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Nasrin Rahmati

MGT 100
Section /001

Motivation means methods, devices, appeals by which we persuade our employees to work. Interior and

outer elements that invigorate want and vitality in individuals to be persistently intrigued and focused on

a vocation, job or subject, or to endeavor to accomplish an objective. Inspiration results from the

cooperation of both cognizant and oblivious factors, for example, the force of want or need, motivating

force or reward estimation of the objective, and desires for the individual and of his or her companions.

These elements are the reasons one has for carrying on a specific way. Inspiration is an interior procedure

that makes an individual push toward an objective. Inspiration, similar to knowledge, can't be specifically

watched. Rather, inspiration must be construed by taking note of an individual's conduct. A model is an

employee that invests additional energy concentrating on his/ her job to have a better future.

Researchers have proposed theories that try to explain human motivation (Employee motivation). But I

think the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory is efficient theory which can be effective.

In the 1970s, the psychologist Abraham Maslow suggested that people are motivated by a hierarchy of


 First, most basic level: physiological needs, such as the need for food, water, safety, and


 Second level: needs for social interaction, such as the need to belong.

 Third level: needs for esteem, which include the need for respect from oneself and others.

 Fourth level: needs for self-actualization, or realizing one’s full potential.

Maslow believed people pay attention to higher needs only when lower needs are satisfied. When people

focus their attention on achieving respect and they feel they have achieved some measure of respect. Self-

actualization becomes the major goal of life.

 Self-Actualized Individuals

Self-realization is the last stage in the straight development of a person. Maslow trusted that so as to

accomplish this condition of individual satisfaction, the individual should initially fulfill the first needs

(for example physiological, wellbeing, love/having a place, and regard, in a specific order). He challenged

that self-realized people have various qualities that empower them to, first, fulfill the four beginning

classifications of necessities and, second, to fight with the cacophonous connection between through and

through freedom (for example the alleged ability to act dependent on our own drives) and determinism

(for example the impact of societal weight and an interior thought of how we will appear to other people

and the impacts our activities will have on them). The following is a rundown of the qualities controlled

without anyone else's input realized people as laid out by Maslow (1954).

But the question is that why this theory can motivate efficiently?

We can use this knowledge to motivate our team, to increase their productivity, and to have a happy,

energetic, and dedicated workforce. Incorporating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one great way to

increase employee motivation. Having our needs met is great motivation for loyalty and continued

productivity. We all consider work a place to get our physical needs met: work for money to exchange for

shelter, food, etc. A sense of safety comes next, then a sense of being a part of a community. As it were,

we need one another. From that point onward, we need a feeling of confidence and, at long last, self-

realization. And feel that they are offering a valuable service to guests that goes beyond vacuuming the

room; they are helpful when guests have a request and ready to smile in the hallway. They are also
motivated to do their jobs well. All mentioned benefits can be possible by following this theory for

motivating employees.

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