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GoDiagram(TM) Win version 5.3.

0 Release Notes
Copyright © 2002-2018 Northwoods Software Corporation

This kit includes sets of assemblies and samples for building interactive diagram applications using .NET
Windows Forms.

GoDiagram Win 5.3 is provided only in ZIP format. It includes with DLLs for .NET 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.6
and 4.7.1 as well as compiled examples and the license manager.

For an MSI installation, use GoDiagram 5.2 kits.

This kit also includes assemblies and samples for several optional libraries that extend GoDiagram:
• GoLayout, for automatic positioning of nodes
• GoInstruments, for displaying instruments such as dials, meters, gauges, and rulers
• GoXml, for customized reading and writing of XML documents
• GoSvg, for generating customized interactive SVG files
• GoPdf, for generating PDF files
• GoDraw, controls for letting users draw and customize GoObjects: a ruler control (GoRuler), a
view using two rulers showing a sheet (GoDrawView), and controls for modifying color, brush,
pen, or text properties of selected GoObjects

The software is licensed under the terms of

If you want to deploy into a reduced-trust environment, such as part of a no-touch deployment
application or called by a DLL that is hosted by Internet Explorer, contact us for DLLs that can
run with limited permissions.
Getting Started

Please run the GoDiagram Evaluation Explorer (GoDiagramEvaluationExplorer.bat). It provides

convenient links to all of the evaluation and valuable online resources.

More here: Description, Docs and screenshots of sample


Please read the GoDiagram Win Introduction document, docs\GoWinIntro.pdf. This document
includes a section about how to distribute your applications with the assemblies for which you have
purchased a license.

You will find the User Guide, docs\GoUserGuide.pdf, to be an instructive overview of the whole

You will find many answers to your questions in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list that is in

You might also want to search the GoDiagram Forum at

And don't forget to read the API documentation, within Visual Studio as integrated help and also at (API online is for 5.2, but 5.3 did not
change the API at all.)
Installation Directory Contents
• Release Notes (this README file)
• GoDiagramEvaluationExplorer.bat
.\lib3.5, \lib4.0, \lib4.5, \lib4.6 and \lib4.7 assemblies compiled for the various
.NET versions
• Northwoods.Go.dll, containing the GoDiagram Win controls and classes
• Northwoods.Go.Layout.dll, the automatic layout library components (GoLayout) for
GoDiagram Win
• Northwoods.Go.Instruments.dll, the instruments library (GoInstruments) for
GoDiagram Win
• Northwoods.Go.Xml.dll, the library for the customizable reading and writing of XML files
• Northwoods.Go.Svg.dll, the library for the customizable generation of SVG files
• Northwoods.Go.Pdf.dll, the library for rendering PDF files
• Northwoods.Go.Draw.dll, the library containing useful GoDiagram-related controls
• *.xml, XML documentation for code editor tooltips in Visual Studio
• GoWinIntro.pdf, introduction to GoDiagram Win
• GoDiagramFAQ.htm, Frequently Asked Questions list for GoDiagram
• GoUserGuide.pdf, User Guide for GoDiagram
• GoLayoutUserGuide.pdf, User Guide for GoLayout
• GoInstrumentsUserGuide.pdf, User Guide for GoInstruments
• LicenseManager.exe, to install developer's licenses for the GoDiagram products
• GoSvg.js, the JavaScript code used by GoSvg for interactive behavior
 .\help files for installing help. (run installHelp.bat)
.\Samples, sample GoDiagram Win applications written in C#
• *.exe, sample applications using GoDiagram Win
• Sample source code, in subdirectories:
o AnimatedBasicApp, a version of BasicApp that continuously displays animated nodes and
o BasicApp, a simple editor using basic nodes
o BeatPaths, graphically showing the relative superiority of NFL teams in 2007
o Classier, GoDiagram class hierarchy browser and property/method viewer
o DataSetDemo, demonstrates building an organization chart from a DataSet
o (Demo1 has been split into DrawDemo and NodeLinkDemo.)
o DoubleTree, shows how to lay out a tree in two halves, each growing in opposite directions
o DrawDemo, displays GoFigures, customized mouse input methods (tools) and Pen/Brush
options and User Interface
o FamilyTree, displays the relationships amongst some of the English Tudors
o Fishbone, a simple fishbone diagram editor
o FlowCharter, a simple flow chart editor
o Flowgrammer, a flow-chart editor with a particular graphical syntax
o FunctionBlock, a graphical language for programmable logic controller design
o GridApp, a simple demonstration of customized grids that limit where nodes can be dropped
o Huffman Huffman Coding Tree
o IconicApp, a simple editor using nodes displaying icons
o InstrumentDemo, demonstrates various dials and meters from the
Northwoods.Go.Instruments library
o InteractiveForce, an extension of BasicApp that is continually running a
GoLayoutForceDirected automatic layout
o LayoutDemo, demonstrates some of the features of the automatic layout library,
o MinimalApp, a minimal GoDiagram application
o MovableLinkApp, a simple editor that supports disconnected or partly connected links
o NodeLinkDemo, GoDiagram demo application, exhibiting a wide variety of kinds of nodes,
links, and tools
o ObjectBrowser, GoDiagram part hierarchy browser
o OrgCharter, a simple organization chart editor
o Parallel Coordinates
o PartsTree hierarchical parts of an assembly
o Pipes, a simple editor for pipes with straight, T and L shaped connectors
o Planogrammer, a simple application for designing/organizing racks of items in a store
o Processor, an editor for a model of a work-process system
o ProtoApp, prototype application
o Sankey, a flow diagram, in which the width of the arrows is shown proportionally to the flow
o SequenceDiagram, a simple sequence diagram
o SequentialFunctionChart, a simple sequential function chart
o SharedStates, an advanced sample demonstrating pretending to have a node belong to
multiple "containers"
o StateCharter, a simple state diagram editor
o SubGraphApp, an editor that supports three different kinds of subgraphs
o TreeApp, a two-dimensional tree that supports expand/collapse
o UpdateDemo, demonstrates how GoDocument.Changed events are generated, including
how to synchronize with a "database"
o WebWalker, shows references between HTML web pages
o WPFinGoView, demonstrates the use of WPF controls for nodes in a GoDocument/GoView
o WPFusingGoView, is a WPF application that makes use of a GoView, a GoPalette, a
GoOverview, and a GoBrushControl
• a Visual Studio solution file that includes all of the sample application projects
.\SamplesVB, the same GoDiagram Win samples translated from C# to VB.NET
• a Visual Studio solution file that includes all of the sample application projects

Upgrading to 5.3
GoDiagram supports simultaneous installations of multiple major/minor versions. Even if you
do not want to take the time to migrate your code through intermediate versions, we strongly
suggest reading the release notes for releases you want to skip. You can find earlier release
notes at:

Version 5.0 introduced a new and simpler licensing mechanism that avoids using Microsoft's
licensing architecture. You will need to use the LicenseManager to generate a run-time license
key that you will need to insert into your application. Please read the chapter about
"Deployment and Licensing" in the GoUserGuide.

You will need to make sure your projects now refer to the new Northwoods.Go.*
assemblies, not older versions.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to 4.0, Version 4.0 introduced a few minor
incompatible changes.
It is recommended you read an article describing the changes involving the major new feature:
support for generics throughout the design and implementation:

Detailed List of Changes since 5.2

Go Bugfixes

• PDF generation: fix empty FontMap issue

• PDF generation: fix problem where images with a transparent background from an
ImageList were marked as greyscale, not RGB.
• PDF generation: remove support for non-spacing characters that was firing at the wrong


• Fishbone: add support for read/write XML files.

• New Sample: Parts Tree
• New Sample: Huffman Coding Tree
• New Sample: Parallel Coordinates graph

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