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ne Cetanee Waswotre Maa HR Heonosa ToToBMMCcA K ypoKam aHTAMMCKOTO s3bIKa + Meroanyeckoe nocobne + Havanbias wkona ADRAC TPECC Yae s72.016:811.111 BBK 74.268.1Anra Hea sen, paspadorxa saan mpinnaaerart uanarenscray «Allpwe-Jlusaseraneas Cepuiinoe opopsctente 0.F. Baypurot Haxonows 1K. 63 "Toronues & yporaM anrantieKor saniea » wasansnolt rxone: Meroziaeckoe nocoGne. — Mt Alpo-mpect, 2004, — 96. — (Memodura). 1 vate saute les Gaon sae ergaeeran es ‘rimeentsaeryeon ceynrentn ayo bemenes Fanaa cranes opus BK 74.2681Au van sta oiesi Om asmopa 2Kexaie nomen moroRosy yunTENO woaHNTE noeTe verpeEN & muanyorniveassn daxysorera snocrpamie sBkKO8, paOoraONLNX Bisex oGueodpaaoaaTeratsix cOANCKHX w TOPOACKNX uO H ‘Mpenoramnex miocrpasitsH! £54 ® ZocraTOSHO "DYIUNX YEXOAMRX. Bonwoseo, Aamiad KHNTa cxOMeT tpesynpeAITS wexsbercKe ‘unain mnonoro rene m 26am? ero oF HeDepuatx maros, Mo- mer Giste,¥ nor0-70 ye COMICS caos excrENA OBY eH, W NOCO- ue nowoseer pacupun. weroamaeexi KpyTOSOp, vesetirE ama- sun 1 nosoners enol! apcenan om npxewanit. Bex npouece obyuemin sunaanrven, 24 noexeanee eDeNE MpoHsou20 MHOTo MMe emai » coneprann oOpasosamn, Texnonoruxx oOyvewin usocs- ‘pamowy wainey. Pasyweerea, wesoswosiao pacexasar® © sex sTix Mawenenvtrx, Xa7e ovaerit a ace sonpochi, RoaEMaIONNe y YSITEAN nerpamnoro mskixa ® cbiaH © opramsaanen yweOn0-noctuerteaie oro nponecca. lata ter — no weye soawosxuoers uoMows yuurE© mmHoCt® oro asks at pete wonperain pareeenes 8 » Tlaxoved, ant erpeaststes ovat oF mpmugvoro celta w sero awseoxux padorax noguepranyronayenoro craax aazonens. Ko hemo, srareao cyan, iaekomixo deyuieerBsiaocs Haste expeNae- te oxeaarn ory 1aDIy Me OveHD cy m ne ONeND TPyANOH sn Tlanoe nocdGie narineano npere4e cero Ax npenonastrenell ‘aurintiexoro nana, paGoraimm e ysamuptien aanuiero sospacrs Ino ono momer Gurre noaeomu aan yanrened, o6yuamuxsx ceapI ‘mxonswxon, Aan eryaeuron neaaroriueciix un>rayros. Ni Tax ‘ie uageenon na To, #00 Nocofile HOMOsEer He TOMLKO HaNHNAIONENY Yyutreno, no w onsrHomy spenoaanarerno, H TOMS, Y Kor 6usn nope: Bun » pasore no enenamsocrn. Tipenoxansvemt uallays axece cnenapsn paswx yporos, no cerpoctans na yastnon mareprtone YMIC, wonoraayesttx > coopoMen tx obiteoGpesonaremmc ypesexemist wall crpastst — Aural frit mune (Beperarina H.H., pura T. A), Coaeraussi aa ‘anion (Raeseneoan TB, Moni B), Auenucenh (yeonaoe B. 1 wap.) Ypox m1ocrpannoro sssnca — ‘mopuectso yaurens (suy1pu BiGpanmnoft cucrent) fea nezve ysumeno yume, mex mpydnee yuensias ysumves. Heat mpyduce yuumenn, mex aeeve yenuryn ‘mu e200a npunadzeream JI. H. Toxemony, Wowu npaaduso ompaieaiom xeicx» 0 mom, ‘umo ywumea» donxcen pagomams e noanok omdaved, ‘ne xcanen cus. Bedo yumexs aoxcem eopatupoaams Auanoems aus npu yeaosu, xmo ow, 6ydyuH eax meopseexol! auwnoembin, dan Imae0 Boarcen shamo~> xoniems yume > eyaeme maopume> xomems padomams. Tiaceoa E. Ut Wrnopur yanrens ua ypoxe. Tlomsrraewes sarannyrh » croncuit exanitsi ypOKA, pace ‘emorpers ero oxtionenri H expyryby Yor ax oprauuosaxnas exomiia oSysowts, sean necro, xauren 40-45 wuntys, Kak wensuoe npouavezenite CrpyryPa ¥RO- ‘ka ukaowser nava20, uewTparsuyio dacré aanepwuemte, Kasra a masnaunutx wacreit seuromuner apucymry elt Pym, fpa- -xawityin enexadiney mpeawera. 1, Hawaxo ypora Tlocrosumst otan ypoxa, autres ne Gonee 5 NMEEY? (oprantan- nu RsmoRemTER Yeannanes epi petensx yupckaenstl 0 yooo- ‘omy aseikosoMy 4 poyevonty mareprary © Nenbo meena yaa- urxea Bepepy imoerpanuoro sauixa, uerkoe ofssmetite yusreest syeeGuoit wenn, coorserernyomeit onpese.es0lt rene YDOK). 2 Opramsanet konrpoas suamuit, nansixon 1 ymemnit yuanorcen, mpwoSperewmix son 1 mpouecce mmosewi xomamuero sanannn Bapinpyeail sa ypora, ares eGo. 8-10 sey (ope usar nomen paspaborasolt yrurrenes verKoil ceresst yp unsempansoro nara — magprtenen yume ‘ynpeonitemtit¢ upunenonen axrusmnsx (pope a pestuntos pabo ‘13, ¢ upon uenomsonanen waranzeotx cpeacrs, TCO, nota srreasHoro suutaKTiecKoro taTepia.ta) 8, Ocnosnas acre Tloctosuuuit yvan ypoxs, ares 20-25 xourys (opranusas, suinonnesin yaparxuexat ¢ cnopott ua rexers yseONHKA, yseGre owonii enryaiiix, TCO, xonoamirensiit AMAMeTATOCKT Mare. ‘uta € nenowsaonainen wexnpeamerutix eoasell, upHMenentent bernusunx npness, opt, perunton paGors). 90 Norye Barre ‘onaKoNtenne € coorReTETHYIONLIN AAMIKORKIN MaTepIEAOS no rewo ypoKa; ‘rpersponka enomionaNtita saMoROTO 3 peveRrO MaTeps- [BpHMeneNMe saKIKOROrO ME PeYeDorD MaTEPHAAI TIO KOHKDET- hiv miaaM peweaoit xexTex.socTH; ‘opramaanien ayauponastin yuaIRinites Texera 8 npemEs) unr ynrreas (syxosermncH); ‘pramuaniust MoHOOrICIeCKIX, Hlaoriweceurx maexasespanAT ysamexes Spranisanien ereana yaamaonten rexera mexys, mpo cobs. Mosammee sayaune Tlocroaunnait onan, aawren 3-5 wir (opransiaantis samen, moaninero saqaniin Ha Aocke, 8 ANLEBINNKe, YorKoe oBxsenemMte, ‘6pazex, mtnonnewsts). 5. Saxmowereseuniit ora Tloctoxautsit gran, snveres 2~B aauyra (noguegeuse uTorOR paGors 1a ypoxe. ‘Korga wat ronopnot 0 noerpoesttt ypoxa, To oGsri0 uateext 9 nay onpeseneutoe, uerestanpantentioe sasunonoroxtenue aranoD {yoo MX MuyrperIOw maeuHocnAD. 5 Tomoeumes x yporas at:nuoxes0A3un4 6 Nasaanno mone Hauano ypora ‘Tepseit aman, wanounms, nocrosinti, ¢ Hero, coornerernet ‘no, navntnetes nawisponatae ypoxa. Jannah arat meatovaen Ana. 1) morusupyromee xoxmynimearunce saxasine; 2) comaxonoxnte yaanyxer ¢ noonamen, rexearMxol x 29404 ait ypoxs. Buupaxruxe pense moms wava1o ypoxs x0 pono ‘syn pasvorenanr encode, Koropsle NOXKiO Haast: iuoMMAH (opmaxsssa) m eecrecrpentils.. Tputnepoxemas ‘panunounoro enocoba nauanaieT YpOK ¢ HOKAAA AeypHOFO Yemmka o rovontoctat waacea x ypoxy, oO areyTETAYIOUEX, 0 NOT: be, ante, Bhiekastinniist yManuxea adyueustse a nostopsiores 13 ‘por 2 ypor. Boanookho, exes¥ver nonta uparcraiconars z0r06H0e [BAYATO, HO RIKHO NOMIAETD, TO 8 KaTiAIe YPoKA OBO OFMetaeR- ‘mt tiosaurwo.povenar exonartnoens tyratrem wéscHo noerapamact aerpours yaamuixes ma ofnenue, coaaars paGoutit KONTAKT RAK oxo ¢ Gomsimst wteOX YUEHITKOS, 7.6, eyiNeCTEMT® Perea Hoarorosiry ecrecrseumsIN nyreN. Taka pewesan HOATOTORKA Hoch nasnanue «pevonas aapaaxa» (warmer or warming UD) Bapybesxsace werontcTix euntalor, sito pevesase aapaasit — 970 ‘raxoll sug gostensaioen a Havaze Ypoia (obteNHo He Goxee 5 xa ny"), koropisi mpecaenyer ne nenn: nepean — mowers ream cH volimu a xasrKowyio cpeay mocae Toro, Kak ome npsLxOART Ha Yor anrutiexoro sauna nee wayentin YTHX Mea NPE ero, Tloenyorr sseaousten »-TeMy ypoxa x snameren nepexoR mui granost aamauceiimtel paSore. exons ua cxaaasnoro, Momo Narb exexyiowee onpereneane pevesoil saparat. Pevesast apastka — aro yiteo opranitzonanie [HRYAIO YOK, KOvOpoe enocoBHO MEET YRIIINNCH i NHORAKINHY| aramocibepy i crimymiponars wx paseuciinryio pabony. Badawu pevesot sopsdeu 4) nuranars y yuamprxen >kenaute rosopitre no-aurraaiex; 2) wacrpours exyxonollt pevevol annuapar yuauuxen na soer- pant asu (91); ‘Mowropier nayuenmst na mpexsoynunk ypaKax aeuiKco0of ma. ‘repmaa; ‘axruniiauponars pevesye nesTersHpeTs © remo coxpanens ‘opa90n n AoaTonpeMenHo!t nawserH Ha oCxONe HOBMIX CHEYA- an, [pasa enouranuyio pews yuamxes. (Coopsyaspyoxe o9u sagas no-antranitent to.cause the wish to speak English; to tune acoustic and speech organs of pupils to comprehension ‘of the foreign speee! to revise the material of the proceeding lesson; ‘to practice the vocabulary; to develop spontaneous pupils’ speech, Peomas sapauka aanintser newsoro apentenm, e@ Cx0,yer MDO- omits » Giionpex reso. Yuuroxs oxen sxecroM nonpoonTs APYINIX Y'eHEOP TloMOwS onpoYasomoNt, CAN NONCKASETD Hy>KIOe “Tleaee uomraemen phinonstre cogepskauzte x opus poxenoit ‘apaxicit. Mut eopnyamposamn HecKorbKO mpanitt, KoTopLAL ‘Monkito pykoroaersonarses 1px onpexenenHu coxepscanis a BH ope shops pevesolt apart. Tipannzo 1: Lloxpysurses mpuayuart Taxoe tasa10 yDOK, ‘uro6ii sugnave y yaeuyrxes aceaante rosopnns no-axramiicK. Tpanno 2: Coaaarh peveayio sapanky ¢ auaavaats ypoxa, Tipamwxo 3: Cassar povenyio sapsany co meen agus ora. saver ypoxa. Tipanuao 4: lomnun», vr0 pewesan sapaata, conepuienio He noaxpenaennan nocxesyiolluI XoXo YOK, spocTo TopsCT ceumica. Hoo6xommo caenar Tax, 0G pevesan sapaaka me Gs.ta ‘anmioponttnmTexom. Tipannino 5: Toaroromtrs (xexaresHo, Ho ne oOa2arexss10) ‘necxomixo napuanTon powesoil apa. A uo6pauit sapmant 6yxer aanitcers or oGerosrenscrs, © KOTOPUMK Di ETOMKHETeCD, ‘BxoAA n nnace, Yeteuukt MOTY' Oh YeraNBNN, NaCeMENNN It, ‘ao6opor, axmmne nosGy>eHHa. 1 Tomoaumea n yponan anznuenoto xotea «maven mene is exasesitoro exexyes, ur0 coepacauate hops pesevoit saan nownn reerpa senses OF: © nem yporas * orynemt o6yems; © ypomss axamii ywanxe © yuebizoro aaropmata; coGurruil 1 Ropocrelt; coeromins yuaupexes, Tlonario, s70 8 wMeouusen yueCuuKax no anramiexosy 28% ry ue MOFY? Gxirs orpaaKeribr cobs MocmeARIT Mex, Nec feo n nase Aen, KoropHe aasorwasor yuk ankommnkon. MecrHe 1 BHY-rpiKORumaKe TeNHI, HoBOCTH OEeANHX AH aBATOTCA ‘Mpexpacmuine aarepnaron ax pevesott sapaaua. B “Threshold Level, 1990, Modern Langnuages, Coune!l of Burope Press, 1998 pox: ‘eranzeuo 14 rex: 4. Personal identification 2. House and home, environment 8. Dally life 4. Free time, entertainment 5 Travel 6. Relations with othor people 1. Health and bodyeare 8. dueation 8. Shopping 10, Food and drink 11. Services 12, Places 18. Language 14, Weather Bmopoli xosenm navana ypora npexeranaer Cobol oomaKox- “new yanprxoa € uageanuen, renamincod xt ayesanen ypora. Tipit conpemtentrot reu.extir uum ywaulcxen ysumncie BAIHO AODO- Jurrs no winx sagavux yposea, 60 ons AosDxan OTs Mpa. [Eat Sroro sextet Roms 640 snepenesente ma stsune ysaonxe. H “tees ystecruo offutcHiITe, FO MoMMNAeTER To «HEAION I «38M ‘see ypox. 8 pon unoempevioennrrex — manpeccned URES ‘Mapraper Xeli-KenGean nitmer: +1 cian, sro exmmeraen un enocoS mutant paawituy, — 970 paceMarpanars «eh» KaK. exousuyno oF upettonararen, a , "x0 om. xeitcraxTeADHO ‘banaeios natepmanox, — oToro BeR02M0XHO ROGHTHCH, HIKE Me ‘Tombxo sneane: oprannaonan. onpaGorky HonoaRAORANIA KOHCT- Dysiun to be going. Toraa naan ypoka Moxer sursqeTk Tax ‘6paaon: ‘Aim: To practise talking about clothes, materiat ‘Objective: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to, describe different clothes Paccworpen # expyxrype ypoka ero nepnsii oran — Ha¥ax0 ypoxa— a muruenan # HeM XE WOMeWTA: DevenyI0 sapHAKY 1 ‘oviaicontnonno yoaurancen ¢ aAAAN YPOKA, MD ADYUNNUNH TRIM: nto oGaaarensnoro pxcnioweuts poxeruseexoi sapaak 8 9T0T ‘ra, Tloscaust, ro Kaxcns HpHHaM oTO Ohio creaaHo, He mersumaer noopenceniist tor ax, sro boneraecka 3a: panka (phonetie practice) raroveer ic ua¥aty YOK, .X. BoTOM ‘onytae ova nelfrpaamsyer Barizne aByKoBOi cpezs pooro abt fea; euuceGcrayer coanasniie arocdopit su1osanrmKoro Otten, nnpexympexaer nosiaeie boneriecknx ounnox no wanepnany ‘poero ypoxa. Ho doneriveckad sapsaxa MOET BBINOANATS H APY: rte aanaar, nanpunmep: ‘+ paanurie pevonoro anmnapaTa; * casnxe xampasxennn: + yer muznniayaunurs ocobennocteit ysanprsen. 9 Tomoonmen x ypoxem ansnudenovo asune ¢ navasenol x02 ‘Mt pasearest anene orevecnneninx H aapyGexcunix Neto ucron, #70 paGora tax boueraoll Goxee peayraarinaa, ect ont coueraeres ¢ apyrunit suaanct zesrenuoers. (Habbard Jones. ‘Thornton: Wheeler. A Training Course for TEFI.. Oxford University Press, 1993, p. 220), lexons ia ekasantioro, Mo:kHO eneeT» nuvOA, 4x0 oneTHHe: ‘xan sapagsa Kax yupetsteme » nposoxentonn noByactser yer ‘reas Guirs Oxntentinu we roNbIC TPH crasiossexHI MpowsHocH- [TOABMBNK, AO TaxKe xeKEXUECKIX H TpaNMATHECKINX ABLIKOD. Tlooromy mecro oneritecxof 2apsinKu we morKer Gurr tocroRN= ui, ono napeupyered w aapstennocr# oF sates, eros HepeH, "Taran oGpas0m, rox hoversTeexof saparolt nommmaeTes ceneqmtaitoe rpeunpovousioe yupaxstene # nponswoutenii, mpe> Aympeskxaiome anditeanne Dowleruveckoro marepitataM eaBT9- Somusanio Hasina, paecenrannioe na 2-B MITHY® m IAANHpyeNOe ‘ua mio60M onsite ypoxca, re 970 NeToRHYerKt HexeeDOOpAaH0. TIootouy eer exthien, Kposte mpaduxuonnod qronemuvecnoa sapadiu (1), oevonof » enutncrueunoi saaavelt xovopoit anamer- ‘om paGora na ompererenttist KONITOHe;TOM omeTuNeCKOrO CTpOx foun, nenomaoRer® x yuediioM mpoueece ouera¥eexe sepa ‘put pa6ore naz 2) aenenveckinm marepnaxont — aexcuveckan onemuveenan ‘apron; 8). rpawmareveckine uarepia:iom — zpaaamuveenas ponemu- ‘weckas 2apadha; 4) ayznponanest 5) rosopenen 6) renew 1) mcancom 8) eitaruew nampmkemus u yeraxocrs — pexaxeayuonnan o- emuveenas sapadra; 9) Guus paanarmen — obujeodpasccamersnas pouemurecran ‘apd, unmezpupocannsze ponemurecre sapa0K Paccsonpine naanaintie oneTiCecK¥e Japs HECKOABICO ogpotuee. 10 ‘pon woempunnioa sonia — magpuscnes pune Terme nexciieexolt @oneriweexoi sapsk smvtseTeH oTpa- Gorka uponanomenti sani upx opranatsarui osHaKoN fn ¢ nenchvecrst mavepmator, Pagiioniuocri© TaKOTO BAA thoneruseekok aapaneit woneno exitrarh menamuvecreue gonemut veewue sapaOxu, Korma poweTHteckst-orpaGarsimaeanse e088 OOe- jumewst oxtok Teno, OOsIIKO uposereume TaKaIx oner#veCKIX ‘Sapanox eramonnren nonMonEis no MeTeveHtNit CePLI YPOKOB, B ‘Sasepurenne padord no onpenesennoit Teste, KorAA ReO6xORNIMO eoKiTTh nantara yaaturxea oncrivecti aces youoeHoro “nekenveekoro sarepxata. Tempio rpasranaueckoit gouermvecxoil sapaaxit amaseres lorpaGorica npoanomensi put woywentlH rpanaratiexoro Mat ‘nana, novropennit ranossx KonerpyKII "Poxint o6pasoM, 1i0Gaxt rpyiuna exon sG0 rpanveararsecix nnnehuil womer eres nononoM {21x eoxepmIONeTHORAKN IpOHE- Tipu paGore max ayaponauuen TaxxKe mpoRoanres Howenit- “aecxea sepa. Ona zaer Beosioxtiocrs ynpOUIT hoHeTUeCK YO Gany yaanyxes ¢ KoNOM” npHeMa «conyrerByIOIero ayAupOBA- ust, KOrRa TEKET /.4A ayAMpORARILS HENOMIYETER HAH HOHTOpE fist vee 9a AUTKTOPON, RA TCM, WTO TORE BHOCHT EBON eITY > aaxpenzenue m xoppertupony Gowerseckirx Hawsicon, TIposerenne oseriiecsoll sapaaxn mepex yorum ynpes ‘menuusstt wun TeNeN Hee HENHD, MANIPENeP, O6parHET Mea fie ytouKOB Ha HpoHaHOUeRMe TPYAHHX COR, MTONALUND, KOT: pie seven Oyay? HenomaoBaTuC B pews. PaGora nay wrenten, nonyx raxske recnefizmn o6pano enssama c passirrteM omens: eckurx nantixoa, Haieck eionyramuar — oxerieexan aapax- ‘ka —npexoerananer nore poawoxxnocrell jai peapirrita mpoxs- Tipu paGore nag uxteexost x0Golt oporpadtuecknit Am raNT moxker nocayscm Gxsol xx domeriecioi aapaxtat, Koran yu ‘nates npesuaraerea ympankweuie ® DadHeMHM 38yKOR Ha Cy mm coormeconnn 1x e rpasbrteckia ua00paxenitest GyIcb H €708. ‘Porancausionan owerstrecring aaps.nea, 10H XHMAMIECKCAR ayaa, enocoSerayer charimo nanpaienus i yorarocTH w ocofer no wacvo neuombayenea yulrrezen» paSore c maquina Kom»: u [HMAMEH, KoTopHDL, Kax NaneeTHO, enolicraems HeyeroltusBoCT® ‘BHHMaMis noBsiinoMaR yromanenoeT», Oxxo 20 19 -7aDUMX ‘Tpeowant x ypoxy co eroporn xesUKOB — 9To coBmIOXeKHE pa- RnonauHoro cooTHOMTe NIG CraTHYECKEIEX I HNANHMECXHX KOM: tHowetro8 ypoxs. OcymtecTsitm» 970 TPeOosarHTe moSMOACHO 10CpeA- ‘cron pesaxcanuonasix Goneraveckx aapsiqox Hapsay ¢ Qu xytbmmaysanu, anextonTann wsicuesuposamng, pasnNsoro po -Mrpanny, conposoucmaentnut KeuLUsPEH, KOTOPHIE NOODONAOT HE ‘Toxo MpeaoTopamant yronstenooTs, Ho x, Nao6OpOT, aseTABHSH- oars yacruonyo axrusuoers yuamyrxes. Tloepexcruow omeo6pasonare:su0% GouerHyecKo! sapan ory? Guin, nogpepruyrit doonerstuccxof orpaGore pews TPA sunt waywaeworo assuka. Hanpuxcep, rpysue » nponaiionent reo- pabuseciate naanaitas (ropo.on, ee, pex, opel, oaep), Meta 6 Cernontste, unewa miszaronpixe, naNGO%ee Haneeristx eset ‘MeRYCoTB, MayKa, Ky.ABTYPMCTpanM HsyAeMOTO AKA, HeaCeH- ‘atsnponatnnie enona (napnaprtsets). Moxo pexoexaosars nepex nposezesen GoxeriwecKoi sapanku socomsosaTseH muxcecaexyoulel Talo, KoTopyIO c Yenexow npnwenmor ramn sapyBexanie konserst: Tasxuce 1 ‘Think shout your students’ pronunciation. ‘What are their main problems Consonants Vowels | Stress Intonation | | Tloasoxm wroru paGornt wan oxerueckol cropowoll pest, enoasayitre set eamoorenxit, em ‘ne. cormacosarben Ho NpYAHOoT, NocHLBOCTH Ht ROCTYTIHO- 4). saaepruennoemu, 7.2, oisarenssio upuwoanth yuan a [ARELOMY » 2aawe Ypoam, Hers BNE Peoy-TITATL OY NE Mt KaK Ana yowrrena, tax m atm yuamNwxem. ‘Taxua oSpaaon, » mponecce perenx 2agay ypoKa yates opranuayer ogaomnense yuamyIxen © HORE MarepitaOM (Presentation), spexsponsey no onepxponaino yueGnin warepi ‘Host wocpexeroM npemposounsex ynpe2knonult (Practice) m me ‘omusopanie nonoro Marepmiaia B paasHvHssx CHYAIUIAX, HPA, muckyeensx w 7.x, (Production). Texynutli xomrpoms (Formative assessment) ocyitecrasaetes » police uosceswexsoro naaitMo- befleraus mecieay yulere1eM m yuerreaxen 1 mpuanant obecmest- smb enosnpemennyio ofpannyo entat, enocoberaonerh YAy"INe- 16 mo canara yueGnore nponecea. Ow noworaer nuinnitTs oTK:TONe- dua or sanaansporansolt nporpaxetes geliersail 3 xoxe yueOxoro ‘mporteeca i npittans omepanitaisse peuieuust 10 Koper mpo- "panne ornosnits maunonoro Marepsiana W oRxAAeHIES Dass nt ganan pesenolt xeareaasoeru. TIpH TeKyes Kowrposte MpO- mpamoren upaicrnvockn Boe OyuscignH KOHTponA w OGY IO: ‘crpanuonty ase: nponepoulas, onewowas, enIyaNpyIoMAN, AneMUIMENpyiOMas u ApyTUe, BkmoveKse TecToR Texeyero Ht hnpomencyroatore xowrpost (proggress achievement tests) » yue6: nuit nponece enocoteruyer caerestaTa Kori nponeneHtts Texy- mero kowrrpons. "Texyutesty xonsponto oGaaaterbHo AomsoH conyTETBORATE ‘camoxoutpoas (Self-asseasmont), Koropist mpomnaxeren 3 ca- >on jaueTe xapaxrepe Henpaacieues OMNGOK, AOTyMERTEX B ‘pest, 1 passunaerce tapaaiiensio © Gopuutponantest peveRstx Masurxon npm Hawa: KonTpoan eo eropous yurrrens. Cantoue: penaexe outGowib:x geliersuit upetnoaaraet wamitane pic taiwan sxlynpenitax ofpaation — ovaxonoB, ¢ KovOpMMa epaL tRunewres npontanoxnsauie gelieraia. IIpx o6yuewss wHoerpax. Hoy ASbIKy BRENNA OTa.1ONANN AZ CraODTeNDI pevemsIX Hasiixon m ywensitexy2xar npapsiza, pesennie o8pasits, NONI: xn, Rowenrapi, oom, asterpyeisuL. Ha Hx oeuoze covawoTes ‘nyrpeumne woxesnt —oraon peyessix aeliersuti. B pesyura- te apexcrisuoro GyusuHONNposanna CaMOKOHTpOAR ero co- Ccrasammouex — eanonaSmonenit, onoanasmiaa, eautems pox ‘ix xeitorantt e avaonan, eaxoxoppexiyin m cantoonenit — octnraerea GesouuGounocr® pew, a Ypouel cantoKonTpora [paceaurpinaeren kax omit ws uoxasarexell crenesns cosepmien ‘orga nansnxos yaemut Tlaatt ypoxa aurnullekoro sasska Moxon sbiranzeTs caeny%0 mune o6 pasion: “Aim:'To practise talking about clothes, materiale ‘Objective: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to describe different clothes ‘New Vocabulary: adjectives: woolen, leather, denim, cotton erroewnt sr prrtecsianss 1 Stage ‘Teacher's Activity Pupit's Activity | 1, Review Ing ‘Show pletures elit vocab Give vou. 2, Presentation Gevision) Practise new words 3. Practice new Ing (ete) ‘Ask and anewer (pair vwork, ete.) Peaenan sapaynKa (Warmer) ‘Topie: How did you spend your holidays? Procedure: ‘Tell your classmates the most fascinating things you've done lor seen during your summer holidays. Select the most appropriate verbal phrase & make your facial expression as vloid as possible. 1. Yest It was simply great! Te was fine! Thad a good time ‘Yea! Ireally did have funt twas great fun! Tas. ‘Yoa! I was in luck! Twas a lucky dog! Iwas thore with . Not It was boring! spent my holidays... Nol it's nothing toboast of... (loxnacra Tdidn't wasn’t « O6pasyes peuesvix sapndon ‘Onupaaes 1a nepevew rex, MoxeHo mpeaonT® HeKoTOpHIE ao uni 3M oprannaarpnt pevemsx sapax0x: ‘Things students did the previous day birthday feast days and holidays health, mood, dream place of local news {fashions seasons local sport event ets/animals |. Buepa sat apyassuet yornan 9 xatbe. Tomoeuster x yporas axznuicrozo niin navesinod wore ‘school performance (concert, ete.) relations ‘film on TV, survival English ‘an Interesting TV programme presents modern music nature Buepa woli xpyr (cat, aovx) neceno emesxea. ro nuranano ¥ nero raxoliemex? (Yuamueca zomsenteavor npuesuny emexa (suizex coremuolt eae ee a ‘Buepa xo xe samen pyr, xoroporo # aaauo we aute1/a). Mot ‘nowia smecTe m xopoiio nposenH pest. (Vuanguees murraiores onpesesums, seo 910 ADyr, HOWeMY ADV abst nano Ho BueZIes, YTO oMOTO uM eTpeTIERKeA celiac, ‘7m canon mere yarns cn on, neroree Ha npourioii nogeze x Hau » ropon mpucoxanut cryseurst 13 cma. (Venmeca marravores yanars, us xaxoro OMM mITaTs, TOPORA, ‘eM CkONBKO eT yuares, UFO om HoeMOTPeRM TODOA, HO ‘noupannncen, 0 ter...) (Veanmecs muraores uorauerscat, w wacom Kathe, re 040 pac hnonoseeHo, O¥eNY YHA HMEHHO TaM, WTO saneAsH188z, uarpaut au opxeerD...) B nookpecenue MOA moxpyra noxoSpa.ta eobaxy/ Koren ee/nero Ga exonsxa nana (Vuauuteos mirraieres yauans, nye ona eo/ero mauza, xaxolt ‘Hopons, on /ox norepstach os Ht non NOx MAI, AK x Ha mpouiaoit negeae a me xoaute » 6acoei, (Vaauueen expenearen ssixcwier» npiunuty: Gita saxpotr 6, cen, Goaeat, NxOTo paGoras, xomosHas MopoSHAM Noro, sps- (exams apy, ODA m TeuTp EH...) . Moi poserseunu notepan xouterex » warasitne. (Qvaanqnecs murauoron yonan, s kaKom aaraaitse, exosKo utio ewer, 70 Getto, ponte ewer, pacerpowacs eat, iFO NORA.) ‘Word Study: glant, huge, hungry Phonetic Analysis: sh | Comprehension: reading and understanding the story «The ‘Hungry Giant» Interpretation: dramatizing Resourses: |. Picture of the giant in the shop (A poster) Pictures of different huge animale and things. Blackboard lay-out ‘The Hungry Giant” (the title isn't written at the beginning of the leseon/ See toxt (Both the picture and the story are on the other side of the ‘board not tobe seen by the pupils) ‘Teacher's activity Student's Activity Introduction 1. Good morning, class. How are | 8,: Fine, How are you? you? 2, T'm fine and glad to seo you. | S,: Thad an egg Before we pass on to our main | S,: Thad a sandwich. ‘topic, Pd like to know what you | S,: Thad a cup of ten ete. had for breakfast today. As for re, Ihad a cup of coffee and a ssndwich. And what about you? ‘Tell me, please, where you get | 8,: In the market. tea, ess, coffee and all these | S,:In the shop. 8,: We go toa food shop. ‘Where do we go to buy food? Tomeounen x ypocam ansiusenors ane #navesnnol mxoxe Peveeon spas __Tomeousen x ypocamanzsusienore ane ¢navannnod mnoxe JRO i Co eae 5, And where do we goto buy toys? | S,: Toa toy shop. 7 12. Very good of you, What ather | 8,:The talent is huge —or- 6. And furniture? 'S} Wegotoafuriture shop. Inuge things do you know? | postnsil rau. (Che teacher asks questions 18. That's right. Any other huge | S,:The eun is huge. ‘about clothes, cars, etc) things? I'm going to help you. 7. Now, let's have a look into one | (Students get a few shop, F’mshowing you apicture, and shop. picture carefully.) ‘you tell me whether an animal (A poster, Ulustrating the story fo a thing is huge. with a food a giant and a (Phe teacher shows plotures of | S,: A bear is huge. running shopkeeper Is on fan elephant, crocodile, bear, | S,: A crocodile is huge. momenta to study the the board ‘airplane, etc.) now) (The teacher shows his agree ment) merincest |. Well you know so many huge | S:"The giant wants to eat. 8 Tell me what kind of shop itis. | It is a food shop. ‘things. Let’s get back to our Yo, that's true. It's a food shop. Tel Ime, what the giant shop. wants, 9, What kind of person dowe see | S,: We see a big man. 15, That’s true -The giant wants to in the shop? cea, He wants to eat because he 10, That's correct, and we call this is hungry, he is very hungry. big man a giant. Do you understand i? (The teacher's writing the word (Che teacher writes the word slant" on the board as a part hungry» before the word ofa title above the lines of the ‘SGlanto as ttle of the story.) story) Now we have the title «The He isa giant because hes very ‘Hungry Giant». Can you trans- big. Say after me: giant (seve- Inte it? ral times). 8: Giant. ‘Are you hungry now or not? ‘am not hungry. AL, You soe that our giant is very fam hungry now. ‘very big, he is huge. 1 Ah, well. Pm sorry that some | 8; Yes, we do. (Teacher ilustrates the mean ‘of you are hungry now. But do ing of the word “huge” by the you want to know what ‘appropriate gesture) hnappened in the shop? ‘The giant is huge (while saying : it, the teacher points the size of Aeeiercn the giant in the picture) 16, Listen to me attontively. (The | The students listen ‘Can you translato it? §,: lean. Benmkan, orpom- teacher reads the story written mat ‘on the board.) 2 23 Tomooumen x ypoxan antnudesovo ait #novansnod wnone Phonetic drill 19, Before you read the story and Isee you want to, let's practice saying the word «shops correctly. Shy Sh. ‘Repeat the sound after me: SH, (The teacher repeats the sound several timer) 20. Shop, sh, shop, Repeat the word after re. (The same work with the word shopkeepers.) Studont’s reading 21, Tce that, you are very eager to oad about the giant. Let's read alto- ether after me line by line. (The teacher reads line by line.) 22. Now let's road lio by line in a chain Comprehension Development 28. Good job. And let's see how sell you've got the idea about what hhappened in the shop. Read out the line which tells us what the gient looked Like. 24. Thank you. That was the right line. (The same procedure with the task to,read out lines telling: — what the giant wanted — where he = what the shopheeper cried: — what the giant sald to him.) Intorpretation 25. I bet you want to have some fun now and Tsee that you are ready for it. Let’s havea bit of role-playing. a he (Phe students practise ‘the sound.) (rhe students repeat each line after the teacher) (Read ina chain. Sp He saw the huge slant, and he saw the Biant’s big eyes, and he saw the giant's big vvellow teeth. ia rates ‘We need an author, a shopkeeper and a giant. (The students and the teacher choose three students for ‘three parte.) So let's dramatize the stary, but you, the lant, don't forget to set as if you were very hungry, and you, the ‘shopkeeper, act as if you're very, vory frightened, 9. That was very well indeed. ‘You can be actors in our local theatre, I guess. "Thank you, And do you all think that this ‘accident that happened in our shop ‘would be published In the news- paper? Would this story be published in the newspaper? Would this story about the giant appear in the local newspaper? . So do I, And now imagine that you fre interviewing the shopkeeper (you are a journalist) ‘And the shopkeeper has just run away from the glant (the teacher and the sindents choose 2 journalist and a shopkeeper). O.K. Let's watch ‘this sensational interview. Do you see how seared the shopkeeper is? ‘And how many questions does the Journalist want to ask? ‘Thank you very much. Tomorrow ‘morning we will all look for this interview in our local newspaper. (Three students dra ‘matize the story.) 8 T think it woul. (Phe students dramatize the interview) The hungry giant “Tam very hungry today”, said the giant “I want something nice for tea.” ‘So he went down to a food shop in the town, ““Shopkoopor”, he said, “Tam very hungry” ‘The shopkeeper looked up. He saw the huge giant, and he saw the giant's big eyes, and he saw the giant's big yellow teeth, “Help! cried the shopkeeper. “The giant is going to eat me”. ‘And he ran away, a8 fast as he could go. Tpaduyuonnan oonemuueckan sapnona Genre varieties of English nursery rhymes Jullabys Go to sleep, my darling, Shut your eyes of blue, ‘Soon will come the sandman, ‘And bring sweet dreams to you! riddles ‘Higher than ahouse, “Higher than a treo — ‘Oh, what can that be? (estar). tongue twisters ‘She sells sea sells ‘On the sea shore. ‘The shells that she sells Aresee-shells Peeaas sapades Jokes ‘As I went to Bonner, Tmet a pig Without e wig, Upon my word and honour. nonsense rhymes ‘The seusaye is a cunning bird With feathers long and wavy. Tt swims about the frying pan “And makes ite nest in gravy ‘This Is the way the lady rides — Prim, prim, peim: ‘This is the way the gentleman rides. ‘Trim, trim, trim; Presently come the countrifolks — Hobledy gee, hobledy gee, teasing Robin the Bobin, ‘Tho big-bellied Ben, He ate more meat ‘Than fourscore men, Heatea cow, He atea butcher ‘And a half counting-out One, two, three, Play with me. Four, five, six Pick up sticks. is Peas separ Seven, eight, nine ‘Walk in line, ‘There was a young lady of Niger ‘Who smiled as she rode on a tiger. ‘They returned from the ride With the lady inside ABS in verse (/2 ‘There are four apples ‘One apple for me, ‘And one for you. One for him. ‘And for her too. verbal charms Rain, rain, o to Spain Never show your face agsin Some technique of working with the poetic material 1. Buuum there is wa there are, xaxe woxasano 9 mpuepe: ‘There is a parrot in the cage. ‘dolphin in the sea. ‘some piesures on the wall. someblackbirdsin the tree. ‘monster in the ghost house. three monkeys on the swing. ‘hwo children on the see-saw. a puppet on a string. ‘autox10 upouyexu up wowoMH exeayiONUEX MDAAATATET tuntx: smal, shallow, hot, short, thin; wet, pretty, messy, busy, lowe, white, easy, tall sour, bad, wrong, sad, witty, light, old. Long and short. Right and New and, Uely — Fat and Hard and. Cold and. Big and. ‘Sweet and Lazy — Good and Short and Dry and Deep and Happy —___ Heavy — Tay — High and Serious Black and Tonmanme crwxornopente npr nowonpe xaxnatx rarox08 — ‘answer, do, use, find, was, write, try. P, Did you write an English test? ‘0 do your best? —__your spelling best? your chyme for «belle? ‘question ten? Yea, Tdid Did you___your new black pen? No, Idid not. ne more tiling. What ____ your score? ; Twenty out of twenty four. |. TIpoctas auras ‘Teacher's activity Pupils activity Tam a dancer. —Tam adancer ‘My job is to dance. — My job is to dance You are a Frenchman. = you... events spar ‘Your home is in France. | — Yout. He is a preacher. | —He. = Ms. | — She | — Her. 5, Mnemontes: from the Greek word to remember. How to remember the colors of the rainbow? Richard — red OF — orange York — yellow Gained — green Battles — blue In — indigo 4. Vain — violet Richard of York won many battles against Henry VI but he nover beeame king. His son became Richard II, ‘made of just a stick and string A boy at one end and a wis! ‘And on the other end fish 1. Pumswvecnan epyrna a fox a fluffy fox ‘little fluffy fox a little fluffy fox from the forest T've got allttle fluffy fox from the forest Keexaas erposka nposiauocieres xopoxe 3 peas, moenexnan — nanouayamn0, “P*is for fluffy. Many things are fluffy. What can be flufty? (eg. A fox is flufty. e.g. fur, felt, fir-tree) “F"is for funny «Many things are funny « What ean be funny? (e.g. my friend, a frog, an elephant) 5 Yoorrens: Lena has a birthday party today. The others give her onemuneckan sapadKa no mpenuposKe npousnowenua seyKa [f] Sanaa: uoxopsconne npomsnecenntx sey Ka [f] 1, Yuurens asraquimeer sarancy, noxaatavas xaprionen (rabbit, puppy, fox). ‘Yuen oragsinarores x Bis6upasor coornereTayrontyt0 Kap muy. Thave four lees Thave fluffy tail I'm very fond of fowls and fish i Tbegin with [f] (fox) Onmer nostopseves xopox 8 pase. 2, Baxomsern crmxorsopenne: ‘A fishing pole's a curious thing different presents sayl give you ... {rom all my heart, (the presente should have the sound «fs ‘eg. flowers, flt-pons, a frog, a fox, ete.) : Hoguepzautte nansia mpouanecennst m¥yka [e]. Pao- ‘ra.n0 ampepenmranon ssyxos [e] [2]. ‘Yourvex npesanser yuanunen orrazars 3aray, KONO ‘mmo oSyexonmimaa maviax0 poms, arisuaNpys yerseny%0 esromoore yuousKon, makina IX HenoaReNtaatt marepee. ‘This colored ehalk Ina holder of wood Tomoeunce x yporam anzauilnoro sina #navaninod wwone For drawing and writing Is perfectly good (pencil) iam na pycoxow aataxe: xepensmma Haauxa no nom cxa- ‘ser, 3a coboftexea ocrazaster. ‘Yaanunees orraxbisaior sareuxy, yauresh uperasnaner cx080, auruxenss anye [eh peneil —[e] ‘Yenrvem npegaaraer yameees nowropitr’ PAN E108, KOTOPHE "pessapiereano mumucams ua ocx, paGora upoxosire 3 wi Auantyaniuoss w xopovox peneandax. end bed lemon 66 pet rest exercise lesson, spend ‘Yauwrems npestaaraer yaanyowest cocrasues co expan en030- coueranitx (17003: yoxopurs paGory, mpeatomaraciese cxo%a, ‘raxske uoryr Gorre nsmecests na noeky). Haxpusep: happy (@ happy end), Bxser (an Bastor eg), bad (a bad bed) ‘Yourrexs oSpamaer sane yuauuxes Ha TO, ‘10 apy Le] 1nazo ormivari ov anya [2], up mpowanscenatx xoToperO Por Gonee mupoxo orxpsr. Bases oro aByKa ADyTIN MOHKOR "upuecr x norope eniiexa nuickaatananst 1B kavecre maxioerpaniit yale mpextmnaner a exy'x apes e108, conepacanyex any [o) 4 [2], a ysenmn aomieet wx "oPTOpirT, eoOTHOes pA B NpOHaHOMIeNtH eo esAsetos, dead — dad sess — gas bed — bed pet — pat send — sand beg — bag en — pan lead —lad ‘Yeurroas coo6uier yueumkan, 170 O# TDAHOC JIM crHEXORDODEAIS © maze no snwen Pat, npexsenner ero s yeruol ope. Pat has two pets Pat likes his pets “Agoat and a rat ‘And his pets like Pat Pevoaas sapadns CCrutxorsopeume wuraevex nropof pao, ¢ yeraosKolt Ha To, 70 yacuo xaonHyTs 8 aazomm, yemsasian cnoH0 co anyKom [e]. ‘Yeampees can sutraior rontico exons, coneponaie soy fl, ‘aarex anys [2] (rexer » spurrensuow npexestancitay). Jerk ‘urraior evuxornopente no erpokaw, saTeM neminkox. Heelat Ko yuamurxes onomusatores yuuvosexe wirananaya.ino. Jlencunecnan Gonemuueckan sapndna To treme usyuaemoro ypoxa ‘Baga: conepurencrnonanute exyxonponaocsrrensabtk Ha Ha ypoke nenomayeres yseGuux Anratlcustl natzn: IV. Be- pemaraua JI. H., Hpuraixmna T. A. Ypox 20. Text: Holiday in Brighton. IIpuaovanue: ever ye onakon Y4AIRUNICR, . Om ‘unraza ero Joma n xavecrse xomauiero aaaantan, Tlexeavectte exis, bisSpaxabte ywITexeX x2 TpexMpOR- ‘at lovely, hotel, double, comfortable, quiet, athrocm, toilet, sink, view, behind, spend, wonderful, pies of furnitare ‘Yeorrems npexaraer yraumpames orragers rpesoxtenase 1 ‘aratKit, TOM cans ocnesean » nanaTH TeKeHeCKite SHeeNNA op, yate navecrasix yuauiunnes, no noxesamTx onerstecKot ‘orpaGorke noepexersoM oxsapsnic. 1. Synonym to «nice» (lovely). 2. Applace where you ean stay if you are in an unknown town (a hotel). .Arrooin «ina hotel with two beds (a double) |. Antonym to «uncomfortable» (comfortable) ‘Antonym to «noisy» (quiet) ‘Aroom you can take a shower in (a bathroom) ‘Aword which sounds in Russian the same way, the first and the last letters «ts (a toilet) A place we wash dishes in (a sink) Pomonunien x ypoxan ensnutinoro asa auaveninod wvone 9. Tt is what one sees out of a window (a view) 10, Antonym to sin front ofs (behind) 11, Synonym to sbeautifal» (wonderful) 12 To pass one’s time (to spend) ice qause exone puinecoun sapamee Ha 10CKy, noee Toro, ax om orraganu, y'urTeTL npexbARIAET HX YuARUDKER, NOx: stax Taxi o6pasoN spitretbsisR alanaareD, HpocHT xpowrart xe vaxome. «Oxo — rasoll sit paGors, Korma ywam9ex nowTD- Aor sts HoCNeLINe Aa HAN ONO COBO NI MpeLTEHEMN YEH rena. Bo! u + Tstayed at lovely hotel. : A lovely hotel. + Tlived in a double Inadouble, ete Yanrexs npewaraer yeauuosea pacumpsrommees eirara, cocronmie Ha Honbtx orpaBarsrpaenisx cxo3. Bro aaxaste 6aro- ‘topHo Basser Ha orpaGorsy putraa, Teoma x cxoBecHoro Yitape> rina panramitexcx dppaaax. Hasaare aorno © Goce mesIeHHOTO ‘evera, noerenerino Hapamtinas. ero k Kony. Karkas erpoxA no- ropnerex 7px pase nas L view ‘a wonderful view lovely wonderful view ‘ lovely wonderful view behind the hotel ‘lovely wonderful view behind the comfortable hotel ‘lovely wonderful view behind the comfortable hotel quest hotel t double lovely dauile ‘lovely comfortable double ‘lovely comfortable double with « bathroom ‘lovely comfortable double with a bathroom and a sink ‘lovely comfortable double with a bathroom anda sink and a tollet ‘ra pabora ocymecranseres m XopopoM pexkiIMe, HO NOCe- _mmow erpoxy Mono mporonapusars B HN.WBHAYAZSHON. even sopadee ‘Vaurens upeaaaraer yuamuines npexzorsonne, coxepaRamtee ‘c10na 10 TPeHUPORKH, H SaAET K HeMY BompoeM paawENE TIEIOR. ‘Yaauwieea xopox am saHYaO oTBOAAICT Ha NX, pH ITOK ‘axa pa mironararonso noxteprasa Hycoe 10 ete7y C080, Ocymecraanercx paGora wag aorsseciata yaapentien. B. g ‘T.: The y spent two wonderful weeks in a lovely comfortable hotel, Who spend two wonderful weeks in a lovely comfortable hotel? 4 The y spent two wonderful weeks ina lovely comfortable hotel. “ What did they do in a lovely comfortable hotel? How much time did they spend in a lovely comfortable hotel? ‘Where did they spend two wonderful weeks? What weeks did they spend in a lovely comfortable hotel? ‘Thoy spent two wonderful weeks in an sly hotel, didn’t they? Did they spend two wonderful weeks ina lovely comfortable: hotel or « motel? B xavecrse aanepmaomel paGorst wax cxonantt yunrexs 0 2xer mpemtonknts esirpar» » urpy ¢Making Up the Story», xoraa acts YUERHK nO Menowxe CoCTaRANeT ¢ OHM Ha €0H 15 ‘penposit ypegsoxene, wo Tak, wroG3 B eoMeUHOM cuore 1Oy- ‘uzes aaxonionttit pacexaa. B AanHoN enyvae yuntre Moxker npeanosums oaartanitrs ero «Next Holidays In Brighton». Ha ypoxe, napmty ¢ doneraveckoll orpa6orkoll, ocymeers- Ageres aicriatioe ocoaHanne, ynoxpeGenie 1 santominnantie exeweckanx exuHNA, BLIXOR B MOHOTOTHECKy;O Pew Ka yODHe nperaomemn, Jamas Gonentieckas sapsnka Moxcer povosus- {eo dacran, Ha Mporaxenmt cepmH ypoxos. Pan0e cocTouT 8 ox, STOO! orpaGaritmuensse cx088 OsiAn BepHO YeROKBI YR unica n @onerieckon mane. B enay mexocrarKa spenexit yanrrens Mosker yateuiuitrs Koawuectso oxpaGarimmaenere c70n, ‘coxpanita nocaexouaresNoors mpesIaraentx puexon paGorst Tomoounea x yore aaznudenoro asus 9 navaxsnol wxore To reme +Horoja Sanus 1, Cosepmencrsopaxne exyxonponsnocurexbasrs HaBisKo3. 2. @oweraseckas orpadorka xexeunxit no rewe «Torox. Vuuren nauuuaer Gecony ¢ yuauurwiiea 10 neqe enoronay, ‘rex o6pason KoonaymuKansTANo oByeronmInas Hawvaxo paSoTs, runusutpya YMCreHHy¥ AeRTeALHOCTS YUAMIVIXEH, MASHINAM HX snrrepec: ‘7. Today we all will be Englishmen. ‘And we will talk like real Englishmen. Do you know what their favourite topic for discussion is? 1 No. What's this? This is weather. Englishmen like to talk about the weather. ‘And today we are going to speak about it too. Do you know what they say about the weather? No. I've got a small poom about the weather for you. Would you Uke to learn it? 2 Yes! It’s called «Wind and Weather ay ae Here itis, Hla xocx0 uposerannoto ersxorsoponio, Yuurem. WATAeT OO, {esoworpupya upu Tox mpanuabuyio mxToNanO. ‘The South wind brings wet weather. The North wind wet and cold together. The West wind always brings us rain. The East wind blows it back again. ‘Yuureas npesizaraer yanunnex uepesecrs cruxorsopestte m opauiaer misnwaitue a neanaKowte crona, KoTopsie NOTY? BoTpe- surioa » eruxornopert aurea nanosumacr 06 apznxyanmuat anya (3). Class, mind this sound. It's a difficult sound for Russian, learners of English, Uecause there is not such a sound in Rus- ‘lan. 6 Pevoas sopuden TIpx mpouanecesinH oToro axyKa ROM'INE AAKIKA weMHOTO Bit ‘ow. Bopxawe u unoxane ays Aoxkuss Gorm BAG, Kak OYATO Bit ‘coGupacrect x satensTD, Look st me and repeat it after me: [0] weather, mother, bro: ther. ‘Yeaumtecs caus ueraior ermxorsopenne, O6paitas BEIMAIE ua murouanso 4 a9yxa. ‘Ha aocky auinecemsi c20sa. B oaxoll xoomke — npu.tararens- une, xapaxrepusyioutpre norory, 8 Apyroll — caoso «oroxae. Tipex- ‘apieTemno mhidcuseves, cers mH cpequ exon HeanaKoMte C7038, Onseusteres ax auavense. ‘Vaanmistea upersaraeves orgerurs wa nonpoc: «Kax axrat- ‘ane noryr xassame noroy?e Jjax vroro yaniees uupanr Tats ko OfNO caoBo, BaTex YuaMMIMeH MpeNarAeTes CKAIET, KAKA nnorona Osuna suepa, xaxan — ceross u KaxaK Oyaon saprpa (aui- per» cx020). Bad Beastly (nasty, wretched) Damp (law, moist, wet) Dull Fair Fine Foray (misty, hazy) Frosty Lovely Muggy Severe (cold) Stormy Sultry ‘Sunny weather Pabora » napax. Vuauwiecn sanaior apyr Apyry Aoupocs ue ‘noaboya nonyn aexcuxy 1 oGopor «ls it foggy today?» ~ «Yes, it is. The weather is foggy today.» ‘aauteck orpewaior ua nompoe: «What type of weather do ‘you like most of all?», menomays wonyie aexcmy ypoKa. a ve never ben to England Wore. a oe ee | Tpannamimeckan Gonemuneckan sapnora Bazan: 1). conepmenersonanne exyxonporotiocurensairs Hasitkor 2). opranusanst sanowmuauaa expyitypsr-oGpaana The Pr Perfect Tense u onepiposasins 1 8) ccaoenme mroitaniouttoro puteymice oOutux H cmeniaEH onpoco®. ‘Yoon: Anttexa saenx IV. Bepemarana Hi. H., Tiprenis- soma. A. Tpeanarauecsit marepuaz: ‘The Present Perfect Tense (von- pocarexnita, yrvepyiTemsites u orputtaresaan bopNts)- ‘Crxornopene: «The Beaches Of Mexico» after Caroline Graham Tipusevanue: B yue6unke 9T0 crrxorsopente pasOiro ma Tpit ‘uacir, wo npexzaraowas mex paspatonia poermuecxo! sapaakst loxnamainset eritXorpopexive nesltKoM, Tax ‘70 yusrrem0 mpesoe- ‘Taniena noaMosxnoeTs oprasiaoners paGory no enoesty yenorpe- iio, upepsimas ee ua OxHOM ypoxe TaN, THe 9TO HEOGXOAUNO, ‘asntemoera of yponiix WonroroRzeusiocri worgcea m KomrHecTBA pestenst, orpexenttoro Ha Ypoxe fs 9Toro mite paorss. ‘The Poem “The Beaches Of Mexico” ‘Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico? Have you ever walked the streets of Paris? Have you ever boon to England? Have you ever beon to Spain? Have you ever walked barefoot Ina heavy rain? Have you ever beon in trouble? Have you over been in pain? “Have you ever been in lov Would you like to doit all again? Woll, 've never walked the streets of Paris TPve never seen the beaches of Mexico I've never been to Spain 8 Peeaan sapien Tive never walked barefoot Ina heavy rain. But I've sure been in trouble I've sure been in pain I've sure been in love Hl doit all again. ‘Yaurens Kommeynuucarieno oGyeonautnacr apogee Gowers. ‘weoxoli aapwikit. OH coobitaer 0 OM, 1 mOOMT yTenecTaORaT ‘Ta Litke to travel lot. I've been to England and I have seen the Houses of Parliament there in London. And have you ever, ‘been to England? Hi gasee sagacr yuanynwen vonpocst: ‘Ts Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico? Have you ever been to Spain’? ‘Have you ever walked barefoot in a heavy rain? Have you ever been in trouble? Have you ever been in pain? Have you ever been in love? Tipu atoxt ponpocsr acasouyites reorpadarseciane mesa, c0- _mponoinasiores aewoncrparpelt aprox © MSAK yiaaeN Meer. ‘apes maxoe navaio yuures» Popmmpyer oaanarenbaBt tmnepee x ripeawery, conepimencrayer cayxonpousnocuTesbasie amis, tpemupyer oRy%0 rpaxauarsesecx yo eYpyETYY, akin ‘upyer Henogrorousomyio pews yuannixes, ‘Vaurres coobimjaer yuantuntcs, "70 ecau om ne Onizt ma Gepe- ‘pax Mexetc, 7010 kpatisel mepe oma sory orxpatrs yueOmnr a mposmrarn craxorsopennte «The Beaches of Mexico». Tips sTo% ‘yrnrres o6panaer ninidxariNe na uxrouano oOmero Bonpoca. C rot uexs10 wa ROCKY Bimecexta Nepnas erpoxa cruxoTBOpEHA C mpexerannentiol airowanonsok paswerk. Beg.t Have you ever been to Fngland? Tloeae nepnoro upowrensst mpo ce6s ywamnwecstwirrasor crH- -xoraopenite cay No erpoxam, sate no HedouKe saa0T BompoCK! Apyr apyry wovmewt. Pomoounen ypova anesuienoto sauna ¢navexenod woe ‘orga 9ra paGora mumoamens, yuntren» noxaauteaer paamcne ‘8 unronauutn oOutero n cnenasts¥0r0 wonpaCos: ‘Te: If you havon’t boon to England, Where have you been then? cor What have you seen then? Baroat yxamtoest sos paCoraior Ho HenOwKe, OeMteAs HO: noe anrowanwomoe snene, aanapas 1 ovBedas Ha Bompocss Gea ‘ouopas ua rexcr. Tipit arom ace yuemytees sunnarexsuo enyutaxrr APY APYTA, “yroOu »ano6y0 nuyry Guns ForonLiM HosTopHrE To, WTO CKADRI x oawoxaaccxanest wam onnonzaccmus, BLg.: Py: What have you seen in Moscow? i've soen a Zoo. i: She has seen a Zoo, (Borom wecte paGora ua nepuou sauaman uoner Sists npe- xpaesa.) ‘Yaureas mrrepecyerea, He xorexm Osx yuamtecn yauarD, Ont au.eax aprop cruxoruopeusa x Auramu, Hcnasn, miqen am Sepe- a Mexia. Jl groro ome oxaans aosarrams eruexoTuopente A ‘outa, Ciawaa ysurrem ean npexeanaser ero ywamuen, saves ‘yuanqiees wiraior ero erposca aa expostxol, Toc erore Yuen napax snreior erixorBopeme » opme auazora (oxi 2aae7 ‘onpocs, Apyroll — orwoxaer ua war). BB kavectne sanepatenti nce paGons: xace enavaa xesurses ua ve rpyanis x npostriinaer cruxorropexne (Dislogue — Reading), savex onua napa, wba paSora x Gyaer onsen B Kone. Rem noavoaser npowst, vaste ¢ wesI0 exeTHBHOaIUE Ya ‘erpenoil gesTemsnocrat yvauluixes, pasuma y uuX TOP YeETBR omer mpozoxeurl cou. epoe coBerBestio® oniEXoTvapEHIE “Have you ever done it?s BB wasecrve onopé mpeaaraerex exeayromyee: to swim in the sea? to lose the key? Penns sepia ‘to build a house? “to eat a mouse? ‘Yes, to swim in the sea, to lose the key. But to build a house ‘and to eat a mouse. Asa result: Have you ever swam in the sea? Have you ever lost the koy? Have youever built a house? Have you ever eaten a mouse? Yes, Ihave swum in the sea, Yes, Ihave lost the key. But [have never built ahhouse, ‘And Thave never eaten a mouse. Tioopexcrnox raxoll opm paSors ocymecrsstnerex Kou. pos aa yitemsten ywauytxes ynorpesnars dopa Present Perfect 2 yrepaurenbsoll, onpimarexsioH ponpocieremsitod Gopmax, ‘npanisneno B HRTORAaNHoNsO‘ ene oopmanrs mexaasl ine, Dron ona feateanmoer enmaet 9MoHWOMEXEHO® HAPS. sketue H eniocoSerayer coaxnu0 GaaronpuarHoro newxozorit ‘ueckoro xaxwara 1a ypoxe. Odweodpasosamenonan GPonemuneckan sapaona 1) conepureneronauteeyxonponnocnTexiHX HERAIOA, RI: ‘on taronaitionnorooopnemin aiceaasinas 2) ceveimenne marsoerpasonexccoro aciekra. SeeGnne! Anrautenath xan TV, Bepentarwa H. 1, Toure sauna. A. Ypot 44, The poem “Let's Remember Columbus". omonusten x yponaa auszatenor ni Let's Remember Columbus In fourteen hundred and ninety twa Columbus sailed the ccean blue Lot's sing together this old song About the voyage that took him long “About the sailors, those sirong brave men Let’s sing and remember them all again. Youre, npexsanasor yuamunes enxcorsopene » aByKo08- mest, Oust suunxaremo eayinaior, merase YONI MpABILADIy aurauiicxyin wrroxanio, oeyiecrsasior Towanuousyo passer- ky evuxornopeii. ‘Yoorrens npejvarser pa6ory 10 vrewue craxorsopemnta 0 ‘aera ¢ oxom » rpyntiax (Groups Reading in Parts with Echo). ro nosnoanT see yeantyamex yuacrsosars x o6melt paGo7e, cosgucr cneumbusecitl cuemsecxnl ayer. Hs aror0 your” ‘rem muons posiersinaer crurcornopettue no erpoxant, eppast rpyna ‘yeaninxex nowropser nepsyio Wacr» expORI Ha pasa, RrOpAR TpyI- ia — stopyio. E.g.: Jn fourteen hundred and ninety two.. + Tn fourteen hundred.. and ninety two In fourteen hudred / and ninety two ‘Yourrens npeqareer ene opi sq wrens — wremue no vec ‘rant atamatx rpysmax (Smaller Groups Reading in Parts). Beo -ysaunpiees xessres wa rput rpynmM, H Ka>KaaM rpyINA sueraer Epon, ‘Monoxcemme crpow onpererenmMsN Tosoeo, Tak WTO coagaeTea ‘ropakecraeustas neanvecrnentas arwoegopa, rine Xpucrodopy, Koaymby. Low voces In fourteen hundred and ninety two Columbue sailed the ocean blue. Middle voices Let's sing together this old song ‘About the voyage that took him long Pena sepsone High voices: ‘About the sailors, those strong brave mén Lot’s sing and remember them all again lo oxonsannex ool paGonss yuereab mpestaraer O7ONY YM _yuanginen uporsiram neayx erimonHopeste H oHeHBaE? 1%, Ha octone oruxorpopens ysiiTexs MOxKeT nomsrraTses BBiBe- corn yuanyrxes nenoxroron.eny20 mouDsorHIeCxYI6 Pou, ¢ 9TOH ‘Mexbw ou mporaracr ua ono, xesBteasEm. exPOKN CrUXOT- ‘opens. {px aToM on cane, anrurmucnupy. aelicrans yuamurees, TOTOBITT EHMROAITIECKITE Karu, oTpadKalomte MeTOpsYeCKHe coGsrrast oro spenenst. Eg. Tn 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blu ‘he wanted to reach India; ‘he wanted to gain glorys + he promised the King and the Queen of Spain new lands; ‘© he was discoverer by nature: ‘at last he had got enough money for a voyage. "The voyage took him long, because: ‘they sailed 4000 miles; ‘they sailed to unknown land! ‘they had some troubles in the Sargasso Sea. because: ‘They cay that the aailors were strong brave men, because: they faced a tot of difficulties; ‘+ they wore not afraid of danger: ‘they were the first who met natives B saxawvenne yuewne surxonirr Ha ypoueits wouoxorniee ‘oro muicrasumanuit, pacexasnisam o Xpucroope KomynGe, c- Momssym on0pM m aKTuRusHpya BIO HOAyueNHyIO paxee 1H Gopmanino. Yourreas woxker norormirs paccKaa YIoHNKA 11 ‘epecuiws: noxpo6uocrann 0 xpex xopa6ax Koxym6a “Nina”, “Pinta” “Santa Maria”, v aox¥x, composomzasmx ero, 0 pe: ayawrarax oneneaun (est, anry Christopher Columbus. M., 1994), 2 Tomonunten x yporan anenutenovo nova waveavvol none Penaxcayuonnan onemuuecran sapnora Qunamuneckan naysa) 1. Banas 1). opreponane enyxo-npoxanocwmes asx namsnon; 2) opranusausia peaaxcautnoaHoro womesra ¢ Wesb¥0 eHMKeNEA {yeraioera w acmxonoritwecsioro nanpaskenia. B conose bouerarveckoitsapsupat sary exexyiomas puwoke: TAm a little teapot Lam a little teapot Short end stout Here is my handle Here is my spout ‘When the tea is ready Give mea shout ‘Then tip meup And pour me out. ‘Yanrens sapasiee ssinocnr puipwosanmste crpoxa wa n0cKy am pager wx na aucrax KaxKsOMY YuanteMyen, a sarem oT¥eT- _amno, 3 operwen Tene ewoneTpapyer nportaomese, HTORATIC ‘oumtoe 1 prraeckoe odbopmxene, paccraniomey, AAIXanHe, KOWT- "MpyA nips sToM ORMaNIHE co cropoNM yuammxes. Bexywae aanpyanenus ucnombsyiores warasamste cpexCTaA, TepeDOs. ‘Yaauyecs amuneavesouo cxymiawn, ocymjeernas MNTOHANI- ousyio paswersy 7excra. ‘Yauroxs npogcraasier pudmosxy ene paa, composoaxaas oo asm socrasn wt maconmH. Tam alittle teapot short and stout (Croxeaswieaem pyxot na cedn) UIpucedaem, o6@00um pyran ‘ooxpy2 cet, yaswoas mex ca ‘ise na noanomy.) (leeax pyrca wa nosce) (paca pyxa eoznyma u om: ‘eedena @ emopony.) Here is my handle Here is my spout et cena When the tea is ready Give mea shout ‘Then tip meup And pourme out (Mawem pyxot nad eoxoeol.) (Hraxxousemes 060%.) (Harcronsemes uree u nurce.) Pudwomea oftirpiimacres newt yuamues nox pykonon- ‘ormoot yuurrenm. Dry 2ke pudpatoaky Nee yuaueex nowor na Morus necen pO surauficrart anganu (A B C), conposoxcnast oe xmncennt=nar Kexexasit yuampsiion no nenouxe npousuocx noaaravomyines exy erpouny (omer uerostss0naTh aam0R B TeTpA H pH 9TOM auinosuaes coorserersynouvte nelicrsita). Ha noenenyiomre yporcex ava ake bonlerieekas aapaniea Mo- .xer Guim nenoasdonanta m mposezena x Gomee Osicrpom Tenine, © xopomo orpaGorantnol mrowausell. TT, Baga: passe pevenoro anmapara, maopyectofl aru ocrit, CHAT nanpaKenv Mt Yeran0cT. ‘T: Fingors aro clasped in you fists. (IToxasweaem.) [Bo apex nebloncrpani cTuxorRopenstn coHpOROAKARET HO- enow mastite® py ‘Tommy Thumb Where are you? (Show your thum®.) Here Lam, here Tam How do you do? Peter Pointer (index finger) Where aro you? ‘Toby Tall (middle finger) ‘Where are you? Raby Ring (ring Finger) ‘Where are you? Baby Small (little finger) Where are you? {IT Sagawa: peapuruse peveporo anapar ampaxenus Hands up Hands up Hands down Hands on hips Sit down Stand up “Hands to the sides Bond left, bend right Hands on hips ‘One, two, three — hop ‘One. bwo, three — stop. Touch ‘Touch your shoulder Touch your knee Raise your arms ‘Then drop them, please ‘Touch your ankles ull you ears ‘Then touch your nose With your toes go ‘Tap, tap, tap Now your fingers Shap, snap, nap cexmrue yoraz0ct, Cuenapun dparmenros ypoxon Opzanusayua osnanomienun yuauguxcn co sayxam [w] u Gonemunecroti mpenuposKu no Onepuposanmo un ‘Yoonvess wosxer sasiars onaxoxne- wo ¢ aaraakut 1 npuroacy ¢ xoaodox ‘cHezox. Ho en dune wens, xmo A? (Buxa.) ‘Yanvess ofascuser, ura Axx Tro, ‘yroOst samasars sonpoctt no-auraic, ‘een uaor, mao a nonpoctTe- aie enone: vo? K020a? novesty? 2de? Yaurem oGnacuser, ¥70 241 Tor0, 70 6x1 mpasuxexo nponsnocuts cx080 ‘ausas no-anemuiona, eyo nays cm mpaniaKo mpousuocuns anyx [W] _auGo voutpocitrezbmie cxowa wmoF Ke a? noveny? ede? Onu corepaean ont ror ace anyx [W], Koropsit ceroass "upexcrowr naywares spousuocun.. ‘Younens npoour sumarexs0 exy- ‘mavb m mero noxa He mpouauocuTs. Tiperssnaxer:a exyxonoe pocupusrue Dewesol eGpaseu, » xoropow wneeren fex0R0 ¢ HORM aBYKOM, packpsinaer auaueume dppeaxt (¢ romonysio waran- ‘mane epeaera, Hepeposa tT. 3). ‘This ts a queen. ‘Yauvers noxasuanner nary, £0- opie, tro y Hoe xyune woex nomyHaeT- ceatawy [] — [ka], no ova arya ne mmpocrasi— This is a queen. ‘Yaaupiecn nacrp aaiores wa poems anyxon, ‘Yaammteea exyma- ver M orazamares 0 sa, Zax xowrponn n0- au exeayer upH- xekarb yaamuxe © peat eee exyrosolt xpertonpe- Tomoaunen x yporam anznuevovo asia ouavennnod wine Yanrem xourpomupyer nommraune | Yuanteex noompi- ‘pasus, mpoci exaGoro yuemuxa nepene- | ammeauor na exy% one- com (saazyura-yapeanay). Berea your | TuvecKMl KoMiLAEKC ‘rem, suxeaner us npextoxennia cnon0 | (npextaxemH0e cx000), queen, a novo mpowsoeir seyxoeoxe- | subepenpyeT Ho- ‘tanae [ki] ons any [] sult any. (ow) — fh] — [win] ‘Peacun: xopon — unuemnayareno. ‘Yaurexs m namow cxyuae opsen- ‘upyer ua saranano. Jas obsstenennst entoeo6e aprinxy amu axexaremsito 1c- onsonams Koxriaexe npuewon, yer ast xaparcrep anya (onopait 38, x20 ‘Men0e ex0H0, epanuenine co aByr0M ox oro sa%iks, uporsionocrannente ©o exoxmne anyxom). ‘Yaurrem npexraraer npoxaneers'sa | Yuauyecst nono: ue cepa auyrceouerainit x enor ¢ | pron xopont wm opine apykon: Peskin: xopom — ile | mMayAneKo, pearupynon Amauayansno. Yeurrens ocymecraazer | ua wempanzere 10- nquougyamint xomxpons a nopanue: | wropusi upostanece: ‘cummnit, epee, exabisi yooran, op- | Hn. pexeapyer ux upowsuomenue, ‘Yorvem npestaraer yxamgemes no- | Yeamgrees ocymee: ‘caymmams pax avyxos, Vuamutoes, yenst- | mason eryxonyio xit- maa soyx, nomxm xsomnyns 9 tagoumt | dopemraxansno. sua mayo ney sb, W, 8 (PYCER) Ws “ph Yuurexs npexsaraer pax cron u | Yuamoes nopro- npocur yuainuxca noqnars xpacuyw | para yurrenex exo. xaprosny, xorqa onmt yemsimiar enoxo ¢ | nam dpanst © usyre- Nonuix anyKow [W], u sexenyxo — ace | smn asyxon: What? ‘crane: fee-wee; why-by; twelve- | Where? Whent Which? plenty-twenty: ballwal: quick; fishwish. | What ts your name? ‘Vannes npesuiaraer surysuers pep. | What la this? mony. Curnapus gpacamnen ypovon ‘Yama: aeuouerpupyer pono: _emse, merottauonioe x purmatuoeoe ‘opopstene, paccranonxy nays, Axa- Purmervoexas spynna: Vuamuioes nee awe: ‘ewan ‘ere nowopaior epost a white swan 3 pasa, nocmeeas sto. swims ‘paeres uiupuayamto. over the sea Henomayiores nasggnuo opener. Vaurrens enpaniraaer yuantixes, ‘sey on nays, oxeuBaer 1 pa Gory. Opeanusayua osnaxomienun yuauguxcn co sayxam [a] u Ponemuneckoit mpenuposxu no onepupoganuo un ‘aurems wesuuiaet ypox ¢ mpsvereroust, a aavex coodiyaer yuauuuwes, sro cerogus onm Hay'tares mponaHocitr’ HORA aBY%e [te], "Tofu pes s»ysaa npanuasuo u xpaciao. TIpx arox yuanyi- ‘es RacrpalINgIOTeS na HOCTIpHAETH HOWOTD ANY, + Hello, children! How are you? Fine, thanks. + That's great. Bot xovure ysnab, Kax anrausane npousnoesr exon exors (a cat? + Ila. Vusrrems npenssmaner ia cayxonoe noenpusrie pewenoll o6- ‘paved, » Koropost cers exoB0 ¢ HoBtise By oN, packparnaer an. ‘ene dppasnt © nomonpi0 warsamarx epegers. "7. Look at the pleture: ablack eat ‘Yaurroms muinesser 1a dppaaut exo00 € woDsin anyon, saree ‘Mpowancenr nosuil any, O6pantan minroamne yaanuxex wa ero anysaue » enoze 1 uaoaisposanio. omoauoten x yponan ansrudecoro riers nevaasnod urore Ta A black cat; a cat. ‘Yuurress oGsstenser aprinky.iaminie nozoro aayice, m yuamtoes uourrupyior ovor aayx. px rom yuameca mpousnoexr Hoss auyx ga yourreaem xopon a mnAMBHAyAMANO. ‘Ta Gayx [x] rpeGyer, wr06H mss mNpoxo ovkpHRAE por, mpxC TOM mek onyexam uitxao.0 wemoers, A KORUNE sabtka RoaKeH ymeperses » micacuue ay6us. And now look at me and repeat it after me: ‘Acat. A black eat. Yeumrens ocymecraaser uususuayamasll xourpome » Hopaa- xe: cuszbunif, epost, eaa6uth yet — m KoppexTmpyer om0- sat, Ream yest 6sierpo yenoiut nposauomeHue aay, To 0e- sarouto cupoctrt 2~8.x y4enHKo. ‘Yanvess npenaaraer yaauyines npoenyliners pa e708, conep- xauuix noni aayx H APYEME, panoe Mayownte any. Deo YN. uoxHeuate na yauasaue novorO 38yKA Mt AndpbepesttaTM 27H auyxon. Yuureas eer YoranoBy, #7o ysaMIMeCH fost XAOUAT ago, xorga yemman say [2]. ‘Men, hen, man, send, met, eat, rat, pot, game, fat, head, dan, don, ag. Yeurren npexnasaner yuanuiten 221m waneransi cx08a, 1pea- anauasenibie x tpexaponrH, yuamecs exyinaioT H woct}pOHG- ‘T.: Now, listen to me carefully and repeat the following words ‘and phrases twice. Acat ‘A dlack cat ‘Ablack eat sat ‘A black cat sat on a mat A black cat sat on a mat and ate ‘Ablack eat sat on a mat and ate a rat ‘Ablack eat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat. Curnapu oyacaennes yponoe Vourress orpabarumnaer purpaonky e yuauyntes, orweranno, _zenouerpupys mpowsuomenue, uarouaneomsioe oopucxexte. Yas: ‘mulecs HOrOKPATHO NoBTOpsio" OOpAIiih 98 YXHTENON H WAIYSH elon puwonky. ‘Yunrrexs nponepatr yevoese ppasui w aaqaer powamsiee 38- ‘auxe — BurysurTs pikgMonKY n peceaaarb e° cnoehl mane. Opzanusayun osnaxomienua yuauuxca co seyxon [9] u GionemuuecKoit mpenuposku no onepuposanuo un Veurreas noxasitsaer kapriniy © nsoOpaoxemem rye cups- smmaaor, sro nn nell napmcosano, deren umes nporasocrr peasy: ‘This isa goose, ‘Yuurem,aaer imerpyxane o cnoco6e apraxyasnane 1 pues ‘mmpyer ysenmkon wa unauranyno: «But ouaeve, Kax xpurvar rye?» ‘Yaanyrees: maarrupyior xm rycel: «Ta-re-ra. Hirrepecto, a Kae xpursar autrauiiciue ryen? Jlus ororo upeactansre, ro anraitit ‘caull rye paccepanacs, on paIrsTERAeT BepeN HED, XOUET Rac -yuunmynm H xpxtr:«[Q], [9], [g}+- Hompobyrkre rare mpoxpmaar (fopoxe 1 ingunuayaaine). ‘Vanrrems ocymecraaser umumayansusit KOATpOE ® HOPS: xe: cubuni epeauut, eaabia: Koppexrupyer mpontaxomene. ‘Yanrens mpemiaraer ywanunes mpoxaueers 2a ume cepino anykocoveranitit exos ¢ nomim aayxom. Yuamuees noetopsior xopow im uauMNAYasHO. Good, goose, green, gras, ete. Verems upoautaraer ocayurars PSA cXORKBIX 28yKOR MHOCT- ‘pannoro m poaworo asbaxow, YAIR Wa SBR HOCTPAMKOTO £36! xa, Yaauecs ocymecramor exyxonyio mubbepenimanno, nox ‘Mubaavor pyrat (sxonaor 8 xazom0N) mpi yaxanaHIN aayKoR HF (UI Eo} LE Fo} ‘Vannes npenmarser Binet H Mpowsneerit exo¥a c pace ewarpitnaenuin anyicon, upesxestanser czona. Vaamwecs zvixpe- Dempyior aayiar, oSipaigr x noepowsNO,sT Hye cn0B (m0. ‘Munaaior pyr, xaonai0r 8 asionm). Gas, take, give, cake, get, go, nice, gift, cat. ‘Vunrem npexaaraer nuuysurrs exoporoxopKy: A gond goose gets a good green grass — i nuizensor woummanne. Vaaunees ‘Depenaior exiea cxoporosopkit¢ noxomys pomworo ASLIKa. "Yanrrem oTversiine po1aHoent CKOPOTOBDKY, JeMONCTPHPY- (er mnronanitosnoe 1 pimaattecxoe apopacrerie, paccTaKOBKY TAY3, inane} noGyaiqaer yuanixeR « BocnpesonexenND. Vuantstees horoxparao nposuocat aa yanexen ofpasen — Xopom x IAH- mayan. ‘Yanreas nponepaer (ponermeckioo 1 HiTOHAHOHHOG yenOe- sue exoporonopit. Opzanusayua oGyuenun npousnomentio na ocuose zpomKozo umenun no memoouxe JI. M. YpyGxosot ‘Yuesmnee: Annaitexait sae IV. Bepemerwsa MI. H., Tpurat- xia'T, A. Ypox 26. Orpissox a rexora «The Romans» ‘Orpsrpox as nexera oasyumnacres 9 upexsaRaedtit uncTOpa (rexer saneau na nooke, 2160 » rexpani y yamuxes, HOO Ka rae karina) Tipumesanue: B xanmox exysae yanrens opranusyer paGory ‘man pesoMLiM Yaapensiem, Os0NUKOH, eMTIGN,PHETMON, HORTOMY hnpeanoaaraeren, ‘to porenirecxos OxpaGorka ean Gusta yase mposexea. ‘Obpaasionoe ereune suceropa (yutrexa) O6RARTEREIO, Tok. H- ‘ronatosmoe oopstazinte yrramiteen Yeuaspaxor nyTeMt MOMD- ‘anu. Bo sropoit pa yuauwlees WOrrUpyIOr SHKTOpA 8 NAYsAX. Cusnapu gpasnavnce ypowce Toman ‘Yuen exymavor nayanponantioe wresmne vexera. VawTex m ‘exere, wanucastiow na Zocke, a yaanurecs » Texere na xaprosKax (rerpaiues) mpocranasor yaapene, seas upeao>Kens Wa Cu ‘arn, sneer nayans, ykambIBaNOT wenOAMKy (7). ‘The *River “Thames has “always been part of “London's history. () Tn “Roman stimes *Londinium was a 7amall stowa with the “Thames in its scentre. () Now London is « very large Seity (a -very “hig stown) but the River Thames is till in the peentre of sLondon. 1 ovan ‘ran morransn. ‘Kostexrunoe ‘rene neayx aa suxeropom Kax mpm axye- saeseexolt uaraxanocrn. IIpowexonmr pasmurne ocosmainol wae anu. Moran Tlapnoe o6pamensoe apyr x Apyry ‘rede Kax pute pans ‘mua enoeoSnocTa naxayuutero tlommanns coxeprKania H nepena- ‘x ero apyromy. IV oran Vaamauayansnoe menorioe rene. 3aecs ocymecransercs ‘jamsneltiee aaxpetLtenue apruxyasinomuisx # muTouanuouMEne YY ovan Viaamsuayansuoe xourponsuoe wrote wexyx. ‘Bee npuwezeumate mute nats pexcunon naI07 posworenoeTE ‘yenemmoro cbopaatponanti ax eaYXoMpoHSHOCHTeSHAX HABA Tomoeusen t ypoean anssuionovoavune nevazenos suxone Cuenepun gparmenmon poco Opeanusayua osnaxomienua Juauuxca c nogom neRcunecKun mamepuaion 1 yemnot mpenupoeru ‘no onepuposanuro un Tena: Clothes ‘Bran pa6orsr Tearexsuocts yurrens Tearersuocrs yuamuxes: Cpenctea cbysemnn 1. Guryarumnan | Ti: Whon I was a child, I was very ford of ‘oGyenoszennoer | going to the market with my mother, where ‘we bought clothes, What about you? De you Like to buy new clothes? Do you want to know all these things in English? TL Cenairrusainin | (Youmeaw npocum semam» mex ywawurxen, | aexcin a xox nademst d2cuncn.) i ‘T.: Natasha, Kolya, Sergey, stand up, please (uauueen npedracaom coou | Kapruana (arxness) + exon0 ‘Kids, look at them. All of them have jeans on, ‘epeus) jeans. ‘Jeans. Can you guess what this word means? (Wemeas nposepnem npasu.ronoems nowuma us, noxaswiaas kapmurory.) 'T.: Kids, all of you, siand up, please. Look at Kaprmka + cnovo shoes, each other. All of you have shoes on. (Yuu mex» noxasweaem maxsce na coon o6y6%) Can you guess? (Wuumen enseuusaem xapmunny) ‘Te: When it is winter, it's very cold. So we Kaprumka + exopo gioves. ‘always wear gloves on our hands. (Yeumex» noxasseaem ua coou pyru.) ‘T.:In summer, when it is hot, a girl wears a Kaprumxa + exovo dress, dress. ‘What do you think a man should wear? (Weawueca andeusaom coou i Tthink that aman should wear asuit. epeu) Kaprunna + exovo suit i In autumn when itis cool I wear a jacket. Kaprinna + exovo jacket. (urease euse pas nowaswiaaem kapmuniu, Onoepemenno sumas e084.) ‘T.: Now repeat those words after me. (Weawuees noamopsem) oe 3 omonuoice x ypoue auzsuienoro aan 6 new i cui ok Sst gs ‘rast pasorss Tenressuocrs yurreat ‘Hesweinoors yeamuxen ‘CpenerBa oem TI, Ynpaxnenna | T.:Look, this is a jacket, what is this? (110 Pa.: A jacks ‘no opmmporauine | asweaen rapmunxy u npousnocum) snexentoenit (To.xe canoe npodeawiaaem c ocmaxeusia anuon exosaau) ‘Du: Now say that you wear the same. In autumn I wear a jacket. In winter I wear gloves. (To we caxoe ¢ Opyeunu cxowant.) In winter I wear gloves too. 'T.: Now say if Iam right. 1) She wears jeans. ([Toxasweaem xapmuy- s.: No, she wears a dress, Ha xaprixe — naarse, my) 2) He wears a jacket. (Kapmunca.) Ps.: No, he wears a suit. Ha xapmmxe — xoero, 3) You like to wear a dress. (Oopawaemca Ps.: No, [like to wear jeans, ‘maseuuran.) 4) When its cool you wear a dress. Pa.: No, I wear a jacket. 55) In winter you have shoes on. s.: No, in winter Thave gloves ‘T.: And now let us compose a long sentence. on. aprnaxa, Look, this is a jacket ‘This isa red jacket. ‘This isa nice red jacket. 50 try to compose uch sentencon (Praujuees cocmaasnnn nped- | Kaprunxs, faa observeiun 2adanus na docxy esinu- sancenus no o6paswy) Onperezenna (1a noexe) cans onpedeaenua: blue, long, beautiful, at FoPEOHENEA (E5.¥2EH). (old, new, modern, brown, leather, good, silk, cotton, summer) How many adjectives have you used? So, who Ps8,4,1 J the winner? Ks Tam, I've used § words! ‘Tz Well-done! I have a word in singular, please, help me to make it plural. For example: This is a jacket. These are Jackets. leas? ‘This isa shoo Ps: These are shoes. + This isa glove ‘Those are gloves, ‘6 sn Cunapa dyacnenmee spon ‘rant pasorss Tesmesssioers yuurens TIL, Ynpaxnenuz | «This is a dress no opxponanmn | + This is a suit exensecknx | 'T.: Excellent. T hope you've got a good uaniaxos ‘memory. Answer my questions using new (aporemenne) | words: What would you buy for yourself? (for your mother, father, cousin.) 'T.: Good of yout Look at the blackboard, pleate. Link a Russian word with its English equivalent, onreauuoers yuaniixen Cpencrms o6yemen ‘These are dresses. ‘These are sults, Ps.:T'd buy a. (Yuauyuecs nepenocam mabau- Wy 6 mempads u coedunanm noea.) Ha gocke! loves a jecket shoes ‘adress suit Tema: Break bast Homie exona: spoon. ‘Vaoduma: Cuacrmintit anranitexait V-VI. Paagen 4. Knewen ‘mesa T. 5., Mons B, Boromoravexeait warepma: naGop kaprit- Hox c nsoSpaxcesiten enor, noxaescauinx nay¥eNnnD. ‘Vaurens, uaxmtuaer ypox e npuveretai. late, jam, kettle, bun, mill, sugar, butter, tea: Hello, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you? Hellol Fine, thanks, and you? ‘Bor xovemm Git yauars, Kax anrsnruase onwenmnasor enol aanr- ‘pak MaKe caona np OM MenomayOr? Ta. ‘Yoorten» nepexonier « npesewranim nosoro warepmasta es csoll paccxas, uenomsaya xaprumxu. Koraa yuurems roo DIFF, OW NOKASHIRJer KapTHNCH, SLULOCTDUDYs aHaMeNA HODLIX Pp pps * + This is Jane. She will tell you about her breakfast, Listen to her carefully and look at the pictures. For breakfast Itake cups, saucers, teaspoons and put thei on ‘the table. Usually we drink tea with sugar and milk. Lpour hot ater from the kt, Besides, theres butter and buns 0 hw table. ‘Yapazenomme na mmwrano ‘Yaurems sauaer ysamuwes Bompocws, & yuamseen xox nosruepsuers 70, wv0 Fowopir youre. Agree with me if I'm right: Ex. This is a plat. ‘This isa kettle, Yupasuenwe ua noxeranonny Tio o6pasuy: omonuster x yporas auseuienoeo sri 9 navasvnod miose ‘T.: Ldrink juice in the morning. And you? — Tdrink tea in the ‘morning. You should use new words. ‘* Teat bread in the morning. ‘ Ttake a cup in the morning. ‘© drink coffee in the morning Tusea teapot in the morning. Leat bread with sugar in the morning. Yupasueune xa ypancibopmanste 'T.1 [drink coftee in the morning. —T don't drink coffee in the morning. [drink tea. ‘Yupasuenne ua pacumpenne ‘Yaanuncea npeauraeves conoeranirs exoa u upuaarareaD: ‘ube, Kovopsie moryr ucnomponaTbea ¢ tmx exoBaXt. Plate strawberry Bun silver Jam hot Kettle white Milk china Sugar appetizing Butter fat ‘Teaspoon electric ‘Ha gocke manucanat cnona » rpxt xarznt (0 5-6 e08 » KAZ ot), B xacxoit anit oxo e080 ke coorsererayen rexe, Yue- ‘umxane npegtaraeres: ussOpans 9TH c70Rs. Plate jam bun butter dog Bread cheese bird milk kettle ‘Teaspoon saucer cat cup sugar Cuenspun ppeceenmon spoxoa Opzanusayun osnanomrenun HaUyUXcA ¢ HOBLIM zpamnamuecKun Mamepuanom u yemnot mpenupoeKu no onepuposaniio un Past Simple (upomemmce npews) YeeGux: Cxacrammutt anrsicxuit V-VL. Knewerriena 7. B., Monx B. Paayex 10. ‘Yaurreas uasuiaer ypox e npusercram. [.: Hello, children! I'm glad to see you! How are you? ‘Hello! Fine, thanks. And you? Corogua a nayay nac rovopim, ero not zea buopa. Bis xore am Oot Tomy naywsersca? Ta. Yourrexs nepexonar x npesenranint nonoro marepuaa wepea ‘7: [las auspaxcouus upomenmero apexen » autramileKom san ‘xe nenombayorea pw Past Simple sux npomexmice npo: Do you remember this girl Jane? Now she will tell you what, she did yesterday. Listen to her carefully. OGparuve pit Mane Ha vo, KaKuDNK epexeTBAMM oxla HOALAVETER, 1 NOAY. ative, connagaior su ee golieraus ¢ rex, ro Bui REAM, eepe. ‘Yesterday Iprepared breakfast for my mother, then I helped her to clean the house and washed dishes. Then I visited my grandmother and congratulated her with her birthday. When returned home, [listened to music and danced a lot. Later one cof my friends called me and we decided to go t8 the skating — rink. We liked to skate there together and decided to go there fone more time. [Look at the blackboard. llocworpure nusnteremsn0 a ROCKY 1 exaxate, wre mpuobpeaa ara maaroms1? Bui reneps seenepris i a Tomonumen x yporan ansnutesoso nica 9 MaNAAOHOI UXORE ‘Moimere cpaay exaaart, uno ReoSiruHoro HosNAGeE B 9TH TAA ‘Yaurvesn paaneneer a nocxe rabamy 10 opwasponasito Past ‘Simple, Tasee a Aocky mec ratronM, BorpeTmsuieca B ‘Texte w liacTosimes ar npomemtest spentenit (romBxo mpaBiLh~ tnble arom), Yutrete upoiiioeu naps raaro.on, a ywaumueca nnowropsuon aa mune. Byyebuncce ua cnparnmie 242 sau wexoropse ‘opus raarozoe, xoropsana YuamECH MOrYT HOmSOBATBCA, BK oman ynpazxuen. Yapaxueume na wmnran0 ‘Yawrens saaaer sonpock, a yuampiees som3ewus NOT#epmUTE ‘ro, sro ronopur ystren. ‘7 Agroe with me, if Pm right: Ex. Yestorday I prepared breakfast for my mother. Yesterday I helped my mother to clean the house, Ex, You visited your grandmother yesterday. — No, I visited my friend yesterday. danced s lot yesterday. — No, I played a lot yesterday. Tlopen ross, nak nepeitna x ynpanenoninn a xpanesopsa. ‘ano 4 paciuperue, yanTex® OBsscaser oOpasoxane oTpIa- ‘renuuoll opus mpoutesmero apewen. [nm sTor0 y Hero saro- ‘roaxenst coornorornyiomto ra6zuns (GepyTes TOKO PARI se ranromu). Tloene oGxscxonus yuurens nepexosT x yupanKcuenino Ha, ‘rpmchopaaruno, ‘Vupaxuenne ua xpanctopmaso Ex. [listened to musie yesterday. —I did not listen to musie yesterday. I watched TV. e Cuerapus gpesnenmos ypowoa ‘Yupassemne ma_pactmpenne ‘Ex, I stayed at home yesterday and painted a lot. ‘Yesterday [cleaned my room and helped my mother. ‘Tpemmponxa ‘Yuurens suiGnpaer cusHoro yeuuxa, Buanoanser ynpaxeue. ute 16, erp. 240. (Let's imagine, that T. didn't go to school yesterday. Ask her questions about her day). ‘Taxse yenrrens npemaraer yuatyinen enomseeMey Xap. ‘roe, € uoMoUpL KoTOpHIx YNOHIGEH B MapAX ROORHT CooTARIET _yrwepyorrenssioe npemonkenitem OTpIMIATeHoe, TOS2YsCb OL xo mpasuneusiwnt raarotane. B xavecse somaumwero saxana yuamunsen nopysaeres co- ‘cranurs pacexas mann necxomsko npes-ioncenn o Tox, 70 OF 1e- “iam sepa H WerO He feaas, NeNOMAYR TOABKO MPRRILTAEE NA Ha exenysoment ypoxo yuuroms auaxownre yuamurxest¢ Hema: ‘mumpsrsnt raaronantt, oeHORSIRAMCH Ha NOKOHel| octeRoBaTEZ- 1mocra ynpaxcnexai. Tomoouncn x yond anenudenoce sauna sneventod wane Modal verb can (wojaiseni raaron can) cuenapuu pesmenmoe yporoe ‘Grau padorss| Temexsuocre yurmean Tlestemnoors yeanurce (Cpexerva o6ytemes 1, Curyarsanas obyeronnemuoers ‘Tz Kids, you know a Jot of animals now, don't you? That's very good of you. inn, uanepnoe, sieve, wr0 nee sxmoTHIe {yMewr dro-am6o ener, mampxonep: swim, jump, fly. A mx xorsere uayserzcn ronopIer o-oo oe ye AE Pe. Yes, wedo. Pa.: oma. I. Tipextmmnenme nmonoto rpaxasan- uatepoxonrexcre ‘1. What do we know about elephants? Besides elephants like water, yes? And they fre good ewimmers. So, they ean sim, (uumese exdensem zoxocox ea0s0 can Inpocum eseannyms ywaiyuxes na docny. Stuumene ofpauigem enunanuc yoauuuses, ‘emo eaazoxean umeem odunaxoeye opy ‘an acex auy u wuces.) ‘Ty; But aa Lknow, elephants cannot jump, Aly or climb trees. (umes audeasem zoxocex popay cannot wnowasnanem wa docky) ‘T.: If we talk about pandas, we say that they can climb trees, but they cannot fly or jump, (umes endeanem eosocan noswe empyi- yp.) (Wwanueca pacexasusaom, smo on auaiom 0 caonax.) (Wuaujuece anceme c yrumerex hhepeaodam npedaoxcenus.) (uarquece axeemec yrumenen repeaodam npedxoxcenus.) Ha zocke! Elephants can swim. ean read. ‘You can write. ‘We can speak Bnglish Ha nocxet Teannot ly. ‘You cannot speak French, (ga eannot swim. (Rapmunica.) TIL, Kowspam» n0- ronoro rpaNsiort- "T.; Now answer my questions (Y an penguins fly? ‘Gan pandas climb troes? Can kangaroos jump? or No). Pa: No. Yes. ayanoaaues. Tomoounce x ypokax aneuienoro asnexa ¢navensnod unone Jlearexsuoers Jlonremuocrs yuanexen (Ysumeas pasdaem ywauuater mabauyei*) Codepreanue sanueu: 1) Monkey’s cannot fly but they ean swim, jump and climb trees 2) Tigers can swim and jump, but they cannot fly or climb trees '8) Kangaroos cannot fly, swim or elimb trees, but they can jump very well 4) Pelicans can fly and swim, but they cannot jump or climb trees '5)Crocoiles can swizn, but they eannot jump, climb trees or fly 6) Penguins ean swim and jump, but they cannot fly or climb trees Koumpose. Yuauueca exywarom sanucr, eau seueomnsie mooym npr emaenm eaaovey (7) @ coom: sememaynweli epade, ecau eusomineie ne ey smo-audo cdexame, yuayuecn cmaaam peemur (). IV. Yaparnema ‘no bopstxposanino rpanotareeeor 'T Now let us talk about you. I now that you can do many things. 0, say that you fan do the same, Tean count. ‘Lean speak English ean read, Tean jump. Now look at the blackboard. Ps.:T ean eount too. Jean speak English too, ean read too. ean jump. tigers [ kangaroos [pelican [crocodile | penguins Cuenapau gaznenmon yore Cpeaeraa o6yueniit Ha nocxe: ra6auna e mpesuiti- omeetncn kyPowan exssuenssoaahna e nevenod one Ceengpuu pparmenmon ypocon ‘Bran paboras ‘Tlesvexsiocrs yuureas Jlesrensuocrs yaanrxest Cpencrna o6ysenns IV. Vapaxcnenix | 1) can | stand on one leg nodopnponaio | | cannot | touch my leg with my head rpanvariecoro pick up my chair unnsxa climb trees (apoxomeomne) swim jump rawr ‘Ts Think what you can do and what you ‘cannot. Now say what you ean do and what ‘you can't do. ‘My friend Paul (sudo xyaa, nepeonae) ‘thinks that you ean do many things. 4) Youean ride a horse. 2) You can speak German. 8) You can build a house. 4) You can eat grass 5) You can swim very well. "Tz How clover you arel And now let us ply ‘This game is ealled «Memory chains». Iep- unit yuamuriien ropoputr, 70 off yMeeT Ae ers, wropoll yuaniion nowropse? npeai0- ‘enute nepworo zoCanaxer enoe mx.3. Beam Cxoma ma noexe, (Weauyuees coemaaraom nped- saoxeentua.) a.: Yes, Lean ride a horse. No, Teannot ridea horse. No, Ieannot speak German, No, Ieannot built a house. No, Teannot eat grass. Yes, Iswim very wel, ete. Py: Lean swim. Pi: She can swim, Tean jump. Py:She ean swim, he ean jump, but I cannot fly. yuamutlies, zonyera omubKy Ham saOaia PY ‘kexoe-ro apexrowcemte, exesxynouyel ye Possessive case (npinirxarenbHbift 13j10%) Moran Toran Ossaxosttenute yuauuuxen ¢ rpannarieckia marepuatox (apestaparensio yrurrens npocus yuauxex mpuecta xaace 1x mnoGuyt0 urpyimey). os ‘T.: Bro wis epacuzas urpyunea? Oxune. 2 ma urpymnea Onunia, H cerompi aes Younes, xax ovsewary ua ‘Tor sonpoe no-axrautiesit, Yeampieca rorosaves K poerpminiio H ocxitexeMt HOR cerpykrypa. "7: Kate, give me your toy kitten, please, (7. shots the toy to the ‘This is Kate's kitten, ‘Lena, show us your bear. This is Lena's bear, ete. ‘Vaurem skmowaer » evox pews ROBY! CTPVENYDY, BANE ee rosocou, packphinuer aavente © woMOMHO HATARAHOCT. THT ova: Tpenmposxa ourrens xowrposipyer nomncanite auavetus Wosoro panna: ‘mavecxoro marepuana. Vaamces pesrupyioz ua sonpock, Tpe6y0- mute ovsera «a» Hm ener». Is this Anna’s dog? Yes, Is this Dima’s cat? No. wees 1V onan ‘Yanrrons npeeamaner erpyscrypy ua uniorokpamoe enyiianne. "T. That's Lena's bear. The boar is Lena’ "That's Kate's kitten. The kitten is Kate's, ete ‘Yaurem, opuennupyer ysamrxes 3a noexpoenmt dpa No aia orn, noKassisaer wogens. Kaxxquii ua yauuxes no 1en0uKe oxaatasaer urpyunny esuysuinner no wos: This is V oran ‘Yourree upeanaraer nposeeru spy. Vaanyueen cranonaten 8 ‘pyr e rpyuneann pyxax. Yeamywes ipenaaraerex MITOtATe- {Mo nocworpers x saronumrrn, KoMY NpHNATeRan no WN He ‘npeanerni/iarpyimku. Batox urpyinks ckaaxeteas0Tes See mEoCTe, | (2 x0po0xy). 70 Cuenapui gpecnenmoe yonee ‘Te Let's play a game. Come up to me, take you toys and stand in ‘circle. Look at your friends’ toys and try to remember them, Lei’s put the toys into the box. Now close your eyes and take cone toy out of the box. Open your eyes and take your seats, One of you (Lena, e.g.) tries to guess whose toy this is. # This is Anna's giraffe, Yes, this is Anna’s giraffe or No, this is Olya's giraffe. And ‘now I hide one of the toys in the classroom and you try and guess whose toy this is, asking questions like thise Is it Kate's kitten? One of the pups’ answers. Mt oran ‘Teacher sums up the pupils’ work, Opzanusayun o6yuenua ayouposanuro ‘Sanaa: oprannooears oGyverme ayaupouauto M ynorpebine- we marepuana to wayvesinoit Tee » pes Yeebiun Antara aan TM, Beperqaruace H, H., Mpurns sauna Te: A. Ypor 94. ‘YVanrons xawnnacr ypox ¢ upinererna u exryarnaso o6yo- yanmeaet x03 ypora. ‘Ti: Hello! How are you? ‘ello! Fine, thanks, and you? ++ 1'm fine too, thank you. T guess you all wil agree with me that going to the country isa great pleasure for us. On a bunk of a forest lake ora small river we can enjoy lots of activities. Now Td like you to tell me what you usually do when you go to the country with your parents or friends. P, what is your idea? + We usually play volleyball and swim. Very nice, thanks. And you, P,? a Romonance x yponan enrauicnove nana nevaznod mise ‘Thanks, 'm very pleased with your answers. Would you like ‘to know what an English boy Bob usuelly does in summer? Yes. 1 invite yon to listen to the story about this boy. Before we start look at the following words. I'm sure, you've come across ‘them already. Let's just refresh them in your memory. Gardening — Cadoeodemao Pail (vepea naesadnocm») ‘Terribly means the same as every», it's even stronger, E.g. 1 'm terribly tired todays. Tt means that I'm very- very tired. Do you know what it means? P,? ‘Yaenen, ‘You are absohutely right. You all know the verb «to swim» very well. Who can tell me its three forms? Swim — swam — swum, ‘Yanreas rpewmpyer ynorpeOeue ovux cow » pews, anxana Bonpocns ‘T.: Repeat these words after me. Thank you. Please, answer my ‘questions using these words. ‘What did you like to do most of all last summer? P,, please. Py T liked to swim, Jane's mother is fend of cooking. Do you know what her father is good at? P,, your variant? P,:Heis good at gardening. ‘What do you uoually use when you water the plants in the garden P,, can you answer? Py: Tisea pail. 11s 26 degrees below zero today. Why are you shivering, P,? Are you O.K.? Ps I'm terribly cold. ‘Yaurers cram nepex yaaupites sanayy Ha npoenytmaa- ne TeKeTa: UpDeAYIATE TeKOT H MHORYMATE HAR BArOTONICOM K nowy. ‘Tut Well done, thanks, Let's come back to our story. This tory is very unusual, it does not have either the title or the end. Look at the blackboard, here you seo some titles, which Totfer you. for this story Unewecessful Flehing Where has the fish disappeared? Bob and fishing ‘Summer in the country So listen to the story very carefully and after that you are fochoose the most appropriate title or to create your own. Vourren cupaniisaen yuamuxes, Kaxol saron00ox onm BiG as uauGonee noxxogsmn x aroit eropu Te: Now, what are your ideas about the title for this story? P., have You! got any ideas? Which one would you choose? Or probably yout have your own one? Ete, ‘You've got avery good imagination, Thank you ‘Yuureb seRaer ponpocss 10 rexcry, uro6u nposepte ero "T: Now answer my questions: What's the boy's neme? ‘What does his father enjoy doing? What's the name of Bob's sister? When did Bob go to the lake? ‘What was the weather like? Who would prepare a fish soup? ‘Where did he put his fish? ‘anremp npeamaraer yrannen wirepecos saqamue — pa "ORK peAIOAKENHMe KapTOWEH R NopARKe COOL, upoRe- xonmuunx » Texere, ‘Ta Now will you arrange these pictures according to the events of the story, Vouress mpeaxaraer eue ono saute Ha nposepiky HOME: ‘Ha axrop, upeatoxceunsix 2 rexene, 2 Tomoouncn rypona ensnudenote asnns 6 ‘To Look at the list of statements and say if they are truer false according to the text. awsome sana woxuonpeampas nom, BOA sunsue serac sc avo sugnma oan spenyent 9 ratty osonan)ssowerne npc sam nasal rye 57 + An om ve on more tsk fr you, On your abet of abet Me i renner af enence ith words sng. Wile Pena tthe story one agua, you tet lin he £oD8 withthe ight ord ‘Yawren uposepser muinoamenute sagas. ‘1: Have you managed to fill in all the gaps? Let’s check itt Please, read sentences one by one. If you disagree, raise your hand. Yue penzarne opens Ter, naNaj TON sanonnennye saprowny. Teor aver om suupaer 1-2 wantonee uma yueron. ‘Tu Now try to retell the story, using the sentences you've just ‘completed. ‘Yuurems » xayecrne omautniero aaana upeaaaraer pHAy- ‘7. Still this story hasn’t got the end yet. What happened there? ‘Try to use your imagination and at home complete the story. Please, doit in written form. Listening comprehension (Teacher's book, p.108, 121) ‘Bob's family has got a small but a very nice country house. ‘the place is beautiful there. There isa forest and a lake near the house. They have got a garden with different fruit trees. Bob's cuenapun gparwenmos ypowes ‘father enjoys gardening. Bob and his little sister Liz often help ‘their parents work in the garden. Last summer the family didn't go to the sea and spent the ‘summer in the country. Every morning Bob went to the lake to ‘swim and to fish. One morning, as usual, Bob went to the lake to fish. Soon his pail was full of fish. The weather was fine. The sun was high up in the sky. Bob was terribly hot. He thought: «I'l swim in the lake first before I go home. I'l take the fish home and ask Mum to ‘ook fish soup. We all like fish soup. Mum will be happy». ‘Bob swam and played in the lake for a long time. When he got out of the water, there was no fish in the pail Saya x mpoeryummamme Say if it is true or false: ‘The boy's name is Bob. Bob's family lives in a town. ‘There is a small river near the house. Bob's father enjoys gardening. Last summer the family went to the ‘One morning Bob went to the lake to fish. ‘The weather was awful, ‘Bob swam in the lake for a long time. eneneeRe Fill in the gaps: Bob's family has got a___but very__ country house in ‘a__place. ‘There isa and a__near the house. Bob's father enjoys___. ‘The family spent last summer ‘One morning Bob went to the lake to___ Soon his was full of fish. ‘Bob was terribly __and decided to___in the lake ‘When he ....of the water, there was no in the pail. BneeheD Tomeounen n yponam anssusenone asta ¢ nave Opzanusarun o6yuenua OuanozuuecKot peu @ cansu c Bepoardnol cumyayueit ‘Teva Planning Free Time her 1s 80 good today. It's very warm outdoors. ‘Tomorrow is Saturday and if the weather stays warm what ‘will you suggest your friend doing? Let's swim in the river. Let's goto the forest. ;+Let's go to the beach. Let's play football (tennis, basketball). + So, your plans are various but if it happens that for example you suggest your friend having a pienic in the country but he doesn't want to doit. ‘Vanes npeanaraer noxysam 06 orserxol ponike, 1oMora- ern onyuae sanpynnena, 'd rather not don’t want to go to the country. prefer staying in town. But why? ‘Where would we stay for a night? "We haven't got any tent. "1 1'm afraid of spending a night in the forest. i How could you convince your friend? + But my grandparents live in the country not far from the town, We could stay there. .: We don't have to stay for a night. We could go back in the evening. |. Presentation ‘Yuwress npewtsmaser amasor wa socxe. Cuenapa pparuramcn yponse Pattern dialogue — It’s wonderful weather today. Lats go to the country and have a pienie there. — Why? — Where would we stay? gy Bat my erandparents live inthe country. We could stay there, her, OK H they don’t mind we'll go and haves lovely pleni ‘©ynxunonamuas cxewa nveer exexyionsit a coobmercne smgopsansn as omidaepagemee ) __———— sonpaatentne + aprysonraanes nonTpHOROR «— IIL. Practice 1, Students reed the dialogue after the speaker. 2. Students practise the dialogue in pairs, 8. Pair work. 4, Students reproduce the dislogue. IV. Production 1. Material (sa aocxe aameaiti exose-onopss) 2. Making up own dialogues 1 1 beach Td rather not pienic ‘I'd stay in town friends Idon't want to go there country mm We have no place to spend a night in T'm afraid of darkness Pmafrald of mosquitoes Tddon't lke to suntan Tomonunen x yporan enesuierozo asus anevansyou uxone v Teould lend you the cream protecting from the sun ‘We could find a tent We could play football with our friends ‘Tea: Asking the Way 1, Warmer ‘Ty: Pskov is a very ancient city. Many foreign guests visit it to ‘ee beautiful old churches and buildings here. Yesterday an ‘American came up to me in the street and asked how to get to the nearest bookshop. What did he ask me? ‘8: Exeuse me, please Can you help me? low can I get to ...the nearest booking shop? ‘T2 And what would T answer? ‘You should go straight up .. then turn left and .. TL, Presentation Vuuren mpexreeaaser AHaA0r Ha nOCKe. Pattern dialogue — Bxcuse me, please. Can you help me? How can T get to the Krome? — You should go straight up to the avenue Oktyabrsky. ‘Then you turn left and again go straightforward along Oktyabrsky avenue, Very soon you'll see the Krome in front of you. MIL. Practice ‘Ywampeca ‘irranor sutaor 28 YUurTeeo, TPERIEPYIOT AATOF 9 ‘napax (ua oeke sancamn cxona-ct10p). 7° Ceenapun gpazmenmoe ypowoe ‘Material Pushkin Drama Theatre gostraight ahead Cathedral turn left Hotel ‘urn right cafe at the end of the street Central bank Hospital at the eross-roads round the corner, on the corner IY. Production ‘Yuanylees cocranastor cobermenusie AHA-1OrH MORAN €cHTy- auger:

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