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Do you think there is a change in the way Filipinos commemorate

Rizal Day? Reasons.
 Yes there is, it is not the same anymore. The way people see Rizal is
not the same anymore, maybe because of the social media. Social
media has a big influence to people especially to youth, they can
read false information about Rizal and believe it, because of social
media there some people or youths did not consider that Rizal as a
Hero, because of social media people has a lot of ideas, a different
ideas that leads to confusion. December 30 is a holiday because we
are celebrating the anniversary of Rizal’s 1896 execution but for
some people it is just a normal day where they need to survive.

2. Give the context of R.A. 1425 and its importance to the education
system of the Philippines.
 Also known as Rizal Law, it includes the writing, life and work of Jose
Rizal in the curricula of all schools in public or private schools,
colleges and Universities. Rizal law help us to deal with our current
problem because contains full information, it also open the eyes of
the society to be truly educated and give importance to free and
successful country since history has a lot of information. It also help
us on how to identify ourself as a filipino, where we come from. It give
us information in what happened in the past and what filipino are in
the past.

3. Do you concur with R.A 1425? Reasons.

Yes, because without it we don’t have any idea on what on the past. And
studying the past will give us awareness and understanding, help us to
know who really you are. It help us to have an idea on what to do if the
past will repeat itself.

4. Rizal’s way of patronizing his country led to his death. What do you
think are the reasons why patriotism without death is the culture
that we have today? Does this mean we have less patriotism?

 I think it’s because people now are wiser than before, now they can
settle it by agreement and its because we also have law. It doesn’t
mean we have less patriotism, it is maybe because we know who the
leader is, we know how to respect.

5. Critics would say that when Rizal wrote his novels, he was not
present in the Philippines and it was as if he was not really fighting
for the country. Do you prefer a hero that is literally in the
battlefield? What is your own definition of a hero?

 No, because not everyone whose in the battlefield is a hero and not
everyone whose not in the battlefield is not a hero. A hero is
someone who stand their words, no matter what the situation is,
someone who can sacrifice theirself for everyone, someone who we
could trust. Hero is someone who will act with dignity, honor and
duty, someone who is selfless and compassionate on saving his
people. Hero is someone who take responsibility.

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