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Elope means to leave home secretly in order to get married without the
permission of your parents
She eloped with an army officer.
Hus latest nobel received excoriating reviews.
The president excoriated the western press for thierbiased views.
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Pungent: smelling or testing very srong and sharp
Taste: strong and sharp
Criticism: caustic and strong
I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Turkish coffee
Spoken or written in a way that has a strong pungent
Pungent criticism and commentary
She is very good at writing pungent, funnydialogue.

The pungent whiff of a goat

Corrosive: a corrosive substance causes damage by chemical action
A highly corrosive acid.
The corrosive influence of racism.( harmful and causing bad feelings}
Caustic: a caustic chemical burns or destroys things, especially anything
made of living cells.a caustic remark or way of speaking is hurtful,
critical or intentionally unkind. Caustic comments. She famous in the
office for her caustic wit.
A caustic substance

He made some biting remarks about the whole occasion.

A biting wit
A biting wind
Biting cold
She had several bee stings
The sting of salt ina awound
Some types of jellyfist have a powerful sting
The sting of defeat
A bank employee was involved in the sting in which 5 million was
A sting operation
If something stings it causs you to feel pain
The soap madehis eyes sting
Managers were stung by criticism from enironmetalists
The essay didn’t come up to his usual standard.
The food didn’t come up to my expectations.
Evade means to avoid or escape from something.
The plice have assured the public that the escaped prisonars will not
evade recapature for longshe
She leaned forward to kiss him but he evaded her by pretending to
An Olympic gold medal is the only that has evaded her in her
remarkable career
Cutting: said or done to hurt someones feelings
Unkind and intended to hurt someone
Page 64 sardonic
Resist means to fight against something or someone that is attacking
The soldiers resisted for two days
Acquiesce accede is to agree to do what people have asked you to do,
to become king or queen or to take a position of power.
An astringent substance causes the skin or other tissue to tighten.
An astringent cream
Zinc sulphate is used as an astringent lotion for ulcers.
Astringent remarks are clever but unkind or criticize someone.
Astringent criticism
Her astringent wit.
Having a dry, sour, slightly bitter taste or smell.
Not everyone likes these astringent berries.
Eulogistic: relating to a speech, piece of writing,poem etc containing
great praise, especially for someone who has recently died
Soothing : making you feel calm. Making something less painful.
A soothing ointment
I put on some nice soothing music
Her words had a soothing effect
65 page repudiate

Sardonic= humorous in an unkind way that shows you do not respect

someone or something.
A sardonic smile /look/comment
Showing an amused attiude toward someone or something that suggest
a criticism but does not express it.
Embittered refers to situation or cause that make you very angry
They ignored all her pleas and she became very embittered
The situation which refers to full of anger, arguments, and bad feeling is
called acrimonious
An acrimonious dispute
Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.
She has repudiated policies associated with previous party leaders
The minister repudiated allrgations of human rights abuses.

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