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Water and Jug Problem

4 litres non –marking (non-measurement) jugs

3 litres non –marking (non-measurement) jugs

A pump with larger capacity of water level is used to fill these 2 jugs

In some occasion water may be poured on the ground

Taking picture analogy:-

1st case :-

4L JUG: 0 3L JUG: 0

Here 1st 2 Jugs are empty i.e 4 litres jug and 3 litres jug which is the initial state

2nd case :- NOW


4L JUG: 0 3L JUG: 0 4L JUG: 0 3L JUG: 3

1st filling the 3 litres jug fully with 3 litres of water and now 4 litres jug is empty
3rd case :- NOW

4L JUG: 0 3L JUG: 3 4L JUG: 3 3L JUG: 0

From the previous 3 litres jug total 3 litres of water is poured in to 4 litres jug .Now
the 4 litres jug contain 3 litres of water and the 3 litres jug is empty .Here 1 litre
space is remained in 4 litres of jug to be filled yet

4th case :- NOW


4L JUG: 3 3L JUG: 0 4L JUG: 3 3L JUG: 3

From the previous case the empty 3 litres jug is filled again fully with 3 litres of
water .Now in this case 4 litres jug containing 3 litres water and 3 litres jug also
containing 3 litres of water
5th case :- NOW

4L JUG: 3 3L JUG: 3 4L JUG: 4 3L JUG: 2

Now here the water from filled 3 litres jug is poured in to 4 litres jug which have 1 litre
filled space left. After pouring the 1 litres of water from 3 litres jug then the 3 litres
jug contain 2 litres water .4 litres jug now contain 4 litres of water

6th case :- NOW


4L JUG: 3 3L JUG: 2 4L JUG: 0 3L JUG: 2

In this case we have totally poured out all the water from the 4 litres jug to
ground and now the 4 litres jug is empty. Now 3 litres jug contain 2 litres of water
7th case :- NOW

4L JUG: 0 3L JUG: 2 4L JUG: 2 3L JUG: 0

From the previous case the 2 litres of water from 3litres jug is poured in to 4 litres
jug. Now the 4 litres jug contain exactly 2litres of water which is the goal state.

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