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By Richard I. Gilson, IMEG Corp., Phoenix

A practical understanding
of NFPA 110-2016
Consulting engineers who specify emergency power equipment understand
that installations for mission critical facilities, such as hospitals and data centers,
are required to comply with NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby
Power Systems in conjunction with codes such as NFPA 70: National Electrical
Code (NEC). This article will review the most recent version (2016) of NFPA 110
and offer tips for compliance.

FPA 110: Standard for Emergen- • Level 1 EPSS: Installed where a failure of the
cy and Standby Power Systems cov- primary energy power source could result in
ers the installation, operation, and loss of life or serious injuries.
testing criteria related to the perfor-
mance of a mission critical facility’s • Level 2 EPSS: Installed where a failure of the
emergency power supply system. A full understand- primary energy power source is less critical
ing of the standard is critical for specifying engi- to life or safety.
neers who design such facilities.
Having a full understanding of 2016 NFPA 110 • Mission critical: A system that is essen-
requirements starts with familiarity with the follow- tial to the survival of a business or organiza-
ing emergency power system acronyms, used fre- tion. When a mission critical system fails or
quently throughout this article: is interrupted, business operations are sig-
nificantly impacted. Mission critical facilities
• EPS: emergency power supply. This includes include data centers, hospitals, laboratories,
the emergency power source with the cal- and higher education research laboratories.
culated capacity and quality required for
the emergency supply system (see Figure 1). It also should be understood that in NFPA
This can include rotating generators—diesel definitions, use of the word “shall” is taken to
or propane/natural gas, flywheel generators, mean “mandatory.” Use of the word “should”
steam turbine, or uninterruptible power sup- denotes a recommendation that is advised, but
ply (UPS) systems. not required.
While the design professional is responsi-
• EPSS: emergency power supply system. This ble for assigning the class and level of a project’s
includes the total functioning system of con- EPSS, this decision should be made in collabora-
ductors, disconnecting means, the EPS, over- tion with the owner to confirm the intent of the
current protective devices, transfer switches, facility use. For this reason, NFPA 110 does not
controls, supervisory alarms, and support prescribe assignments. Facility requirements are
devices—up to and including the load termi- provided, however, in other NFPA sections, such
nals of the transfer equipment to operate safely as NFPA 99-2018: Health Care Facilities Code for
and as a reliable source of electrical power. health care facilities. It is important to note that
NFPA 110 clarifies that it is a minimum standard
• ATS: automatic transfer switch. Self-acting and does not prohibit equivalent equipment that
equipment that transfers the connected load provides better quality, strength, durability, or
from one power source to another. safety, among other items.


Figure 1: The central energy plant of the St. Louis VA Medical Center,
Jefferson Barracks Division, includes 7.5 MW of standby generation.
IMEG provided engineering design for the new central plant, which
also features a 120,000-gal. fuel oil system, 3,750 tons of chilled
Chapters 1-3 of NFPA 110 cover the admin- water (expandable to 5,000 tons in the future), 3,000 BHP of high-
istration and applicability of the standard and
pressure steam, and a new incoming 34.5 kV to 4.16 kV 5/7 MVA
define what the standard covers and does not
cover. Chapter 2 is a comprehensive list of other customer-owned substation. The plant is part of a $226 million, multi-
NFPA standards and other publications that are year campus transformation, which includes improving medical and
intended to work cohesively with this standard. non-medical facilities and updating the campus infrastructure system.
Chapter 3 is a list of definitions that are used in Courtesy: IMEG Corp./Debbie Franke Photography
the publication.
This article focuses on Chapters 7 and 8 and
concludes with highlights from Chapters 4-6. be considered whether located indoors
or outdoors. In such situations, some L Learning
Chapter 7: Installation and states require an elevated structure for OBJECTIVES
environmental considerations the EPS and EPSS equipment. State and • Define emergency power supply
NFPA 110, Chapter 7, covers generator local codes also must be consulted to (EPS) and emergency power
installation and environmental conditions. The confirm acoustical considerations at the supply system (EPSS), Level 1 and
Level 2 systems.
climate, elevation, and seismic zone of the geo- property line. Standby EPS may have
graphic location are crucial factors to consider, different requirements from prime- • Understand how to apply NEC
articles 517, 700, 701, and 702 to
in addition to an indoor or outdoor placement of mover EPS installations. NFPA 99 and 110.
the generator. The building type and classifica- Regardless of the design, remote
• Explain the need for risk analysis
tion of occupancy also affect the design. power-off pushbuttons are required to in locating the EPS and EPSS
State and local codes regarding the installation be located on the exterior of the enclo- equipment, and why coordination
of emergency generators also affect the design. sure and outside the EPS room in an with structural and mechanical
Some states require that if an EPSS is installed indoor location. Location of remote engineers is crucial in EPS design.
belowgrade, there must be supporting design to annunciators also should be discussed
minimize damage from flooding, sewer backup, with the owner. A custom alarm is recommended
or other disasters. If it is located in an area prone for remote power-off to be annunciated to alert the
to flooding, structural implications of install- facility that the generator is offline if not located in
ing the EPSS above the 10-year flood plane must a secure location. CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER November 2018 • 11


Indoor generator rooms (EPS) must be in a 30% of the rated EPS capacity. Because exhaust-sys-
2-hour-rated room for Level 1 installations if they tem wet stacking can occur in these situations, it is
are rated more than 1,000 amps and 150 V or beneficial to design provisions for a temporary load
greater phase-to-ground. EPSS distribution, ATS, bank or a radiator load bank so that, during the
and generator operation and maintenance (O&M) testing, the generators can consume greater than
manuals are the only items allowed in this room. 30% load and eliminate the wet-stacking issue. (Wet
If there is an outdoor enclosure, it shall be suitable stacking is a condition in diesel engines in which
for the environmental conditions, such as wind, unburned fuel passes on into the exhaust system,
rain, snow, and seismic considerations. A Level 1 occurring most commonly when a generator runs
EPSS also is allowed to be installed in this enclo- less than 4 hours at less than 75% load. The word
sure; normal branch distribution is not allowed to “stacking” refers to when the generator exhaust
be installed in the same enclosure or room. stack becomes oily and is, therefore, a “wet stack.”)

Structural coordination is required for genera-
tors to assure solid foundations are designed and to
Wet stacking is a condition in diesel protect sagging fuel supplies, exhaust piping, and
conduit from damage at joints. The concrete bases
engines in which unburned fuel passes on for the EPS shall be a minimum of 6 in. above the
finished floor to assist with lubricating under the
into the exhaust system, occurring most EPS. Vibration analysis should be completed by the
commonly when a generator runs less structural engineer, and an isolated foundation base
shall be required to eliminate vibration throughout

than 4 hours at less than 75% load. the structure from affecting other floors.
Coordination with a mechanical engineer is
required for indoor locations. Air for the generator
An EPS installed in a non-walk-in outdoor combustion-air requirements shall be installed per
enclosure with a base-mounted fuel tank will raise the manufacturer recommendations. Ventilation air
the generator access to a point that maintenance is for the EPS must be direct from outside in a 2-hour
not possible without a ladder. In these instances, a enclosure for Level 1 installations. The outside air-
raised platform, minimum 36 in. from the genera- flow must be designed for the rated load of the EPS.
tor rails, must be installed with railings and stairs Fire dampers, shutters, or other automatic clos-
to allow full access to the maintenance doors. If the ing devices for supply- and exhaust-air ductwork
EPSS (transfer switch equipment) is installed in a are not allowed for a Level 1 installation. Exterior
custom outdoor walk-in enclosure, the platform louvers must be designed for prevailing winds that
requirement is not required. Indoor-mounted EPS might blow against the radiator fan discharge air.
must be sized to allow for 36-in. access space on each EPS with unit-mounted radiators must be flex-con-
side for maintenance. Because of the differences in nected to the exterior louver boot.
manufacturing, it is suggested that the basis of design’s Plumbing coordination shall include floor drains
overall dimensions be part of the contract documents and hose bibs inside the Level 1 EPS room. Lique-
to mitigate issues in construction. fied fuel, such as diesel, can be piped from an interior
Mission critical EPS/EPSS are required to have day tank or be base-mounted. Interior fuel tanks are
monthly, quarterly, and annual maintenance. For a restricted to a maximum of 660 gal. One of the more
single energy-converter EPS, the designer should controversial requirements is the Level 1 requirement
be prepared to explain what happens to the facil- for 96 hours of fuel capacity. For health care occupan-
ity if a utility or interior distribution failure calls cies, the Joint Commission accreditation for hospital
for the energy converter to start during a routine organizations has clarified that the intent is to have
oil change, antifreeze replacement, or other mainte- a plan for providing 96 hours of fuel capacity, not to
nance that requires the energy converter to be taken have a 96-hour onsite storage capacity.
offline. The designer and owner should determine Local fuel suppliers must be reliable and able
if the facility warrants an N+1 energy converter, 2N to provide a plan to certify this will be provided.
paralleling gear, or temporary generator connection This is an important risk-analysis discussion to
with auto-start capabilities. Though first costs are have with the owner. In addition, because environ-
important, this is not a system that should be value- mental conditions can shorten diesel fuel life and
designed down. cause organic growth in tanks and lines, a plan
For a facility with a programmed growth over should exist to replace the fuel, or a fuel-polishing
a few years to meet the overall master plan, it is system should be used (to keep the fuel refreshed)
important to design the initial infrastructure to if the fuel is not consumed every 3 months.
have capacity for the future. Therefore, it is com- When using a refueling plan with a 660-gal tank
mon to find generators with an initial load under (diesel, indoors or out), NFPA 110 states that diking


CASE STUDY: Expansion alternatives

s part of a bed-tower expan-
sion at a Northern Illinois
health care facility, load stud-
ies of the existing facility’s genera-
tor loads determined the life safety
and critical branches would now be
greater than the capacity of the exist-
ing generators. The existing health
care campus was served by three
400-kW, 480-V, 3-phase, 4-wire gen-
erators, paralleled from an existing
central plant whose critical and life
safety branches were measured at
80% of the capacity for the first gen-
erator to connect to the bus within
the required 10 seconds. Load cal-
culations of the proposed 6-story patient-tower addi- Figure 2: Upgraded controls allowed these two genera-
tion showed the capacity of the life safety and critical tors—no longer adequate at their original location—to
branches would exceed the capacity of one generator be repurposed for another facility in the same health care
system. Courtesy: IMEG Corp.
for connection to the bus within 10 seconds.
As part of the facility’s master plan, IMEG Corp.
proposed a few alternatives for consideration: expand-
ing the existing generator capacity to a point where
one generator would be of size to connect the load,

‘ Load studies of the existing facility’s

generator loads determined the life
safety and critical branches would now
be greater than the capacity of the

existing generators.
providing a replacement generator, or repurposing Figure 3: Paralleling switchgear with a split bus allows each
repurposed generator at a northern Illinois health care
existing generators at another site that were under-
facility to start and pick up the life safety and critical loads
sized for another project but would fit the load profile within the NFPA 99-required 10 seconds. It also allows
of this project. Working with the architectural master the generators to synchronize and close the bus tie of the
plan’s view of a potential campus build-out, the com- paralleling gear and then pick up the remaining equipment
pany recommended repurposing the existing 4,160- branch loads, all within 45 sec. Courtesy: IMEG Corp.
V generators as the best long-term solution with the
lowest budgetary impact for the new bed-tower proj- IMEG also designed new medium-voltage paralleling
ect. This medium-voltage solution helped reconcile the switchgear with a split bus to allow each generator to
voltage-drop issues that were seen on the campus. A start and pick up the life safety and critical loads within
former laundry building was repurposed to house the the NFPA 99-required 10 seconds, allow the generators
two initial (and repurposed) medium-voltage genera- to then synchronize and close the bus tie of the paral-
tors and two additional generators for future expan- leling gear, and then pick up the remaining equipment
sion (see Figure 2). branch loads, all within 45 seconds (see Figure 3). CONSULTING-SPECIFYING ENGINEER November 2018 • 13


or remote impounding are not required, unless the • Level 1 EPSS circuit breakers shall be exer-
authority having jurisdiction states otherwise. cised annually.
Elevation differences between a main tank and the
day tank or base-mounted tank can be problematic if • A Level 1 EPSS shall be tested continuously
not designed properly. In certain unique installations, for its class but not to exceed 4 hours.
an elevated fuel oil tank (above the diesel generator
cylinders) can cause excess fuel-line pressure (head) Chapters 4-6
that a check-valve failure could irreparably damage the The actual EPSS design can begin after there is
EPS. Special considerations from a plumbing design an understanding of the program, the installation,
must be done with EPS manufacturer approval to and the owner’s testing and maintenance require-
eliminate a single-component failure from damaging ments. As part of the plan development based on
the generator. Close coordination is required with the NFPA 110, Chapter 4, the class, type and level, pre-
generator vendor. liminary block kilovolt-amps load-sizing criteria,
NFPA 110 also clarifies that fire suppression sys- and the number of ATS branches can be determined.
tems in EPS rooms shall not be carbon dioxide, halon The designer should keep in mind the owner’s crite-
(inergin), or automatic dry-chemical. Exceptions exist ria for reliability. Can a failed transfer switch serv-
if combustion air is indirectly connected/ducted to the ing critical-branch loads on a patient floor eliminate
EPS combustion intake. all critical-branch loads, or would two critical trans-
fer switches serving half of the floor provide a more

acceptable reliability of the EPSS?
Special considerations from a plumbing design NFPA 110, Chapter 5, provides a description
of the EPS energy sources, converters (flywheel
must be done with EPS manufacturer approval and UPS), and accessories. Based on the level
and building type/occupancy, a recommendation
to eliminate a single-component failure from can be made to provide diesel rotary equipment,
gasoline rotary equipment, or liquefied gaseous
rotary equipment, as well as temperature mainte-
damaging the generator. Close coordination is nance and EPSS capacity. NFPA 70-2017: National

Electrical Code (NEC), Articles 700 through 702
required with the generator vendor. describe typical Level 2 installations and require-
ments for Level 1 as well.
Specialty Level 1 health care occupancies also
Chapter 8: Routine maintenance refer to NEC Articles 700 through 702, NEC Arti-
and operational testing cle 517, and NFPA 99. Consideration of and famil-
NFPA 110, Chapter 8, covers ongoing main- iarity with all these requirements are needed by
tenance and testing. The design must be done in the design professional. The design profession-
cooperation with the owner to determine the risk al also must determine if the EPS is designed as a
assessment of a single generator, provisions for a separately derived or non-separately derived sys-
temporary generator, and paralleling generators tem to design the grounding and bonding accord-
that will provide reliability and redundancy in case ing to NEC Article 250.
of a component failure (generator, ATS, generator NFPA 110, Chapter 6, describes the trans-
distribution gear). The owner must be able to per- fer switch equipment as the design relates to the
form the following tests with minimal disruption to number of essential branches. ATS shall, upon loss
the facility: of utility power, send a signal to the generator to
start within 1 second, and depending on the class,
• Diesel EPS energy converters must be tested deliver power to the transfer switch from the EPS
annually under building load with supplemen- power source. Logic to monitor restoration of util-
tal load banks as required at not less than 50% ity power is integral to the ATS and shall return
of rated (nameplate) kilowatt load. This test the source to the normal (utility-source) branch.
shall be 30 minutes in duration. When the generator is sized for required loads,
but the owner elects to add additional loads not
• Spark-ignition EPS shall be exercised once a code-required for effective facility operation,
month with the available building load for 30 there shall be electronic-monitoring logic to mea-
minutes. sure the total load from the EPSS and load shed
nonessential loads to assure the generator is
• Where multiple ATSs are installed, they not overloaded. There also is a description of the bypass-
shall be rotated to verify each start signal is isolation ATS that is recommended for Level 1
functional. mission critical facilities. This feature allows the


ATS to be manually bypassed to maintain or test the
ATS. Nonautomatic transfer switches (NTS) have
electric motor operators for the ability to manu-
ally add these loads into the EPSS system either at
the NTS or from a remote location. Manual transfer
‘ Because electrical distribution and
EPSS shop drawings often are received
switches have no motorized operation and can only at separate times, it is very important to
be added into the EPSS by physically changing states
at the transfer switch. look at the shop drawings as a total

Protection and selective coordination are
described in NFPA 110 as well as in NEC Article 517 system and not independent reviews.
and Articles 700 through 702. The entire EPSS must
be designed for the available load and braced for distribution and EPSS equipment. It is recommended
the available fault current from the normal (utility) to delay shop-drawing review until this power system
branch and the EPSS. The ATS usually have a very study is confirmed to eliminate costly field changes.
specific list of overcurrent devices that can be used to Recommendations and guidelines for EPSS
achieve a series rating. equipment, wiring methods, and ratings are provided
With a distribution system and EPSS system that in NFPA 110 as well as in NEC and NFPA 99, with
must be competitively bid, this can be very prob- NFPA 110 also providing the maintenance criteria
lematic for the designer if a careful review of shop for end users to properly test, document, and prove
drawings is not done. Because electrical distribution compliance to all regulators. As the starting point
and EPSS shop drawings often are received at sepa- for every EPSS design, NFPA 110 provides technical
rate times, it is very important to look at the shop guidance for EPSS specification and testing—laying
drawings as a total system and not independent out the important framework for the design profes-
reviews. Very clear direction should be given in the sional. cse
documents for the basis of design, and a power sys-
tem study should be performed by the switchgear Richard I. Gilson is a senior electrical technical spe-
vendor showing compliance with all power system cialist for IMEG Corp.

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