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Consort Digital Private Limited

Level 3, Charmwood Plaza, Eros Garden,

Surajkund Road, Faridabad
ConsORT 121009, Haryana

Strictly Confidential
Ref: Consort/HRD/1308
Date: 13.08.2020
Mr. Ritesh Vithalrao Lohale
Samta nagar, Near Pawdewadi Naka,
Nanded, Malharashtra, 431601

M No. +91-8149492936, 9405786536

E Mail:

Subject: Appointment Letter.

Dear Mr. Ritesh Vithalrao Lohale,

We have pleasure in appointing you in our organization with effect from 17th August, 2020. The position
will be Project Engineer (Radio System-PSS) and subject to your acceptance of the under
mentioned terms & conditions of your employment and you being found medically fit.

1. Your Basic Salary will be of Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fiftcen Thousand only) per month. Your total salary
including other perquisites will as under

Monthly Gross (Rs.) Annual CTC (Rs.)

Basic 15,000.00 1,80,000.00

House Rent Allowance 7,500.00 90,000.00
Conveyance 1,600.00 19,200.00
Children Allowance 200.00 2,400.00
|Other Allowance 6,165.00 73,980.00
City Compensatory Allowance 2,085.00 25,020.000
Medical Allowance 1,250.00 15,000.00
SplSite Conveyancc & Bikc Maintcnancc 2,000.00 24,000.00
PFEmployer Contribution_ 1,950.00 23,400.00
Total 37,750.00 4,53,000.00

1. You will be on probation for an initial period of one year from the date of joining, at the end ofwhich
you will be confirmed in the permanent cadre of the Company subject to your satisfactory
performance during the probation period.


Registered Officc: L-42 Lajpat Nagar-IINew Delhi- 110024

CIN No. U74900DL2007PTC166779
Consort Private Limited
Charmwood Plaza, Eos (iarden,
L.evel 3,
Surajkund Road, Faridabad

121009, Haryana

the service by yiving


slhall lave the iglht to I e m a t e

ciuher party
the probation period, reason
(a) Dunng in Iicu thercof
without assigning any
our compctitors/
month's notice or salary of six month to
you will not join for a period
the company.
(b) Atter leavung who is dealing in
TETRA business.
months noticc or
sidc by giving onc

partners termnatcd by cither

s e r v c e s can be
()Atler contirnmaton,
salauy n lieu
for the purposc ofthe interprctalion
of clauscs A.I
(d) Salary n e a n s Basc Salary only
transicr or

in the Indian Union and

in the event of such a
Your serVICCs arc transferable anywhcre
serVICe conditions will remain unchangcd.
transters, your
for this purposc the
servicc is 60 ycars and
of super:annuation from the Company's will however
The age be treated as final. The Company
of with the conpany shall
otfical rccord your age
reason whatsocver,
to retire you at anytimc
absolute diseretion and without assigning any
atter you altain the age of 58 ycars.

Gratuity Act.
You will be entitled to
thc business
devote your lull time and altenlion to
You will at all times during your employnment the Indian Union
branches or offices within
any of its Associates Company,
of the company
busincss of any
timc or other job or
whether directly or indircctly, any part
You shall not accept
as you are in the employment of
the Company.
kind whatsoever, as long
will keep all secrets and will
continuance of your employment and thereafter, you
During the than to the Dircctors of the Company
to any person, firm
or Company whatsocver (other also other secrets
divulge emoluments as
their authorized representatives) your
salary, increments and associates or branches,
any of its
business or affairs of'
inlormation concerning its
or confidential Non-Disclosure Agreement in
or suppliers. Also enclosed herewith Employee
their customers

Annexure I for your acceptance.

to the Company all tools, hardware, papers,

On termination of your
employment, you will return business or
. in your possession relating to the
which may at that time to be
documents and software will not retain any copies
associates or branchcs and you
or any of its
affairs of the Company
extracts therefrom.

Maharashtra and will report to
Head- Project Management.
You will be based at Pune,


Office: I-42 Lajpat Nagar-II New Delhi

Registered CIN No. U74900DIL2007PTCI66779

Consort Digital Private Limited
Ievel , harmwond Plaza. Fros (iarden,
Surajkund Road. Faridahad
ConsORT 121009, Haryana

w i l l mark yvout attendance as per comprany policy

terms and conditions. please sign the

In casethe offer 1 acceptable to you on the afore-mentioned
and return the same to the company You may
duplscate copy of thie letter as a token of your acceptance
which this offer shall stand
repot for duty with1n
days from the date of 1ssuc of this letter failing

and abide by all the rules

Wc look forward to your contribution to the ovcrall success ofthis Company

Your Srrncerely

Authorized Signatory

to the terms and conditions mentioncd thcrcin. I

I havecarclully rcad the Appointncnt Lelter and agree
hercby acknowlcdge the receipt of your Appointment

Date 13- A4g 2020

Ritesh Lohale


Registercd Office I42Iajpat Nagar-II New Delhi - 110024

CIN No U74900DL 2007PTCIo6779


In consideration of my employment with Consort Digital Private Limited (my "Employer") and the compensation paid to me as an
employee of my Employer, and as a condition precedent of my continued employment with my Employer, I hereby agree with my
Employer as follows:

Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall commenee on the date hereof and shall continue for so long as I am employed by
my Employer, o r any o f i1s subsidiaries/sisuer concems/group companies (collectively, the " Group") and for an additional twelve (12)

months following the date such employment terminates for any reason. The term "Employer", as used in this Agreement, will refer to
any member of the Group by which I am at any time employed.

. Confidential Information. I shali keep secret and I will not at any time, whether during or after the termination of
my employment, reveal to any person or entity any trade secret, or proprictary or confidential information of any member of the Group
or of any third party which any member of the Group is under an obligation to keep confidential, including but not limited to
proprietary or confidential inforination respecting inventions, products, designs, methods, know-how, techniques, systems, processes.
strategies, sottware programs, works of authorship, Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below), customer lists, employee lists and
any other personailly identifiable information about any employee of the Group, user lists, vendor lists, content provider lists, supplier
lists, pricing information, projects, budgets, plans, projections, forecasts, financial information and proposals, and any other
information which due to the nature or character of such information, any prudent person might reasonably under similar circumstances
treat such as confidential or would expect the Group to regard such information as confidential, all regardless as to whether such
informatiou Was disclosed before or afier the dale hereof (collectively, "Confidential information"), except as may be required by law
or in the ordinary course of performing my duties as an employee of my Employer. I will also take all reasonable precautions to
prevent the inadvertent disclosure of the Confidential Information to any unauthorized person. I shall not use or attempt to use any
Confidential Information in any manner that may injure or cause loss or may be reasonably expected to injure or cause loSs, whether
direcly or indirecly, io any member of the Group. The obligalions of his clause shall survive lerminalion of his Agreement. For
purposes of this Agreement, "Intellectual Propety Rights" shall mean all industrial and intellectual property rights (including both
economic and moral rights), including. without limitation, patents, patent applications. patent rights, trademarks, trademark
applications, trade names, service marks, service mark applications. copyrights, copyright applications. databases, algorithms,
computer programs and other software, know-lhow, trade sccrets, proprietary processes and formulae, inventions. trade dress, logos.

design and all documentation and media consüiuting, describing or relating to the above.

b. Exceptions. The above restrictions shall not apply to information that: (a) is publicly available without any action
on my part; (b) is approved for release by written authorization of the rightful owner of such information; or (c) is required to be
disclosed by law or by an order of any court. provided. however, that shall provide prompt written notice to my Employer of any
court order or requirement to enable to scek a protective order or otherwise prevent or restrict such disclosure. It, after has had a
reasonable opportunity to seck such order/relief, it fails to obtain such order reliet, and, in the opiou of the legal counsel for , I am
legally compelled to disclose any of the Confidential Information by law or by an order of any court, then I shall disclose that portion
of the Confidential Information which the legal counsel to advises that I am compelled to
Confidential Material. During my empioyment I slhall not make, lake, remove from the business premises of my
use or permit to be used any notes,
memoranda, reports, lists, records, drawings, sketches,
Employer or any member of the Group. or othcr matcrials of any nature rclating to any matter within thc scope of or
spceifications, softwarc programs, data, member of the Group (collectively, "Confidential Material") other than for the
concerning the business, dealings or affairs any the dutics of my employment. Further, I shall not, after the termination of my
benefit of the Group and in connection with performing
be used any such Confidential Materal, it being agrecd that all Confidential Material shall be and remain
employment, use or permit to termination of my employment I
member of he Group and that immediately upon the
the sole and exclusive property of the applicable
all thereof, to my Employer at its main office.
shall deliver all Confidential Material, and copies

Assignmentof Inventions; OriginalWorks of Authorship

Registered Office: L-42 Lajpat Nagar-II New Delhi

CIN No. U74900DL2007PTC166779

General. If at any time or times during my employment, I shall (either alone or with others) make, conceive.
create, discover, invent or reduce to practice any invention, modification, discovery, design, development, improvement, process,
software program, work of authorship, documentation, formula, data, technique, know-how, trade secret or Intellecual Property Right
whatsoever or any interest therein (whether or not patentable or registrable under copyright, trademark or similar statutes or subject to

analogous protection) (collectively "Developments") that:

not limited to its Customecrs

() to the business of any member of the
relates Group, including but or

of the or services bcing developed, manufactured, sold

or provided by any member of the
suppliers, or to
any products
Group or which may be used in relation therewith;

(1) results from tasks assigned me by my Employer,or

intangible) owncd, leased or

(i) results from the use of premises or personal property (whether tangible or

contracted for by any member of the Group.

such Developments and the hbenefits thereof shall immediately hecome the sole and ahsolute property of the applicable member of the
Group and its assigns, as works made for hire or otherwise, and I shall disclose to my Employer (or any entity or peraon(s) desigmated
by it, without cost or delay and without communicating to others the same, cach such Devclopnment and all avalable intormation
relating thereto (with all necessary plans and models). I hereby assign any and all rights I may have or acquire in the Developments
and all benefits and/or rights resulting therefrom to and its assigns without further compensation. I hereby waive and quitelaim to any
and all claims of any nature whatsoever that I may now have or may hereafter have for infringement or misappropriation of any
inieliectual property right, including without limitation any claim that I own any ights in a Development or that a Deveiopment
infringes or misappropriates any of my intellectual property rights. All such assignment of rights shall be perpetual (or if any
Iniclectual Property Right is of a limited duration, for the entire duration of such Iniellectual Propery Right), irevocable. worldwide
and shall not lapse. even if or my Employer fails at any time to commercially exploit any such Developments.

b. Inalienable Rights. Any assignment of copyright hereunder (and any ownership of a copyright as a work made for
hire) includes all ights of patermity, integrity, disclosure and withdrawal and any other rights that may be known as or referred to as
"moral rights" (collectively "Moral Rights"). If. despite Scction 3(a). I am deemed under applicable law to reain any rights in amy
Developments. including without limittion any Moral Rights, I hereby waive. and agree to waive, all such rights. To the exient that such
waivers are deemed uncnforceable under applicable law. I grant, and agree to grant., to or its designees the exclusive. perpetual. irrevocable,
worldwide and royalty-free license to use, imodify and market the Development, without identitfying me or seeking my consent.

C. Employee PatentRights. I am hereby notified that the preceding provisions do not apply to any invention for which
no cquipment, supplies, facility, or trade secret information ofany member of the Group was uscd and which was developed entirely
on my own time, unless the invention: (i) results from any work performed by me for any mermber of the Group. or (ii) relates to the
business, or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development of any member of the Giroup. Provided that if in the course of
my employment with my Employer. I incorporate into a product. process or machine a prior invention owned by me orin which I have
interest, is hereby granted and shall have a nonexclusive. royaly-firee, irrevocable, perpetual, sub-licensable, worldwide license to
make. have made. modify, use, market, sell and distribute such prior invention as part of or in connection with such product. process or
machinc. I have attached hercto as Exhibit A, a complete list of all inventions or improvements to which I elaim ownership and that
desire to remove from ihe operatlion of this Agieement, and I acknowledge and agice that such ist is complete. If no such list is
attached to this Agreement, I represent that I have no inventions or improvements.

d. Further Documentalion. Upon disclosure of cach Developuient lo my fnpioyer, i will, during my employment
and at any time thereafter. at the request and cost of any nenber of the iroup. prmptly sign. exceute, make and do all such deeds
documents, acts and things as such membcr and its duly authornzcd agents may reasonably require:

to apply for, register, obtain and vest solely in the name of any member of the Group (unless such member
otherwise directs) letters patent, copyrights, trademarks or other analogous protection. in any country throughout the world
obtained vested, to renew and restore the same: or
and, when so or

for revocation ofsuch lellers palent, copyrighis, uadenarks or oiher analogous proiecion, or

(ii) to defend any judicial, opposition or other proceedings relating to applications for, or the revocation of, such letters
patent, copyrights. rademarks. or other analogous protection.


Registered Office: L-42 Lajpat Nagar-II New Delhi - 110024

VERSION 1.00 CIN No. U74900DL2007PTC166779




conncction with
a s s i s t a n c e in
at the timc when any
member the Group requestscomply1ng with the above terms at
the Giroup in
by a mcmber of rcasonable time expecnded termination as an
If I a m not employcd me for my
prior to my
such a rcquest will pay Employer immediately
the member making was paid by my
the forrgong. rate at which I
rate equal to
the eflective hourly
an hourly

rcasonable cffort, to securc my
member of the Group is unable, rademark
In the event that any
to letters patent, copyright
P'ower ofAttorncy.
a Development, inciuding appilications relating or for any other
reason whatsoever, I
physical or mental incapacity
sgnaiure on any because of my to act for and in
analogous protection, as my agent
and attorncy-in-fact
registration or any authorized officcrs and agents permitted acts to
and appoint and its duly and to do all lawfully
hercby iTcvocably designate to execute and file any such documents, including applications, protecction thercon, with the
and stead in order or any analogous
my behalf or trademark registrations
issuance of ietlers patent, copyright
further thec prosccution and
executed and filed by me.
same legal force and cffect as if
Conlict of Interest and Non-Solicitation of
writlen consent of my
I will not, without the prior
While I am employed by my Employer,
. Conflict of Interest. venturer, officer, director, employee,
consultant, agent,
whether alone or as a patner. joint
Employer o r , directly or indirectly, or other
commercial enterprise: (i) engage in any business activity
stockholder of any company, busincss
independent contraclor or member of the Group at any
time during the pcriod of my employment
conducted or planned by any
nature to any busincss sold or otherwise
Similar in
with products or scrvices bcing developed, markcted, distributcd,
with my Employer: or (1) compcte in any way to own not more than five percent (5%) of the shares of stock
at such time. I shall be permitted
provided by any member of the Group tradcd on a recognizcd sccurities cxchange
o r securities market,
securitics activcly
a class of cquity
of any public company having
Such ownership shall not, in and
of itself. violate the terms of this Section

solicit do business with any

I will not, dircctly or indirectly, or
b. Customers. During the teim of this Agreement, of the Group or to
or assist any Customer to
ccase doing business with any member
Customer (as defincd below). or entice, induce
For of this paragraph, a "Customer"
become a customer of any oher person or entity engaged
in any competitive activity. purposes
or any other cuslomer of any member
of the Group with whom T had contact (inclhuding
mcans: (1) any near-pemancnt customer,
Confidential Information) as an employee of my Employer during
the twelve (12) consecutive calendar
contact with said customer's
or prospectüve customer of any
member of
months prcceding my termination of employment from my Employer, or (11) any customer
termination of cmployment from my Employer has:
the Group who during the twelve (12) consecutive calendar months preceding my
(A) made or received a written proposal in which I participated or to which I had access on behalf of any member of the Group; or (B)
made or received at least two (2) sales visits in which I participated. In the case of an enity with multiple divisions, departments or
business units, (or any cntity or person(s) designated by il), in its sole discretion, shall determine whether the entire entuty or a specific
division, department or business unit is a Customer based on the nature of the relationship between the entity and the members of the


5. Non-Solicitation of Emplovees During the term of this Agreement, I will not, directiy or indireetly, solicit, recruit or hire
any key cmployee or contractor of any member of the Group to work for any third party, seek in any manner to induce any such key
employce or contractor to leave his or her employment with any member of the Giroup, or knowingly permit any business organization
which is directly or indirectly controlled by me to solicit, recruit or hire any key employec or contractor of any member of the Group.
Further, I will not engage in any activity that would cause any such key employee or contractor to violate any agreement with any
member of the Group. "Key employee or contractor" shall mean: (i) any signatory to a restrictive and/or non-solicitation covenant with
any membcr of the Group; (i) any professional cmployce (including computcr professionals) or contractor; (ii) any scnior
administrator, and (iv) any other employee or contractor who has a written employment agreement with any member of the Group.

6. Prior Agreements. I hereby represent that, except as I have disclosed in writing to my Employer and attached hereto as
Exhibit I am not a parly to, or bound by the terms of, any agreement with any previous employer or other party which would
materially restrict or impair my ability to carry out the duties of my employment with my Employer by requiring me to refirain from
using or disclosing any trade sceret or confidential or proprictary information in thc-coursc of my cmploymcnt with my Employcr or
from competing, directly or indirectly, with the business of such previous employer or any other party. I further represent that my
performance of all the terms of this Agreement and as an employce of my Employer docs not and will not breach any agreement to
keep in confidence proprietary information, knowledge or data acquired by me in confidence or in trust prior to my employment with


Registered Office: L-42 Lajpat Nagar-Il New Delhi - 110024
VERSION I.00 CIN No. U74900DL2007PTCI66779

m vet ahd that I will not dhsclose to any member ot the ( o u p (or t o a n y of ts c m p l o y e c s or agents) or nduce any such

employees or agents) to use any confidential or proprictary information or material belonging to any previous
etet M n vthets herchy auhorize tot any entity or personts) designated by it) to notify my new employcr about my rights and

ogationt this
Agreement following the tcTmination of my employment with my Fmployer
Prior to my submitting or disclos1ng for possible publication or
Company Authorizalion for Publication
disseminatm outside the Group any material/invention prepared by me that incorporates information that concerns business or

antic iynated rescarech. I agree to deliver a copy of such material to for its review. Within twenty (20)days tollowing such sutbissior
agrees to notufy me in writing whether heheves such material contains any information inventions/Devclopmerits ctc. ownca by or
amy member of the Group. and I agrec to makc such delctions and revisions as are reasonably requestcd b y to prolcet i s propeny

h e r 4grec to obtain the wTItlen consent of prior to any review of such material by persons outside the uroup.

Remedics i agree that the breach of this Agrcement by me wiil cause irreparablc damage to the Group andthatin ne evnt
the nght to an
any tnnty or person(s) designated it) shall have, in addition to any and all remedies of law,
njunction. spccific performance or other cquitable reliefto prevent the violation of my obligations hereunder. Nohing contdine
this Agreement shall he econstrued as prohibiting or its designes from pursuing any other remedy available torsuch brtach r
threatened breach. The prevailing party in any litigation arising under this Agrcement shall be entitled to recover his or its rCasonabic

attorney fees and expenses in addition to al other available remedies.

Fmployment Status I understand that this Agreement does not create an ohligation on any member of the (roup or any

other person or
enuty to continuc my cmploymcnt
OUnCalions. Any ämendment to or modification of this Agreement. and any wäiver ol any provIson hercol, shall be n
writing. Any waiver by of a brcach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construcd as a waiver ot any subsequcnt
breach hercof.

Severability. Each provision herein shall be treated as a separate and independent clause. Further, the unenforceability of
any one provIsion shall n no wayimpar the cnforceabil1ty of any othcr provision of this Agrecement, and any provision ot this
Agreement which is uncntorceable in any jurisdiction shall not render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdhction.
Morcover. if one or morc of the provisions contained in this Agrecment shall for any reason be held to be excessively broad as to
duration, seope, subject or activity so as to be uncenforceable at law, such provision(s) shall be construed by the appropriate judicial
hody by limiting and reducing it (them). so as to be cnforceable to the maximum cxtent compatible with the applicable law as it shall
then appear.

Survival of Rights and Obligations. The provisions of Scctions 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13 shall survivc any termination
of this Agreement.

13. Goveing Law. This Agreement shall be govemed by and construcd n accordance with the laws of India, and no action
nvolving this Agrcemcnt may be brought except in the courts of New Delhi. My Employer and I hcreby consent to the personal
jurisdiction of such courts with respcct to all actions relating to this Agrccment Notwithstanding the forcgoing (or any cntity or
person(s) designated by it) may bring an action for injunctive relicf in any court of competent jurisdiction.

4 Right of Assignment. l acknowledge and agrec that I shal not assign this Agreement, or any right or obligation hereunder, to
any third party. and my Employer shall have the right to0 assign this Agreement.

In witness wlhercof, I have executed this Employee Non-Disclosure, Developnment and Non-Solicitation Agrcement as of date set forth
Name and Address - Please print below:

Mr. Ritesh Vithalrao Lohale

Samta Nagar, Near Pawdewadi Naka, By
Nanded, Maharashira, 431 601 Name: Rajesh Kumar Huria
Title: Hcad- Accounts & Finance


Registered Office: L42 Lajpat Nagar-I1 New Delhi - I10024
VERSION 1.00 CIN No. U74900DL2007PTC166779


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