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Sd 5002 hos been designed to offer
you comfort ond energy sovings, t
o lows you io progromme ond "Reduced" Poinler Ambienl Worning lighl
odjusi your heoting or oir cond iio- femperolure indicofingdoy fempeloture to indicole
,oir condilioning
of fhe week weor slort-up indicofor
ning occording to 3 temperature
tevels: "Comfoil"
iemperoiure this is the temperoiure for your selection
- "Comfort" - a____l
hours of presence +/-buflonsfor*\ T Prolonged
odiusfingsellings I

- "Reduced" temperoture : thls is the temperofure for your I r-------) (holidoys)
brief obsences or during the night, -
- "Frosf -protection" temperotufe : th s s the min mum \l w
temperoture for long obsences, ll protects your dwe ing lndicofor for
from the risk of frost,
These 3 pre-recorded progroms ond o blonk programme
will ollow you io odopt your heoting eoch doy to your lfe
sTyre Tlll
'r *-: *-------l
This instruct on leoflet niroduces you io the differenl i

funciions of Sd 5002 Reduced Volidofion Hour KESEI

temperofure counlel
selting seffing

Q tnsert ng or re-inseri ng the botfer es

setting to current tlme ond doy
Temperoture setl ng
I Seleclion of on exisling Pl, P2 or P3 progromme fot o doy of lhe
week (in progromming mode oll modificoiions ore oulomofi-
colly volidoled).
Cor'o'ord redL,ced te"npe'o'ures o'e pre'se'
@ Progromming Example - P2 for Wednesdav

@ Progromme reoding
@ "nuto" ouiomoic mode > i'ea
@ "tvtonu" monuol mode >t lE E:!-l'J
@ Iemporory temperoture modif icotion
@ oro'o"geo oo5elce rode (1o oo'/5)
@ Your n$olloton mc ntenonce signol

@ Commond by te ephone

@ Insto lers guide

Modificafion of comtort temperorure )! L-l

E Press the comforl bullon E Press the PROG Pl-4 button to go into progromm ng mode.
Sd 5002 is equipped with o worning ight to ndlcoie when the The N" of the progromme oss gned to the doy f oshes on lhe
E Mooily l'o -e-oerotle w lr l^e +/- b-fons
oo-eres ^eeo replo^ 19. As soo^ os'l-i" indicotor lgl'1s .o o' right hond side of ihe disploy ponel,
the bol1om right-hcnd slde of ihe d spioy ponel, rep cce lhe E volidote wth oK
E Press the DAYS I -7 button unt the po nler A oppeors under
bol'leres (use il,vo LsV UR6 olkoline bolleries - life is opproxi-
Modificolion of reduced lemperoture
)I " t,,-? the doy you wish to progromme (Wednesdoy in our exomp e),
motely l8 monthti
Sd 5002 remo ns progrommed for 60 seconds while boiteres E Press ihe reduced bullon
E Press the PROG Pl-P4 button untl the P2 progromme
ore being replaced, E vodify the terperoture wiih the +/- bullons number floshes ln the right side of the screen
E Vcridote with OK
Before beginning the progromming E Press the OK buiton to volidote. The following doy s outo-
nf lha rlov na sl'.lo .o\/ef moticoly proposed.
? down ond press RESEI with ihe tip of
o o pen. Creofing o P4 progromme
You (01 prog'o-me voL'ueer' occo dinq lo 1 o'og'o-rne
se1l ngs: A 24-hour prof e composed of 4B thermometers of the bollom
Pl, P2, P3 ore pre-recorded ond connot be modifed. of the disploy ponel ollows your progromme composition to be
eosily viewed,
P4 js blonk
ond ol ows you to creote o personolized
-You ore putting the device inlo ope
rotion for ihe f rst i me,
You hove just pressed the RESET bu1lon
progromme vorying occording to fhe doy of lhe
weeK. t A holf-emply thermometer corresponds to 30 minules ot
reduced temperoture

Pl = Comfod temperoture from 6 o.m. til I I p.m. I A full fhermomeler corresponds to 30 minutes of comforf
(see ob'ove).
"12:00" oppeors ond lhe pointer A
Reduced femperoture from I I p.m. til 6 o.m.

Tl'e slondord ollocolon of D s to 7 doys ol '^e week, lf

I temperoture.

f oshes under doy I I

f -his corresponds to your t'e slyle, s-oy in outorotic mode.
Exomple - prcgrumming 3lempetolurc peilods lot Ftidoy:
a-rlthrenvise. co'rliftre. 6 o.m. till 8 a.m., noon till 2 p.m. dnd 6 p.m. till l0 p.m.

,r r,r r,r r r t,t r,u l t,t l,l l,t t,l l,l l,l
l l t,l l,l t,l l l l,t l,l l,l l,l l,l l,u
o \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0ll 121314rs16171819202)222324
fi Ell
P2 = Comforl temoeroture from 6 o.m. tilL 8.30 o.m. ond
from 4.30 p.m. tll ll p.m. '6
Reduced temperoture from 8.30 o.m. til 4.30 p.m. ond
from ll o.m. till6 o.m.

0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415151718192021222324

P3 = Comfori temperoture from 6 o.m. I | 8.30 o.m., from a EE

I L30 o.m. till 1.30 p.m. ond from 4.30 p.m. tilL I I p.m.
lll Sel lhe time using the +/- buttons (the numbers run off more
Reduced temperoture from 8.30 o.m. 1ll I L30 o.m,, from
qulckly when the butfon is pressed cont nuously)
I .30 p.m. tlll 4.30 p.m. ond from I I p.m. t il 6 o.m. E From the "Auto" mode press ihe PROG Pl -P4 button
E S"t tn" currenl doy by pressing severo iimes on the
l-7 button A pointe'oppeo's L1de""e corresponding do, ,rrrr,lr,rr,rr,rrtlll,lr,rrrr,rt,ll,trrr,rr,rl,ll,ll,ll,ll,tl,tt,ll E D'ess t1e DAYS I -7 oulon ur'- | o poin-er oopeo'o unde -he
o I 2 3 4 s 6 7 I 9 r0rr1213141516171819202t222324 dcy you w sh to progromme (Fr doy in our exomple),
(l =N'londoy, 2=Tuesdoy, 3=Wednesdoy, elc.)
B Volidoie wih the oK bullon E Press the PROG Pl -P4 button unt I the P4 progrornme
a P4 = Blonk progromme ollowing you to creote 3 comforl number floshes n the r ghl s de of the screen. Your disploy pone
E lf you wish lo chonge the lime or the doy, press the MODE
femperofure periods ond 3 reduced periods for eoch
button unt I the pointer oppeors under the c ock sign ond cont- nd coies t me os 00:00 ond the firsl thermometer floshes on ihe
nue cs obove for points E, E ond E. dov of fhe week. 24-hour profile.
The current temperoture evel indicotor (cornforl or reduced)
w ll begin floshing
s modif cot on ends w th ihe next chonge in progrommed
II Cut off me power before inslollolion.
The wiring syslem diogrom does nol show fhe profec-
Io return to the nil ol progromme press "Mode" ond re-posi|on a fions. Insl'oliotion shoild be corried ouf by qirolified
ihe pointer under "Auto" peFons ond should comply wifh cunenf slondords.
l-e c,r'e1 e^ peJolJ e eve ild.oto'(comforl o"educed)
w stop f cshing when the temporory mod flcot on comes to - Sd 5002 shou d be nsiolled ot eosf 1,50m obove the
on eno. gro-rd o^ o' n\,de wol p oiec'ed fom di'oc's-n 'ovs ond
frnmnn. hanlco rrcoc rhn<1ola..i-^n l^m^.1'^ a1^

tll E S id" th" .ou", down ond unscrew screw @,

E pres tt.,e bufion severol t mes to obto n 6:00. The ume
o sproleo oo\o1ces oy 30 'n 1,-es for eoch shor' o'e"".
mode protects your dwe ing from freez ng by mointoining
min mum odjustob e tempercture in your dwe ling dur ng
ww www
Coni nuous pressing occelerotes ihe t me run off. your obsences (fiom I fo 99 doys)

Pressthe ff buttonseveroltmesloobtoin8:00, /ou.or progro-nme -he e^gth o'vour obsence so'l-ol 'ue
temperoture rises for your return.
Press ihe J I button severol times to obtoin l 2 00,

-Pressihe ll outtonseverolimestoobtoin l4:00.

- Press lhe
T buiton severol Urfes io obtoin l8:00.
Corefu y toke out the froni foce
Pressihe f buttonseveroltimes10obion22:00
N.B. .r you -o"e o 'Tl.sro1e (e g. l J0 Insteod o'
.se lhe
+ ond - buttons to cdvonce or return ond correct wlth the
ond [Tl ihermometer buttons,
E Press tfre "OK" button The fo owing doy outomol col y
E Press MODE to relurn to outomorc mooe.
E Press the cose outton lll .

You con check your progromming.

E S"t tir" length of your obsence in doys (from I to 99 doys)
wth the + ond - butlons. The current doy counts os one,
E Volidote with the "OK" button E fi* m" bose to the wol ond connect the device occor
E Set the desired temperoture evel during your obsence w ih ding the d,og on be ow.
the+ond-buttons. Telephone remole conlrol. Contoct mode (beh.veen

E Vo ldoie w ih the "OK" bu11on, Remoin in lhis mode.

tdrm.os/ond5r-0.-.'eez-gt.o"() ... .. .. ... ...,
lo co ce ord 'e--rr -o outomo'c Mode p'ess ILe ' /oe o' co' 'oc' * o- d be odooled io ow le"ei j I

I contoct).

I "Mode" connection (e g, gold-gilded


This mode ollows you e fher l,,G ".- lI i
@@@lll i

- -o (cho^ge of o'' cord'

E From "Auto" mode press the "PROG Pl -P4" bullon. tore
'or reg. or morr'e^orce
iion ng filter devlce c eoning) I

E witf, tn" 'DAYS I -7' button seleci the doy from I 10 / ond 7
check your progrornm ng on the 24-hour prof le ci the ltttanL:l t

boJJom of the disploy ponel Gee exompLe obove)

- 10 compcre your heoting or oir condition ng consumpt on
frorn one yeor frc ihe next (+ry comparfrg thenumlcer ofrutu
ning hours).
'errrot \"1
L-l II

,rr,rr,rrrr,rr,rrlt,ll,rr,r.,urr,ll,llrr,rr,rrrr,ll,tl,lt,ll,rr,rr = ollo-l i.eol rg

o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0ll 12t3t415t6t/18t92021222324
lf y"rr bdl"|, h", th"*"ri.i rprt, elim note the shuni resis
E Press "MODE" to return to outomolrc mooe.
ior "
ink ng the 2 thermostot terminols ond connect the I ond
3 termino s of your Sd 5002 to the trvo thermostot input ter-
m nols on the boller (the d rection of the connect on does
nol rnolteD.
Vn nn.c nln n 1^m^1. m^.la hv.ra(\rn^ l^o

:------__-l E Replcce the front cover ond screw n screw 0 cgoin
"MODE" butlon unti the poinler a
under "Aufo".
t.rl t.,: w w'w|wKsw.;''
' ou o-olc nodeSd 5002odopl: lo 7o .t'e
$yle by running the progroms you hove selec IT
I l'el- '
Counling running hours
- rc-'-;

E Pressthe "00:00" butfon The djsp oy ponel will indicote the
l\4onuol mode tronsforms your dev ce into o simple thermostol number of hours your burne[ o r cond 1 ontng, venl lotor- E Remove the $r p belween both botteries.
convecto[ etc (depending of the type of device control
li o lows you to moinloin o constont lemperolure n your dwef
ed) hos been funning from the moment the boiter es were
I ng Get to o temperoiure of between 5"C ond 30"C),
(By presing once on + or - you return the counter io zero,)
:-:#" *'::
Press N/ODE' to return to outomotic mode
J Progromming lhe regulor servicing of your inslollolion.

15 nstcll bcitery cose,

n-t E
Pres the "00:00" |me bullon,
S"t tt-," nurnber of running hours ofler wh ch ihe worning
signoi should f osh using the + ond - buttons,
ws'sr$$w & *
E Press the "MODE" butlon 10 postion the pointer under E votidote with the "oK" bution The count-
"Monu". oow^ oeo 15. Tha nessoge "fimer" w ll or"L
fl P,e" * or o odj-s- -o tl^e des reo empe'ol-ra (lo ns-
- oppeor o- T^e e d o''he coun'-dowT wor-
tonce 22,5"C) nlng you thot servic ng s required. :i:i:f:fii:iiji
To qult the "Monu" mode, press "MODE" ond re-posit on the
po nter A under "Auio"
- Adju$ment rcnge for comforl T"C
+5"C to +30"C
- Adju$men1 ronge for reduced T"C +5"C io +30"C
Your Sd 5002 is equipped with on npul 4567 Adjusimenl ronge for hol doy T"C
+5"C to +30"C
In outomatc mode this very useful porl for heoting contro by teLephone, - Adju$ment ronge for ombentT"C 0"C to +40"C
'_nc'o- o'lows you to nod t, {;j
'i"* - Stoiic dlfferentiolr < 0,3 degrees
o-bier'tempe o'Lre 'e* po'o'lv. Ar oodi o^ol oev ce 'o' ;elep*o
control, required for th s to function, con
En i, Power 2 stondofd LR6 o ko ne bofferies
- B'eoting powe': C^o'ge o/e .o^loct -8 (3) 4/250V AC
To increose the temperoture, press be connected by the nstoller. - Operot ng tempercture 0"C to +50"C
the + button (severo times, f i*:i ri:r :i :i ii :i i: - Sloroge temperoturer -l 0"C to +65"C
necessory), -^e eep^ole syroo foshes ord vo-'heol 19 oosses o,+o- Hygrometry: 65% mox ot + 27"C
mot col y to the onti-ffeezing temperoture (stoble 6"C) when Degree of protect on : lP 30
-To dac'eose the te-pe'ol"re p'ess lfe - bLtton (seve'ol the telephone control sensor is oct voted, - Insulotion c css: ll (EN 60730 $ondord$
iimes, rf necessory). 'Connecro": oy sc'ewed borie'-p'o2 5^r

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