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Atomic Structure and the Subatomic  The idea Leucippus was being Aristotle developed a theory that all

Particles expanded by Democritus matter consisted of four elements

namely, fire, earth, air, and water.
The structure of atom
 These four elements are related
ATOM – the basic unit of matter. NOT THE based on “four principles of matter”,
SMALLEST.  He gave the name “ATOMOS” these are the hot, the moist, dry and
From the Greek idea 2000 years ago (Greek word for uncut) which cold.
to present, different models for this means “indivisible ” to these tiny
structure have been proposed. Each the particles.
best for its time. Let us learn how the model
had to be changed with new observations  Aristotle thought that “atoms” of
or experiments.  At
water are smooth round balls and
400 BC that of fire have sharp edges.

Leucippus, a Greek philosopher, asked his

pupil Democritus while they are strolling
along the beach of Aegean Sea.

“If you were asked to split a glass of

water into smaller drops until they become
too small to see, would you ever reach that
point at which a tiny drop could no longer
be separated into smaller droplets?”
460-470 BC
Antoine 5. Chemical change involves joining,
Lavoisier’s separating, or rearranging atoms
experiments and
led to the Law of  Electrons were the first subatomic
Conservation of particles to be discovered using the
Mass which cathode ray tube.
states that
 In 1897,
matter cannot be Dalton’s Atomic Theory - the first
an English
created nor experimentally based theory of atomic
destroyed before and after the reaction. structure of the atom.
that atoms
were not
just simple
1799 Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory solid spheres.

Joseph Proust 1. All matter consists of tiny particles

developed the called atoms Cathode Ray Experiment
Law of Definite
Proportion which 2. An atom cannot be created, divided,
states that destroyed, or converted to any
different sample other type of atom
s of the same 3. Atoms of a particular element have
compound identical properties. Atoms of
always contain its different elements have different
constituent properties
elements in the
same proportion by mass. 4. Atoms of different elements Thomson’s Model
combine in simple whole-number (Plum-Pudding Model)
1808 ratios to produce compounds (stable
aggregates of atoms)
1. Most alpha particles pass through Models of the Atom
the gold foil indicating that the
atoms is mostly empty space.
2. Some of
the alpha
• He developed an atomic model in particles
which electrons were stuck into a are
positively charged sphere like deflected
chocolate chips in cookie dough. (a) Thomson (b) Rutherford
and some
• Other call this “PLUM PUDDING” even 1913
directly bounce back to the source.
1909 The Bohr Atom
Discovery of Proton
In 1913, Niels
 Protons Bohr’s modified
Ernest were the Rutherford’s model
Rutherford is next of atom. Bohr
known for his particle to proposed that each
alpha-scattering be electron in an atom
experiment. discovered. has fixed amount
of energy that
The illustration in the next slide
keeps them moving around the nucleus
shows the apparatus used by a
within a specific region He called this region
German scientist Eugen Goldstein
“energy level”.
that revealed the presence of
Gold Foil Experiments positive particles in an atom. Energy levels surround the nucleus in rays
or shells, just like the layers of an atom
“The Cathode Ray Tube”
Bohr’s model has been known as the
PLANETARY MODEL because it compares
electrons, the planets and the nucleus, the
Erwin Schrödinger
 This model describes the probability  In the 1920’s, Werner Heisenberg
that an electron can be found in a put forth his uncertainty principle,
given region of space at a given which states that, at a given
time. instance, it is impossible to
determine the velocity and position
 This model no longer tells us where
of the electrons.
the electron is; it only tells us where
it might be.  It is only possible to calculate the
probability of finding an electron
within a given space.
Quantum Mechanical Model
Werner Heisenberg 2.1 . Composition of the Atom
 Atom - the basic structural unit of an

 Introduced “wave mechanics” as a  The fundamental unit of an element

mathematical model. that retains the chemical properties
of that element
Cloud Model
Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons
 Atoms consist of three primary
particles. Electron, Proton, and
 Nucleus - small, dense, positively
charged region in the center of the
 protons - positively charged
 neutrons - uncharged
Electron 1886, he conducted an experiment
using a modified cathode ray tube
 In 1879, a British physicist, Joseph
made from a metal disk filled with
John Thomson, performed several
experiments using the cathode ray
tube.  He did not only observe the stream
of electrons emitted by the cathode,
 He noticed that the mass of the
but also the positive rays behind the
cathode rays was over 1000 times
lighter than the hydrogen atom and
their mass was the same despite the  However, Joseph John Thomson was
source of the atom. the one who discovered the nature
of the proton. He calculated its mass
 Thomson concluded that the
to be about 1837 times that of an
cathode rays were very light, negatively
electron and showed that the
charged particles he then called
proton is a particle.
 Its sign is opposite to the charge of Characteristics of Atomic Particles
 He concluded that an atom is
the electron.  Electrons are negatively charged
divisible, disproving the idea that the
atom is indivisible.  The relative mass of proton is 1.673 particles located outside of the
x 10 -24 nucleus of an atom
 These negatively charged corpuscles
are what we now call electrons. Neutron  Protons and electrons have charges
that are equal in magnitude but
 The electron has a mass of 9.110 x  In 1932, James Chadwick discovered opposite in sign
10 -28 grams. This mass is 1/1837 the the third major subatomic particle –
mass of a hydrogen atom. the neutron.  A neutral atom that has no electrical
charge has the same number of
 The exact size of an electron has not  This particle bears neither a positive protons and electrons
been determined, but its diameter is nor a negative charge, and has a
believed to be less than 10-12 cm. relative mass of about1.675 x 10 -24  Electrons move very rapidly in a
grams which is slightly greater than relatively large volume of space
Proton while the nucleus is small and dense
that of a proton.
 Eugen Goldstein (1850-1930), a Symbolic Representation of an Element
German scientist was the first to
observe the existence of protons. In
 results from the loss of
 23
Na  23Na+ + 1e-
 Anion - negatively charged
 results from the gain of
 Atomic number (Z) - the number of electrons
protons in the atom
 19
F + 1e-  19F-
 Mass number (A) - sum of the
Examples of Isotopes
number of protons and neutrons

Atomic Calculations
 mass number = number of ISOTOPES AND ATOMIC MASS
protons + number of neutrons  The atomic mass, measured in
 number of neutrons = mass atomic mass unit (amu), of a
number - number of protons particular element is based on the
 Atomic number = number of contributions of the existing
protons = number of electrons isotopes of that particular element.
Ions and Charges Thus, it is commonly referred to as
weighted average atomic mass.
 Ions - electrically charged particles
that result from a gain or loss of one  Isotopes are atoms of the same
or more electrons by the parent element that have the same atomic  To determine the atomic
atom number but differ in the mass mass of an element, you need to know the
number. existing isotopes, their masses, and the
 Cation - positively charged
percentage abundance. This formula is
given below.
1. Antimony (Sb) which is used in
ceramics, paints, and enamels has
two stable isotopes. The atomic
masses of Sb-123 (42.70%) and Sb-
121 (57.30%) are 122.9042 amu and
120.9038 amu, respectively.
Compute for the average atomic
mass of Sb.
2. Carbon has two stable isotopes,
carbon-12 and carbon-13. Carbon-12 is
more abundant than carbon-13.
Carbon-12 contributes 98.90% mass of
the whole carbon atoms while carbon-
13 contributes 1.10%. If the atomic
weight of cabon-12 is 12.0000 amu and
carbon-13 has an atomic weight of
13.0034 amu, compute for the average
atomic mass of carbon.

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