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Waitress: Hi, I’m Mary. I’ll be your waitress today. Can I get you anything to drink?

Man: Just water

Waitress: Would you like bottle or regular?
Waitress: And for you?
Woman: I’ll have a diet soda.
Waitress: Great! I’ll be right back.
Have you decided what’d you like? Or do you need some more time?
Woman: I’ll have the grilled chicken and a dinner salad.
Waitress: And what kind of dressing would you like?
Woman: What kind do you have?
Waitress: Italian, Blue cheese, fetaost
Woman: I’ll have the Italian. And can you serve it on the side?
Waitress: Of course. And for you sir?
Man: The pepper salmon, is that very spicy?
Waitress: Yes.
Man: I don’t like spicy. I’ll have the steak.
Waitress: And how would you like that cooked?
Man: Medium please.
Waitress: Alright, so that’s chicken with salad and Italian dressing on the side. And one steak medium.
Man: Yes
Waitress: Thank you!
Be careful is hot. Can I get that for you?
Woman: yes, please.
Waitress: and is there anything else I can get you?
Man: May I have a steak knife.
Waitress: Of course. I’ll get that right away.
How is everything?
Man: excellent!
Woman: very good
Waitress: Great!
Are you still working on that, or should I wrap it up for you?
Woman: I’m done.
Man: I’ll take this to go.
Waitress: would you like a dessert menu?
Man: Yes please.
Waitress: would you like coffee?
Man: Yes!
Woman: I’ll have some too.
Waitress: Cream or sugar?
Man: I’ll like some cream.
Woman: I’ll have sugar.
Waitress: Have you decided what’d you like for dessert?
Man: I’ll have the chocolate cake.
Waitress: and for you?
Woman: I’ll have the cheese cake.
Waitress: Excellent. I’ll be right back.
Did you enjoy your meal?
Woman: It was wonderful.
Waitress: Can I get you anything else or should get your check?
Man: We’ll take the check.
Waitress: Thank you for coming.

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