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Please find below the proof of payment of the following fixed fine notice:

Number of the paid fixed fine notice 3336 4188 0034 81 (E-payment key: 79)

Dispatch date of the fixed fine notice 15/01/2020

Date of the offense 11/12/2019

Type of transaction Payment

Paid amount 35,00 €

Payment date 21/01/2020

Payment method E-payment website

Payment mode Credit card

Credit card type VISA

Credit card no. 4977 xxxx xxxx xx50 (date of expiry : 03/20)

Authorisation no. 424235

Bank ID 2020012129420247

Payment ID 220200121175425691

Business contract no. credit card 2358596

Nature of purchase Fixed fine

As of 21/01/2020, this payment notice in the amount of € 35,00 was paid in full.

Keep this receipt for your records.

Direction générale des Finances publiques

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