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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Mishpatim 24 Shevat 5771/January 29, 2011 Vol.2 Num. 22

Shiur in Review: Yonah’s Change in Heart R’ Mordechai Torczyner

This comes from a shiur delivered in a One possibility emerges from a dialogue man [Adam and Chavah, from Eden],”
weekly Trei Asar series, co-sponsored between Moshe and HaShem on Har and Kayin‟s charge to G-d, “You have
with Mekorot. The full shiur is available Sinai. As described in the gemara exiled me [‫”]גרשת‬. Adam and Chavah
at The class meets at (Sanhedrin 111a), Moshe ascended to sinned, and then they hid and
1:30 PM, Tuesdays at Shaarei Shomayim Heaven and found HaShem describing dissembled when G-d called for them
(but not February 1). His patience in the Torah. Moshe and questioned them. Kayin sinned,
Yonah flees from before G-d, seeking contended that HaShem should be and he attempted to hide the truth
to evade his prophetic mission, and patient only with the righteous – to which when G-d questioned him. Both were
ultimately attempts to surrender his life HaShem replied that he would punished with exile, giving them the
rather than fulfill the responsibility eventually come to see the worth of distance they had actually sought by
assigned to him. This wayward prophet patience for the wicked. That day came hiding, and at that point they repented.
is swallowed by a fish, and - during the with the sin of the Meraglim, when Perhaps the same is true for Yonah.
course of a three-day stay in the depths Moshe found himself pleading for Divine Yonah sought to escape HaShem‟s
- experiences a change of heart. He mercy for the rebellious Jewish nation. presence, and with his entry into the
composes a poetic prayer, and pleads As Yonah personally declared (Yonah sea he was granted success. At this
for another opportunity to serve. Before 4:1-3), he had fled from before G-d point, he was distant, and the flow of
this man had sought escape, but now he because of a Moshe-like objection to prophecy was cut off; Yonah 1, G-d 0.
expressed a longing to draw close to Divine mercy. Commentators differ in But at this moment the former prophet
his Creator. What inspired Yonah to their explanations for that objection, but understood what his success truly
alter his path? all agree that Yonah contended that G-d meant – that he had erased his
One might suggest that Yonah was should not apply mercy to the wicked of connection to the Divine. Like Adam
motivated by fear of impending death, Nineveh. Perhaps this explains Yonah‟s and Chavah, like Kayin, he was now
or by the pain of life in the Piscine metamorphosis in the fish; like Moshe exiled. This frightened him, and he
Hotel. However, this would ignore the after the sin of the Meraglim, Yonah instantly repented his hard-won
passion of his prayer, in which Yonah came to see the value of Divine mercy distance and sought his own return.
spoke of remembering G-d and gazing when he needed to plead for it himself. As the Vilna Gaon wrote (Aderet
upon His sacred sanctuary. Also, this Alternatively, Yonah‟s own choice of Eliyahu to Yonah 1:1), the story of
explanation would call into question words offers us another explanation. Yonah is the story of every soul. We
Yonah‟s sincerity, and so raise doubts Yonah waxed rhapsodic (2:5), “I was come to this world with a mission, and,
as to why G-d granted the former exiled (‫ )נגרשתי‬from before Your eyes.” at times, we wander from that mission
prophet his wish. Why, then, did Yonah This calls to mind two other exile and stray from the presence of the G-d
decide to serve G-d after all? experiences: “And He exiled [‫ ]ויגרש‬the who directs us. Yonah‟s renewed
appreciation of Divine mercy through
Parshah Questions Dovid Zirkind his own experience of forgiveness can
teach us to recognize and appreciate
Answers are provided on the back page. Divine kindness in our own lives.
Yonah‟s appreciation for the value of
 What can be learned from the expression “Asher Tasim Lifneihem – which you proximity to G-d can remind us to be
shall place before them”?
similarly motivated to draw closer to
(Rashi, Seforno to Shemot 21:1, Kedushin 35a)
our Creator. May we learn the lessons
 Did Hashem give Moshe more than ten commandments at Har Sinai? of the man who was swallowed by a
(Rashi, Seforno to Shemot 24:12, Yerushalmi Berachot 6:1) fish, and so draw closer to the G-d who
 Why is “Lo Tivasheil Gedi Bachaleiv Immo – you shall not boil a kid in its mother‟s has charged us with missions of our
milk” repeated three times in the Torah? own.
(Rashi to Shemot 23:19, Talmud Chulin 113b)
 For Children: Why is the penalty for stealing an ox different from the penalty for
stealing a sheep?
(Rashi to Shemot 21:37)

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‫איתמר זולברע‬ ‫האם מצוות העבדים רלוונטיות היום?‬
‫וישנם עוד דינים הנלמדים מעבד לקידושי‬‫תשלום לגנבתו ( כפי שכתוב בשמות כב )‪ .‬אנו‬ ‫בפרשת השבוע שלנו אנו נפגשים עם מצוות‬
‫אישה ודברים רבים נוספים‪.‬‬
‫מדברים על שני מצבים שבהם אין לאדם כסף‪,‬‬ ‫העוסקות בעבדים‪.‬‬
‫בשני המצבים הוא פונה למעשה שמוציא אותו‬
‫הטבע האנושי‬ ‫(א) וְ אֵ לֶּה הַ ִּם ְשפָּ ִּטים אֲ ֶּשר ָּת ִּשים לִּ פְ נֵיהֶּ ם (ב)‬
‫מהחברה ‪ .‬התוצאה בשני המקרים היא עבדות‬ ‫כִּ י ִּת ְקנֶּה עֶּ בֶּ ד עִּ ְב ִּרי ֵשש ָּשנִּ ים ַי ֲעבֹד ּובַ ְש ִּבעִּ ת‬
‫במבט של אדם מודרני‪ ,‬אנו מאמינים בתפיסת‬
‫בסגנון התורה; הוא גר אצל אדם בעל אמצעים‬
‫עולם השואפת ליצור שיוויון ‪ .‬אנו מתערבים‬ ‫יֵצֵ א לַחָּ פְ ִּשי ִּחמָּם‪( ...‬ז) וְ כִּ י יִּ ְמכֹר ִּאיש ֶּאת ִּבת ֹו‬
‫( הרי הוא רכש אותו ) שדואג לצרכיו ‪ ,‬נוהג בו‬ ‫לְ ָאמָּ ה ֹלא ֵתצֵ א כְ צֵ את הָּ עֲבָּ ִּדים ‪ (:‬שמות פרק‬
‫בתרבויות שונות שאינן דוגלות בערכים אלו‬
‫בכבוד ומקבל יחס טוב יותר משכיר ( בלשון‬
‫ומנסים לתקן אותם‪ .‬יש בזה דבר נפלא אך בו‬ ‫כא)‬
‫הרמב " ם סוף הל ' ז ‪ :‬בד " א בעבד עברי מפני‬
‫בזמן יש בכך משהו מתנשא‪ ,‬אנחנו יודעים מהו‬
‫שנפשו שפלה במכירה‪ ,‬אבל ישראל שלא נמכר‬ ‫איך אנו‪ ,‬כאנשים שחיים בתקופה שבה עבדות‬
‫הטוב ומהו הרע ומחליטים עבור אחרים‬ ‫מותר להשתמש בו כעבד)‪ .‬בעבדות משהו אחר‪,‬‬ ‫היא ממש מילה גסה מצד הערכים שעליהם אנו‬
‫בעניינים אלו‪ .‬הרב קוק באיגרת פ"ט ( חלק א‬
‫מן מערכת שיקומית לאנשים שנסיבות החיים‬ ‫מתחנכים ‪ ,‬יכולים לקבל את דברי התורה‬
‫עמ' צו) ששלח לתלמידו ד"ר משה זיידל‪ ,‬כותב‬
‫גרמו להם להרגיש כי אינם חלק מהחברה‪ .‬אנו‬ ‫כמוסר עליון?‬
‫על מצוות העבדים‪.‬‬
‫מנסים להחזירם לתוכינו‪ .‬אותו עשיר שעד כה‬
‫ודע עוד ‪ ,‬שהעבדות ‪ ,‬כמו כל דרכי ד '‬ ‫נראה כל כך מרוחק משווה את העני השפל הזה‬
‫הישרים ‪ ,‬שצדיקים ילכו בם ופושעים‬ ‫אליו ‪ ,‬עד כדי כך שהעני לא רוצה לעזוב ‪.‬‬ ‫עבדות על פי התורה‬
‫יכשלו בם ‪ ,‬לא הביאה מצד עצמה לעולם‬ ‫הריטב " א על קידושין מביא את התוספות על‬ ‫בראש וראשונה אנו צריכים לבחון את התפיסה‬
‫שום תקלה‪ ,‬כי עצם חוק העבדות הוא חק‬ ‫מהות רצונו של העבד‪:‬‬ ‫שעליה מבססת התורה את גישתה לעבדות‪.‬‬
‫טבעי בבני אדם ‪ ,‬ואין שום הבדל בין‬ ‫רבו אוהבו והוא אינו אוהב את רבו‪ ,‬אינו נרצע‬
‫העבדות החוקית להעבדות הטבעית ‪,‬‬ ‫בפרשת בהר ( ויקרא פרק כה) התורה מתארת‬
‫שנאמר כי אהבך‪ .‬הקשו בתוספות הא למה לי‬ ‫לנו את הדרך שבה צריך לנהוג עם עבדים‪.‬‬
‫ואדרבא העבדות החקית שהיא על פי‬ ‫קרא דהא פשיטא שאינו נרצע אלא מדעתו‬
‫רשותה של תורה באה לתקן כמה תקלות‪,‬‬ ‫ומרצונו ‪ ,‬תירצו דהכי קאמר שאע " פ שהעבד‬ ‫תורה אומרת לנו שאל לנו לנהוג בעבד כעבד‬
‫שהעבדות הטבעית היא צפויה אליהם‪.‬‬‫רוצה להיות נרצע מפני עניות וכיוצא בו ולא‬ ‫אלא כשכיר ‪ ,‬יש לו " חוזה " הוא חוזר לחייו‬
‫הרב קוק ממש יך עוד ומפ רט על אנשי ם‬ ‫מפני שאוהב את רבו ושיהא לו חבה עמו‪ ,‬אינו‬ ‫הקודמים בתום הזמן ‪ .‬הקב " ה מציין את‬
‫שהולכים לעבודה באין ברירה ‪ ,‬והמעסיקים‬ ‫נרצע‪.‬‬ ‫הסיבה ; " כי עבדי הם " אף אחד מישראל לא‬
‫אינם נותנים להם תנאים ראויים ‪ .‬אותם‬ ‫יכול לטעון בעלות על רעהו כיוון שכולנו בסופו‬
‫אנו רוצים להימנע ממצב שבו העבד רוצה‬ ‫של דבר " עבדי ה'” שנקנינו לו בעת שהוציאנו‬
‫אנשים מתמסרים לעבודה כיוון שיש בהם את‬
‫להשאר עבד רק בגלל שהוא פוחד לחזור לחברה‪.‬‬
‫תכונת העבדות ‪ .‬אנו רואים בימינו כי ישנם‬ ‫ממצרים ‪.‬‬
‫צריך להיות מניעה חזקה של אהבה בכדי‬
‫אנשים המגיעים למדינות המערב כדי‬ ‫שנאפשר לו להשאר ‪ ,‬וגם זה במחיר רציעת‬ ‫הרמב"ם לומד מספר דינים מפסוקים אלו‬
‫להתפרנס‪ .‬ישנם לצערנו אנשים שמנצלים את‬ ‫אוזנו‪.‬‬
‫התופעה הזו על מנת להתעשר ומנצלים את‬ ‫כ ל ע ב ד ע ב ר י א ס ו ר ל י ש ר א ל שק נ ה ו‬
‫העובדים הללו ‪ .‬אותם עובדים מוחזקים‬ ‫דיני עבד בימינו‬ ‫להעבידו בדברים בוזים שהם מיוחדים‬
‫בתנאים קשים וחירותם נשללת מהם ‪ .‬אומר‬ ‫לעשות העבדים כגון שיוליך אחריו כליו‬
‫ישנם דינים נוספים שאותם אנו לומדים מעבד‬ ‫לבית המרחץ או יחלוץ לו מנעליו שנאמר לא‬
‫הרב קוק שטוב היה אם היינו לוקחים מוסר‬
‫עברי‪ .‬דין אחד כפי שמביא המהר"ם מרוטנבורג‬
‫מדיני תורה של עבד עברי כדי ללמוד איך לנהוג‬ ‫תעבוד בו עבודת עבד אינו נוהג בו אלא‬
‫( חלק ד סי ' עב ) הוא היכולת לאדם לפרוש‬ ‫כשכיר שנאמר כשכיר כתושב יהיה עמך ‪,‬‬
‫בעובדים שלנו ולא לפסול את המושג רק בשם‬
‫באמצע חוזה מעבודתו כיוון שאם לא כן‪ ,‬אדם‬
‫ערכים מודרנים‪.‬‬ ‫ומותר לספר לו שערו ולכבס לו כסותו‬
‫נחשב כעבד שאין לו אפשרות לעזוב את עבודתו‬ ‫ולאפות לו עיסתו אבל לא יעשה אותו בלן‬
‫בכל זמן שירצה‪ .‬הציץ אליעזר ( חלק ז סי' מח)‬ ‫לרבים או ספר לרבים או נחתום לרבים ‪...‬‬
‫לומד מעבד עברי שכשם שצריך לשלוח עבד ‪,‬‬ ‫(הל' עבדים א‪ ,‬ז)‬
‫בצאתו לחופשי‪ ,‬עם מתנות כך צריך לשלוח עובד ‪‬‬
‫שמסיים את עבודתו עם מתנות (דמי פיצויים)‪.‬‬ ‫אנו רואים מהרמב" ם כי דינים אלו של עבודה‬
‫מבזה ושיש לנהוג בו כשכיר ולא להשתמש בו‬
‫ככל שיחפץ‪ .‬עוד למד הרמב"ם מפרשה זו‬

‫‪613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 79‬‬ ‫אחד המוכר את עצמו או שמכרוהו ב"ד אינו‬
‫נמכר בפרהסיא על אבן המקח ולא בסימטא‬
‫‪Mixing Mercy with Judgement‬‬ ‫כדרך שהעבדים נמכרין שנאמר לא ימכרו‬
‫ממכרת עבד אינו נמכר אלא בצנעה ודרך‬
‫כבוד‪(.‬שם א‪,‬ה)‬
‫)‪As the gemara (Sanhedrin 6b‬‬ ‫‪#79 demands that a judge set aside his‬‬ ‫יש לנהוג בו בכבוד‪ ,‬בכל שלב ובכל מצב‪ ,‬ולא זו‬
‫‪records, “Moshe used to say: Let the‬‬ ‫‪personal feelings when issuing a‬‬ ‫בלבד אלא‬
‫‪law pierce the mountain! But Aharon‬‬ ‫‪verdict. Every fair judicial system‬‬ ‫כל עבד עברי או אמה העבריה חייב האדון‬
‫‪would love peace and pursue peace,‬‬ ‫‪depends upon the fair application of‬‬ ‫להשוותן לו במאכל ובמשקה בכסות ובמדור‬
‫”‪and create peace between people.‬‬ ‫‪law to all members of a society. A‬‬ ‫שנאמר כי טוב לו עמך ‪ ...‬מכאן אמרו כל‬
‫‪While we certainly believe in‬‬ ‫‪judge‟s intentions may be the best,‬‬ ‫הקונה עבד עברי כקונה אדון לעצמו (שם א‪,‬‬
‫‪Aharon‟s embrace of peace, judges‬‬ ‫‪but once he bends the rules – even for‬‬ ‫ט)‬
‫‪are required to apply the principles‬‬ ‫‪a good cause – justice is no longer‬‬ ‫בסופו של דבר ‪ ,‬עבד עברי הוא לא השקעה‬
‫‪of law to litigants who choose to go‬‬ ‫‪served. Therefore, we are taught that‬‬ ‫משתלמת ‪ .‬אם כך מדוע לו לאדם לרכוש עבד‬
‫‪to trial.‬‬ ‫‪a judge may not slant his verdict to‬‬ ‫עברי?‬
‫‪Just as law overrides considerations‬‬ ‫‪favor a needy party.‬‬
‫רא י נ ו ב ר מ ב " ם ק ו ד ם ל כ ן ש י ש נ ם ש ת י‬
‫‪of peace, so law overrides‬‬ ‫אפשרויות שבהם אדם נמכר לעבד; או שהוא‬
‫‪considerations of mercy; Mitzvah‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫מוכר את עצמו משום עניות ( כפי שכתוב‬
‫בויקרא כה) או משום שבית דין מכרוהו בעבור‬

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
Rav Yisrael Bruna Russell Levy
Ashdod, a southern coastal city, is
Torah in Translation Born in 1400 in Brno, Moravia (Bruna, now located between Ashkelon and Tel Aviv
part of the Czech Republic), R‟ Yisrael ben and is the fifth largest city in Israel. In
Yarmulka Tanach, the city is described as one of
Chaim miBrona was described by his
Responsa Mahari Bruna 34 the centres of the Pilishtim, with them
teachers R‟ Yaakov Weil and R‟ Yisrael
Isserlein (author of Terumat haDeshen) as building a temple there for one of their
Note: There are a wide variety of views among “a brilliant student, who devoted himself, gods. In Shemuel I (5:1-7) we are told
the poskim on this issue. For example, see Igrot body, and soul, to the study of the that Ashdod was the location which the
Moshe 1:1. Talmud.” He was, at a young age, Plishtim used to house the aron, while it
Case: Reuven walked in front of ten people appointed the Rabbi of his home town. was captured and in their hands.
[meaning, in a public place RL] with his head In the early 1450s, Franciscan monk Archaeological evidence suggests that
uncovered; one of the students saw and Johannes Capistrano incited people the ancient city of Ashdod was a few
reprimanded him. Reuven did not listen, and against the Jews in the southern German miles inland, while the modern city is
the student excommunicated Reuven. states. Capistrano claimed that the losses directly on the coast.
The modern city of Ashdod was founded
I responded that his excommunication is to the Ottomans were caused by the Jews
in their midst. This contributed to the in 1956, with the first 22 families,
expulsion and massacres of Jews from immigrants from Morroco, settling
It is stated (Kiddushin 8a) that Rav Kahana numerous cities; for example, in Breslau, immediately. With the building of the
[covered his head RL] because he was a great many Jews were burned at the stake due to port of Ashdod in 1961 - today Israel‟s
man, and Rashi explained that this would not his agitation. largest port, handling over 60 percent of
apply for others; this should imply that there is all port cargo - the city‟s population
In 1454, upon his arrival in Moravia,
no requirement to be careful to do this. exploded, boasting 30,000 residents by
Further, [Rav Huna, the son of Rav Yehoshua] Capistrano convinced King Ladislaus, 1969. In the „90‟s many immigrants from
stated (Shabbat 118b): “May a reward come to ruler of Hungary and Bohemia, to exile all the Former Soviet Union chose to settle
me, as I have never gone four cubits without Jews from many cities, including Bruna. He in this city, where immigrants make up a
an uncovered head” [implying that covering gave the butchers of Bruna, who had given significant minority of the population.
one‟s head is a pious act, above the letter of away their abattoir to build a Franciscan The city grew by over 100,000 people.
the law RL]. convent, the Jewish synagogue in which to
build a marketplace.
Nevertheless, this [view of covering one‟s thirteen days due to his opposition to a
Upon his expulsion, R‟ Yisrael moved to
head as merely a pious act, and not a tax placed upon the Jewish community
requirement RL] only applies to them, who Regensburg, where he opened a yeshiva by Emperor Frederick III. Around the
lived in the Land of Israel* among people who and answered halachic questions. This same time, a Jewish apostate by the
walked about with their heads thus covered. troubled R‟ Anschel Segal of Regensburg, name of Bayol accused R‟ Yisrael of
However, we, who live among the nations, live who viewed himself as the Rabbi of the infanticide, of killing a seven year old
among the nations, who go without a head city. R‟ Yisrael‟s teachers, the leaders of Christian child. After thorough
covering. Therefore, for us to do so would be German Jewry, weighed in on the issue interrogation, Bayol admitted that R‟
as if we were following their customs (chukat and ruled in R‟ Yisrael‟s favour, that he Yisrael was innocent. Nevertheless, he
hagoyim); one could not distinguish between may teach and issue rulings in removed himself to the house of his son,
Jew and non-Jew. Therefore, going without a Regensburg (Terumat haDeshen 128). R‟ Menasha, in Prague, and ended his
head covering would be violating the Though many of R‟ Anschel‟s supporters days there in 1480.
accepted Jewish custom (dat yehudit). It is held R‟ Yisrael in contempt for many
stated in Ketuvot (72a) that a woman who goes years, that feeling dissipated when R‟ R‟ Yisrael was the leader of German
without a head covering is as one who Yisrael was recognized as the first Jewry during his life, and he responded
transgresses the faith. Jewish attire is rabbinical authority in Germany upon the to questions about all aspects of life. His
described as distinctive clothing, and even deaths of R‟ Weil and R‟ Isserlein. son, R‟ Menashe, collected and
shoes and sandals (Bava Kama 59b), and in a published 284 of these responsa
In 1474, R‟ Yisrael was thrown in prison for posthumously.
time of persecution, even the method of tying
one‟s shoelaces is important (Sanhedrin 74b).
Therefore, since the student reprimanded and did not sit with an uncovered head”. 111b) and Rava (Bava Batra 22a); after
he did not listen, he is considered like a Further, Rav Huna requested a reward for their deaths, he, along with Rav Papa,
heretic (apikores). Given that he was not going four cubits without a head was among the administration of the
excommunicated for the sake of Heaven, even covering; however, he may have travelled yeshiva in Naresh (Berachot 57a); among
the Rabbi must ostracize him. a shorter distance without one, and all the his colleagues were Rav Mari and Rav
more so that he may have sat without one. Pinchas (Ketuvot 85a) and Rav Nachman
Signed, Mahari Bruna In truth, though, it all depends on how one bar Yehuda (Sanhedrin 30b). All of the
[Mahari Bruna then continues:] I will add that is sitting. Amoraim mentioned resided in Bavel.
this only applies to walking, though. There is * It is unusual that Rav Huna, the son of Rav However, the Maharshal had a different
no need to be careful when one is sitting, as it Yehoshua, would be described as one who text in the gemara; his text referred to
is normal when one is sitting to lighten one‟s lived in the Land of Israel. There are Rabbi Chanina, an Israeli amora, in place
burden. This is also implied from the numerous gemarot that testify of both his of Rav Huna. It is possible that Mahari
statement, “Rav Kahana did not go with an Babylonian origin and place of settlement: Bruna had the same text, in which case
uncovered head”; it did not say, “Rav Kahana he was a student of Abaye (Pesachim the gemara is referring to two Israeli

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Parshah Answers Dovid Zirkind

regulations. This halacha is derived Why does the Torah repeat the verse
What can be learned from the
from our verse, that the laws should “Lo tivasheil gedi bachaleiv immo –
expression “Asher Tasim Lifneihem –
be “placed before them,” meaning you shall not boil a kid in its mother’s
which you shall place before them”?
both men and women. milk” three times?
 Rashi suggests that this phrase was a
commandment to Moshe in how he
 Rashi cites one opinion of the Gemara
Did Hashem give Moshe more than in Chullin (113a) which explains that
should teach the mitzvoth of our ten commandments at Har Sinai? we are thus prohibited from eating,
parshah. He was told not to simply
teach the laws two or three times,
 When telling Moshe that he would deriving benefit from, or cooking a
receive the luchot on Har Sinai, combination of milk and meat.
and have that suffice. Rather, Moshe
Hashem added that that he would also  Also in Chullin, Rabbi Akiva suggests
was to expound upon the mitzvot with
receive “HaTorah ViHamitzvah”. that with each prohibitive iteration
reasons and explanations, so that
Rashi suggests that Hashem did give the Torah added an exception: The
they should be placed completely,
Moshe everything. The Aseret laws of milk and meat do NOT apply
like a „set table‟, before his students.
Hadibrot, although they are only ten biblically to wild animals, birds and
 Seforno suggests that the Torah‟s commandments at face value, contain non-kosher animals.
laws fall into two distinct categories. within them references to all six
There are some mitzvot which have hundred and thirteen mitzvot. For children: Why is the penalty for
an absolute applicability; if you are stealing an ox different from the
commanded to perform that mitzvah
 Seforno, based on the same verse,
explains that initially Hashem indeed penalty for stealing a sheep?
then you must carry it out to the best
intended to present Moshe with the  Rashi quotes two explanations:
of your ability. However, our Parshah Rabban Yochanan Zakkai suggests
entire Torah when he ascended Har
contains many mitzvot which are that one who steals a sheep has to
Sinai. However, when the people
merely instructions on how to act in carry it out on his shoulders.
sinned in Moshe‟s absence he was
specific situations. If one does not Although it was his choice to steal the
only given the luchot to break, and
own animals, or if one‟s animals animal, the Torah is lenient for him
then he would be required to write the
never cause damage, these mitzvot because of the disgrace he went
Torah himself.
are not relevant. As such, these through. Therefore he only pays four
mitzvot that are not expected of us  In addition, the Yerushalmi learns a
fundamental halachah from this verse. times the value, not five.
are rather placed before us, in the Rabbi Meir sees this halachah from
event that they should become The juxtaposition of Torah and Mitzvah
teaches us that just as we are to recite the owner‟s perspective. When one‟s
necessary. ox is stolen he doesn‟t only lose the
a berachah before we study Torah, so
 Although in some areas of halachah ox; he loses the profits of working the
we should recite a berachah before
men and women are treated animal as well. A sheep does not
we perform each mitzvah.
differently, the gemara in Kedushin work for its owner, and so no labour
35a sets down the rule that regarding is lost. Therefore, the thief pays more
monetary law, men and women are for stealing the ox.
subject to the same rules and

Schedule for the Week of January 29, 24 Shevat

Shabbat, January 29 Tuesday, February 1
7:45AM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: Parshat Yitro, Or Chaim 1:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Yonah, at Shaarei Shomayim, with Mekorot
10:15AM R‟ Azarya Berzon, The Month of Shvat in Halacha and does not meet this week
Hashkafa, Clanton Park 7:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Tools for Brisk: Din Klali or Din Misuyam, BAYT
One Hour Before Mincha: R‟ Azarya Berzon, Kiddushin 9b, Thornhill
Mizrachi Bayit 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount Learning
7:00PM Parent/Child Learning, Shaarei Shomayim Centre
Sunday, January 30 8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park does not
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg:Parshah&Issues b‟Ivrit, Zichron meet this week
Yisrael 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Moral Dilemas in Monetary Issues, BAYT
7:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Megila 3b: Which Comes Thornhill
First, Megilla or Burying the Dead?, Shaarei Shomayim Wednesday, February 2
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Kiddushin: The Third 9:15AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women Babysitting
Method of Marrying a Woman, Shaarei Shomayim provided - does not meet this week
Monday, January 31 7:15PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Week‟s Shiur Highlights, Clanton Park
12:10PM Russell Levy, Masechet Pesachim (advanced), Wolfond 7:30PM Russell Levy: Napoleon‟s Sanhedrin, Shaarei Shomayim
Center Lunch served 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin 42b “Ein Shliach LeDvar
7:30 PM R‟ Meir Lipschitz: The Thought of R‟ Shlomo Aviner, 37 Aveira”, Shomrei Shabbos Chevra Mishnayos
Fraserwood, Apt 4, Women Thursday, February 3
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Rambam: Lo Tachmod, Clanton Park 8:00PM R‟ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
8:45PM R‟ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, Shaarei 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: The Asseret HaDibrot in Halacha & Hashkafa,
Shomayim Clanton Park
9:20PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: Insights into Parshat Yitro, 10:00PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Rambam Hilchot Talmud Torah, Clanton Park
G-d‟s and the People of Israel, 12 Midvale Road
Friday 6 AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Daf Yomi, BAYT

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