Identify The Correct Option, To Fill in The Blank and Complete The Sentence

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Identify the correct option, to fill in the blank and complete the

1.__ as aluminium, for you can roll, saw, slit and shear it or shape it by extruding - forcing it through a die much as you
squeeze toothpaste through a tube.
(1)Obligingly no other metal takes the myriad shapes to meet our everyday needs
(2)No other metal so obligingly takes the myriad shapes that meet our everyday needs
(3)Other metals will not oblige to taking the myriad shapes to meet our everyday need
(4)No other metal as obliging takes the myriad shapes to meet our everyday need
(5)No other metal that is obliging takes the myriad shapes to meet our everyday need

2.The arms and hands of Deinonychus were another surprise: the wrist joints __ something only man and certain other
mammals can do.
(1)enabling the hands to turn towards each other, permitting precise grasping of prey by both hands working together
(2)turn towards each other enabling the hands to permit precise grasping of prey by both hands working together
(3)enabled the hands to turn towards each other, permitting precise grasping of prey by both hands working together
(4)enabled the hands to turn each other, permit precise grasp of prey by both hands working together.
(5)turn outwards thus permitting precise grasping of pray by both hands working together

3.Nietzsche's military experience was so brief that __ ; the hard Spartan life of commanding and obeying, of endurance
and discipline, appealed to his imagination.
(1)he left the army with almost as many delusions about soldiers as he had had on entering it
(2)he almost left the army with as many delusions about soldiers as he had had on entering it
(3)he left the army with almost as many delusions about soldiers as he had on entering it
(4)he left the army with almost as many delusions as he had to enter it
(5)he left the army almost as many delusions as soldiers he had on entering it

4.We did not foresee that all our sequences of innovations might one day be at once overridden by a greater one: the
invention of a new kind of war that __ that we had ignored.
(1)while turning our previous innovations against us, discovering and exploiting the, debits and the dangers
(2)discovering and exploiting would turn our previous innovations of the debits and the dangers against us
(3)while discovering and exploiting the debits and the dangers would turn our previous innovation against us
(4)would turn our previous innovations against us, discovering and exploiting the debits and the dangers
(5)while exploiting the debits will discover the dangers of the previous innovations against us

5.The language of the Bible is deliberately metaphorical or allegorical __ but because, too, the prophets and the apostles
were compelled to adapt themselves to the capacities and predispositions of the popular mind.
(1)because it partakes of the oriental tendency to high literary colour and ornament
(2)as they partake of the oriental tendency to high literary colour and ornament
(3)not only because it partakes of the oriental tendency to high literary colour and ornament
(4)not only the oriental tendency to high literary colour and ornament they partake
(5)not because it only permits the oriental tendency to high literary colour and ornament

6. The individual is as much a product of society as society is a product of the individual; __ ' to mould it into the image
of the people among whom it has appeared.
(1)a vast network of customs, manners, conventions, language and traditional ideas lie ready for pouncing on every
new-born child
(2)a vast network of customs, manners, conventions, language and traditional ideas lies ready to pounce upon every
new-born child
(3)customs, manners, conventions language and traditional ideas are the vast network lying ready for pouncing to every
new-born child
(4)a vast network of custom manners, convention, language and traditional ideas lie ready to pounce upon every new-
born child
(5)a vast network of customs, manners conventions, language and traditional idea lies readily to pounce upon every
new born child
7.The recognition of Nature as holder of a universal property of vital importance for the planet leads to the conclusion
that __ by the natural function they have to comply with.
(1)human rights of property on natural objects are limited in their use
(2)human rights on property of natural objects are limited in their use
(3)human rights of property on natural objects are limiting their use
(4)limiting their use are human rights on property of natural objects
(5)Human rights of property on natural objects is against biviting their use

8. A proper education enables young people to put their lives in order __ ; it means putting first things first.
(1)which is a means to know things are more important than others
(2)which means knowing which things are more important than other
(3)which means knowing things are more important to others
(4)which means knowing things which are important than other things
(5)which means knowing which things are more important than other things

9. People have asked questions about the origin and nature of the universe but ~_ depending on their level of
(1)the answers have been to change
(2)the answers had kept to change
(3)changing the answers kept
(4)the answers have kept changing
(5)the answers will keep changing

10.When a rising class is inconvenienced by existing law or custom, it appeals from custom to reason and from law to
(1)just as conflicting desires in the individual sparkle into thought
(2)as just conflicting desires in the individual sparkle into thought
(3)sparkling desires in the individual are just thought
(4)just as conflicting desires in the individual sparkle by thought
(5)just as conflicted desires in the individual sparkle into thought

1. The sentence compares other metals to aluminium and finds the latter to be superior. Since the given part of the
question begins with 'as aluminium', the structure has to be 'No other metal is as .. .' Since the subject is singular
the verb is 'takes' (not take - rules out 1 and 3). In choice (4) and (5) obliging is wrong - it is the adverb 'obligingly'

Choice (2)

2. The subject of the missing phrase is 'the wrist joints' choice (1) makes the sentence incomplete. In choice
(2)'enabling the hands to permit' is meaningless. In choice (4) the tenses are mixed up. Choice (5) is meaningless.
Choice (3)

3. The words 'almost left' make choice (2) wrong -

'almost' does not qualify the word left but 'as many delusions' Since 'left' itself IS In the past tense. The earlier past
must be In the past perfect - had had. The singular 'had' makes choice (3) and (4) wrong.
Choice (1)

4. The words in the blank must elaborate on 'the new kind of war". The words that follow the blank'. That we had
ignored' qualifies' debits and dangers. Hence these words must be at the end of the words in the blank. In choice
(1) 'while' makes the sentence Incomplete.
Choice (4)

5. 5. The words that follow the blank'. But because, too .. ‘suggest that the structure we have here is 'not only but
also' type. So we look at choices (3) and (4).Choice (4) does not make much sense.
Choice (3)
6. Since the subject in the blank is 'a vast network', the verb is 'lies' not 'lie' (rules out choices (1) and (4). Choice (3)
has mistakes in prepositions. In Choice (5) the word 'idea is used in singular. This distorts the subject/verb
agreement. Choice (2)

7. Since we recognize that natural properties are of vital importance to the planet, human rights on these are limited
by their use - they must comply with their natural function. This is expressed clearly in choice (1). In choice (2)
the prepositions are wrong. In choices (3), (4)/(5) the meaning conveyed is wrong.
Choice (1)

8. The blank ends with a semi colon and the words that follow are a restatement of what has gone in the blank. Only
choice (5) is a statement of what follows. Some things are more important than their things ('than other' and 'to
other' make choices (1), (2) and (3) wrong). Choice (4) omits more. It is grammatically incorrect.
Choice (5)

9. Only choice (4) is grammatically correct and conveys the meaning appropriately.
Choice (4)

Something is stated in the given part of the sentence which is compared to something else in the blank. Hence 'just
as' is correct. Between (1) and (4) only the former is correct as 'sparkle by thought' is wrong. Choice (5) 'conflicted' is in
correct. Choice (1)

1. Dolphins have an array of cognitive abilities that allow them to

respond and adapt to new situations in their both physical and social
1. in its both physical and social world
2. in their both physical and their social world
3. both in their physical and social world
4. both in their physical and in their social worlds.
2. One who has cultivated the art of reading will instantly discern in a
book what ought to be remembered because it meets ones personal
needs to be of value as general knowledge.
1. it will meet one’s personal needs or of value as general
2. it meets one’s personal needs in addition to being value as
general knowledge
3. it meets one’s personal needs or is of value as general
4. it meets his personal needs or be of value as general
3. The environmental impact of organically derived bio diesel
substantially is lower than petro diesel.
1. is substantially lower than that of petro-diesel.
2. substantially lower than petro diesel
3. substantially is lower than that of petro diesel.
4. substantially lower than that is of petro diesel
4. While campus placements at the graduation level are fast emerging
as a trend, there are many still who opt to go for higher studies
before finally getting started on a career.
1. still many who opt for higher studies finally before.
2. still many who opt to go in for higher studies before finally
3. still many who opt for higher studies before finally
4. many who still opt to go for higher studies finally before
5. It is only when some institutions are seen to perform better than
others and rewarded for it , there will be a move towards better
teaching quality all around
1. better than each other and rewarded for it, that there will be
a move
2. better than each other and are rewarded for it that there will
be a move.
3. better than others and are rewarded for it, that there will be
a move.
4. better than one another and are rewarded for it, there will be
a move
6. Japanese interests and capabilities are so different than Indian that
the two never have tried for competitive influence in Asia.
1. so much different from India’s that the two have never
2. so different than India’s that the two never have
3. such different than India’s that the two never have
4. such different from that of India that the two have never
7. Earthquake result from the eruption of the sub-terranean tectonic
plate movements, the forecasting of which can greatly mitigate the
misery they cause.
1. can greatly mitigate the misery they cause
2. could greatly mitigate the misery they cause
3. should greatly mitigate the misery they cause.
4. will greatly mitigate the misery they cause

1. Its best to attribute his bad mood on tiredness and just forgot it.

1) attribute his bad mood to tiredness

2) contribute his bad mood to tiredness
3) attribute his bad mood with tiredness
4) No change

Correct Option is: 1

2. They were going home when it was starting to rain.

1) When it started to rain

2) when it was raining
3) When it is starting to rain
4) No change

Correct Option is: 1

3. Get out of the building! It sound like the generator is going to


1) it is sounding like the generator is going to explode

2) it sounds like the generator is going to explode
3) it sounds like generator exploded
4) No Changes

Correct Option is: 1

4. As soon as I turn the ignition key, the engine caught fire.

1) I turn an ignition key

2) I turned the ignition key
3) I was turning the ignition key
4) No change

Correct Option is: 2

5. The appropriate atmospheric conditions made it feasible for the

astronomers to see the stars and they could even distinguish the

1) And even distinguish the sizes

2) And they were even distinguishing the sizes
3) And he could even distinguish the sizes
4) And even distinguishing the sizes
Correct Option is: 1

6. The most obvious downside to this pessimism is that it is coming at

their expenses

1) it is coming at their expense

2) It is costing at their expense
3) it will be expensive
4) it was coming at their expense

Correct Option is: 1

7. Munnar is the most refreshing and tranquil hill station in the

state of kerala

1) Is most refreshing and tranquility

2) Is most refresh and tranquil
3) Is a most refreshing and tranquil
4) No improvement needed

Correct Option is: 4

8. America's leadership will look to identify and hunt down perpetrators

of this heinous crime.

1) hunt in
2) hunting down
3) hunt them down
4) No correction required

Correct Option is: 4

9. Markets like Janpath and Connaught Place have a lots of shops
selling very trendy clothes.

1) Have lots of shops selling.

2) Have lot many number of shops selling
3) Have a lot number of shops that were selling
4) No improvement needed

Correct Option is: 1

10. A belief in superstitious people is that birth marks are the

signs of influence on the mother before childbirth

1) A belief in superstitious people that

2) Superstitious people beliefs are that
3) Among superstitious people the belief is that
4) Superstitious people believe that

Correct Option is: 4

11. Tonight I am going to check that Raju will do his homework


1) Raju must be doing his homework correctly

2) Raju shall do his homework correctly
3) Raju does his homework correctly
4) No change

Correct Option is: 3

12. Chicago is widely known for its stuffed pizza and pizza pie
joints have always busting with innumerable people
1) joints which were always busting
2) joints that are always supposed to the busting
3) joints that have always been busting
4) no improvement needed

Correct Option is: 3

13. People working in high positions in companies tend to shifting

their work burden by deligating tasks to their subordinates.

1) Tend for shifting their work

2) Tend to shift their work
3) Tend as to shifting their work
4) No improvement needed

Correct Option is: 2

14. According to the recent research by experts, many women

become victims of trafficking

1) women are becoming

2) women becomes
3) women became
4) no improvement needed

Correct Option is: 1

15. What we have got for dinner?

1) we have got for the dinner

2) we have got for a dinner
3) we gotten for dinner
4) no change
Correct Option is: 4

16. The quality and texture of jeans produced in California would

be a very good.

1) Produced in California are very good

2) Produced into California is very good
3) Produced in California is very good
4) No improvement needed

Correct Option is: 3

17. The appropriate atmospheric conditions made it feasible for the

astronomers to see the stars and they could even distinguish the

1) And even distinguish the sizes

2) And they were even
3) And he could even distinguish the sizes.
4) And even distinguishing the sizes

Correct Option is: 2

18. Due to these reasons we are all in favour of universal

compulsory education.

1) Out of these reasons

2) For these reasons
3) By these reasons
4) No improvement needed

Correct Option is: 2

19. Ranthambore National Park houses endangered species of tiger
that cannot be find anywhere else in the whole country

1) Cannot be found anywhere else in the

2) Cannot be found anywhere other in
3) Cannot found any other place in the
4) No improvement needed

Correct Option is: 1

20. It is also proof that no government now can justify its existence
without giving topmost priority to the common people and there

1) the common people and their problems

2) the common people and other problems
3) the common people and his problems
4) the common people and the other problems

Correct Option is: 1

21. For as long as she could remember, Divya has loved to cook, to
dance, and, until her poor vision made it impossible for her to
do so, reading books.
1) to cook, to dance, and, until her poor vision made it impossible for
her to do so.
2) cooking, to dance, and, until her poor vision made it impossible for
her to do so.
3) cooking, dancing, and, until her poor vision made it impossible for
her to do so.
4) to cook, to dance, and, until she lost her vision
5) cooking, dancing, and, until she lost her vision
Correct Option is: 3

22. But which director from bollywood would remake this film, will
be made secret for the time being.

1) is being kept a secret

2) is being secret
3) can be secret
4) will be kept the secret

Correct Option is: 1

1) A conjunction is used to connect words and sentences together.
a. words and sentences together
b. words or sentences together
c. words and sentences
d. words or sentences
e. words to sentences.

2) Antony, coming alongside Cleopatra's ship, climbed aboard without

seeing or being seen by her.
a. climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her. 
b. climbed aboard without seeing Cleopatra or being seen by her
c. climbs aboard without Cleopatra seeing him
d. boarded without being seen by her
e. boarded without seeing Cleopatra.

3) Bombast is when high sounding words for effect, not suitability, are
a. is when high sounding words for effect, not suitability, are used. 
b. is the use of high-sounding words for effect rather than for
c. is where high-sounding words are used for effect not suitability. 
d. is the using of high-sounding words for effect only.
e. is when you use high-sounding words for effect rather than for

4) I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music:  it
has given me so much pleasure.
a. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music:
b. I would like to thank whomever it was that has written that piece of
c. I would like to thank whomever it might be that wrote that piece of
d. Whoever it was that wrote that piece of music, I would like to thank
e. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music,

5) Your taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.

a. Your taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father

b. Your taking a loan to buy a car aggravated Father. 
c. You taking a loan to buy a car irritated Father. 
d. You taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father. 
e. Father was annoyed by you taking a loan to buy a car.
6) In the initial stages of learning a new language we learn more through
listening and attempting to copy speech patterns and not through
reading grammar books.
a. and attempting to copy speech patterns and not through reading
grammar books. 
b. and attempting to copy speech patterns than through reading
grammar books. 
c. and attempts to copy speech patterns than through reading grammar
d. and attempts at copying speech patterns than through reading
grammar books. 
e. and attempts at copying speech patterns and not grammar books.

7) Between you and I, I doubt that he will come

a. and I, I doubt that he will come. 
b. and I, I doubt that he would come. 
c. and me, I doubt that he will come
d. and me, I doubt that he would come. 
e. and me, I doubt whether he will be coming.

8) Work that is not finished is not work at all, it is merely a botch, a

a. all, it is merely a botch, a failure.
b. all, it is a botch merely, and a failure. 
c. all; it is merely a botch, a failure. 
d. all; the work merely is a botch and a failure.
e. all; the work being merely a botch, a failure.
11. Readers of newspapers and viewers of TV have got used to thinking
that all politicians talk rhetorically and are not expected to be taken
a. are not expected to be taken seriously.
b. do not expect to be taken seriously.
c. does not expect to take seriously.
d. do not being expected to be taken serious.

12. There have been no reason to believe that the rate of change in India
in earlier times was any slower than that of the world.
a. There was no reason to believe that the rate of change in India
b. They are no reason to believe that the rate of change in India
c. There is no reason to believe that the rate of change in India
d. There is nothing reason to believe that the rate of change in India

13. To know how to concentrate is to acquire the power to

withdraw from all other things except one thing you wish to achieve.
a. except one thing you wish to achieve.
b. except the one thing you wish to achieve.
c. excepting the one thing you wish to achieve.
d. except the one thing you wishes to achieve.

14. Education not only helps to develop skills but will also improve
awareness also on critical issues relating to health, political
rights and governance, besides empowering women.
a. not only helps to develop skills but will also improve
awareness of critical issues relating to health.
b. not only helps to develop skills but also improves
awareness of critical issues relating to health.
c. not only helps to develop skills but will also improve
awareness in critical issues relating to health.
d. not only will help to develop skills but will also improve
awareness of critical issues relating to health.

15. Though India has most awe inspiring tourism attractions than
most nations, we have not given it the due infrastructure or packaged
it well enough for the global tourist.
a. much awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations, we
have not given it the due infrastructure
b. more awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations, we
have not given it the due infrastructure.
c. more awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations, we
had not given it the due infrastructure.
d. more awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations do,
we have not given it the due infrastructure.

16. It is an alarming fact that violence on women has risen over the
last decade.
a. Violence over women has risen over the last decade.
b. Violence upon women rose over the last decade.
c. Violence against women has risen over the last decade.
d. Violence towards women rose over the last decade.
17. In many ways, language is a paradox; we learn to use it as
children with little difficulty ; yet as an adult we find learning a
second language a major challenge.
a. we learn to use it as children with little difficulty
; yet as an adult
b. we learn to use it as a child with little difficulty ;
yet as adults
c. we learn to use it as children with little difficulty
; yet as adults
d. we learn to use it as the children with little difficulty ; yet as an

18. A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year
should boost new construction dollars by several billion dollars,
making the construction
industry ’s eco nom ic health m uch mo re ro bust than
five years ago.
a. making the construction industry’s economic health much more
robust than five years ago.
b. and make the construction industry’s economic health much more
robust than five years ago.
c. making the construction industry’s economic health much
more robust than it was five years ago
d. to make the construction industry’s economic health much more
robust than five years ago
e. in making the construction industry’s economic health much
more robust than it as five years ago

32. The manner in which Anand always plays up to his superiors is

a. The manner in which Anand always plays up
b. The manner in which Anand is playing towards c. The offensive
way in which Anand is playing
d. The way in which Anand is always playing up

33. The MLA insisted that he would regard it an honour if the

Chief Minister would step on his coat. a. an honour if the Chief
Minister would step on
his coat.
b. an honour if the Chief Minister so much as se foot on his coat.
c. as an honour if the Chief Minister would step on his coat.
d. as an honour if the Chief Minister stepped on his

34. The state government also provides 10 crores to finance rural

infrastructure projects and for development work.
a. to finance rural infrastructure projects and for development
b. for financing rural infrastructure projects and to carry out
development work.
c. in order to finance rural infrastructure projects and for
development work.
d. to finance rural infrastructure projects and to carry out
development work.

35. Though it was not fashionable being an N.R.I, Teja has made
California his home, and remained in London as a trader and
a. Though it was not fashionable being an N.R.I, Teja has made
California his home
b. Teja has made California his home though being an N.R.I was not
c. Though it was not fashionable to be an N.R.I, California was
home to Teja
d. Though it was not fashionable to be an N.R.I,
Teja made California his home

36. Discoveries of Homo habilis skeletons in Ethipia by Lee Strobel’s

team and in NewZealands by Chong Chang indicates that the first
members of our genus had long arms and short legs.
a. indicates that the first members of our genus had long arms and
short legs.
b. indicate that the first members of our genus had long arms and short
c. indicate that the first members of our genus
have had long arms and short legs.
d. does indicate that the first members of our genus had long
arms and short legs.

37. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that
the writer should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his
controversial new book. a. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the
entire risk, insisted that the writer should pay half the cost of the
initial print run of his controversial
new book.
b. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted
that the writer should be paying half the cost of the initial
print run of the author’s controversial new book.
c. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted
that the writer pay half the cost of the initial print run of his
controversial new book.
d. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the
publishers insisted the writer should pay half the cost of the initial
print run of his controversial new book.
e. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the writer was required by
the publisher to pay half the cost of the initial print run of his
controversial new book.
38. Unlike Sigm und’s belief that the unco nscio us was solely a
storehouse of repressed memories, Carl asserted that the
unconscious also contained creative reservoirs.
a. Sigmund’s belief that the unconscious was solely
a storehouse of repressed memories
b. Sigmund and his belief that the unconscious was solely a storehouse
of repressed memories
c. the belief of Sigmund that states the unconscious is
solely a storehouse of repressed memories
d. Sigmund, who believed that the unconscious was solely a
storehouse of repressed memories
e. Sigmund and the belief that the unconscious solely stores of
repressed memories

39. From what mountains or gardens would future painters draw their
inspiration? Would move poets to craft their symphonies,
theologians to contemplate the meaning of God, and philosophers
write their verse.
a. painters draw their inspiration? Would move poets to craft their
symphonies, composers to contemplate the meaning of God, and
philosophers write their verse.
b. painters draw their inspiration? Would move poets
to write their verse, composers to craft their symphonies and
philosophers to contemplate the meaning of God
c. philosophers draw their inspiration? Would move poets to write
their verse, composers to craft their symphonies, and painters to
contemplate the meaning of God
d. philosophers to contemplate the meaning of God?
Would move painters to draw their inspiration, composers to
write their verse, and poets to craft their symphonies?

2. The mole is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal regarded as

pests because of their burrowing activity spoilng lawns and gardens.
a. regarded to be pests by gardeners because of their burrowing
activity spoiling.
b. regarded as a pest by gardeners because of burrowing
activity spoiling.
c. considered as a pest by gardeners because of its burrowing
activity spoiling.
d. regarded as a pest by gardeners because its burrowing
activity spoils.

3. Trying to keep her balance on the icy surface the last

comp etit o r’ s ski-tip caught the pole and somersaulted
into the soft snow.
a. the last competitor caught the pole with the tip of her ski , and
somersaulted into the soft snow.
b. the last competitor somersaulted into the soft
snow when the tip of her ski was caught by the pole.
c. the ski-tip of the last competitor caught the pole and somersaulted
into the soft snow.
4. The temperature dropped suddenly last night which will mean that
the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

a. and this will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be
killed by the frost.
b. and the resulting frost will kill the shoots that are emerging from the
c. and as a result, the shoots will be killed by the
frost emerging from the soil.

5. The imposter eluded detection for so long because she conducted

herself as though she were a licensed practitioner.

a. as though she were a licensed practitioner

b. as if she was a licensed practitioner
c. like she was a licensed practitioner

6. Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.

a. being abandoned by our friends, we feel great sorrow.

b. abandoned by our friends, sorrow is the result
c. we feel great sorrow when our friends abandon

7. Among the many reasons for this defeat in the election was his arrogant
assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding
economic conditions and his unwarranted attack on his chief opponent.
a. were his arrogant assumption that his
constituents were incapable of understanding economic
b. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents
would be incapable of understanding

8. More and more holiday makers choose to fly to remote islands in

search of the perfect beach. Seeking sand, sun and palm
trees, rather than centers of entertainment.

a. with sand, sun, palm trees and no entertainment.

b. they seek sand, sun and palm trees, rather than entertainment
c. they seek sand, sun and palm trees rather than centers of

9. The government requires that these forms should be submitted

before the end of the financial year.

a. that these forms be submitted

b. for these forms to be submitted
c. these forms should be submitted
17. Even in the best circumstances, fierce competition
from larger, more established companies make it difficult for
small concerns to broaden their customer bases.
a. make it difficult for small concerned to
b. make it difficult for the concerned small
c. makes it difficult for small concerns
d. makes them difficult to the small concern

18.Unemployment does not have the same dire consequences

today as it had in the 1930s when most of the unemployed
were primary breadwinners.
a. than it had been in the 1930s
b. than it was in the 1930s
c. as it would be in the 1930s
d. as it did in the 1930s

19.A “calendar stick” carved centuries ago by the Winnebago tribe

may provide the first evidence that the North American Indians have
developed advanced full-year calendars basing them on
systematic astronomical observation.
a. that the North American Indians have developed advanced
full-year calendars basing them
b. of the North American Indians who have developed
advanced full-year calendars and based them
c. of the development of advanced full-year calendars by North
American Indians, basing them
d. that the North American Indians developed advanced full-year
calendars based

20. A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States

reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been
allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.

a. reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been

allowed to dump
b. reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had
been dumping
c. reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to
d. reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are
allowed to dump

21. A collection of 38 poems by Phillis Wheatley, a slave, was

published in the 1770’s, the first book by a Black woman and it was
only the second published by an American woman.

a. it was only the second published by an American woman.

b. it was only the second that an American woman
c. the second one only published by an American woman.
d. only the second published by an American
22. A common disability in test pilots is hearing impairment, a
consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of

a. a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long

periods of time
b. a consequence from sitting for long periods of time too near to large
jet engines
c. a consequence which resulted from sitting too close to large jet
engines for long periods of time
d. damaged from sitting too near to large jet engines for long
periods of time

23. A controversial figure throughout most of his public life, the

Black leader Marcus Garvey advocated that some Blacks return to
Africa, the land that, to him, symbolized the possibility of freedom.

a. that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that, to him,

symbolized the possibility of freedom
b. that some Blacks return to the African land symbolizing the
possibility of freedom to him
c. that some Blacks return to Africa which was the land which
symbolized the possibility of freedom to him
d. some Black’s returning to Africa which was the land that to him
symbolized the possibility of freedom
24. A fire in an enclosed space burns with the aid of reflected radiation
that preheats the fuel, making ignition much easier and flames
spreading more quickly.

a. flames spreading
b. flame spreads
c. flames are caused to spread
d. causing flames to spread

36. The mole is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal regarded as pests

because of their burrowing activity spoilng lawns and gardens.
a. regarded to be pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity
b. regarded as a pest by gardeners because of burrowing activity spoiling.
c. considered as a pest by gardeners because of its burrowing activity
d. regarded as a pest by gardeners because its burrowing activity spoils.

37. Trying to keep her balance on the icy surface the last comp etit o r‟ s
ski-tip caught the pole and somersaulted into the soft snow.
a. the last competitor caught the pole with the tip of her ski , and
somersaulted into the soft snow.
b. the last competitor somersaulted into the soft
snow when the tip of her ski was caught by the pole.
c. the ski-tip of the last competitor caught the pole and somersaulted into
the soft snow.

38. The temperature dropped suddenly last night which will mean that the
shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.
a. and this will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed
by the frost.
b. and the resulting frost will kill the shoots that are emerging from the
c. and as a result, the shoots will be killed by the
frost emerging from the soil.

39. The imposter eluded detection for so long because she conducted
herself as though she were a licensed practitioner.
a. as though she were a licensed practitioner
b. as if she was a licensed practitioner
c. like she was a licensed practitioner
40. Being abandoned by our friends is the cause of great sorrow for us.
a. being abandoned by our friends, we feel great sorrow.
b. abandoned by our friends, sorrow is the result
c. we feel great sorrow when our friends abandon us.

41. Among the many reasons for this defeat in the election was his
arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding
economic conditions and his unwarranted attack on his chief opponent.
a. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of
understanding economic conditions.
b. were his arrogant assumption that his constituents would be incapable of
a. Hierarchy - isolated
b. Scenario - condescended
c. Phenomenon - realigned d. Pedagogy - censored

42. More and more holiday makers choose to fly to remote islands in
search of the perfect beach. Seeking sand, sun and palm trees, rather than
centers of entertainment.
a. with sand, sun, palm trees and no entertainment.
b. they seek sand, sun and palm trees, rather than entertainment centres.
c. they seek sand, sun and palm trees rather than centers of entertainment.

43. The government requires that these forms should be submitted before
the end of the financial year.
a. that these forms be submitted
b. for these forms to be submitted
c. these forms should be submitted

42. The manner in which Anand always plays up to his superiors is

a. The manner in which Anand always plays up
b. The manner in which Anand is playing towards c. The offensive way in
which Anand is playing
d. The way in which Anand is always playing up
43. The MLA insisted that he would regard it an honour if the Chief
Minister would step on his coat. a. an honour if the Chief Minister would
step on
his coat.
b. an honour if the Chief Minister so much as se foot on his coat.
c. as an honour if the Chief Minister would step on his coat.
d. as an honour if the Chief Minister stepped on his
44. The state government also provides 10 crores to finance rural
infrastructure projects and for development work.
a. to finance rural infrastructure projects and for development work.
b. for financing rural infrastructure projects and to carry out development
c. in order to finance rural infrastructure projects and for development
d. to finance rural infrastructure projects and to carry out development
45. Though it was not fashionable being an N.R.I, Teja has made
California his home, and remained in London as a trader and businessman.
a. Though it was not fashionable being an N.R.I, Teja has made California
his home
b. Teja has made California his home though being an N.R.I was not
c. Though it was not fashionable to be an N.R.I, California was home to
d. Though it was not fashionable to be an N.R.I,
Teja made California his home
46. Discoveries of Homo habilis skeletons in Ethipia by Lee Strobel’s
team and in NewZealands by Chong Chang indicates that the first
members of our genus had long arms and short legs.
a. indicates that the first members of our genus had long arms and short
b. indicate that the first members of our genus had long arms and short
c. indicate that the first members of our genus
have had long arms and short legs.
d. does indicate that the first members of our genus had long arms and
short legs.
47. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the
writer should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial
new book.
a. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the
writer should pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial
new book.
b. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the
writer should be paying half the cost of the initial print run of the author’s
controversial new book.
c. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the
writer pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new
d. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the
publishers insisted the writer should pay half the cost of the initial print
run of his controversial new book.
e. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the writer was required by the
publisher to pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial
new book.
48. Unlike Sigm und’s belief that the unco nscio us was solely a
storehouse of repressed memories, Carl asserted that the unconscious also
contained creative reservoirs.
a. Sigmund’s belief that the unconscious was solely
a storehouse of repressed memories
b. Sigmund and his belief that the unconscious was solely a storehouse of
repressed memories
c. the belief of Sigmund that states the unconscious is solely a storehouse
of repressed memories
d. Sigmund, who believed that the unconscious was solely a storehouse of
repressed memories
e. Sigmund and the belief that the unconscious solely stores of repressed
49. From what mountains or gardens would future painters draw their
inspiration? Would move poets to craft their symphonies, theologians to
contemplate the meaning of God, and philosophers write their verse.
a. painters draw their inspiration? Would move poets to craft their
symphonies, composers to contemplate the meaning of God, and
philosophers write their verse.
b. painters draw their inspiration? Would move poets
to write their verse, composers to craft their symphonies and philosophers
to contemplate the meaning of God
c. philosophers draw their inspiration? Would move poets to write their
verse, composers to craft their symphonies, and painters to contemplate
the meaning of God
d. philosophers to contemplate the meaning of God?
Would move painters to draw their inspiration, composers to write their
verse, and poets to craft their symphonies?

44. Readers of newspapers and viewers of TV have got used to thinking

that all politicians talk rhetorically and are not expected to be taken

a. are not expected to be taken seriously.

b. do not expect to be taken seriously.

c. does not expect to take seriously.

d. do not being expected to be taken serious.

45. There have been no reason to believe that the rate of change in
India in earlier times was any slower than that of the world.

a. There was no reason to believe that the rate of change in India

b. They are no reason to believe that the rate of change in India

c. There is no reason to believe that the rate of change in India

d. There is nothing reason to believe that the rate of change in India

46. To know how to concentrate is to acquire the power to

withdraw from all other things except one thing you wish to achieve.

a. except one thing you wish to achieve.

b. except the one thing you wish to achieve.

c. excepting the one thing you wish to achieve.

d. except the one thing you wishes to achieve.

47. Education not only helps to develop skills but will also
improve awareness also on critical issues relating to health,
political rights and governance, besides empowering women.

a. not only helps to develop skills but will also improve

awareness of critical issues relating to health.

b. not only helps to develop skills but also improves awareness of

critical issues relating to health.

c. not only helps to develop skills but will also improve

awareness in critical issues relating to health.

d. not only will help to develop skills but will also improve
awareness of critical issues relating to health.

48. Though India has most awe inspiring tourism attractions

than most nations, we have not given it the due infrastructure or
packaged it well enough for the global tourist.
a. much awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations, we
have not given it the due infrastructure

b. more awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations, we

have not given it the due infrastructure.

c. more awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations, we

had not given it the due infrastructure.

d. more awe inspiring tourism attractions than most nations do,

we have not given it the due infrastructure.

49. It is an alarming fact that violence on women has risen over

the last decade.

a. Violence over women has risen over the last decade.

b. Violence upon women rose over the last decade.

c. Violence against women has risen over the last decade.

d. Violence towards women rose over the last decade.

50. In many ways, language is a paradox; we learn to use it as

children with little difficulty ; yet as an adult we find learning a
second language a major challenge. a. we learn to use it as children
with little difficulty ; yet as an adult

b. we learn to use it as a child with little difficulty ; yet as adults

c. we learn to use it as children with little difficulty ; yet as adults

d. we learn to use it as the children with little difficulty ; yet as an

51. A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year
should boost new construction dollars by several billion dollars,
making the construction industry ’s eco nom ic health m uch mo re
ro bust than five years ago.

a. making the construction industry’s economic health much more

robust than five years ago.

b. and make the construction industry’s economic health much more

robust than five years ago.

c. making the construction industry’s economic health much

more robust than it was five years ago

d. to make the construction industry’s economic health much more

robust than five years ago

e. in making the construction industry’s economic health much

more robust than it as five

1.When it was morning they decided to put at an inn.

A.put out in
B.put off at
C.put at
D.put up at
Ans. d

2.The police have so far succeeded in recovering only a part of the stolen
property. far succeeded to recover for as succeeded in recovery of far succeeded in recovery of
D.No correction required
Ans. d

Among the litany of threats that many Israelis face, the potential for a
nuclear-armed Iran is perhaps the more scary as this scenario could engulf
the region in a violent war. This would likely result in historically unseen
amounts of destruction, even for a region whose history is marred by
perennial violence.
A.perhaps the more
B.perhaps the most
C.possibly, perhaps the most
D.possibly the greatest
E.possibly the great
Ans. b

7.The mole is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal regarded as pests by

gardeners because of their burrowing activity spoiling lawns and gardens.
A.regarded as pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity
B.regarded to be pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity’s
C.regarded as a pest by gardeners because of burrowing activity spoiling
D.considered as a pest by gardeners because of its burrowing activity
E.regarded as a pest by gardeners because its burrowing activity spoils
lawns and gardens.

8.The population of tigers in the National Park is increasing steadily, and

this is a source of encouragement to those who have worked so hard to
fund the conservation effort.
A.steadily, and this
B.steadily: which
C.steadily; this trend
D.steadily, this increase
E.steady, and this
Ans. c

1.The drama had many scenes which were so humorous that it was hardly
possible to keep a straight face

No correction required

Hardly possible for keeping

Hardly impossible for keeping

Hardly impossible for keep

Hardly possible keeping

2.He hesitated to listen to what his brother was saying.

Is hesitated to listen to

No correction required
Hesitated listen to

Hesitates to listening

Listened to hesitate

1. After meeting together near Mediolanurn in 313, Roman Emperors

Constantine Augustus and Licinius Augustus issued The Edict of
Milan in the hopes to ending years of internal religious strife and the
persecution of minorities. The Edict expanded religious toleration
and ordered the return of property confiscated from Christians, even
if it had been subsequently resold.

A in the hopes to ending

B in the hope to ending
C with the hope to ending
D with the hope of ending
E in the hope to end

2. The population of tigers in the National Park is increasing steadily,

and this is a source of encouragement to those who have worked so
hard to fund the conservation effort.
A steadily, and this
B steadily: which
C steadily; this trend
D steadily, this increase
E steady, and this
3. Environmentalists associated with the United Nations Environment
Programme predict that if the current trends associated with global
warming continue, thousands of acres of pristine land is in danger
to undergo potentially irrevocable changes that could alter the
planet's ecosystem forever.
A is in danger to undergo
B are in danger of undergoing
C is in danger of undergoing
D are in danger to undergo
E are in danger for undergoing

4. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than
the garden, he might get a better display of flowers.
If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the
B If the gardener sowed the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the
If the gardener were to sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the
If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse instead of the

7.It is always better to make people realise the importance of discipline

than to impose them on it.
No correction required

Impose it on them

Impose them with it

Imposing them on it

Impose it with them

8.They continued to work in the field despite of the heavy rains.

No correction required

Even though it rained heavily

In spite the heavy rains

Even though there is heavy rain

Although heavily rains

9.We must take it granted that Madhu will not come for today’s function.

Taking it granted

Have it granted

Take it for granted

Took it as granted

No correction required
10.The easiest of the thing to do is to ask the address to the program

Of all the things done

Of the thing to be done

No correction required

Of the things to do

11.The courts are actively to safeguard the interests and the rights of the

Are actively in safeguarding

Have to active in safeguarding

No correction required

Are actively to safeguarding

Have been actively safeguarding

12.The prosecution failed in establish in every case today.




No correction required

13.They felt humiliated because they realised that they had cheated

Had been cheated

Have been cheated

Were to be cheated

Had been cheating

No correction required

14.For some days the new professor lectured above the heads of his pupils.

No correction required

Over the heads of

Through the heads of

Above the head of

On the heads of

15.Later he became unpopular because he tried to lord it on his followers.

No correction required

To lord it over
To lord it over on

To lord over

To lord it for

16.Ram is as tall if, not taller than Mahesh.

Not as tall but

Not so tall but as

As if not

As tall as, if not

No correction required

17.We met him after the session in which he had been given a nice speech.

Would be giving

Has been given

No correction required

Had given

Will have given

18.He dislikes the word dislike, isn’t he?

Hasn’t he

Doesn’t he

Does he

No correction required

didn’t he

19.They should have calmly thought of the advantages that would accrue
to them.

Should have been calm in thinking about

Should be calmly thought of

Shall have to calmly thought of

Should have calmly think of

No correction required

20.Tax evaders should heavily punished as they do it intentionally.

Should be heavy fined

Should be heavily fined

Shall have heavy fine

Should have heavily fined

1. No correction required
Among the litany of threats that many Israelis face, the potential for
a nuclear-armed Iran is perhaps the more scary as this scenario could
engulf the region in a violent war. This would likely result in
historically unseen amounts of destruction, even for a region whose
history is marred by perennial violence.
A perhaps the more
B perhaps the most
C possibly, perhaps the most
D possibly the greatest
E possibly the great

2. During the worst years of the Great Depression, America faced

tremendous challenges as unemployment topped 25%. Many
historians credit the New Deal and the World War II industrial
complex for propelling America out of the depression and into a
then-unparalleled time of economic prosperity.
A for propelling
B with having propelled
C as propelling
D to propelling
E with propelling
3. The mole is a nocturnal insectivorous mammal regarded as pests by
gardeners because of their burrowing activity spoiling lawns and
regarded as pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity
regarded to be pests by gardeners because of their burrowing activity’s
C regarded as a pest by gardeners because of burrowing activity spoiling
considered as a pest by gardeners because of its burrowing activity
regarded as a pest by gardeners because its burrowing activity spoils
lawns and gardens.

4. After the Detroit Lions' abysmal win and 16 loss season in 28, the
owner of the team fired the head coach. In the days that followed
this decision, one professional sporting analyst said:
"the prospects of the Lions becoming a competitive franchise depends on
if the team can procure a talented and disciplined coach."
A depends on if
B depend on whether
C depends on whether
D depend on if
E depend whether

9.If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the
garden, he might get a better display of flowers.
A.If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the
B.If the gardener sowed the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
C.If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the
D.If the gardener were to sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in
the garden
E.If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse instead of the
Ans. d

10.Environmentalists associated with the United Nations Environment

Programme predict that if the current trends associated with global
warming continue, thousands of acres of pristine land is in danger to
undergo potentially irrevocable changes that could alter the planet’s
ecosystem forever. in danger to undergo
B.are in danger of undergoing in danger of undergoing
D.are in danger to undergo
E.are in danger for undergoing

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