bad people” due to history, and white people are mostly stereotyped
for being “weak” or so-called “weird”. Due to stereotyping, racism has aroused and had become
one of the world’s biggest issue that is very difficult to resolve. The mindsets of humans from
different races have built up and it is now inevitable. In my opinion, racism would always be an
issue in this world since there are a lot of close-minded people who are stuck with their beliefs
on the stereotypes of every race.
Name: Roduta, Zyruz Dale R. Score
GED102 - MMW
Program & Year: CE-1 Section: B4 Writing Exercise #5
Synthesis Essay
Student No.: 2017142321 Date: 06/30/2020 4th Quarter 2019-2020

Title of Reading: Using the Scientific Method in Everyday Life

Most people tend to have approximate or precise knowledge about the things around us.
Our brain does not have the capacity to know every detail of a single object and we are also not
capable of knowing everything. However, we keep on adding or gaining knowledge from
different events occurring in this world. This is how science works on dealing with the acquisition
or contribution of knowledge in this world. To do so, we follow the process or what we call the
“scientific method” to gain or contribute knowledge. This step-by-step process plays a very
crucial role in acquiring new information and gaining knowledge. The process starts from
observing a certain phenomenon, to creating an interrogation, up to putting that interrogation
into real-time test or experiments to prove whether the hypothesis is true, gather the data and
analyze it, and lastly, creating your conclusion or summarizing the whole process you’ve done.
The process looks complicated but as our brain tends to mature enough and grow, we tend to
do this in our daily life – from the simplest up to the most complex things. In our everyday life,
the scientific method is very useful for us to expand our knowledge and become more
competent in this world we are living.
Name: Roduta, Zyruz Dale R. Score
GED102 - MMW
Program & Year: CE-1 Section: B4 Writing Exercise #5
Synthesis Essay
Student No.: 2017142321 Date: 06/30/2020 4th Quarter 2019-2020

Title of Reading: The Monty Hall Problem

The Monty Hall problem is about three closed doors where behind two of these doors
contains a goat and one door holds a car. You get to pick one door, the door you pick would be
the prize you are going to win. The host would reveal one door which contains the goat, then the
host will give you chance to swap doors. The dilemma here is that you could either get a car or
a goat without knowing the odds. Also, people would think that swapping does not really matter
since all you know that it is a 50/50 chance of winning the car. Yet, there are mathematical
explanations behind this Monty Hall problem regarding this dilemma.

In real-time situations, we would decide to not swap doors since we would that it does
not really matter if we swap because either way could get the goat or the car. However, there is
some mathematical explanation behind on why we should always swap for the best odds. It is
explained mathematically that you have 2/3 probability if you would switch doors, meaning you
have better odds in winning if you would swap doors rather than not swapping. The explanation
behind this is that the first time you choose a door, the probability of getting the car is 1/3.
Another fact is that the host knows where the car is behind which door, and the host will never
open the door with the car. Also, in your first pick, you would get to pick incorrectly way more
often since you only have 1/3 of the chance to pick the door with the car on first try. Since you
are most likely to pick incorrectly, it means when you switch doors, there is a 2/3 chance of
getting the prize. Thus, in these scenarios, the best option is to swap doors.

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