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Six Factor Formula – Effective Multiplication Factor

Effective Multiplication Factor

In this section, the effective multiplication factor, which describes all the possible events
in the life of a neutron and effectively describes the state of a finite multiplying system, will
be defined.
The required condition for a stable, self-sustained fission chain reaction in a multiplying
system (in a nuclear reactor) is that exactly every fission initiate another fission. The
minimum condition is for each nucleus undergoing fission to produce, on the average, at
least one neutron that causes fission of another nucleus. Also the number of fissions
occurring per unit time (the reaction rate) within the system must be constant.

This condition can be expressed conveniently in terms of the multiplication factor. The
effective multiplication factor is the ratio of the neutrons produced by fission in
one neutron generation to the number of neutrons lost through absorption in the
preceding neutron generation. This can be expressed mathematically as shown below.

It is obvious the effective multiplication factor in a multiplying system is a measure of the

change in the fission neutron population from one neutron generation to the
subsequent generation.
 keff < 1. If the multiplication factor for a multiplying system is less than 1.0, then
the number of neutrons is decreasing in time (with the mean generation time) and
the chain reaction will never be self-sustaining. This condition is known as the
subcritical state.
 keff = 1. If the multiplication factor for a multiplying system is equal to 1.0, then there
is no change in neutron population in time and the chain reaction will be self-
sustaining. This condition is known as the critical state.
 keff > 1. If the multiplication factor for a multiplying system is greater than 1.0, then
the multiplying system produces more neutrons than are needed to be self-
sustaining. The number of neutrons is exponentially increasing in time (with the
mean generation time). This condition is known as the supercritical state.

Six Factor Formula

But the effective multiplication factor can be defined also in terms of the most

important neutron-physical processes that occur in the nuclear reactor.

There are six factors that describe the inherent multiplication ability of the system. Four

of them are completely independent of the size and shape of the reactor and these are:

Fast Fission Factor:

The fast fission process is in the multiplication factor characterized by the fast fission
factor, ε, which increases the fast neutron population in one neutron generation. The fast
fission factor is defined as the ratio of the fast neutrons produced by fissions at all energies
to the number of fast neutrons produced in thermal fission.

Resonance Escape Probability:

The resonance escape probability, symbolized by p, is the probability that a neutron will
be slowed to thermal energy and will escape resonance capture. This probability is defined
as the ratio of the number of neutrons that reach thermal energies to the number of fast
neutrons that start to slow down.

Thermal Utilization Factor

The thermal utilization factor, f, is the fraction of the thermal neutrons that are absorbed
in the nuclear fuel, in all isotopes of the nuclear fuel. It describes how effectively (how well
are utilized) are thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel. The value of the thermal utilization
factor is given by the ratio of the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel (all
nuclides) to the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in all the material that makes up
the core.
Reproduction Factor
The number of neutrons created in the new generation is determined by the neutron
reproduction factor. The reproduction factor, η, is defined as the ratio of the number of
fast neutrons produced by thermal fission to the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in
the fuel.

These factors constitute the infinite multiplication factor (k ∞), which may be expressed
mathematically in terms of these factors by following equation, usually known as the four
factor formula:
k∞ = η.ε.p.f

The effective multiplication factor (keff) may be expressed mathematically in terms of the

infinite multiplication factor (k ∞) and two additional factors which account for neutron
leakage during neutron thermalization (fast non-leakage probability) and neutron leakage
during neutron diffusion (thermal non-leakage probability) by following equation, usually
known as the six factor formula:
keff = k∞ . Pf . Pt

Fast Non-leakage Probability

During the slowing down process, some of the neutrons leak out of the boundaries of
the reactor core before they become thermalized. This process and its impact on the
effective multiplying factor is characterized by the fast non-leakage factor, Pf, which is
defined as the ratio of the number of fast neutrons that do not leak from the reactor core
during the slowing down process to the number of fast neutrons produced by fissions at all

Thermal Non-leakage Probability

During the neutron diffusion, some of the neutrons leak out of the boundaries of the
reactor core before they are absorbed. This process and its impact on the effective
multiplying factor is characterized by the thermal non-leakage factor, Pt, which is defined as
the ratio of the number of thermal neutrons that do not leak from the reactor core during the
neutron diffusion process to the number of neutrons that reach thermal energies.
In reactor physics, keff is the most significant parameter with regard to reactor control. At any
specific power level or condition of the reactor, keff is kept as near to the value of 1.0 as
possible. At this point in operation, the neutron balance is kept to exactly one neutron
completing the life cycle for each original neutron absorbed in the fuel.
Neutron Life Cycle with keff = 1
Operational factors that affect the multiplication in PWRs.

If any operational factor changes one of the contributing factors to keff (keff = η.ε.p.f.Pf.Pt), the
ratio of 1.0 is not maintained and this change in keff makes the reactor
either subcritical or supercritical. Some examples of these operational changes, that may
take place in PWRs, are below and are described in a separate article in detail.

 change in the control rods position

 change in the boron concentration
 change in the moderator temperature
 change in the fuel temperature
 change in the pressure
 change in the flow rate
 presence of boiling of the coolant
 presence of burnable absorbers
 fuel burnup


10,000 neutrons exist at the beginning of a generation. The values for each factor of the six-
factor formula are listed below. Calculate the number of neutrons that exist at the points in
the neutron life cycle listed below.

1)         Number of neutrons that exist after fast fission.

2)         Number of neutrons that start to slow down in the reactor.

3)         Number of neutrons that reach thermal energies.

4)         Number of thermal neutrons that are absorbed in the reactor.

5)         Number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel.

6)         Number of neutrons produced from thermal fission.


Problem: 250,000 neutrons exit at the beginning of a generation. The values for each
factor of the six factor formula are
 = 1.111 Pf = 0.830 f = 0.866
P = 0.852 Pt = 0.944  = 2.055
Calculate the number of neutrons that exit at the points in the neutron life cycle listed
(1) Number of neutrons that exist after fast fission
(2) Number of neutrons that start to slow down in the reactor
(3) Number of neutrons that reach thermal energies
(4) Number of thermal neutrons that are absorbed in the reactor
(5) Number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel
(6) Number of neutrons produced from thermal fission

Problem: 20,000 neutrons exit at the beginning of a generation. The values for each
factor of the six factor formula are
= 1.028 Pf = 0.8725 f = 0.754
P = 0.813 Pt = 0.90 = 2.021
Calculate the number of neutrons that exit at the points in the neutron life cycle listed
below and the single value of the effective multiplication factor.
(1) Number of neutrons that exist after fast fission
(2) Number of neutrons that start to slow down in the reactor
(3) Number of neutrons that reach thermal energies
(4) Number of thermal neutrons that are absorbed in the reactor
(5) Number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel
(6) Number of neutrons produced from thermal fission


Calculate the reactivity in the reactor core when k eff is equal to 1.002 and 0.998.


The reactivity for each case is determined by substituting the value of k eff into Equation

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