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Submission Format for CASE

STUDY for Design Dissertation

Name of Student Omika kadu
Roll No. 2016058
Email / M number
Fill in available details, if not available then leave the field blank

Name of Project of CASE National institute of design

Source of study 

Reason for selection of the case 

Reason for study of part

Location Paldi, Ahmedabad ,Gujarat

Project owner Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
Architect Gautam Sarabhai,Gira Sarabhai & Charles Eames
Structural Consultant Prof.G.S.Ramasawmy
Other consultant/s
Year of establishment September 1961
Cost of Project
If part of the total project studied

Land Area
 20 acres of land
Other details about land-ownership, etc.

If in Indian City, DP details

 NID lies in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat state .
 Ahmedabad municipal corporation ,city development plan 2021

DP extract with site duly marked

Google Image with site duly marked

In case of large area –

site levels/elevations
Number of buildings,
in case of

Layout in
case of

entrance to
 The entrance to the site
is provides through
service road leading
from Bhagtacharya main
road .
 The main entrance is
from northwest side of the
plot .
 The entrance is mostly at the corner of the site leading directly to institute as well
public amenities .
Observations about Parking Arrangements
 Parking is not provided for the visitors inside the campus .
 Two wheeler only one covered parking is provided for staff just at the entrance of the
site .
 Parking facilities for students and faculty are provided at academic and residential
block .

Observations about security/ entry control/ such other arrangements

 The main entrance leads with the security office to various different zones .
 The entry to the institute is directly from main entrance through pathways .
 There are in all three entries provided for the campus .
 On the western side of the campus service road is provided for vehicular movement
towards residential and academic block.
 On eastern side service road is provided for workshops .
 Pedestrian and vehicular movement is common along the pathways.
Built up area total
 24,788 sq.mtrs ( approx)
Building wise built up areas

Building wise built up areas

Observations about ground coverage

Observations about consumption of FSI

 FSI consumed is 0.4
Append Plans if available

Append Plans if available

 The site is located on the west bank of Sabarmati river near Sardar Patel Bridge .
 The ground level is 2.51 meters below the high flood level recorded in 1857 .
 The entire site is divided in to three major zones .
 The campus is zoned out from main entrance ,leading from public zone ,institutional
,recreational towards residential zone .
 Recreational zone is in the middle of institutional and residential blocks providing a
good buffer space between zones .
 The site has its main access for institutional block and secondary access is only for
residential block
 Institutional block is placed near the entrance for easy access as well as education
being the prime activity provided in campus .
 Residential blocks are placed towards Sabarmati river maintaining its privacy away
from the institutional block .

 The site is zoned out according

to its functions and spaces .
 Institute building
 Corporate communication
 Design consultancy services
 National design business incubator
 Design gallery
 Eames plaza
 Multifunctional stage
 Amphitheatre
 Director's residence
 VIP guest house
 Senior faculty housing
 Faculty residence
 Hostel A
 Hostel B
 Hostel C
 Kitchen dinning block
 Seminar hall 1&2
 Staff residence
 International center for Indian crafts
 Canteen

Analysis of layout with superimposed remarks – more than one analytical

plan if necessary
Structural details

 The planning of NID is based on various spatial types of forms such as open
courtyards with passages , raised platforms ,multiple entrances ,formal entrance
with the brick shell ,colonnade type facing the green spaces and a concept of
grid which hold the hole composition of structure .
 The entire structural formation is in the form of grid .
 The building is generated with the help of frame structure is supported through
columns and beams .
 The entire building is on stilts with main floor standing 3.24 meters above ground
level ,thus around 9570 of floor space is available on ground floor .
 The grid of the building helps in organization of the spaces with internal spaces
designed according to the requirement and sizes .
 The basic dimension of one grid is 6.15x6.15 meters c/c .
 All the modules are constant ,but when it changes it differs by 2meters .
 one module of a structure which is 6.15x6.15 meter has nine equal parts of small
beams then main beam .
 Module of 12.3x12.3 meters of module is used for space organization .
 The openings of the structure are prefabricated with the metal frame of basic
module of 1.025 meters .
 All the spaces with openings are oriented towards the courtyards .
 Major emphasis was given to create a function perfection in more complex
spaces like workshops and studios .
 The planning in form of gird according to the function and around the two main
courtyards makes building less complicated as well as more functional .
Analysis of
plan/s with
remarks –
more than one
analytical plan
if necessary
 Ground floor is mainly of administration area ,director's office ,faculty area
,glass and ceramic workshops and public interactive space .
 The admin area is restricted only to ground floor with a amount of good free
space designed with wooden partitions and brick wall .
 There are studios with some labs partially opened to the exterior with the
metal frame glass partitions .
 The display areas for exhibiting the works and stores are designed with full
length metal glass partitions .
 The concept of keeping it in glass helps to connect easily to the visitors as
well as the exterior environment .
 The column arrangement on the floor forms a court like spaces creating a
balance of built and un-built spaces .
 The educational zone is mostly restricted to upper floors .
 First floor basically consist of computer lab ,library, metal and wood
workshops and printing area .
 The circulation through these areas is by single height narrow linear passage .
 Workshops and studios having north-south orientation in order to avoid direct
sunlight during work hours .
 Wood and metal workshops have double heighted ceiling making it more
spacious .
 They are designed using the sliding panels from skirting till full height for
natural ventilation and light .
 The workshops areas are distinctly separated from the studios so that the
noise from the workshops could be eliminated .
 Moreover they are connected to open courtyard, being exposed with natural
environment and also acting as outdoor work areas .
 Staircases from the courtyard gives direct excess to these workshops.
 The library has lounge provided with open book stacks for browsing and
separate are for study .
 The library is designed in full wall glass partition for keeping it lit during the
day time .

 The mezzanine second floor consist of studios ,textile labs and auditorium.
 The auditorium has a capacity of 230 people .
 It can be accessed directly via main staircase from foyer .
 It is fully air-conditioned used for seminars and cultural programs and lectures
 The studios are designed mostly on the external wall with exposed to enough
amount of natural light.
 They are designed according to the various requirement of the courses
provided with the informal nature of the studio .
 small pockets of courtyards open to sky are provided which keeps studios lit
with good amount of light .
 The library has lounge provided with open book stacks for browsing and
Hierarchy of spaces according to the functions
Photographs with
of remarks or
below the photo
remarks / reasons
for pasting the

play of light & shadows on ground floor with Aluminum

display area
frame glass partition of library

Asthetics with a raw look of materials Informal nature of study in campus

studio's exposed to natural light Full length sliding glass partitions for natural light

Main entrance to the campus

Accommodation It is observed that students paste layouts/plans/photographs/area statements and
details in all leave it to imagination of guide to interpret the same and its relevance. This may
buildings with please be avoided. Each & every aspect presented must have justification from the
areas and mention student about usefulness of the information for the thesis.
any aspect found
useful / relevant for
your project

Append area
statement if
Any other With necessary justification
important feature
that needs to be
Details of Services  Triple height RCC staircase is provided in foyer .
– lifts, staircases,  The staircase has a platform extending on different level giving impactful experience.
escalators, water  The major role of it is to formalize its entry to the auditorium on the second floor .
supply, electricity,  The railings of the staircase are in steel maintaining its raw industrial look .
sub station  Other staircases leading to mezzanine and workshop floors were also in RCC with steel
railings .
 Spiral staircase made up of steel has been provided in rear most small courtyard .
 These staircase acts as a secondary preference to triple height staircase .
 It is provided for connecting workshops to the studios .
 The semi open space of canopied roof near doubled act as one of the interactive space .

Optimization of informal light and space Triple height interactive space

 The channels for electric services of 5cm wide is passed through the waffle beams .
 The under-floor electric wiring is laid in these channels and filled with ma9S concrete .
 Changes in case of machinery layout can be easily done by removing concrete in the
channels and changing the under-floor electric connections .
 These helps to prevent the damage to concrete flooring .

Channels passing through grid Schematic light fitting detail

 Electric light fixtures are an integral part that are suspended from the roof beams .
 They are designed with a provision of fitting additional tube light for greater
illumination in workshop whenever necessary .
 Electric fans provided are also suspended from the grid floors .
 Ducts for housing various services like water pipes ,electric circles , ventilation and air-
conditioning are provided .

Workshop area with electric fittings Schematic fan fitting detail

Details of Utilities /  Ducts for housing various services like electric cables , ventilation and air-conditioning
fire Fighting are provided .
provisions / solid  Provision of sprinkler for cooling are provided from the shells .
waste management  Provision for water supply ,drainage is made through duct
 Solid waste are recycled and sold at market price .

Detailed section of workshop

Details of Construction & Materials

Construction /  Construction technology used in construction is precast .
materials/ etc  The columns on first floor and ground floor are of equal spacing of 6.5 meters c/c .
 Both the floors consist of waffle beams with reinforced brick slab to carry a live
load of 300 kg/sq.meters .

Ground floor with waffle beam slab Reinforced brick shells

 The workshop floor consist of grid of waffle beams of 2.05 meters c/c with precast RCC
shells to carry machine load of 1000 kg/sq.meters .
 The shells designed has a provision that a diameter of 15m hole can be punctured
anywhere for fitting dust removal trunks too machines .
 The columns on workshop and mezzanine floor are of equal spacing of 6.5 meters c/c .
 The roof consist of series of 12.30x12.30 meters , precast doubly curved shells of same
size as used in workshop floors .

External façade with exposed materials workshop area in-situ flooring

 The external cladding is prefabricated and consist of heat resisting glass with metal
frame in workshops and rose wood fame in studios .
 The entire structure is exposed in bricks and concrete giving it a raw look .
 The flooring consist of cast in-situ cement 'patent stone ' .

Details of Amenities

Observation about  The campus is designed according to the hot and dry climate of ahemdabad .
energy  The courtyards remains in the shadow mostly so the workshop area have sliding panels
consumption / installed running from the height of 10 inches from floor level to inflow the amount of
green features natural sunlight in areas

Blend of vegetation with structure Internal courtyard as breakout space

Observations  The campus has been completely landscaped with pockets of vegetation in exterior as
about Landscape well as
features/ interior.
 The structure is bound by extensive lawns which act as an interactive space .
 The building is partially visible through foliage of tress .
 The other side of structure has an ancient monument and open air amphitheatre with
around it .
 The amphitheatre acts as a space for many informal gatherings .

Lawns as gathering spaces Open air amphitheatre

Tree plantation  The tress are planted along the periphery of the building which provides shade .
Observations  The pathways are of hard ground where trees help them keeping cool through-out the
about movement of day .
visitors & use of  The pathways provided makes the site existing to help discover slowly and steadily .
open spaces  The trees inside the courtyard helps to keep cool atmosphere inside the interior as well
around buildings / as creating a shady spill out space .
plazas  The platforms extended from the institutional building towards lawns helps acting as
built in sit out space .
 The stilt area merges with the landscape creating a sense of built and un-built spaces .

Built un-built space Spill-out

Shaded pathways

Observations  The campus designed is not barrier free for disable .

about use of  Provision for temporary ramp was later made from ground floor to first floor .
complex by  Ground floor also does not have ramps for easy movement of wheelchair of disable .
people with  Lifts an elevators were not designed into the institute .
some disability  so the disable person cannot access the second floor at all .
Observations about  The campus has a thick vegetation of trees on the site , the institute building is partially
skyline, terrace, visible due to trees .
Observations  The building has no particular style of architectural elevation .
about architectural  The raw look of the building can be seen from the entrance of the campus itself .
features in  The expression of the building by change of two materials ,brick and concrete can be
elevation/sky line/ seen .
near buildings/ etc
Observations  The building is surrounded by Sabarmati river towards east with residential blocks
about facing to it .
surroundings  on the other side there is a market and on the east side there is a high school and on one
side there is a residential area .

Any other aspect Institute offers professional education programmes at graduate and post graduate level with
student wants to diverse design principles .
mention  Industrail design
Product Design
Ceramic and Glass Design
Furniture and Interior Design
Toy and Game Design
Transportation and Automobile Design
 Textile and apparel design
Textile Design
Apparel Design and Merchandising
Lifestyle Accessory Design
 Communication design
Graphic Design
Animation Film Design
Film and Video Communication
Photography Design
Exhibition Design
 IT integrated design
Information &interface design
Design for Digital Experience
New Media Design
Digital game design
 Interdisciplinary design
Interaction design
Universal design
Strategic design management

Conclusion Architectural observations

 The entire institute building designed is based on the square column grid .
 The designing is done according to the need for space and to adapt
constantly changing needs in future .
 The building is constructed internally using partitions for changing needs and
permanent partitions where permanent areas are assigned .
 The intersection of access path are often between the functional areas
of classrooms ,studios and workshops
 such adaptations have been functional due to the informal nature of areas
inside the building .
 The administration areas are restricted only to ground floor maintaining its
privacy for access as well .
 The exhibition areas is on ground floor as a welcoming in the entrance
 The canteen is housed in the external structure .

Excel or spread sheet format can be used for advantages if any.
Same format to be used for each case study.
For Private Circulation only.
Dr. Ar. Anil Darshetkar
May 22,2020.

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