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Name: _Jenneth Chin T.

Analyze the photo and answer the questions that follow.

Question Answer
In the picture, I can see a monkey slowly progressing into a
modern human. As time passes by, their physical appearances
1. What do you see in the picture? and cognition change as they go through what we call a
Describe their appearance and biological evolution. The most noticeable changes are the
postures, faces, hairs and body shapes. The picture shows how
expressions. the heads gradually change over time, this means that their skulls
and brains are becoming more developed and larger, which gave
humans more knowledge and power compared to other species.
The way they walk becomes better as their postures become
The photo represents the biological evolution of humans or
Homosapiens, which includes the physical, genetic, emotional,
2. What is happening in the photo? behavioral and cognitive changes that took place throughout the
years. These changes may be small or large, visible or not so
i. Humans’ last ancestors are apes and chimpanzees.
ii. Biological evolution is a natural process that is
3. List three things you might infer experienced by all species.
from this picture. iii. Humans have gone through a lot of changes so that
they can adapt to the environment around them.

i. When and how did language evolve?

ii. Why did we start walking on two feet?
4. What questions does the iii. Do human-like creatures, that also evolved from our
photograph raise in your mind? ancestors, exist?
iv. Are we still evolving?

The questions I asked are also big puzzles of human evolution,

they remained unsolved even ‘til today. Scientists have different
5. Where could you find the answers opinions and theories towards said questions, I can probably find
to them? answers through the internet when they have come up with a
theory that is accepted globally.

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