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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 15683 (2006): Portable fire extinguishers - Performance

and construction - [CED 22: Fire Fighting]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15683 : 2006

~f7 an 21 I1FfCl?
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Indian Standard

I(~S 13.220.10

c BIS 2006
NEW DELHI 110002
August 2006 Price Group 10
(Foreword) - Add the following after the second para:

'The following standards shall be withdrawn with the implementation of this


1) IS 940 : 2003 Specification for portable fire extinguishers, water type

(gas cartridge)"ifourth revision)

2) IS 2171 : 1999 Specification for portable fire extinguishers, dry powder

(cartridge type) (fourth revision)

3) IS 6234 : 2003 Specification for portable fire extinguishers, water type

(stored pressure) (second revision)

4) IS 10204 : 2001 Specification for portable fire extinguisher, mechanical

foam type

5) IS 13849 : 1993 Specification for portable fire extinguisher, dry powder

type (stored pressure)

6) IS 15397 : 2003 Specification for portable fire extinguisher, mechanical

foam type (stored pressure)

Clause 3.1(a) of IS 2878 : 2004 'Specification for fife extinguisher, carbon

dioxide type (portable and trolley mounted) (third revision)' shall also be
deleted simultaneously with the implementation of this standard.

(Page 1, clause 3.6, line 3) - Substitute '55 ± S·C' for '65 ± S·C'.

(Page 2, clause 4, Note 3) - Delete '(Halotron,NAF,PV, HFC..36), .

(Page 3, clause 6.1, line 3) - Substitute '3.5 MPa (35 bar)' for '3 MPa
(30 bar)'.

[Page 3, clause 7.3.I(c)] - Substitute the following for the existing:

Amend No. t to IS 15683 : 2006

'c) not retain more than 10 percent (for dry chemical powder type) and S
percent (for other extinguishers) of initial charge within the extinguisher,
following completedischarge.'

(Page 6, Table'3, 81 No.3, col 3) - Substitute '55 :t: s' for '60:1:2'.

(Page 7, Table 4) - Add the following Note at the end:

'NOTE - The fire ratina shall be declared by the manufacturer basedon the tat report of a
recognized laboratory. '

(Page to, Table S) - Add the following as Note 2 and renumber the
existing note as Note I:

'NOTE 2 - The fire ratingshall.bedeclared by the manufacturer. '

(Page 12, clause 8.3.3, line 18) - Substitute 'at the decision of the
operator' for 'but not the back ofthe crib, at will'.

(Page 12, clause 8.3.3, last sentence) - Delete 'to ensure a continuous

[Page 13, Table 9,footnote marlced3~ - Delete.

(Page 16, clause 9.1) - Delete last sentence.

(Page 16, clause, line 2) - Substitute '55 % S·C' for '5S ·C'.

(Page 20, clause 9.9.1) - Substitute the following for the existing:

"Hose Assembly - Extinguishers having a mass .of extinguishina medium

greater than 3 kg, or a volume of extinguishing medium greater than 3 I shall be
providedwith a discharge hose.

The length of the flexible section of the hose assembly shall be 400 mm or

(Page 25, clause, Warning):

a) Delete'Donotuse---perextinauisher.'

Ameod No.1 to IS 15683 : 2006

b) Delete the entire 'NOTE'.

(Page 2S. clause, last sentence) - Substitute the following for
the existing:

'A written description for each use code symbol may be included as part of the
code. The description should be readable.'

RcpI'OII'Iphy Unit,81S.New Delhi. India
A" . ....II\1t:...T '\'0. 2 NOVE \lIIER 2UU'J
IS 1 ~6S3 ; 2006 PORlAII...: FIR E EXTI"i G l.:ISIU:RS -
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(Page 23, clause 10.1) ― Delete the following last sentence:

‘The paint shall conform to IS 2932.’

(CED 22)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Fire Fighting
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.

Thisstandardhas been prepared with a view to guide the industriesfor the manufacture and users in manufacturingand
procuringvarious types ofportable extinguishers, capable of giving satisfactory performance. The details with regard
to maintenance are given/inIS 21,90: 1992 'Code of practice for selection, installationand maintenanceof first-aidfire
extinguishers (under revision)'.

Forthe purposeof deciding whether a particular requirementof this standard is complied with, the final valueobserved
or calculated, expressing the result ofa test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2: 1960 'Rules for
roundingoff numericalvalues (revised)'. The number ofsignificant places retained in the rounded offvalue should be
the same as that of specified value in this standard.
IS 15683 : 2006

Indian Standard

1 SCOPE person(s). A fully chargedportablefireextinguishers shall

This standard lays down requirements for performance, not be more than 17 kg. The extinguishing medium is
; reliability and safety of portable fire extinguishers of all discharged and directed into fire by storage pressure or
types specified in this standard. release of pressurized charged storage in a cartridge.

1 REFERENCES 3.3 Extinauishing Medium - Substance contained in

the extinguisher that causes fire extinguishment such as
The standards listedat AnnexAcontain provisions which water, foam, powder, gaseous agent(C02, halocarbon) etc.
through reference in this text, constituteprovisions of this
standard. Atthe timeofpublication,the editionsindicated 3.4 Charge of Extinguisher - Mass (kg) or volume
were valid. All standards are subject to revision and (Iitres) of the extinguishing medium contained in the
parties to agreements based on this standard are extinguisher expressed in volume for water based
encouraged to investigate" the possibility of applying the extinguishers and in kg for gaseous and powder
most recent editions of the standards indicated at extingu ishers.
3.5 Service Pressure (P,> - Equilibrium pressure
3 TERMINOLOGY developed in a normally charged and pressurized
For the purposes of this standard, definitions given in extinguisher conditioned at 27 ± 5°Cforat least 18h stored
IS 7673 and the following definitions shall apply: pressure or pressure generated during actuation of gas
3.1 Classifiration of Fires - Fires may be classified as
follows: 3.6 Maxinlum Service Pressure (P.) - Equilibrium
pressure developedin a normally chargedand pressurized
3.1.1 Class A - Fires involving solid combustible extinguisher which is conditioned at 65 ± SoC for at least
materials of organic nature such as wood, paper, rubber, 18 h.
plastics etc, where the cooling effect of water is essential.
3.7 Complete Discharge or Extinguishing Medium
3.1.2 Class B - Fires involving flammable liquids or in Percentage and Time - Point in the discharge of an
liquefiable solids or the like where a blanketing effect is extinguisher when the internal pressure hasequalized with
essential. the external pressure, with the valve control being kept
fully open that is the point at which pressure on dial
3.1.3 Class C - Fires involving flammable gases under becomes zero.
pressure including liquefied gases, where it is necessary
to inhibit the burning gas at fast rate with an inert gas, 3.8 Effective Discharge Time - Time measured from
powderor vaporizing liquid for extinguishment. the commencement of discharge of the extinguishing
medium at the nozzle to the point of the discharge stream
3.1.4 Class D - Firesinvolving combustible metals such with the control valve fully open when 85 percent of
as magnesium, aluminium, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc, extinguishant is discharged incase powderand 95 percent
whenthe burningmetalsare reactive to water containing in case of water and gas based extinguishers.
agents and in certain cases carbon dioxide, halogenated
hydrocarbons andordinary dry powders. Thesefirerequire 3.9 Rechargeable Extinguisher - Extinguisher
special mediaand techniques to extinguish. designedto be recharged after use.

3.2 Portable Extinguisher - Portablefireextinguishers 3.10 Disposable Extinguisher (Non-rechargeable

are not expected to deal with large fires. Nevertheless. Extinguisher) - Extinguisher designed not to be
these are very valuable in the early stages of fire. The recharged, but intendedto be discarded after use.
most important features of these extinguishers are there
immediately availability and can be used by one/two 3.11 Fill Density - Mass in kg of extinguishing medium
IS 15683 : 2006

per litre of container volume for use,complete with valve 5.1.3 Powders
and internal fittings. Powder for Class Be should comply with IS 4308, for
ClassABC IS 14609 and powdersfor useon ClassD fires
3.11 Propellant - Non-flammable compressed gas used shall complywith IS 4861. .
to expel theextinguishing medium that is CO2 and N 2 etc.
5.1.4 Foam Concentrates
3.13 Clean Agent - Electrically non-conductive
gaseous or vaporizing liquid fire extinguishant that does Foam concentrates usedinextinguishers shall comply with
not leave a residue uponevaporation and are not toxic to IS 4989 or ISO 7203.
level of concentration at which it extinguishes the fire.
NOTE - There is no Indian Standard covering non-foaming
additives sometimes addedto waterto produce anti-freezc, wetting
3.14 Lowest Observed Advene Effect Level (LOAEL) or otherspecial characteristics. However, such extinguishers are
- The lowest concentration of clean agent at which an included in the category of water-base extinguishers. the water-
adverse toxicological or physiological effect has been anti-freeze solution be tested for its freezing point and thawing.
Calcium chloride solution shall not be usedforstainless steel fire
observed. extinguishers.

3.IS No Observed Advene Effect Level (NOAEL)- 5.2 Propellants

The highest concentration of a clean agent at which no
The propellants forstoredpressure and cartridge-operated
adverse toxicological or physiological effect has been
extinguishers shall be air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or
mixtures of these gases having a maximum dew-point
Extinguishers shall be classified by the type of NOTE - Propellant forstored-pressure water-based extinguishers
extinguishing medium which they contain.At present, the neednot meetthe abovedew-point requirement.
main types of extinguishers are:
5.3 Filling Requirements (Type Test)
a) wateror/andfoam based,
b) powder, S.3.1 Fill Density
c) carbon dioxide, and Themaximum filldensity forcarbondioxide extinguishers
d) cleanagents. shallnot exceed 0.75 kg/I. The fill density forcleanagent
fire extinguishers shall not exceedthe values givenin the
NOTES relevant standards.
I These types of extinguishers may be further sub-divided. for
example water-based extinguishers maycontainpurewateror water 5.3.2 Filling Tolerance
with additives such IS wetting agents,viscosity-increasing agents,
flame-retardant, or foamina apnts, etc. The actualchargeof an extinguisher shall be the nominal
.charge within the following limits:
2 Powders maybe ofthc 'Be' or 'ABC' types, or may bespecially
prepared for Class D(metals) fires.
a) water-foam based extinguisher : .~ percent by
3 Clean alents which are halon substitutes that is HFC, HCFC volume;
blends etc (Halotron, NAF PV, HFC-36), Fluoro ketone. The
manufacture and useof halocarbon including halons are regulated b) powderextinguishers
by the Montreal Protocol and/or by national regulations. S I kg nominal charge ± 5 percentby mass;
> 1 kg but < 3 kg nominal charge ± 3 percentby
AND FILLING REQUIREMENTS ~ 3 kg nominal charge ± 2 percentby mass;

c) clean-agent extinguishers
S.I Extlnlulshinl Media
.~ percent by mass; and

S.I.I Carbon Dioxide d) carbon dioxide extinguishers

.~ percent by mass.
Carbon dioxide used in extinguishers shall comply with
IS 15222.
S.3.3 Capacities
5.1.2 CleanAge"ts The following are the recommended capacities for fire
Clean agents used in extinguishers shall comply withthe
IS I S493 or standard of clean agent supplied by a) water-foam based (litres): 2, 3, 6, 9;
manufacturer. (To be confirmed for test methods.) b) powder (kg): 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9;

IS t 5683 : 2006

c) CO2 (kg): 2. 3, 4.5 and 5; and Table I Minimum Effective Discharge Time of
d) clean agent (kg): I, 2, 4, 6. Class B Rated Extinguishers
(Clause 7.2.2)
Classification Minimum Discharge Throw
6.1 Test Pressure (P.> (I) (2) (3)

The testpressure (P.) for low-pressure extinguishers shall 88 8 I

be 1.43 x Pms but in no case less than 2 MPa (20 bar). 138 8 I
21B 8 2
Forgaseous extinguisher, it shouldnot be lessthan 3 MPa
348 8 2
(30 bar).

6.2 Minimum Burst Pressure (P J Test method

The minimum burst pressure (P b) for low-pressure Carryout the test indoors having suitable lighting to give
extinguishers is2.7 x Pnil but in no case lessthan5.5 MPa thebestpossible visibility of theextinguisher media during
(55 bar). discharge. Use a blackbackground marked to indicate the
horizontal distance. Condition the extinguisher for no less
7 GENERAL OPERATING PERFORMANCE than 18h at atemperature of27± 5°Candplace it in normal
REQUIREMENTS operating position with the discharge nozzle held
horizontally I m above the floor. Fully discharge the
7.1 Operating Temperatures extinguisher with the control valve fully open within
Extinguishers shallbecapableof operating reliably within 5 min of conditioning. Recordthe bulkrange (through) of
one of the following temperature ranges of temperature: the extinguisher as the range at the time corresponding to
SO percent of the effective discharge time that is if
+ 5 °C to + 5S °C
discharge time is ISs. The range should be minimum up
o °C to + SS °C to 7.5 s. .
- 10°C to + 55 °C
NOTE - Where the range of effective discharge is difficult to
- 20°C to + 55 °C determine visually, supplementary means, suchascollection boxes
- 30°C to + 55 °C for powders and condensing plates for liquefied gases may also
be used.
NOTE - The temperature rangeselectedfromthe aboveshall be
marked on the fire extinguisher (see 10.2.I.S). 7.3 Resistance to Temperature Changes (Type Test)

7.2 Minimum Effective Discharge Time and Bulk 7.3.1 Requirements

Range of Discharge Portable extinguishers shall be able to operate at
temperatures within one of the temperature ranges given
7.2.1 Class A Rated Extinguishers in 7.1 as indicated by the manufacturer and comply with
. The minimum effective discharge time of extinguishers the following requirements after being subjected to the
with IA rating shall be no less than 8 s. Extinguishers conditions given in 7.3.2:
with ratings of 2A or higher shall have a minimum a) shall operate as intended;
discharge time of 13 s.
b) commence discharge within 5 s of the opening of
7.2.2 Class B Rated Extinguishers control valve; and
The minimum effective discharge time of extinguishers c) not retain more than 10 percent of initial charge
with a Class B ratingshall be no less than the value given within the extinguisher following complete
in Table I. discharge.

7.2.3 Bulk Range/Throw (7Ype Test) 7.3.2 Test Method

Subjectfour(two)extinguishers to the temperature cycles Requirements given in Table 2, two extinguishers to each cycle.
The minimwn bulk rangeof extinguishers witha ClassA
rating shall be no less than 2 m when determined in Operatethe extinguisher within 5 minof its removal from
accordance with the conditioning chamber.

IS 15683 : 2006

Table 2 Temperature Cycles

(Clause 7.3.2)

Duration Cycle I Cycle 2

(1) (2) (3)

24 *I Storeat minimum" statedtemperature (.~ °C) Storeat (55 :I: 5)OC

24:1: J Storeat (27 2: Sloe Storeat (27 :t Sloe
24:t I Storeat (S5 :t: Sloe Storeat mini) stated temperature (.~ °e)

I) See 7.1 temprature range marked on the extinguisher.

Thestorage temperatures referto the ambienttemperature within the conditioning chamber. A liquidbath shall not be used.

The extinguisher is to be held in its normal working allowing the discharge of the extinguishing medium to be
position andshallremain immobile for the duration of the interrupted at any time.
The extinguisher shall be adequately resistant to leakage
NOTE - Forcartridge operated extinguishers the cartridge shall
bepierced andthe pressure allowed to buildfor6 5 before opening
and the second pressure (or weight of contents as
the control valve. appropriate) shall be no less than 75 percent of the first,
afterinterruption of thedischarge as determined in
7.4 Retention orCharge Test method
7.4.1 Routine Checks Discharge a fully charged extinguisher for a period equal
to half the time for total discharge and the control valve Extinguishers and gas cartridges shallbe designed shall then be closed. Measure the internal pressure (or
so as to permit their charge to be checked at regular weight of contents as appropriate) and after a further
intervals when they are installed as per IS 2190. 5 minwith the valvehaving remained closed, measure the
pressure (or weight of contents as appropriate) again. The charge of the following shall be measured by
weighing: 7.4.3 Long- Term Leakage Test (TYpe Test)
a) All types of gas cartridges for extinguishers;
b) Carbon dioxide extinguishers; and Requirements for stored-pressure extinguishers
c) Stored-pressure extinguishers of various types Stored-pressure extinguishers covered in shall not
including someclean agents in which a mass loss leak at a rate exceeding 5 percent per annum of service
of I percent of total mass is accompanied by a pressure.
pressure loss of not more than 10 percent of the
service pressure at 27 ± SoC. Requirements for gas cartridges and extinguishers
checked by mass The charge of stored-pressure extinguishers of Long-term leakage requirements are as follows:
types not covered in (b) and (c) shall be checked
a) Stored-pressure extinguishers without a pressure
by direct measurement of internal pressure at 27 ± SoC.
gauge shall not leak at a rate exceeding S percent
For this purpose, the extinguisher shall be fitted with a
of its contents per annum or 50 g per annum,
built-in pressure-indicating device, which can be checked
whichever is less [see (cj];
for satisfactory operation.
b) Gas cartridges shall not leak at a rate exceeding
A connection towhich an independent pressure-measuring 5 percent of its contents per annum or 7 g per
appliance can be attached may be used as the means for annum, whichever is less; and
checking the built-in pressure-indicating device; in this c) Carbon dioxide extinguishers shall not leakat a rate
case, a connection of this type shall be equipped with a exceeding S percentof its.contents per annum.
pressure-retaining cap. Test method
7.4.2 Retention ofCharge Following Partial Discharge
Check six samples for leakage after 30, 90 and 120days. Requirements Any loss in pressure or contents at constant ambient
Fire extinguishers shall be fitted with a control valve temperature is anindication ofa leak. Measure the leakage

IS 15683 : 2006

interms ofweightor pressure loss, whichever isapplicable. Test principle

An extinguisher shall be capableof withstanding exposure
7.5 Mechanical Resistance (Type Test)
to the conditions of a vibration test without development
of physical weakness. which would impair its normal
7.5.1 Resistance to Impact
This test is intended to prove the resistance of the
extinguisher. and particularly that of the headand fittings, Extinguisher mounting requirements
to damage from falling objects or from impact with fixed Extinguishers supplied with a wall hook or bracket not
intended for use in vehicles shall be subjected to the test
specified in Requirements
Theextinguisher shallnot releasepressure in a potentially Extinguishers supplied with a bracket for use in vehicles
dangerous manner when testedinaccordance with shall be subjected to the test specified in Test method Extinguishers supplied with a bracket suitable for both
Condition anextinguisher, correctly charged andequipped general and vehicle use shall be subjected to the test
with all the fittings which are subject to internal pressure specified in
in normal operation, for 18 h to the minimum' working
temperature (see 7.J) with a tolerance of ± 5°C, and Test criteria
maintain it at this temperature during the impact test The test criteria are as follows:
described below. a) Following exposure to the vibration test the
extinguisher shall comply with the discharge
If the extinguisher is of the gas cartridge type, fit the requirements specified in 7.2; and
charged cartridge and activate the extinguisher with the
control valve shut, so as to keep the extinguisher under b) Physical failure ofcomponents which would require
pressure. repair or replacement of the extinguisher and/or
components before it can be returned to normal
Conduct the impact test as follows: serviceshall be cause for rejection.

Mount a steelcylindrical hammer, of75 mmdiameter and Mounting ofthe test specimen
total mass of 4.0 kg with flat faces, vertically in loose Mount a fully chargedextinguisher in an upright position.
guides so that it can drop freely through a height h Mount extinguishers intended for use in vehicles in their
(minimum height 300 mm) given by: intended bracket. Extinguishers not intended for use in
m vehicles may be tested without a bracket.
h = - - ' and h ~ 0.3
20 Test orientation
h = height, expressed in m: and Axes a/orientation
m = total mass of extinguisher, expressed in kg. Subject the extinguisher to the vibration test specified
in or in each of the three rectilinear
The extinguisher shall be placed on a rigid flat surface. axes in thefollowing order: horizontal. lateral, andvertical.
protecting pressure gauge, in each of the following two
positions in tum: General extinguishers
a) inthenormal upright position, withthe longitudinal Thevibration appliedshallhave thefollowing parameters:
axisof the hammer coincident withthe longitudinal Frequency : 40 Hz
axis of the valve; and
Amplitude: 0.25 ± 0.03 mm
b) lying on its side so that the valverests on a rigidly
Duration : 2 h (in each orientation specified in
fixed steel block.
In each of the above positions, submit the valve of the Vehicle extinguishers
extinguisher to an impact by allowing the steelhammer to
fall vertically onto'itfrom the height h. The pointof impact Subject the vehicleextinguishers to the following tests:
is to be examined. a) Subject the extinguisher to the variable frequency
and amplitude specified below in each orientation
7.S.2 Resistance to Vibrations (7ype Test) specified in
IS 15683 : 2006

Frequency, Hz Amplitude, nun Table 3 Temperature Cycle

10 to 19 0.75 ± 0.08 (Clause 7.6.2)
20 to 39 O.SO:l: 0.05 Stale Dur.doD Temperature, °C
40 to 60 0.25:l: 0.03 h
(1) (2) (3)

Vibrate theextinguisher for S min at each frequency I 27:t: ,

and increase the frequency at discrete intervals of 2 ~ 27 27:1: S
2 Hz, and 3 27± S 60± 2
4 ~ 27 27 ± S
b) Vibrate the extinguisher for 2 h at the frequency
which produced the maximum resonance as The temperature refers to the ambient temperature of the conditioning
determined in (a) above or if no resonance is chamber. A liquid bath shall not be used. The duration of anyone
complete cycleshallnot exceed 120h.
observedsubjected to the test specifiedin 7.S.2.S.2.
I) The lowest temperature marked on theextinguisher ± 2°C(.fee 7.1).
Completethe tests specified in (a) and (b) above in one
plane before making tests in the next plane.
protectivecoating local to the planeof section.There shall
7.6 Resistance to Corrosion (Type Test) be no v.isible signs of corrosion of the metal nor
detachment, cracking or bubbling of any protective
7.6.1 External Corrosion Test coating. There shall be no visible change in the colour of
the extinguishingmedia other than that resultingfrom the
Subject complete and fully charged extinguishers, thermal cycling in case of water based media only.
including their mounting bracket and wall hook, to a salt
spray test as defmed in IS 6910 for a period of 240 h. NOTE - Allowance should be madefora change of colour that
Following a drying period of at least 24 h at room occurs naturally dueto thetemperature changes. It isrecommended
temperature, carefully wash the extinguisher to remove that twosamples of the agentbe stored in closed glasscontainers
and subjected to the samecycles as the extinguishers in orderto
any salt deposits. Test two samples that is either two of establish a reference sample.
the same size or one sample each of two different sizes
from the same family. 7.7 Tapping Test (Type Test)
At the conclusion of the test the following requirements 7.7.1 Requirements
shall be satisfied:
Portable extinguishers shall comply with the following
a) The mechanical operationofall workingparts shall requirements after being subjected to the conditioning
be unimpaired; specified in 7.7.3 :
b) The minimum effectivedischarge time and method
a) Shall operate satisfactorily;
of operation shall comply with requirements
specified; b) Commence discharge within 5 s of the opening of
the control valve; and
c) The pressure gauge, if one is fitted, shall remain
functional and watertight; and c) Not retain more than the following percentage of
d) There shall be no corrosion of the metal of the initial charge within the extinguisher following
extinguisher body; discolouration/superficial complete discharge:
corrosion of non-ferrous metals is acceptable, but 1) powder: 15 percent
galvaniccorrosion between dissimilar metals shall 2) all other media: 10 percent.
not be permitted.
7.7.2 Test Apparatus
7.6.2 Internal Corrosion Test for Extinguishers Using
Water-Based Media (Type Test) and Gaseous Compactionmachine,designed to acceptonlyone
Extinguishers extinguisher at a time which shall be raised by rod and
Subjecttwoextinguishers, charged in accordance withthe guided by castors.
manufacturer's filling instructions, eight times to the
temperature cycle defined in Table 3. The plate supporting the extinguisher shall be of steel
300:1: S. rmn.square and 60 ± I mm thick. Figure 1 is an
On completion of the eight temperature cycles, cut each example of an acceptable test apparatus.
body into two sections in a manner sufficient to pennit
internal examination. Disregard detachment of any Observe the following points:
IS 15683 : 1006

a) Ensure that the rod is adjustableas to adjust to the openingthe control valve.
extinguisher base;
b) Ensure that the rod can move freely in the guide 8 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR
cators; and TEST FIRES ·
c) Extinguisher shallalsobeguidedwithout constraint. 8.1 Rating Suitability for tbe Various Classes or Fire
7.7.3 Test Method 8.1.1 Class A
An extinguisher in a normally chargedcondition shall be The rating of extinguishers recommended as suitablefor
heldin the vertical position and droppedvertical SOO times Class A fires shall be determined using the method
froma heightof I 5 mmat a frequency of 1 Hz onto a rigid described in 8.3. The ratingshall be basedon the amount
horizontal steel plate. of extinguishing medium used to extinguish the fire of
The extinguisher is to be removed fromthe test apparatus maximum sizeundertheconditions of thetest. Thisamount
with a minimum amount of agitation, held in its normal shall jJe no lessthantheappropriate minimum valuegiven
working position, and operated. in Table 4.

NOTE - Forcartridge extinguishers, the Cll'tridge shall bepierced 8.1.2 Class B

and the pressure allowed to build for 6 s before opening of the
control valve. The rating of extinguishers recommended as suitable for
Class B fires shall be determined using the method give
7.8 Intermittent Dlscharee Test in 8.4. The rating shall be based on the amount of
extinguishing medium used to extinguish the fire of
7.8.1 An extinguisher conditioned at its minimum maximum sizeundertheconditions of thetest. Thisamount
operating temperature ± 2°Cand at SS ± S °Cshalloperate shall be no lessthanthe appropriate minimum valuegiven
in such a manner that no more than 1 s elapses from the in Table S.
time the control valve is opened until the extinguishing
media starts to discharge. Additionally, at the end of 8.1.3 Class C
discharge, the extinguisher shall not retain more than the There are no tests requirements for the performance of
following percentages of its original charge: extinguishers against Class C fires included in this
a) powder: IS percent;and standard, suitability for useagainst ClassC may be claimed
b) all others: 10 percent. for Class B or Class AB powderextinguishers only.

7.8.2 Condition a correctlychargedextinguisher at each 8.1.4 Class D

of the specified temperatures for a min of 18 h. Operate Extinguishers recommended as suitablefor Class D fires
the extinguisher intennittently by openingand closingthe . shall extinguish theappropriate testfire orfires when tested
valvein cyclesof2 s 'open' and 2 s 'closed' untiltheend as described in 8.5.
of discharge is reached.
NOTE - Extinguishers suitable forClass 0 fires are usually not
7.8.3 For cartridge-operated extinguishers, pierce the suitable for use on firesof other classes, Specialized mediaand
cartridge and allow the pressure to build for 6 s before applicators arc typically used.

Table 4 Amount 01 Extinguishing Medium Used to Obtain a Minimum Class A Rating of Extinguishen
(Clause 8.1.1)

Eltlnlulshlna ~~dlum Content (Charae) Minimum

Class A Ratina
Powder WaterlFoam Clean'Agent
k& Water withAdditives kg
(1) (2) (3) (4)

1~2 I~ 6 Is; 6 lA
2 </~4 6 < Is 10 6< Is 8 2A
4<1~6 1>10 I> 8 3A
6</~9 4A
/>9 6A

IS 15683 : 2006



1. Castorsupport axis 8. Castor 15. Adjusting block
2. Castors 9. Cam 16. Support axes
3. CI + C, M12 - 190 screw 10. Inductive pick-up 17. Plate support axis
4. Push-nut extinguisher 11. Rotation guidance 18. Flender-Himmel gearedmotor
5. H, M16-90 screw 12. Axes 19. Systemsupport plate
6. Plates 13. Castor nut
7. Piston 14. Support plate

Flo. 1 TAPPINO MACHINE - Continued

IS 1S683 : 2006


"OJ ..

1B Viewfrom Above

T 5044'


Alldimensions in millimetrcs.

1C SideView

IS 15683 : 2006

Table S Amount or Extinguishing Medium Vsed to Obtain Minimum Class B Rating of Extingulshen
(Clause 8.1.2)

Eltlnguishlnl Me~lum Content (Cba"'~J Minimum

Cllss B Rating
Powder Carbon Dioxide CleanAgent Foam or Water
kg kg k& with Additives
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

l!a 2 Is 2 l!a 2 S 88
i« 2 Is 2 Is 2 S 138
2 < Is 3 2 < Is S 2< Is4 9 218
3 < Is 4 1>5 4 < Is6 9 34B

NOTE - At present the cleanagentapproved internationally forthis purpose are HFe and HCFC.

8.2 Test Fires - General particular metal or form of metal is established by

extinguishing eitherthe first fire of the set,or if this is not
8.2.1 Operator s Clothing extinguished, extinguishing the second andthirdtestfires.
To carry out these tests the operator shall wear suitable
protective clothing including shoes, helmet, visor, gloves A set comprises fires consecutively carried out and the
etc. result of any particulartest fire is not to be disregarded.
Eachset is to be completed before anotheris started. For
NOTE - Attention isdrawn to thenecessity fortaking precautions ClassA and ciass B fires, a set is completed eitherwhen
to safeguard the health and safety of personnel conducting the all threetest firesare carriedout or when the firsttwotest
testsagainst theriskof fireand inhalation of smoke andanytoxic fires are both successful or both unsuccessful. For Class
products of combustion, and compliance with the national
legislation which mayapplyconcerning the health and safety of
D fires, a set is complete when the firsttest is successful,
theextinguisher operator and other personnel. or when the first and second fires are both unsuccessful,
or when all three are carried out.
8.2.2 Requirements for Extinguishment
8.3 Class A Test Fire
Test fires shall be regarded as extinguished if:
8.3.1 Location
Class A - All flames are extinguished. There shall
be no flames visible 10 minafter complete discharge Conduct the tests in an essentially draught-free room
oftheextinguisher. The appearance of non-persistent having adequate volume and ventilation to ensure the
flames during the 10minperiodshallbe ignored. Non-' necessary supply of oxygen and reasonable visibility for
persistent flames are defined as less than SO mm in the period of the test.
height and less than 1 min duration; if the Class A
crib collapses during the test, it shall be considered Air inlet openings at or near ground level as given in
voidand a fresh test carried out. Table 6, with a flue area of 4.5 m2 have been found to
provide adequate ventilation.
Class B - All flames are extinguished.
8.2.3 Test Extinguishers and Method ofUse I Forexample, ithas been established thata room having a ceiling
height of approximately 3 m and size 7 m x 7 m forclassupto2A
Use extinguishers filled and charged according to the and34 B andofsize ISm x 15m forhigher classes with adjustable
manufacturer's instructions. It is permitted, at the inletopenings near the fourcorners is suitable forthese purposes.
operator's discretion, to operate a gas cartridge The room should havesmoothly finished concrete floor.
extinguisher so as to allow the operating pressure to 1 This test may be carried out by puttina 3 m high mild steel
sheetenclosing threesidestill infrastructure isdeveloped forindoor
increase in the body prior to discharge. test facilities.

8.2.4 Test Schedule (lYpe) 8.3.1 Construction

The basic schedule of testingis a set of three fires. Class The test fire consists of a crib made of pieces of wood.
A or Class B ratingis achieved by extinguishing two out The piecesof wood forming the outsideedgesof the crib
of three fires of the same size. Class 0 suitability for a may be stapled or nailed together to provide strength.

IS 15683 : 2006

Table 6 Example of Typical Air Inlet Sizes for specified inTable 7. Stackeachlayerof thepieces of wood
Ventilation of Class A Test Fires at rightanglesto the layer below. Stack individual pieces
(Clause 8.3.1) of wood on each layer with even spacingand in the form
of a square with sides equal to the length of the pieceof
Clallineadon Air Inlet Opening wood (see Fig.2).
and Ratlnl Surrace Area
m1 Usepiecesof wood of Pinus Sylvestris, or of other wood
(1) (2)
which can be shown to be equivalent, of appropriate length
IA 0.10 as specified in Table 7 and of square cross-section with
2A 0.10 sides of 39 ± I mm, a moisture content of 10 percent to
14 percent by mass (dry basis).
4A 0.20 NOTES
6A 0.30 1 Wood isconsidered to be equivalent iftheratingachieved using
wood that is not morethan that achieved whenPinus Sylvestris is
used. Cryptomeria Japonica maybe preferred in India.
Construct the crib on two 63 mm x 38 nun angle ironsor 1 Determine the moisture contentof the pieces of wood using
othersimilarandappropriate supports, placedon concrete commercially available instruments which measure electrical
conductivity between needle probespushed intothesticksor other
blocks or support frame so as the height of the supports suitablemethod. Somevariation in reading maybe obtained dueto
abovethe floor is 400:1: 10 mm. structural variation of the timber and the direction of the grain.
Calibrate the instrument by determination of moisture content in
Stackthe pieces of wood in the appropriate arrangement accordance with IS 1708(Part I).



IS 15683 : 2006

Table 7 Wood Crib Construction Table 8 Wood-Crib Ignition Arrangement

(Clause 8.3.2) (Clause 8.3.3)

aUlA Number or Leftltb or Arranlement or Class A Radna I.aldon Pan Size HeptaneCharae J)
Ratlnl Pieces or Pieces or Pleees or Wood mm /
Wood Wood (I) (2) (3)
(I) (2) (3) (4) IA 400 x 400 x 100 1.1
2A 53S )( S3S )( 100 2.0
lA 72 500 12 layersof 6 piecesof wood
3A 635 )( 635 x 100 2.8
2A 112 635 16 layersof 7 piecesof wood
4A 700 )( 700 )( 100 3.4
3A 144 735 18 layers of 8 piecesof wood
6A 825 )( 825 x 100 4.8
4A 180 800 20 layers of 9 piecesof wood
I) See 8.4.3.
6A 230 9~S 23 layersof 10 piecesof wood

NOTE -Ifneccssary in the future, it is intended that this table be

extended to include larger test tires. These will be constructed on are vertical. The base of the trays are set horizontal and
the same principles as those now listed. Each Class A rating is level with the surroundingground.
designated by a number in a series which is proportional to the
mass ofwoodcontained ina craib. Allcribsarecubicwiththe volume NOTE- Reinforcement of the base of the larger test fire trays
of the openspaceapproximately equal to the volume of the wood. will be necessary to minimize distortion. In such cases it will be
necessary to ensurethat the underside of the traysarenotexposed
to the atmosphere.
8.3.3 Procedure
Place an ignition pan of appropriate size as specified in Detailsof Class B test fires are given inTable 9. Eachtest
Table 8 on the floor underthe crib. Level the pan as far as fire is designated by a number followed by the letter B.
ispossible and add sufficient waterto coverthe base. Pour
the appropriate volume of fuel (as specified in Table 8) 8.4.3 Fuel
into the pan. Ignite the fuel. Remove the pan once the Use an aliphatic hydrocarbon havingan initial boiling point
liquid has been consumed. of not lessthan 88°C and a final boilingpointof not more
than lOSoC.
Allow the crib to burn until its mass is reduced to S5 ± 2
NOTE - Typical fuels meetingthis requirement are n.. heptane
percent of its original mass: The mass loss may be
and certainsolventfractions sometimes referred to as commercial
determined directly or by other methods which can be heptane.
demonstrated to provide equivalent correlation.
8.4.4 Procedure
NOTE- Thiswilltake 6 minto 10min. Eithermonitor the mass
continuously or detenninethe time by a preliminary test or tests, Add the appropriatevolume of waterand heptane
extinguishing the fire(s) and measuring the mass and core.
diameters makingadjustments as necessary. specified In Table 9. Add additional water to compensate
for distortion of the base so that all points are covered,
Apply the discharge of the extinguisher to the test fire, subject to a maximum liquid depth of 50 mm and a
initially to the front. Reduce the distance of attack and minimum heptane depth of 15 mm at any point.
apply the discharge to the top, bottom,front or either side
but not the back of the crib, at will. Maintainall devices For the testing of foam and clean agent
for controlling the flow of the extinguishing media in the extinguishers use fresh fuel for each test.
position for maximum discharge to ensure a continuous When testing powder extinguishers it shall be
demonstrable that the rating can be achieved using fresh
8.4 Class B Test Fire Ignite thefuel
8.4.1 Location
Carryouttest fires upto and including 13B indoors. Carry Permit the fuel to burn freely for a minimum of
outtest fireslargerthan 13B indoorsor outdoorsbut with 60 s before operating the extinguisher.
thewindspeednot exceeding3 mls. Do not carryout tests
outdoors when rain, snow or hail is falling. Operate the extinguisher and apply the
extinguishing mediumto the test fire.
8.4.2 Construction NOTES
Class B test fires utilize a range of welded-sheet-steel I The extinguisher may be discharled continuously or in
cylindrical trays(dimensions given in Table9). The sides intermittcnt bursts at the discretion of theoperator. The operator

IS 15683 : 2006

Table 9 Dimensions of Class B Test Fires

(Clause 8.4.2)

Cla.IOcatlon Minimum Volume Dimensions of Test Fire Tray

Dlscharle of of ~----
• • n n _ _ , . _ . " •• _ •• _ ••• __ • ___

Extlnlulsher Liquid') Diameter" Internal Minimal Approximate
s I mm Depth" Thickness Surface Area
mm of Walls of Fire
mm m2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
88 3) 8 570 ± 10 150 ± 5 2.0 0.25
138)) 13 ' 720 ± 10 150 ± 5 2.0 0.41
21B 8 21 920 ± 10 150* 5 2.0 0.66
348 8 34 1170 ± 10 150± 5 2.5 1.07

NOTE - Each test fire is designated by a number in a series in which eachtermis equal to the sumof the twopreceding terms (thisseries
isequivalent to geometric progression havinga common ratioof about 1.62). Test fires larger thanthosegiven maybe constructed following
the rules of this geometric progression.
"One-thirds waterand two-thirds heptane.
2) Measured at rim.

.')This firesize is for a low-temperature fire testonly.

maymove round the tire in orderto obtainthe bestresults. 8.5.2 Metal Chip or Turning Fires
2 Forreasons of safetytheoperator shallnot reach overtheedge
of the tray, and at no time shall the operator ontoor intothe tray. Construction
The fires consist of a bed of the metal fuel 600 mm x
8.5 Class D Test Fire
600 mm squarepositioned centrally on a steel base-plate
1 m x I m squareand 5 mmthick. Usea removable metal
8.5.1 General
or wood frame to build the bed.
The extinguishment of these test fires is based on the use
of a portable extinguisher havinga nominal charge 10 kg Forignition, usea devicesuch asa gas/oxygen torch which
of media. Extinguishers having a lesser charge shall be will ignitethe metalwithin 30 s.
testedusinga proportionally reducedquantity and surface
areaof fuels. Extinguishers witha chargeof lessthan 8 kg Fuel
shall not be allowed.
Carryout four series of tests using:
WARN/NG - Someextinguishing mediaused for Class D tires a) magnesium AI alloy;
are toxic(forexample, barium chloride BaCI 1) and/ormay' react
with the burning metal to produce materials which are toxic or b) magnesium alloy with cuttingoil;
otherwise hazardous (forexample, phosphates which reactto form c) reagent-grade magnesium; and
metal phosphides, which are decomposed by water to produce
phosphine, PH), a spontaneously flammable gas). d) reagent-grade magnesium with cuttingoil.

Before carrying out these tests, establish procedures to Procedure

protect personnel and to safely dispose of residues from Foreach test, prepare the fuel bed inthe removable metal
test tires. or wood frame. Level the surface of the fuel usinga rake
or straight-edged board. Remove the frame.
Conduct the tests in an essentially draught-free room
having adequate volume and ventilation to ensure the Apply the igniting torch to the centre of the fuel bed,
necessary visibility for the period of the test. removing the torch after 25 s to 30 s.

There are no numerical components for Class D ratings. Allow the fire to spread until it is estimated that either
The type of combustible metal for whichthe extinguisher 25 percent of the fuel is burning or the fire covers
is applicable and the area, depth,and othercharacteristics. SO percent of the fuel bed surface, whichever occurs
of the fires whichmaybe controlledand extinguish are to sooner. The extinguisher maythen be discharged ontothe
be summarized on the extinguisher nameplate and fire at the operator's discretion, continuously or
described in the manufacturer's installation instructions. in~enni~entIYt according tothe manufacturer's instructions.

IS 15683 : 2006

Check that fuel is not scattered off the base plate during metal to ignite as air enters. Stop heating when the
the attack. temperature reaches 550 ± IO°C and pour the burning
liquid fuel into the square tray. As soon as the burning
Afterdischarge iscompleted, allow the firebed to remain fuel has spread across the tray the fire can be attacked at
undisturbed for the period of time recommended by the the operator's discretion using the manufacturer's
extinguisher manufacturer, or ifno time is recommended, recommended extinguishing techniques.
for 60 min. Examine the fuel bed and checkthatthe fire is
completely extinguished and that more than 10 percent After the discharge is completed, allow the fire tray to
of the original metal fuel remains. remain undisturbed for the period of time recommended
by the manufacturer, or if no time is recommended for
8.5.3 Metal Powder or Dust Fires 4 ± 0.5 h. Then using a suitable temperature measuring
devicecheckthat the fuel/extinguishing medium mixture Construction in the tray is at a temperature no more than 27°C above
Construct the fires in the same manneras the metal chip the ambient air temperature and thatmorethan 10 percent
fires (see of the original fuel remains. Fuel Panfire

Use magnesium powder containing not less than 99.5 This test is carriedout entirely in the melting pan.
percent magnesium. All the particlesshall pass a 387 JJm
sieveand no less than 80 percent of the powdershall be Meltthe fuel and allow it to ignite generally as described
retained on a 150 um sieve. Carry out two series of tests in When the temperature reaches 5S0 ± 10°C
oneseries using 1).0 ± 0.1 kg of dry metal and one series move the pan from the heat source and place it on a level
using 9.9 ± 0.1 kg of the metalplus 1.1 :i:: 0.1 kg of the oil floor, where itmaybeattacked at theoperator'sdiscretion,
specified in for each fire. using the manufacturer's recommended extinguishing
techniques. After discharge is completed, follow the
8.S.3.3 Procedure procedure described in
Carry out the tests usingthe same procedure as the metal 8.5.5 SimulatedCasting Fire
chip fires in General
8.5.4 Shallow LiquidMetal Fires
The tire consists of melted metal poured into the steel Construction traydescribed in positioned on a level surface with
an obstruction, formed from a SO ± 5 nun length of steel
Two series of tests arecarried out.Oneserieswill becarried l-beam, 100 mm deep and 100 mm wide, positioned
out in a circular steel pan approximately 540 mm in centrally in the tray, on its side in the attitude of an arch,
diameter and 1SO:i: 10 rnm deep, fittedwith a tightfitting , as shown in Fig. 3.
cover, and with suitable means of handling, moving and
tipping, and with a horizontal thermocouple to be
positioned in the approximate centre of the pan.This pan Fuel
is also used to melt the metal fuel, using a heat source Use 11.3 :i: 0.1 kg of the magnesium alloy described
which does not allow any flames to extend beyond the in
baseof the pan. In the secondseries, melted burning fuel
is poured on a tray approximately 600 rnm x 600 mm Procedure
square and having a depth of (155 ± 5) mm. Heat the magnesium alloy in the covered melting pan
described in until completely melted. Carefully Fuel remove thecoverandcontinue to heatuntil thetemperature
Use (1.36:i:: 0.04) kg of sodium for the spill tire, and for reaches 650 :i: 10°C above the melting point if the fuel
the pan firesufficient sodium to give a melted fuel depth does not ignite spontaneously usethe gas torch (see
of(25::i: 1) mm. to ignite it. Pourthe fuel intothetray,butnotdirectly over
the obstruction. As soon as the burning fuel has spread Procedure across the tray, the fire can be attacked at the operator's
discretion using the manufacturer's recommended SJ'illj1~ extinguishing techniques.
Position the square tray on a flat level surface. Heat the
metal in the covered melting pan until the tempenture is After discharge is completed follow the procedure
520:i:10°C. Carefully remove thecover, al10wing the liquid described In
IS 15683 : 2006

I_ 75 -I
~----------------~ =====:
LI i

T T Key
1- Obstuction
2- Testpan
3· Moltenfuel

All dimensions in millimctres.


8.6 Electrical Conductivity of Extinguisher Discharge 8.6.3 Test for Electrical Conductivity
(Type Test) Hanga metal plate,of dimensions 1 m ± 25 mm x 1 m ±
25 mrn, vertically from insulating supports. Connect the
8.6.1 Water-Based Extinguishers
plate to a transformer so that an alternating voltage of
Water-based extinguishers that are marked as suitable for 36 % 3.6 kV is established between the plate and earth.
use on energized electrical equipment fires shall not pass The impedance of the circuit should be suchthat when a
a current of more than 0.5 rnA when tested as described voltageequalto 10percentofthe nonnal primary voltage
in 8.6.3. is applied to the primary, and the secondary is
short-circuited, the current in the secondary is not less
8.6.1 Requirements than 0.1 rnA.
Test the extinguisher in accordance with 8.6.3. When the
extinguisher is in operation and the metallic plate is live, Mount the extinguisher on an insulating support with the
the current between the handle or the nozzle and earth nozzle fixed 1m fromthecentreof the plate, at right angles
and between earth and the extinguisher shall be no more to it and directed towards it. Connect the extinguisher to
than O.S rnA at any time during the complete discharge theearth. Inthecaseofanextinguisher with a hose connect
duration of the extinguisher. it to theearth by connection at thenozzle or in the case of

IS 15683 : 2006

an extinguisher not fitted with a hose, by connection at Conduct the test on a minimum of three
the handle. extinguishers conditioned at S5 °C for 18 h.

Measure anycurrentflowing between the extinguisher and Forstored-pressure type extinguishers, determine
the earth when the plate is live and the extinguisher the pressure immediately after taking each extinguisher
discharging. out of the oven. For cartridge-operated type extinguishers,
remove each extinguisher from the oven and activate the
9 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS cartridge immediately.

9.1 High-Pressure Extinguishers Foreach type of extinguisher thehighest pressure

Extinguishers with a service pressure greater than 19 bar observed during is recorded as the maximum
(C0 2) shall have concave base. For carbon dioxide service pressure (P l1li)'
extinguishers, in case of steel body, it shall conform to
IS 7285 and in case of aluminium-body, 'it shall conform 9.2.2 Burst Test
to IS 15660. Gas cartridge shall conform to IS 4947. The
CO2 gas cartridgeshall be of minimum 60 g. Fill the extinguisher with a suitable liquid and
increasethe pressure at a rate not exceeding (20 ± 2) barf
9.2 Low-Pressure Extinaulshers min until the minimum burst pressure (P.) is achieved.
Maintain this pressure for I min without the cylinder
9.2. I General Requirements rupturing. Increase the pressure until ruptureoccurs. The
minimum burst pressure (PJ shall be 2.7 x PmI but in no Theserequirements are applicableto extinguishers case less than 5S bar.
having a service pressure (P J not exceeding 19 bar. The bursting test shall not cause the cylinder to A portable extinguisher with a charge exceeding fragment.
3 kg shallbeconstructed such that it can bestoodvertically
without extra support. Gas cartridge shall conform to The break shall not show any sign of brittleness,
IS 4947. that is the edges of the break shall not be radial but shall
be slanting in respect of a diametrical plane and shall Themanufacturer shall ensurethat the weldsshow exhibit a reduction in area over their entire thickness.
continuous penetration with no deviation in the weld.
Welds and brazedjoints shall be free from defects which The break shall not showanycharacterized defect
are prejudicial to the safe use of the cylinder. in the metal. Partsattachedto the bodyoftheextinguishershall The break shall not occur in the weldat a pressure
be manufactured and fitted in a way that minimize . less than 5.4 x P1M or 8 MPa (80 bar), whichever isgreater.
concentrations of stress and corrosion risks. In the case of
welded and brazed parts, the metal shall be compatible During the burst test, no parts shall be ejected
with the cylinder material. from the extinguisher. The cylinder manufacturer shall obtain the 9.2.3 Crushing Test (Type Test)
certificate for the cast analysis of material supplied.
9.2.3. I Crush a minimum of three extinguishers
9..2.1.6 Where plastic components are threaded into
perpendicularly to their longitudinal axis, and at their
metallic parts they shall be designed to minimize the
midpointusingtwo 25 mm thick mandrelswitha radiusat
possibility of cross-threading. This shall be accomplished
their apex of )2.5 nun and a width sufficient to extend
by the use of coarse threads of less than 5 threads fern or
beyond the sides of the extinguisher (see Fig. 4). Crush
by the use of square-cutthreads.
the cylinder'over a period between 30 s and 60 s. In the Extinguishers whichare free standingshall either case of extinguishers with a longitudinal weld place, the
be fitted witha meansto raise the pressure-retaining part weld seam at 90 0 to the support lines. For extinguishers
of the bodyat least5 nun above the floor,or the thickness with central transverse welds, apply the mandrel at 450 to
of metal in the lowestpressure retaining part or parts of the weld seam.
the body shall not be less than 1.5 times the minimum
thickness of the cylindrical part of the body. After the crushing test, till the extinguishers with
water and increase the pressure to- test pressure (P I ). the Determinat~on ofmaximum servicepressure (P,J extinguishers shall not exhibit any cracks or leaks.

IS 15683 : 2006

OTis the distanceafter test
o is the outside diameterof cylinder


9.2.4 Permanent Volumetric Expansion Test (Type Test) greater thantheminimum thickness given bythefollowing
It is only for high pressure cylinders. There shall be no formula but in no case lessthan 0.70 mm:
pennanent expansion in excessof 10 percent of the total D .
expansion of the cylinder when subjected to the test S=-+k
pressure (Pc) for 30 s. For cylinders that havebeenproof- 300
pressure testedpriorto the deformation test, test pressure where
shallbe increased by 10 percent' S = minimum thickness, expressed in mm;
NOTE - An acceptable test apparatus is the water jacket test D = outside diameter of the cylinder or, for non-
however othermethods are alsoacceptable. cylindrical bodies, the greatest external diagonal
of the extinguisher body, expressed in mm; and
9.2.5 Pressure Cycling Test (Type Test) k = coefficient equal to:
A minimum of two cylinders shall be tested. 0.45 for D S 80;

An extinguisher cylinder shall sustain, without rupture, 0.50 for 80 < D S 100; and
5 000 cycles from 0 to the test pressure (P.) and back to 0.70 for D> 100.
oat the rate of 6 cycles/min. At the conclusion of testing,
the cylinder shall be subjected to and comply with the 9.2.7 Stainless Steel Cylinders
bursttest. Stainless steeldomes and bottoms shallbe drawn
9.2.6 ""Ided LowCarbon Steel Cylinder from fully annealed stock. The cylinder material shall be capable of being Onlyaustenitic stainless steel having a maximum
welded and shall contain a maximum of 0.25 percent carbon content of 0.03 percent shall be used.
carbon, 0.05 percent of sulphur and 0.05 percent of
phosphorous. The cylinder shall have a minimum measured
wall thickness greater than the minimum wall thickness Fillermaterial shall be compatible with the steel given by the following formula but in no case less than
to give welds with properties equivalent to those specffled O.64mm:
for the base sheet. D
600 The cylinder shall have a measured thickness
IS 15683 : 2006

where EXCEPTION -A minimum vertical motion of3 mm isacceptable

foran extinguisher having a gross massof S.4 kg or less.
S = minimum wall thickness, expressed in mm;
D = outside diameter of the cylinder or, for non- 9.4.3 Amounting bracketshall becapable of withstanding
cylindrical bodies, thegreatest external diagonal a static load of five times the fully charged mass of the
of the extinguisher body, expressed in mm; and extinguisher, whentested in accordance with 9.4.4.
k = 0.3.
9.4.4 Place an extinguisher chargedto its rated capacity
9.2.8 Aluminium Cylinders in the mounting bracket provided with the extinguisher
after the mounting bracket has been secured to a wood Aluminium cylinders shall be of a seamless board. Securethe board ina vertical position and applya
construction. static load of four times the full extinguisher mass (or a
total load of 45 kg minus the full extinguisher mass, Aluminium cylindersshall have a measured wall minimum) to the top of the extinguisher. Holdthe loadfor
thickness greater than or equal to the minimum thickness Smin.
given by the following fonnula but in no case less than
0.71 mm: 9.4.5 A mounting bracketequipped with a strap shall not
permitthe extinguisher to drop to the floorwhenthe strap
D clampis opened.The clampreleasingdeviceshallbe ofa
S=-- +k
80 colourcontrasting with thatofthe immediate extinguisher
where background and shall be visible. The method of release
shall be obvious when viewing the front of theextinguisher.
S = minimum thickness, expressed in mm;
D = outside diameter of the cylinder, or for non- 9.4.6 A hanger loopshall be located so that the operating
cylindrical bodies the greatest external diagonal instructions face outward when the extinguisher is
of the extinguisher body, expressed in mm; and supported by the mounting means.
k = coefficient equal to:
9.5 Caps, Valves and Closures
0.2 for D S 100 mm;
0.3 for D> 100mm. 9.5.1 Cylindercaps, valvesand closures shallbedesigned
to provide release of pressure before complete
9.3 Carrying Handle disengagement.

9.3.1 An extinguisher having a total mass of 1.5 kg or 9.5.2 Threaded connections on cylindershallhaveat least
more and having a cylinder diameter of 75 rnm or more fourfull threadsof engagement and be required to relieve
shallhavea carryinghandle. pressure with at leasttwofull threads of engagement. Other
. typesof valves,caps and closuresare permissible if they
NOTE - The valve assembly head itself may be considered a cansatisfy the samerequirements, particularly withregard
handle, provided it meets the requirements of 9.3.2 and 9.3.3. to recurrent tests and fi lling, .
9.3.2 A handle shall be not less than 90 mm long for an 9.5.3 The inside diameter of a filling opening for a
extinguisher of 7.0 kg or more total mass and not less rechargeable type extinguisher shall be no less than
than 75 nun long for an extinguisher of less than 7.0 kg 19mm.
total mass.
9.5.4 An extinguisher collar with external threads shall
9.3.3 There shall benotlessthan 25 mm clearance between have sufficient height so that the cap or valve does not
extinguisher body andthecarrying handle whenthehandle contactthe dome or bottom with the gasketremoved.
is in the carrying position.
9.5.5 A cap. valves or closure shall withstand the burst
9.4 Mounting test pressurespecified for the cylinder for ) min without
rupture. For this test, remove or plug pressure relief
9.4.1 Each extinguisher intended for wall mounting shall devices.
be provided with a meansof mounting.
9.5.6 The edgesand surfacesof a fireextinguisher and its
9.4.2 A wall mounting hookshallrequire both a horizontal. mounting bracker.shall not be sufficiently sharp to
and a minimum 6 nun vertical motion to remove the constitute a risk of injury to persons during intended use
extinguisher from the wall. or while perfonning maintenance.

IS 15683 : 2006

9.6 Safety Devices Plasticscomponents of portablefireextinguishers

shall comply with the followingrequirements.
9.6.1 High pressure cylinders and cartridges shall be
provided with a safety device in accordancewith national The test and conformity checks shall be carried out on
regulations. components which correspond to the mass-produced
components in respect of the material used, the form and
9.6.2 There are no compulsory safety systems required the method of manufacture.
for low-pressure extinguishers. However, ifsuch a system
is used,it must be appropriately sizedand positioned. The It is recommended that the plastic used, be
operatingpressure of the device shall not exceed the test identifiable at all times.
pressure (P,) norbe less than the maximum service pressure
(P ml)' Any change in the material, the form, or the method of
manufacture requiresa new test.
9.7 Manufacturing Tests It is necessaryto have access to data supplied by
9.7.1 Low-Pressure Cylinders the manufacturer relating both to the material itself and
the manufacturing procedures. At least one cylinder from each batch of 500 or
less shall be subjected to the burst tests. If the test results Toverifythe attachmentof plasticpartsfollowing
are not acceptable, randomly select five additional the air-ovenageing,ultraviolet lightexposure and impact-
cylindersfrom the same batch and repeat the tests. If one resistance tests,attachthe plasticpart(s)to an extinguisher
of the cylinders does not pass the test,the batch is rejected and then subject the assemblyto the appropriate pressure
and madeunserviceable. Atthe optionof the manufacturer, test.
the burstand crushingtest may be conductedon the same
cylinder. 9.8.2 Requirements/orNormallyPressurized Components Eachcylindershallbe subjected to thetestpressure Burst strength

(PI) for 30 s, without leakage, failure or visible
deformation. Conduct burst tests at three temperatures as
9.7.2 Leakage Test (Type Test) Subject at least three components to the burst test in
Eachstored-pressure and carbon dioxideextinguisherand accordance with 9.2.2 using an appropriate liquid at
gas cartridge shall be subjected to a leakage test and temperatures of 27±5°C, the minimum recommended
complywith the followingrequirements: operation temperature marked on the extinguisher
a) Stored-pressure extinguishers fitted with a gauge (see 7.1), and 55 ± SoC. Increase the pressureat a rate of
as specified in, the leakage rate shall not 2 ± 0.2 MPa/min.
exceed a rate of loss of pressurizing content
equivalent to 5 percent per annum of service The burstingpressurebeforeandaftertheageing
pressure. and ultravioletlightexposuretest shall be at leastequal to
the minimum burst pressure (P b )
b) Gas cartridges and stored-pressure extinguishers
without gaugesas specified in, the maximum Air-oven ageing
loss of contents per annum shall not exceed the
following: Subjectat leastthree components to accelerated
1) for extinguishers: 5 percent or SO g, whichever ageing in an oven at 100°C for 180 days. Fit the
is less, and components with adapters to apply normal assembly
2) for 'gas cartridges: 5 percent or 7 g, whichever stresses.
is less. Following the exposure, condition the
c) Carbondioxide extinguishers the maximum lossof components for S h at 27 ± SoC and subsequently inspect
contents shall not exceed 5 percent per annum. them for cracking. No cracking shall be permitted,
NOTE - All stored-pressure extinguisher soapsolution test be Subject the components to the burst test in
conducted to check leakage as a routine test.
accordancewith 9.2.2 at 27 ± 5 °C using a suitableliquid
9.8 Requirements for Plastics Components at a rate of pressure increase of 2 :J: 0.2 MPa/min. The
bursting pressure (P b) shall be at least equal to that
9.8.1 General Requirements specified for the cylinder.
IS 15683 : 2006

9.8.3 Ultraviolet Light Exposure shall then becapable ofwithstandingthe test pressure (PI)
without bursting. Subject at least six components to an artificial
weathering test in accordance with for 500 h and 9.8.5 Normally Non-pressurized Components
then conditionthem for S h at 20 % SoC. Subject plastic extinguisher components which Following the exposure, inspect the samples for withstand pressure upon extinguisher operation to the
cracking. No cracking shall be permitted, burst, air-ovenageingand impact-resistance tests.The air-
oven exposure is either 100°C for 70 days or 87°C for Subject the components to the burst test in 180 days at the manufacturer's choice.
accordance with 9.2.2 at 20 ± S °C using a suitable liquid
at a rate of pressure increase of 2 :l: 0.2 MPa/min. The External plastic components shall comply with
bursting pressure (P b) shall be at least equal to that the ultraviolet light test.
specified for the cylinder.
9.8.6 Test for Exposure to Extinguishing Medium Use two stationary enclosed carbon-arc lampsto
obtain the ultraviolet light. The arc of each lamp is to be Thereshallbeno damageto polymeric siphon tubes
fonned betweentwo vertical carbon electrodes, 12.7 mm which have been conditioned in accordance with,
in diameter, located at the centre of a removable vertical when installed in test extinguishers and subjected to the
metalcylinder, 787 mm in diameter and 450 mm in height. mechanical resistance test described in 7.5.
Enclose eacharc in a clear borosilicate-glass globe.Mount
the samples vertically on the inside of the revolvable Following conditioning inaccordance with9.8.6.3,
cylinder, facing the lamps, and revolve the cylinder ring samples cut from polymeric siphon tubes shall not
continuously around the stationary lamps at I rev/min. exhibitdegradation in excess of 40 percentof the original
Providea systemofnozzles so as to spray each sample,in tensile or ring crushing strength value.
tum, with water as the cylinder revolves. During each
operatingcycle (total of20 min), expose each sample to Place complete siphon tubes in contact with the
the light and water spray for 3 min and to the light only extinguishing (water based only) media with which they
for 17 min. Maintain the air temperature within the are to be used. Totally cover or immerse ring samples,
revolving cylinder of the apparatus during operation at 12.7mmwide,cut from unaged siphontubes inthe media.
63 ± SoC. Ensure thesamplesdo nottoucheachotheror thecontainer
holding the media and samples. Place the container of
Alternatively, test by usinga Xenonarc source,fora period media, with the samples in place, in a preheated oven at
of 500h may becarriedout. Usethe following conditions: 90 ± 5 °C for 210 days. After the test exposure, cool the
a) 65::l: 3°C black panel temperature; samples in air at 27 ± S °C for at least 24 h before any
. tests or dimensional measurements are conducted. Subject
b) 50:l: 5 percent relative humidity; the ring samples to a crush test between two parallel flat
c) spray cycle: 102 min dry interval, 18 min water plates using a testing machine capable of applying a
spray; and compressive load at a uniform rate of 5 mm/min and
recording the load versus the deflection. If the nature of
d) total dose of exposure : I GJ/m 2 (500 h at the material is such that meaningful test resultscannot be
SSO W/m 2) . obtained, other tests, such as tensile tests, may be
9.8.4 Impact Resistance
9.9 Hose Assemblies (Batch Test) Mount at leastfoursamplessubjected to theageing
test (see (two with and two without the safety- 9.9.1 Extinguishers with a charge greater than 3 kg shall
locking device engaged), and pressurize the extinguisher be equipped with a hose assembly having a minimum
cylinder to the maximum service pressure (P l1li) with length of400 mm.
nitrogen after being tilled 9S percent with a water and
anti-freeze solution. Test the samples at -27 ± SoC or at 9.9.2 The hose and coupling system shall function
the minimum recommended operation temperature, throughoutthe operatingtemperaturerange,and coupling
whichever is lower. The test is carried out as described systems shall be designed and fitted in such a way that
in 7.5.1. they cannot damage the hose. No hazardous changes shall occur to the valve 9.9.3 The burst pressure of a hose assemblyfitted with a
assembly such as splinters, fractures or cracks. The valve shut-offnozzleshallbe equal to or greater than appropriate
IS 15683 : 2006

value below. The test pressure shall be established by Table 10 Force or Energy Required to
increasing the pressure to the minimum allowable burst Operate the Extinguisher
pressure in a time no less than 30 s, maintaining that (Clause 9.10)
pressure for 30 s during which failure shall not occur and
then increasing the pressure until failure. Type of Maximum Force Energy
Operation Required
For all types except CO 2 and clean agent extinguishers: (I) (2) (3)
a) 2.0 times the maximum service pressure (P rm)' the Withone finger 100
test being carried out at 7 ± 5 °C; and With full hand 20011
With impact (strike knob) 2
. b) 1.5 times the maximum service pressure (P ms), the
test being carried out at 55 ± 2 °C. II For carbon dioxide extinguishers. this maximum force may be
increased to 300 N.
For CO2 and clean agent extinguishers:
a) 1.S times the maximum service pressure (P ms)' the EXCEPTION - The safety-locking pin may be on the reverse
tes~ being carried out at 27± 5°C; and side of the extinguisher if pictographic operating instructions on
the front illustrate the intended methodof operation.
b) 1.25timesthe maximumservice pressure (P ms), the
test being carried out at 55 ± 5°C. 9.11.4 If the safety.. locking device is attached to the
extinguisher by a chain or similar device, the chain shall
9.9.4 A hose assembly without a shut-ofT nozzle shall be be attached so as to not interferewith the discharge stream.
capable of withstanding, without leakage, a hydrostatic
pressure equal to the extinguisher test pressure, (PI) held 9.11.5 A tamper indicator such as a seal shall be provided
for at least 30 s. to retain the safety.. locking device in place and to indicate
tampering with or use of the extinguisher.
9.10 Method of Operation (Batch Test)
The extinguisher shall be operated by piercing, opening 9.] t.6 The tamper indicator shall be constructedso that it
and/or breaking a sealing device, thus releasing its must be broken to operate the extinguisher. The force
contents.Extinguishersshall operate without inversion. It required to break the tamper indicator shall not exceed
shall not be necessary for any movement of the actuating 70N.
mechanismto be repeated in order to initiate discharge of
EXCEPTION - If the tamper indicator is broken by the action
the extinguisher. The forces or the energy necessary to neededto start discharge of the extinguisher, or ifan internal load
operatethe extinguisher shall not exceed the values given is continuously applied to the release mechanism, the force
in Table 10 for temperatures up to 55°C. required to accomplish discharge or release of the internal load
may exceed 70 N, but shall not exceed 140 N.

The energy of 2 J is obtained by allowing the 4 kg mass

used in the mechanical resistance (impact) test described 9.12 Requirements for Pressure Gauges and Indicators
in 7.5 to fall from a height of 50 mm, The impact shall be for Low-Pressure Extinguishers
applied in the direction of the operating mode.
9.12.1 General
9.11 Safety-Locking Devices (Batch Test) A rechargeable extinguisher of thestored-pressure
9.11.1 The operating mechanism shall be provided with a type (except carbon dioxide) employing a single chamber
safetydeviceto prevent inadvertentoperation.The release for both the extinguishing medium and the expellant gas
ofthe safety device with tamper indicator shall involvean shallbe equipped with a pressure gaugeto showthe amount
operation distinct from that of the operation mechanism of pressurein the chamberregardless if the valveis opened
and shall require a force of no less than 20 N but not or closed.
exceeding 100N. It shall be possible to determinewhether
the apparatus may have been operated. The operable pressure range of the gauge shall
reflect the operating temperature-pressure relationshipof
the extinguisher (see 7.1).
9.11.2 The safety-locking device shall be made of a
corrosion-resistantmaterial. The pressure gauge face shall indicate the
appropriate units for which the gauge is calibrated, such
9.11.3 The safety-locking pin or other device shall be as bar, or kPa, or any combination of pressure units.
visible from the front of the extinguisher when the
extinguisher is mounted in its mounting bracket. The maximum indicated gauge pressureshall be

IS 15683 : 2006

between 1SO percent and 250 percent of the indicated a) ::1:4 percent for powder and water-based
service pressure (P s>at 20°C, but not lessthan 120percent extinguishergauges; and
of the maximum service pressure (P ml>' The gauge dial
shallindicate, in green,the operablepressurerangeof the b) ± 8 percent for clean-agentextinguishergauges.
extinguisher. The zero, service, and maximum indicated
gauge pressures shall be shown in numerals and with At the zero pressure mark the error shall not exceed
marks. The background of the gauge face above a 12 percent, nor fall below 0 percent of the service
horizontal linethroughthe lowestrequiredmarkings shall pressure (P.>.
be red.The arc of the dial from the zero pressurepoint to
thelowerendof the operablerange shall read 'Recharge'. At the maximum indicated pressure the error shall not
The arc of the dial from the higher end of the operable exceed ± 15 percent of the service pressure (P ,.).
range to the maximum indicated pressure shall read
'Overcharged'.All numerals, letters,and characters in the The pressure gauge or indicator is to be
recharge, operable, and overcharge portions of the dial installed on a deadweight gaugetesteror a pipingapparatus
shallbe white. Pointersshall be yellow, and the tip of the with a master gauge having an accuracy of no less than
pointershallend in the arc of the pressureindicating dots, 0.25 percent.The pressurizingmediummay be oil, water
and shall have a maximumtip radius of 0.25 mm. nitrogen, or air, but all tests on a given type of gauge are
to be conducted using the same medium. The pressureis
The lengthof the pointer from the point of rotationof the to be appliedto thegauge undertest in uniform increments
pointer to the tip, measured at the zero pressure point, until the upper limitof the gauge is reached. The pressure
shall be at least 9 mm for extinguishers having a charge then is to be reducedin the same increments untilthezero
greaterthan2 kg or at least6 mm for extinguishers having point is reached. The pressure applied, the gauge or
a charge of 2 kg or less. The length of the arc from zero indicatorreading,and net error are to be 'recorded foreach
pressureto the indicatedservice pressure shall be at least incrementin both the increasingand decreasingpressure
12 mm for extinguishers having a charge greater than conditions.
2 kg or at least 9 mm for extinguishers filled with clean
agentsor having a charge of 2 kg or less. 9.12.3 Burst Strength Test- Gauges and Indicators The mark used to indicate the service pressure A pressuregauge or an indicatorshallwithstand,
at 27°C should be no less than 0.6 mm and no more than for I min, a pressure of six times the indicated service
1.0mm wide. pressurewithoutrupture. In addition, if the Bourdontube
or pressure-retaining assembly bursts at a pressure less The pressure gauge face shall be marked to thaneight timesthe indicatedservicepressure, no partsof
indicate theappropriate extinguishing medium withwhich the device shall be discarded.
it can be used.
, Attach the sample gauge or indicator to a The pressure gauge shall be marked with the hydraulic pressure pump after all air has been excluded
gauge manufacturer's identifying mark. The pressure from the test system. Place the sample in a test cage and
gaugeshall also be marked according to the following, if apply pressure at a rate of approximately 2.0 MPalmin
applicable, using a line extending as wide as, and of the until therequired testpressure isreached. Holdthepressure
same stroke thicknessas, the manufacturer's identifying is to be held at this point for I min, then increase the
mark. pressure until rupture occurs or eight times the indicated
service pressure is reached, whicheveroccurs first.
9.12.2 Calibration Test- Gauges and Indicators
9.12.4 Overpressure Test - Gauges An indicatorshallbe accurateto within4 percent
oftheservice pressure (P) at thelowerlimitof theoperable The difference in readings of indicated service
range. pressure, before and after a pressure gauge has been
subjected for 3 h to a pressure of 110 percent ,of the The error of a pressure gauge at the indicated indicated gauge capacity, shall not exceed 4 percent of
service pressure (P,> shall not exceed :1:4 percent of the indicatedservice pressure.
servicepressure. Subject sample pressure gauges to the required
The error at the upper and lower limits of the operable tesf pressure for 3 h. Then release the pressureand allow
range shall notexceedthefollowing percentages of service the gauges to stand at zero pressure for 1 h. Subject the
pressure: gaugesto the calibration test described in 9.12.2.

IS 15683 : 2006

9.12.S Water Resistance Test- Gauges and Indicators crushing when 25 kg is applied to its extremity for 5 min
Agauge or indicator for use on an extinguisher shall remain immediately after having completely discharged the
watertight after being immersed at a depth of 0.3 m in extinguisher throughthe hom.
water for 2 h, and after being subjected to the salt-spray
corrosion test (see 7.6.1). Subjectthe hom to the following test:
'a) Condition the hom at S5 °C for 18 h;
9.12.6 Leakage Test- Gauges and Indicators b) Attach the hom to a fully chargedextinguisher; A pressuregauge or indicatorshall not leakat a c) Discharge the extinguisher with the valve fully
rate in excessof I )( 10-6 em)/s whenthe gaugeor indicator open;
(including a pin-type indicator) is exposed to a pressure d) Subject the hom to a static load of 2S kg using a
equivalent to the intended service pressure of the circular contact surface of 50 mm diameter for
extinguisher at 20°C. 5 min applied at the end of the hom: and A leak detection apparatus and leak standard e) Checkthat the hom does not showanyevidence of
are to be usedto verifycompliance withthe requirements crackingor breakage.
specified in The leak detection apparatus is to
be capableof signaling, and the leak standardcapable of 10 MARKING AND COLOUR
generating, a leakagerate of 1 x 10-6 ern'Is.
10.1 Colour Apply a pressure equivalent to the intended The recommended colour for extinguisher bodies is red
working pressure of the extinguisher at 27°C to each of conforming to shade No. 536 or 538 of IS 5. The paint
twelve samplegauges or indicators. Subject each sample shall conform to IS 2932.
gauge or indicator, other than a pin-type indicator, to a
leak test by checking all pressurized components for 10.2 Marking
leakage inorderto verify compliance withtherequirements
givenin Testeach pin-typeindicatorfor leakage NOTE - Anexample of the layout formarking isgiven in Fig. S.
by checking the opening sealed by the indicator for
leakage. None of the samples shall exhibit leakage at a 10.2.1 General
rate in excessof 1 x 10-6 ern'Is.
10.2. J.J The operating, recharging, and inspection and
9.12.7 Plastics Components - Gauges and Indicators maintenance instructions shall be in the form of an etched
or embossed metal nameplate or band, or an acceptable
Plastic components of gauges and indicators shall meet pressure-sensitive nameplate attached to the side of the
the requirements given in 9.8. extinguisher body, or inthe form of silk-screening of paint
NOTE - Alternatively, forgauges, manufacturer's certificate or directly .on the extinguisher body. The marking shall
calibration certificate from anyrecognized agency shall be made identify -the extinguisher as to type of media and shall
available. include the manufacturer's name and model number and
the rating and classification of the fire extinguisher.
9.13 Dip-Tubes and Filters - Water-Based
Extingulshen The marking shall include a sequential serial
9.13.1 Thedip-tube andfilterof water-based extinguishers number.
shall be constructed of materials resistant to the
extinguishin, medium (see 9.8.6). The year of manufacture, or the lasttwodigitsof
the calendar year, and the factory test pressure shall be
9.13.2 The extinguishing medium from water-based permanently marked into the extinguisher body or non-
extinguishers shallbedischarged througha filter. Thefilter transferable nameplate. Extinguishers manufactured inthe
shall be placed upstream of the smallest section of the last three months of a calendar year may be marked with
discharge passage. Each orifice of the filter shall have an the following year as the date of manufacture, and
area less than that of the smallest cross-section of the extinguishers manufactured in the first three months of a
discharge passage. The total area of the combined tilter calendar year may be marked with the previous year as
orifices shall be at least equal to five times the smallest the date of manufacture.
section of the discharge passage.
, Themarking shall include a reference to therange
9.14 Special Requirements for CO 2 Extinguishers of temperatures at which the extinguisher is usable, such
(1)'pe Test) as· ' Acceptable to use at temperature from ... to ... or the

The extinguisher hom shall be constructed to withstand equivalent.




MEETS ceo 22(7272)



--(m MODEL
~1J ?


IS 15683 : 2006 The following applicable statement or the The operating instructions shall face outward
equivalentshall be included in the marking: and cover no more than a 1200 arc on the extinguisher
a) For rechargeable extinguishers: •Recharge body. The marking required in and 10.1.3 shall
immediately after any uset; and together occupy a minimum surface area of75.0 em' for
an extinguisherhaving a diameter greater than 80.0 mm
b) Fordisposable extinguishers: 'Discardimmediately
and 50.0 em' for and extinguisher having a diameter of
after any uset •
80.0 mm or less. The gas cartridge shall be permanently marked The operating instructions shall be arranged as
with: follows:
a) Empty mass in g,
a) Word 'INSTRUCTIONS' shall be at the top of the
b) Nominal full mass in S,
nameplate. The minimum letter height shall be
c) Year of manufacture,and 6.0 mm for an extinguisher having a diameter
d) Name or code of the manufacturer. greater than 80.0 mm and 5.0 mm for an
extinguisherhaving a diameterof80.0 mmor less.
The above informationmay be placed on the cartridge in As an option, the words FIRE EXTINGUISHER
the form of a decalcomania transfer if the cartridge is or EXTINGUISHER may be added to the word
mounted on theoutsideof the extinguisher mediachamber. INSTRUCTIONS;
If the cartridgeis mounted inside the mediachamber, this
information shall be stenciledor stampedon thecartridge. b) Operating instructions shall be in the form of
numerically sequenced pictographs. A single The marking on each extinguishershall include pictographmay include two instructions;
itsexactgrossmassor minimum andmaximum grossmass, c) Sequence of pictographs shall illustrate, with
which may be expressed by a tolerance. The gross mass pictures, the recommended actions necessary for
shall include the mass of the charged extinguisher and intendedoperationofthe extinguisher. Words may
discharge assembly. be added. The sequenceshall be as follows:
1) making ready the extinguisher by disengaging BIS certification marking
the safety-lockingdevice,
The extinguishermay also be marked with the Standard
2) aiming the extinguisher at the base of the fire,
including the recommended distance from the
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the fire at which to begin discharge, and indicating
provisions of the Bureau ofIndian Standards Act, 1986 the intended operating attitude of the
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The extinguisher,
detailsof conditionsunder which a licence for the use of 3) taking whatever action necessary to initiate
the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or operation of the extinguisher, and
producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian
4) describingthe intended. method of applyingthe
extinguishingmedia on the fire.
10.2.2 Operating Instructions extinguishershallbe marked withletters' A', For the purpose ofapplying the requirements of
'B' and 'C' indicatingtheir suitability for respective class
thissection, the •operating instructions' aredefined asthose of tires as laid down in IS 2190 and numerical indicating
necessary to accomplish intended discharge of the size of fire such 2A and B etc.
extinguishing media includingany warnings. An example
10.2.3 UseCodeSymbols
of the layoutmarking is given in Fig. 6. Usecodesymbols(see Fig.6) shall be positioned Clean-agentfire extinguishersshall contain the
directly below the operating instructions. A written
following warning or equivalent as part of the operating
description for each use code symbol may be includedas
instructions: part of the code in letters having a minimum height of
WARNING - The concentrated agent when applied to the tire lOmm.
canproduce toxicby-products. Avoid inhalation of thesematerials
by eVlCuatina and ventilatina the area. Do not use in confined Use code symbols shall be placed on the
.paces of less thanXXX cubicmetres per extinguisher.
extinguisher for those types of fires for which the
NOTE - XXX is the volume iD cubic metres correspondina to extinguisher is classified. For those classes of fires for
the..ent's LOAEL timesthe nominal charge of the extinguisher. whichthe extinguishersis not intendedfor use because of
IS 15683 : 1006

1 2

3 4
1. Class A : Ordinary solid material fires
2. Class B : Flammable liquid fires
3. Class C : Gas and vapour fires
4. Class 0 : Combustible metalfires


potential injuryto theoperator, the usecodesymbols with forrecharging, using thefollowing words or theequivalent:
a redslash shall also be placedon the extinguisher. The "Return to an authorized recharger for recharging in
red slash shall befrom the top leftcomer ofthe symbol to accordance with Service Manual No... ".
the bottom rightcomer.
I0.3 Inspection Instructions
10.2.4 Recharging Instructions The inspection instructions shall statethatthe extinguisher
The recharging instructions on the marking of a is to be checked to ensure that:
rechargeable extinguisher shall state the intended mass a) The sealsand tamperindicators are not broken or
and agent that shall be used in recharging, the intended missing;
expellant gas pressure or the use of a comet and a fully b) It is full (by weighing or lifting);
charged gascartridge. Reference shallbemade to useonly
the manufacturer's replacement parts in recharging the c) It is not obviously damaged, corroded, leaking or
extinguisher. However, in lieu of detailed recharge has a clogged nozzle; and
instructions, these instructions may simply instruct theuser d) Its pressure gauge reading or indicator is in the
to return the extinguisher to the dealer or manufacturer operable rangeor position.

IS 15683 : 2006

11 MANUALS a) Contain necessary instruction, warnings, and

cautions, a description of servicing equipment, and
11.1 User Manual and Service Manual
a description of recommended operations for
A user manual shall be provided with each extinguisher. intended servicing,
This manual shall contain the necessary instructions,
warnings, and cautions for the intended installation, b) Provide a list of part numbers of all replaceable
operation and inspection of the extinguisher. The manual parts; and
shall alsoreference the manufacturer's service manual for c) Indicate that the pressure gauge attached to the
maintenance and recharging of the extinguisher. extinguisher shall not be used to determine when
Themanufacturer shallprepare a service manual foreach the intended service pressure hasbeen reached. and
model fire extinguisher. It shall be made available upon a pressure regulator shall be used if the pressure
request and shall: service is a tank of high pressure gas.

(Clause 2)


[SNo. Title /SNo. TItle

5 : 1994 Colours forready mixed paints and mechanical foam for the fire
enamels (fourth revision) fighting
1708(Part 1) : 1986 Method of testing of small clear 6910: 1985 Method of testing corrosion
specimens of timber: Part 1 resistance of electroplated and
Determination of moisture content anodized aluminium coatings by
(second revision) acetic acid salt spray (AAS) test
2190: 1992 Selection, installation and (first revision)
maintenance of first-aid fire 7285 : 1988 Specification for seamless steel
extinguisher - Code of practice cylinder for permanent and high
(secondrevision) pressure liquefiable gases (second
2932: 2003 Enamel, synthetic, exterior; revision)
a) undercoating, b) finishing - 7673 : 2004 Fire fighting equipment -
Specification (thirdrevision) Glossary of terms (first revision)
4308: 2003 Dry chemical powder for fighting
14609 : 1999 Dry chemical powder for fighting
B andC classfires - Specification
A, B,C Class fires - Specification
(second revision)
4861 : 1984 Specification for dry powder for 15222: 2002 Carbon dioxide as fire
fighting fires in burning metals extinguishing media for fire
(first revision) protection - Specification

4947: 1985 Specification forgascartridges for 15493 : 2004 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems
use in tire extinguishers (second - General requirements
15660: 2006 Refillable transportable seamless
4989: 1985 Specification forfoam concentrate aluminium alloy gas cylinder -
(compound) for producing Specification

Bureau of Indian Standards

SIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


SIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. CED 22 (7272).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 Telegrams: Manaksanstha
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