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I’m moslim.

I am ten years old.

I am slim, handsome, fast and young..
I have one sister..
She is young and pretty but she is fat and slow.
She is five years old.
she likes ice-cream.
she is polite.
we have fourteen cousins.
Youssef is ten years old he is tall..
Ibrahim is ten years old also he is fat.
they like cats..
my aunt Rahma likes rabbits..
my grandmother likes rabbit too.
my cousin Taha has got five rabbits.
Taha is five years old and he is short.
he doesn`t go to school.
he is young and thin.
my uncle Mohamed family house is downstairs.
they have a grey car it is clean.
my uncle Naoufel has a grey car too it is dirty.
we have got a nice white car it is dirty too.
the three cars are in front of the house.
under the cars there are three small cats.
my uncle Naoufel family house is above my grandfather family house.
my uncle Noomen doesn`t has got a car.
my aunt Nabiha doesn`t has got car also.
my aunt Nabiha house is far from my house.
my school is near to my house it is big and clean, it has big but narrow windows.
my family goes to the zoo.
I like the zoo it is big.
my sister likes the zoo also.
toward the zoo there is one school it is big it has a wide door.
in the zoo there is a monkey it is dirty.
the monkey is on the tree.
the monkey likes bananas.
my sister doesn’t like bananas but she likes oranges. She has got an orange rubber duck.
the monkey is ugly
I don`t like monkeys.
I like dogs, they are clean and fast.
dogs are in the park
dogs are nice and beautiful.



in the park there is a lac it is long and wide.




in the lac there is a green big yacht.




beside the yacht there is a fast jellyfish. my sister puts her rubber duck. it flots.


around the lac there are eight dirty frogs.




across the lac there is one big and slow octopus.



along the park there are ten big apple trees.



near the apple trees there is a clean small zebra.




the zebra is beautiful.




between the trees there are five fat kangaroo.




on the trees there are ten small nests.




inside the nests there are four small eggs.




among the trees there are six thin and fast horses.



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