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Orientalische Religionen in der Antike

Ägypten, Israel, Alter Orient

Oriental Religions in Antiquity

Egypt, Israel, Ancient Near East


Herausgegeben von / Edited by

Angelika Berlejung (Leipzig)
Joachim Friedrich Quack (Heidelberg)
Annette Zgoll (Göttingen)

Beirat / Advisory Board

Uri Gabbay (Jerusalem)
Michael Blömer (Aarhus)
Christopher Rollston (Washington, D.C.)
Rita Lucarelli (Berkeley)

Cultural Plurality in Ancient
Magical Texts and Practices
Graeco-Egyptian Handbooks and Related Traditions

Edited by
Ljuba Merlina Bortolani, William D. Furley, Svenja Nagel,
and Joachim Friedrich Quack

Mohr Siebeck
Ljuba Merlina Bortolani, born 1980; studied Classics and Egyptology; 2012 PhD; since 2017 post-
doc researcher at the department of Classical Philology at the University of Heidelberg.

William D. Furley, born 1953; 1979 PhD; since 2003 Associate Professor of Classics, University
of Heidelberg; Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Classical Studies (School of Advanced
­Studies), London.

Svenja Nagel, born 1984; studied Egyptology and Classical Archaeology; 2015 PhD; since 2017
post-doc researcher at the Institute of Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg.

Joachim Friedrich Quack, born 1966; studied Egyptology, Semitics and Biblical Archaeology; 1993
PhD; 2003 Habilitation; since 2005 Professor for Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg.

ISBN 978-3-16-156478-9 / eISBN 978-3-16-156479-6

DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156479-6
ISSN 1869-0513 / eISSN 2568-7492 (Orientalische Religionen in der Antike)
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie; detailed
bibliographic data are available at

© 2019 Mohr Siebeck Tübingen, Germany.

This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that permitted by copyright
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Table of Contents

List of General Abbreviations Used Throughout the Volume ................................... VII

Ljuba Merlina Bortolani/Svenja Nagel

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... 23 

Part I: Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian Traditions of Magic:

Different Genres, Perception of the ‘Other’ and Possible
Transcultural Exchange ...................................................................................... 25 

Franziska Naether
Magical Practices in Egyptian Literary Texts: in Quest of Cultural Plurality ............. 27 

William D. Furley
Magic and Mystery at Selinus: Another Look at the Getty Hexameters ..................... 42 

Daniel Schwemer
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae
Magicae ..................................................................................................................... 62 

Part II: Cultural Plurality and Fusion in the Graeco-Egyptian

Magical Papyri (PGM/PDM) ............................................................................ 87 

Single Handbooks and Magical Techniques ............................................................... 89 

Richard Gordon
Compiling P. Lond. I 121 = PGM VII in a Transcultural Context .............................. 91 

Svenja Nagel
Illuminating Encounters: Reflections on Cultural Plurality in Lamp
Divination Rituals .................................................................................................... 124 

Ljuba Merlina Bortolani

‘We Are Such Stuff as Dream Oracles Are Made on’: Greek and Egyptian
Traditions and Divine Personas in the Dream Divination Spells of the

Magical Papyri ......................................................................................................... 149

Christopher A. Faraone
Cultural Plurality in Greek Magical Recipes for Oracular and Protective Statues .... 171 

Specific Spells and Deities ....................................................................................... 189 

Joachim Friedrich Quack
The Heliopolitan Ennead and Geb as a Scrofulous Boar in the PGM:
Two Case Studies on Cultural Interaction in Late-Antique Magic ............................ 191 

Richard Phillips
Traditions of Transformation and Shape-Shifting in PGM XIII 270–77 ................... 208 

Adria Haluszka
Crowns of Hermanubis: Semiotic Fusion and Spells for Better Business
in the Magical Papyri ............................................................................................... 227 

Marcela Ristorto
Love Spell and Hymn to Aphrodite in PGM IV (2891–941) .................................... 238 

Part III: Integration and Transformation of Graeco-Egyptian

Magic in Jewish and Byzantine Spells .......................................................... 257 

Gideon Bohak/Alessia Bellusci

The Greek Prayer to Helios in Sefer ha-Razim, in Light of New Textual
Evidence .................................................................................................................. 259 

Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
Incantations in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Greek: Change and Continuity ......... 276 

Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 297 

List of Contributors.................................................................................................. 341 

Index of Sources ...................................................................................................... 345 

Index of Names ........................................................................................................ 364

Index of Subjects ..................................................................................................... 370 

Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions
in the Papyri Graecae Magicae

1. Babylonian strands in Graeco-Egyptian magic

Descriptions of the magic and religious traditions observable in the magical papyri
from Graeco-Roman Egypt regularly name Babylonian influences among the strands
of knowledge that make up the syncretistic texture that is characteristic of the incanta-
tions and rituals from that body of texts.1 Mesopotamian motifs in the Greek magical
papyri are also quoted as evidence for the longevity of Babylonian magic and religion
in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods.2
As has long been known, the name of the Mesopotamian goddess of the Nether-
world, Ereškigal, an originally Sumerian name that is widely used not only in Sumeri-
an but also in Akkadian texts throughout all periods of Mesopotamian history, occurs
several times in Greek magical texts. Assessing the significance of the use of
Ereškigal’s name in those texts poses some difficulties, and scholars do not agree on
the extent to which traditional Mesopotamian magical lore, as amply attested in cunei-
form sources, is reflected in the magical texts of the Graeco-Roman world.
Whereas some state that traces of Mesopotamian influence beyond the mention of
Ereškigal are virtually absent from the Greek magical papyri,3 others have pointed to
further divine names possibly of Mesopotamian origin (infra, 4.1). It has been claimed
that Akkadian phrases can be found in the voces magicae and that the pure vowel
sequences in the voces magicae ultimately originate in the learned interpretation of
cuneiform syllabaries by Babylonian scholars (infra, 4.2). A number of contributions,
among them several by CHRISTOPHER FARAONE, have drawn attention to common
motifs and ritual techniques that seem to indicate a certain cultural continuum (infra,
4.3 and 4.4). Moreover, specific Graeco-Egyptian magical texts have been identified
as rituals of Babylonian origin on grounds of their structural similarity to procedures
attested in Akkadian cuneiform texts (infra, 4.5).
In the past, the discussion of the relationship between Graeco-Egyptian and Meso-
potamian magic primarily sought to explain similarities between the two bodies of
texts as elements that were (more or less indirectly) borrowed and adapted in Egypt or
Greece from older Mesopotamian traditions. These had, in one way or another, sur-

BETZ (ed.), GMPT, xlv–vii; GAGER (ed.), Curse Tablets, 26; BRASHEAR, Greek Magical Papyri,
3425 (with further references).
See, e.g., DALLEY/REYES, Mesopotamian Contact, 114–15; and DALLEY, Sassanian Period, 169.
Cf. QUACK, Kontinuität und Wandel, 92, n. 86.
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 63

vived the demise of the Assyrian and Babylonian empires and the diminishing of cu-
neiform in Babylonia. More recent studies have begun to investigate the reverse pro-
cess and have proposed to explain peculiarities in cuneiform magical texts from Hel-
lenistic Babylonia as evidence for the adoption of Greek ideas in the Babylonian ritu-
alistic lore of that period.4 JOANN SCURLOCK finds evidence for this process in a cu-
neiform manuscript already from late seventh-century Assyria, a finding that, if con-
firmed, may have important consequences for our understanding of the development of
Graeco-Egyptian and Greek magic.5
There are two methodological considerations that are, in my view, critical for eval-
uating the relationship between Mesopotamian magic tradition, the texts regarded as
part of āšipūtu by Babylonian and Assyrian scholars,6 and the Greek magical papyri
from Egypt and other related Greek texts:
1. The expanse of Mesopotamian āšipūtu texts has to be taken into account: how
widespread was Mesopotamian exorcistic lore in the various cultures of the ancient
Near East? In which ways were Mesopotamian and other contemporaneous magic
traditions of the ancient Near East interrelated? Which agents and media played a role
in these processes? When and where did the practice of transmitting āšipūtu texts in
cuneiform cease, and how did this phenomenon relate to the adoption of alphabetic
scripts in Babylonia and to various forms of Aramaic becoming the dominant lan-
guages of the region?
2. Similarities between magic rituals from different ancient cultures cannot, as such,
be accepted as sufficient evidence for cultural borrowing and plurality. Criteria must
be applied that permit an assessment of the significance of similarities and inform the
judgment on the extent and nature of any proposed cultural borrowing.

2. The reach of Mesopotamian magic

With the adoption of the cuneiform writing system beyond the boundaries of Southern
Mesopotamia, Sumerian and Akkadian incantation texts became known across many
regions of the ancient Near East already in the course of the second half of the third
and the first half of the second millennium BCE.7 The spreading of these texts is un-
likely to have been limited to the context of scribal education.

See SCURLOCK/AL-RAWI, Weakness; SCURLOCK, Sorcery. Other recent contributions on Meso-
potamian medicine, astronomy and magic that have contributed to this debate include HEEßEL, Stein;
FRAHM, Text Commentaries, 369–83; GELLER, Melothesia, passim; REINER, Astral Magic, passim;
REINER, Early Zodiologia, 421–7; ROCHBERG, Path of the Moon, especially chapter 7 (which was
first published as an article in 1987); ANNUS, Soul’s Ascent, 1–53.
See SCURLOCK, Sorcery.
For recent overviews of āšipūtu texts and the various genres of magical rituals in ancient Meso-
potamia, see SCHWEMER, Magic Rituals, and SCHWEMER, Ancient Near East.
For the incantations from Syrian Ebla, see CATAGNOTI/BONECHI, Magic and Divination. For re-
cent discussions of Old Assyrian incantations from Anatolian Kaneš, see BARJAMOVIC/LARSEN, Old
Assyrian Incantation; FINCKE/KOUWENBERG, ‘New’ Old Assyrian Incantation. The incantations from
64 Daniel Schwemer

In the Late Bronze Age, one can observe for the first time how Mesopotamian mag-
ical and medical expertise was imported at foreign courts, such as that of the city state
of Ugarit or the Hittite capital Ḫattuša. In Ḫattuša this process can be shown to have
involved the presence of experts from Babylonia and Assyria at the Hittite court and
the introduction of Mesopotamian cuneiform manuscripts to Ḫattuša, to some degree
even their translation and adaptation into Hittite. At the same time, the tablet collec-
tions from Ḫattuša show that the distinct Anatolian traditions of magic rituals contin-
ued to be transmitted and used without being submitted to an across-the-board trans-
formation under the influence of the prestigious expert knowledge from Mesopotamia.
The Hittite magic rituals that do exhibit Mesopotamian elements usually belong to the
Hurrian milieu and owe their Mesopotamian characteristics not to syncretistic tenden-
cies among experts at Ḫattuša, but to their originally Syrian and Northern Mesopota-
mian provenance. The transmission of magic rituals and incantations at the thirteenth
century Hittite royal court thus offers an example of how cultural plurality does not
necessarily result in syncretistic integration but can remain largely compartmental-
In the late second and early first millennium, many āšipūtu texts acquired fixed
forms that enjoyed wide circulation among scholars and are regularly attested in first-
millennium tablet collections in Babylonia and Assyria. With the expansion of the
Assyrian empire (and its Neo-Babylonian successor state) scribal learning and, with it,
Babylonian exorcistic texts and competence stretched far beyond the Assyrian and
Babylonian heartlands, as is aptly illustrated by one of the most important libraries
from the Neo-Assyrian Period found at the site of Sultantepe south of modern Urfa.9
At the royal courts foreign scholars from Egypt and Anatolia were employed,10 but the
apparent absence of traces of their particular traditions of learning in first-millennium
Sumerian and Akkadian āšipūtu texts suggests that the introduction of foreign exper-
tise at the courts did not lead to an extensive intellectual exchange and a subsequent
transformation of the established Mesopotamian body of exorcistic texts.
The transmission of cuneiform āšipūtu texts in Babylonia outlasted the last Babylo-
nian kings by half a millennium, even though royal libraries of cuneiform exorcistic
texts like those of the Sargonid kings at Nineveh then had become scholarly institu-

Old Babylonian Mari on the Middle Euphrates are catalogued by G. CUNNINGHAM, ‘Deliver Me from
Evil’, nos. 340–41, 407–411.
See SCHWEMER, Gauging.
For a brief characterisation of the library from Neo-Assyrian Sultantepe, see PEDERSÉN, Ar-
chives, 178–80.
See RADNER, Assyrian King, and, for the presence of Egyptian princes at the Assyrian court and
their later appointment by Assyrian kings in Egypt, RADNER, After Eltekeh, passim. RADNER states
that ‘we can be certain that scholars and priests were busy trying to integrate the newly found Egyp-
tian traditions into the Mesopotamian world-view’ (RADNER, Assyrian King, 225); the ritual experts
from Syria and Anatolia present at the royal court seem to have been mostly augurs. For the presence
of Greeks in first millennium Mesopotamia, see the comprehensive overview by ROLLINGER, Zu
Herkunft, and KESSLER, Neue Informationen; a presence of Greek ritual experts at the first millenni-
um Assyrian and Babylonian royal courts is not (yet) attested in the cuneiform record.
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 65

tions of a bygone age.11 One of the most prolific collections of magic rituals and in-
cantations comes from the private library of a family of exorcists in early Hellenistic
Uruk,12 and copies of texts of these genres were still produced in the late second centu-
ry BCE by scholars in Babylon.13 Even among the latest group of cuneiform texts, the
so-called Graeco-Babyloniaca, there are excerpts from āšipūtu incantations accompa-
nied by a transcription in Greek letters.14
Traces of Babylonian magic and religious traditions that can be found in later Ara-
maic and Mandaic magic texts as well as in the Babylonian Talmud indicate that in
northern Babylonian cities like Babylon some ancient religious practices persisted into
the second and third centuries CE.15 To what extent cuneiform literary texts were writ-
ten with ink on leather – either in cuneiform or in Aramaic or Greek transcriptions – is
unknown, though it seems unlikely that our overall picture of the transmission of tradi-
tional Babylonian knowledge in the late periods is greatly distorted by the fact that the
more perishable writing materials like leather, wood and papyrus did not survive in
Babylonia. But it is worth remembering that wax-inlaid writing boards were widely
used for recording literary cuneiform texts in first-millennium Mesopotamia.16
This brief overview illustrates sufficiently the wide geographical distribution and
enormous chronological extent of Mesopotamian cuneiform magic texts. The dissemi-
nation and lasting transmission of the āšipūtu texts allow in principle for many differ-
ent scenarios of their diffusion into the Eastern Mediterranean, both by direct contact
with Mesopotamian texts and experts or by the indirect communication of ideas whose
spreading may often be impossible to trace and date with any certainty.

For the Nineveh libraries and their lasting influence also on Babylonian scholarship, see
FRAME/GEORGE, Royal Libraries; BEAULIEU, Afterlife; FRAHM, Text Commentaries, 295.
For the library of Iqīšâ (family Ekur-zakir) and the slightly earlier library of Anu-ikṣur (family
Šangû-Ninurta), see CLANCIER, Bibliothèques, 47–73, 81–5; FRAHM, Text Commentaries, 290–96.
Most of the tablets and fragments of Late Babylonian āšipūtu texts are not dated. OELSNER, ‘Sie
ist gefallen’, 11–15, gives an overview of the latest dated texts from Babylon; his list does not in-
clude an āšipūtu text (cf. also OELSNER, Incantations). BM 64514 (82-9-18, 4494), a manuscript of
tablet III of the anti-witchcraft ritual Maqlû, was owned by Nabû-[…], a son of Itti-Marduk-balāṭu of
the Egibatila family. This Itti-Marduk-balāṭu may well be identical with Itti-Marduk-balāṭu of the
same family, father of Bēl-šumu-līšer, who is named in colophons of tablets dating to the late second
and early first centuries BCE (see HUNGER, Kolophone, no. 144).
Graeco-Babyloniaca, nos. 10 and 11. For the text group, see GELLER, Last Wedge; WEST-
ENHOLZ, Graeco-Babyloniaca; OELSNER, ‘Sie ist gefallen’, 14–15. WESTENHOLZ argues that the
tablets should be dated somewhere between 50 BCE and 50 CE. On palaeographical grounds, GEL-
LER and, cautiously following him, OELSNER (OELSNER, ‘Sie ist gefallen’, 15, n. 40) consider a
second century date for Graeco-Babyloniaca, no. 10; GELLER even considers an early third century
CE date possible.
See OELSNER, ‘Sie ist gefallen’, 9–18; OELSNER, Incantations; MÜLLER-KESSLER/KESSLER,
Spätbabylonische Gottheiten; GELLER, Influence.
Cf. OELSNER, ‘Sie ist gefallen’, 16–17. Writing boards are frequently mentioned in colophons
of literary texts on clay tablets, but only very few have survived. An ivory writing board was found in
the library of Kiṣir-Aššur, an exorcist from seventh century Aššur; a folding set of sixteen ivory
writing boards was found at Nimrud (eighth century); for photos of these famous documents, see
MARZAHN/SALJE, Wiedererstehendes Assur, 150; CURTIS/READE, Art and Empire, 191.
66 Daniel Schwemer

3. The significance of similarity

The study of possible influences of the practice of magic and magical texts from Mes-
opotamia on other bodies of magical texts in antiquity must navigate between the Scyl-
la of a minimalism that ascribes all similarities to universal characteristics of magic
and the Charybdis of a ‘pan-Babylonistic’ diffusionalist maximalism that claims Mes-
opotamian origin based on even the vaguest resemblances. As I have argued in a study
on the relationship between Mesopotamian and Hittite magic traditions,17 there are a
number of simple criteria that should inform any judgment on whether similarities in
magic texts from different cultures constitute independent developments or are indeed
owed to cultural borrowing:
1. Specificity: The more specific a similarity between two text groups can be shown
to be, the more likely it is to be explained as the result of a diffusionist process. Speci-
ficity may be established by names, foreign words or any form of translation, but also
by extended structural parallels (rather than isolated resemblances).
2. Exceptionality and unexpectedness: The more exceptional and unexpected a char-
acter, action, location, material or narrative is in its present context, the more likely it
is to be explained as introduced from a different cultural milieu.
3. Co-occurrence: If parallels and similarities between magical texts from two cultur-
al backgrounds are isolated and rare, an interpretation as cultural borrowings becomes
less probable. Highly specific and, at the same time, isolated similarities may indicate
distance and limited familiarity between the original cultural source and the recipient.
If an application of these criteria indicates that the presence of a certain deity, mo-
tif, spell or rite in the Greek magical papyri is owed to a cultural borrowing from Me-
sopotamia, then a hypothesis on the nature of the adaptation process must be provided.
Are we dealing with an ill-defined diffusion of certain practices and motifs that may
have occurred much earlier than the Greek text under study? Or are the observed simi-
larities the result of the transmission, translation and adaptation of actual texts at a
time not far removed from the formation of the Greek magical text?

4. Mesopotamian motifs in the Greek magical papyri

4.1. Deities
Only one of the deities attested in the Greek magical papyri can be identified without
any reasonable doubt as being of Mesopotamian origin.18 Ereškigal (Εϱεσχιγαλ), the
Mesopotamian queen of the Netherworld, who is also attested on lead curse tablets and
on apotropaic gems,19 occurs as a name of the Greek Netherworld goddess Persephone

See SCHWEMER, Gauging, 145–8.
BRASHEAR, Greek Magical Papyri, 3425, also counts ‘Baal, Šamaš, and perhaps NEBUTOSU-
ALETH’ among the Babylonian deities.
PGM IV 337 (GMPT, 44), 2749–50 (GMPT, 89); PGM LXX 5–11 (GMPT, 297). For magical
gems, see, e.g., MICHEL, Gemmen im Britischen Museum, nos. 66 and 92, and ŚLIWA, Egyptian
Scarabs, 87. For lead tablets, see, e.g., GAGER (ed.), Curse Tablets, 97–100, no. 28; 207–9, no. 110.
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 67

and of Hekate, the goddess of magic whose epithet ‘of many names’ is amply illustrat-
ed by the recitations addressed to her.20 Ereškigal is also attested in the voces magicae,
occasionally followed by NEBUTOSUALETH (νεβουτοσουαληθ).21 In none of the con-
texts in which Ereškigal occurs is her name accompanied by any epithets or motifs for
which Mesopotamian provenance could possibly be claimed. Even in a short invoca-
tion that is addressed to Hekate as Ereškigal, the symbols (σημεῖα) listed after her
name are all well attested for Hekate and Persephone, but not for Mesopotamian
Ereškigal.22 It seems worth noting here that Ereškigal, although reasonably well attest-
ed in Mesopotamian āšipūtu texts, is by no means the most prominent deity in that
genre. The motivation for integrating her name into the Graeco-Egyptian tradition of
magical texts was certainly not a desire to adopt important Babylonian deities of mag-
ic, but rather served the purpose of furnishing the Greek Netherworld goddess with a
mysterious-sounding, foreign name. Although the choice of the name Ereškigal reveals
a basic knowledge of Mesopotamian theological typology, the use of Ereškigal’s name
in the Greek magical texts leaves little doubt that the experts who composed, transmit-
ted and used these texts had either little interest in or little knowledge of (or both) the
Mesopotamian traditions associated with Ereškigal in magical or other cuneiform
A Mesopotamian origin has been proposed for NEBUTOSUALETH, associating the
phrase with the Mesopotamian god of wisdom Nabû who, as the city god of Borsippa,
played a prominent role in first-millennium Babylonian religion. But there is little
evidence for this equation. The god Nabû has no specific competence in magic nor is
he connected with the Netherworld; more importantly, no satisfactory explanation for
the second part of the phrase can be given on the basis of a Mesopotamian hypothe-
The sun-god Šamaš, who is, together with Ea and his son Asalluḫi, the most im-
portant deity of Mesopotamian exorcistic lore, is invoked a few times in the magical
papyri, in one passage together with his Egyptian counterpart Re (Σαμασφρηθ). As
with Ereškigal, the contexts in which Šamaš is mentioned do not contain any phrase or
motif that may be attributed to Mesopotamian influence. Thus one could argue that

Cf., e.g., the incantation addressed to Hekate in PGM IV 2708–84 (GMPT, 88–90); there in line
2745 πολυώνυμε (cf. also πολύμορφε, PGM IV 2726). The interpretation of Ereškigal as an epithet of
Typhon-Seth in PGM XIVc 23 (P. Mag. LL, 23, 16, see GMPT, 232) is questionable; although the
spell is addressed to Typhon-Seth, the use of the stock phrase ἀκτιῶφι Ἐρεσχιγάλ νεβουτοσοαληθ in
the vox magica (see MICHEL, Gemmen im Britischen Museum, 373, for a brief discussion of the
‘AKTIŌPHI-Logos’) must not necessarily imply an identification between Ereškigal and Typhon-Seth;
cf. FOSSUM/GLAZER, Seth, 91.
PGM II 33 (GMPT, 13); PGM IV 1416 (GMPT, 65), 2749–50 (GMPT, 89), 2913–14 (GMPT,
93); PGM V 340 (GMPT, 106), 426 (GMPT, 109); PGM VII 317 (GMPT, 126), 896 (GMPT, 142),
984–5 (GMPT, 144); PGM XIII 925 (GMPT, 193); PGM XIXa 7 (GMPT, 256); PDM xiv/P. Mag.
LL, 7, 26 (GMPT, 207; Demotic µrêsgSyngol); for the Demotic form, see QUACK, Griechische und
andere Dämonen, 459, 482. As J.F. QUACK points out to me, the Demotic writing reflects an adapta-
tion of the Greek form of Ereškigal’s name.
See PGM LXX 5–11 (GMPT, 297); cf. BETZ, Fragments, 291 with n. 20 and 21.
See BRASHEAR, Greek Magical Papyri, 3593; cf. also MICHEL, Gemmen im Britischen Muse-
um, 373.
68 Daniel Schwemer

Σαμας should not be connected with the Mesopotamian sun-god at all, but should
rather be identified with the Syro-Palestinian solar deity of the same name.24
Finally, it should at least be mentioned that HANS PHILIPP WEITZ in his 1910 article
on Sarapis in ROSCHER’s Lexikon proposed to identify the word ιλιλλου, which is
attested twice in a vox magica, with the Mesopotamian god Ellil.25 In the same article
he argued that the divine name Ιαω in the Greek magical texts stands for Ea, the Mes-
opotamian god of wisdom and magic, rather than the Hebrew god Yahweh, and that
the origins of the Egyptian god Sarapis likewise are to be sought in Mesopotamia.26
These hypotheses have long been refuted and are only of historical interest.

4.2. Voces magicae and litterae magicae

For a few phrases in the voces magicae an interpretation as Akkadian texts was sug-
gested in the past, but these proposals carry little conviction and must be counted
among those that WILLIAM M. BRASHEAR included in his Glossary of voces magicae
‘for the sake of completeness (and for the amusement of the reader)’.27
More recently JOANN SCURLOCK claimed that the use of sequences like ηια ευω υαε
ευω ιαε in the voces magicae was derived from the esoteric explanation of a list of
Sumerian verbal affixes (u – a – i – e) as being associated with deities, elements and
parts of the cosmos.28 In view of the fact that the use of vowel sequences in the voces
magicae is explained by the texts themselves as the combination of the seven vowels
of the Greek alphabet which may be combined in different order (ιουωαεη etc.),29 a
derivation from a Babylonian learned linguistic theory, which is, at present, known
from only one Late Babylonian commentary text, seems far-fetched.
The true commonalities between the two bodies of texts are far less specific: in
Mesopotamian and Graeco-Egyptian magical texts voces magicae are used, though in
comparison with the Greek magical papyri this type of recitations – Assyriologists call
them ‘abracadabra’ incantations – is less common in Mesopotamian magic. Also em-

See BRASHEAR, Greek Magical Papyri, 3598, for the attestations. GRESE, in GMPT, 102, n. 8,
identifies SAMAS in PGM V 1–53 (GMPT, 101–2) as a ‘Canaanite solar deity’. SEMESILAM
(σεμεσιλαμ; see BRASHEAR, Greek Magical Papyri, 3598; MICHEL, Gemmen im Britischen Museum,
376) is certainly Hebrew (for its interpretation as SmS owlm, cf. LEICHT, Qedushah, 159, n. 57 [comm.
WEITZ, Sarapis, 362; cf. PGM XIII 109–10, 194–5, 666 (GMPT, 175, 178); but see BRASHEAR,
Greek Magical Papyri, 3591, s.v. λου.
WEITZ, Sarapis, 359–60.
WEITZ, Sarapis, 361; BRASHEAR, Greek Magical Papyri, 3591.
See SCURLOCK/AL-RAWI, Weakness, 371–2, with reference to passages like PGM II 158
(GMPT, 17). The esoteric explanation of the Sumerian verbal affixes is found in a commentary on the
first entries of Neo-Babylonian grammatical text no. 1 (Esoteric Commentary, lines 14–15); see
FRAHM, Text Commentaries, 49 with n. 198. FRAHM’s translation is superior to SCURLOCK’s inter-
pretation of the passage.
Cf., e.g., PGM X 36–50 (GMPT, 150); PGM XIII 206–9 (GMPT, 178); PGM LXIII 4–7
(GMPT, 294–5); see also MICHEL, Gemmen im Britischen Museum, 376–7. For the more specific
vowel sequence, with a rising number of letters from one α to seven ω, see FARAONE/KOTANSKY,
Inscribed Gold Phylactery, 265–6.
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 69

ploying combinations of graphemes as apotropaic spells forms part of both traditions.

This may have led to similar forms of esoteric interpretations which, if in contact, may
have offered common ground between scholars educated in the two traditions.30

4.3. Rites and materia magica

If Ištar-šumu-ēreš, a Babylonian exorcist in late fourth century Uruk, could by any
chance have perused the Greek magical papyri, he would have encountered a foreign
world, populated by rituals he had never heard of, deities with strange names, exotic
plants, allusions to myths he did not know.
Nevertheless, he would not have found it difficult to understand the function of a
foreign plant like laurel if someone had explained to him that laurel in that body of
magical texts played a similar role as ēru, a kind of wood (probably willow) he knew
well from his own training as an exorcist.31 He would also have been familiar with
many of the purposes of the rituals in the Greek texts: making someone fall in love,
gaining favour with authorities, soothing anger, bringing people back to where they
belong, making a business thrive, purification, warding off demons, protecting houses
– for all these purposes he would have been able to produce rituals from his own tradi-
tion. Also the use of phylacteries, potions, salves and fumigations would have ap-
peared familiar to him. He would not have been surprised by the important role of
divination rituals, although most of the divinatory techniques would have been new to
Ištar-šumu-ēreš would have readily agreed that smearing the doorposts with an apo-
tropaic substance protects a house, that magnetic stones possess special power, and
that at the end of some rituals one should go away from the ritual locale without turn-
ing back.32 He would have known from his own tradition that plants had more than one
name, but he would have argued that the secret name of lupine is not ‘blood from a
head’ (αἷμα ἀπὸ κεφαλῆς: PGM XII 438), but ‘lard from a white male pig mottled with
As noted by FRAHM, Text Commentaries, 49, n. 198, the association of the four Sumerian ver-
bal affixes with what seem to be the four elements (fire, water, wind, mountain) in the Esoteric
Commentary is intriguing and may be owed to Greek ideas about the elements (στοιχεῖον meaning
both ‘cosmic element’ and ‘simple sound of speech’, ‘letter’). Note in this context the association of
the Greek vowels with cosmic regions in PGM XIII 823–41 (GMPT, 191; cardinal directions, air, sky
and earth).
For the probable identification of ēru-wood with willow, cf. STEINKELLER, Foresters, 91–2;
note that an identification with laurel, as proposed by CAMPBELL THOMPSON, Dictionary, 298–300,
can be safely excluded.
For smearing doorposts, see PGM II 150–54 (GMPT, 17); for a similar rite in a Babylonian ritu-
al, cf., e.g., Maqlû, ritual tablet, 129’. For leaving the ritual locale without turning back, see PGM VII
439–40 (GMPT, 129); the directive ana bītīšu iššer ana arkīšu lā ippallas ‘he must go straight home
without looking back’ is often found among the final instructions of Babylonian magic rituals (this
parallel was observed early on; see KESSLER, Lukian, 101–2). For the use of magnetite in a love
spell, see PGM IV 1722 (GMPT, 69). The stone šadânu ṣābitu ‘magnetite’ to Babylonians and Assyr-
ians was not only known as the ‘stone of truth’, but was also used for gaining favour and sexual
attractiveness; see POSTGATE, Mesopotamian Petrology, 218; SCHUSTER-BRANDIS, Steine, 425. For
the use of stones in Babylonian magic rituals more generally and the reception of Mesopotamian
lapidary lore in the Graeco-Roman world, see REINER, Astral Magic, 119–32.
70 Daniel Schwemer

red’ (Uruanna III 48; see CAD T 238, s. v. tarmuš). Incantations addressed to a per-
sonified plant with special powers he would have known well; nevertheless the incan-
tation Σὺ εἶ ἡ Ζμύρνα ἡ πικρὰ ἡ χαλεπὴ ἡ καταλλάσσουσα τοὺς μαχομένους ‘You are
Myrrh, the bitter, the difficult, who reconciles combatants’ in PGM IV 1496–595
would have been entirely unknown to him, even though the phrasing of the opening
line would have sounded strangely familiar to someone who knew incantations like
Attā imḫur-līm šammu ša ina maḫri aṣû ‘You are “Heals-a-thousand”-plant, the herb
that emerged in former times’.33
Ištar-šumu-ēreš would have been knowledgeable about some of the symbolic ges-
tures employed in the rituals of the Greek magical papyri: rings and knotted strings
could be used in rituals to gain the favour of authorities and exert power over them,
sweet apples were helpful in love magic, and substitute figurines could be employed
for manipulating other persons.34 But the contexts in which these symbolic gestures
were performed would all have looked foreign to an exorcist from Hellenistic Uruk,
and only remotely related to the rituals of his own tradition where the same items and
gestures appeared.

4.4. Mythological motifs

Only few similarities can be observed between the mythology and cosmology of the
Greek magical papyri and cuneiform magical texts. The idea that the Netherworld is a
safe depository for impurity and that the deities of the Netherworld and ghosts can be
called on as helpers is certainly shared by both bodies of texts. Overall, however, the
invocation of Netherworld deities is much more common in the Greek texts, and the
dealings with ghosts seem to be more unreserved than in Mesopotamian exorcistic
The image of the Netherworld as enclosed by seven walls with seven gates through
which those who enter the city of the dead have to pass probably originates in Meso-
potamia, but circulated widely across the ancient Near East already in the second half
of the second millennium BCE. As argued by WOLFGANG FAUTH, the apparent occur-
rence of this motif in PGM LXII 12–16 (GMPT, 292) may well have been influenced
by these older models.36

CMAwR I, text 7.8, 3.: 17’–30’; for this type of incantation in Babylonian anti-witchcraft ritu-
als, see SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber und Behexung, 58; SCHWEMER, Evil Witches, 184–5, and
SCHWEMER, ‘Form Follows Function’, 270.
For the use of a ring, see PGM V 304–69 (GMPT, 106–7); PGM XII 201–69 (GMPT, 161–3);
for tying knots, see PGM XIII 250–52 (GMPT, 179); for the use of apples, see SM 72.5–15 (= PGM
CXXII; GMPT, 316); for the use of a wax doll, see SM 97 (= PGM CXXIV; GMPT, 321). These
rituals and some of their Mesopotamian parallels were discussed by C. FARAONE in various contribu-
tions; see especially FARAONE, From Magic Ritual; FARAONE, Molten Wax, and FARAONE, Binding.
A ritual like PGM IV 1390–495 (GMPT, 64–6), for example, would have been unthinkable in a
Mesopotamian context: ghosts of slain gladiators are enlisted as helpers for gaining the love of a
woman; this is achieved by throwing little balls of bread that have been contaminated with the blood-
ied soil of the arena into the woman’s house.
See FAUTH, Dardaniel.
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 71

Another trace of Babylonian mythology was identified by CHRISTOPHER FARAONE

in an incantation for inflammation assigned to a Syrian woman: the reference there to
seven water-carrying maidens is related, FARAONE argues, to the widespread motif of
the seven water-carrying daughters of Anu in Babylonian incantations.37 ROBERT K.
RITNER, however, rejects this hypothesis and draws attention to a more closely related
Egyptian model for the seven blue-eyed maidens of the Greek incantation.38
In PGM VII 319–34 (GMPT, 126), a brief ritual for obtaining a vision, the cosmos
is invoked to be still and quiet so that nothing may disturb the divination ritual. A
similar plea, in which the regions of the cosmos are asked to stand still for the perfor-
mance of a magic ritual, is known from the Babylonian anti-witchcraft ritual Maqlû,
but the resemblance is too general and the contexts too different for this to be more
than a structural parallel.39

4.5. Astral magic

Nocturnal rituals and the invocation of astral deities are common features of Mesopo-
tamian magic from early on. In the Persian and Hellenistic Periods the zodiac emerges
as a tool for determining the favourable point of time for the performance of a ritual,
enhancing the traditional hemerological methods.40
In view of the strong influence that Mesopotamian learning exerted on the astrono-
my and astrology of the Graeco-Roman world, traces of ‘Chaldean’ astral expertise
may well be expected in the Greek magical papyri. At first glance, there are indeed
some similarities: the instruction to perform a ritual when the moon is in opposition to
the sun is well known from āšipūtu rituals, as is the invocation of Ursa Major, the
Wagon Star (ereqqu) of the Mesopotamian night sky. But otherwise the relevant astral
rituals in PGM bear no resemblance to their known counterparts in Mesopotamian
The closest parallel between a Graeco-Egyptian and Mesopotamian piece of astral
magic can be found in PGM VII 284–99, a short instruction on the suitable dates for
certain magic rituals according to the position of the moon in the zodiac. This instruc-
tion is structurally similar to the late versions of the Mesopotamian Exorcist’s Alma-
nac (see 5.); but here too an actual textual correlation is excluded by the many specific

PGM XX 4–12 (GMPT, 258–9); see FARAONE, Mystodokos, 297–333.
RITNER, Wives of Horus, passim; I am indebted to J.F. QUACK for pointing me to this reference.
For this section of Maqlû, see SCHWEMER, Empowering the Patient, 325–7.
For the introduction of the zodiac as an exact coordinate system for astronomy at about 400
BCE, see BRITTON, Studies, and OSSENDRIJVER, Mathematical Astronomy, 2; the use of the constel-
lations in astronomical and astrological texts is older, of course.
For a ritual to be performed when the moon stands in opposition to the sun, see PGM IV 2217–
26 (GMPT, 77); for similar instructions in Babylonian rituals, see SCHWEMER, Fighting Witchcraft.
For rituals before Ursa Major, see PGM VII 686–702 (GMPT, 137–8); for Babylonian rituals before
the same constellation, see, e.g., CMAwR I, texts 10.1 and 10.2.
72 Daniel Schwemer

5. The Exorcist’s Almanac: Graeco-Egyptian magic in cuneiform?

In recent discussions of the relationship between Graeco-Egyptian and Mesopotamian

magic traditions, much attention has been devoted to a small group of cuneiform texts
which are concerned with favourable dates for the performance of āšipūtu rituals and
therapies. This group of texts or individual tablets of this group are often referred to as
the Exorcist’s Almanac in Assyriology.42
The earliest of these texts, published as STT 300 and edited recently by MARK
GELLER, formed part of the library at Neo-Assyrian Ḫuzirīna (Sultantepe); according
to its colophon, the amulet-shape tablet was written in the late seventh century BCE by
a young scribal apprentice43 and contained ‘incantations, cuneiform knowledge from
the tablet house’.44 The text provides favourable dates for more than seventy specific
ritual types by month and day; occasionally periods of time are indicated (months, or
certain days of one month or several months). In total about a hundred days throughout
the year are specified (see Appendix 1 for a tabular overview of the tablet’s contents).
A fragment from Hellenistic Uruk, published as BRM IV, 19, is closely related to
STT 300. Like STT 300, this Late Babylonian text provides favourable dates for the
performance of āšipūtu rituals. All rituals listed in BRM IV, 19 are also contained in
STT 300, and the recommended dates are mostly identical.45 In contrast to STT 300,
the rituals in BRM IV, 19 are arranged in two annual cycles which, in total, seem to
contain fewer entries than STT 300. Most importantly, BRM IV, 19 indicates not only
calendrical dates for the performance of the rituals, but combines dates in the calendri-
cal format with dates in a zodiacal format.46 In doing this, the text derives the basic
zodiacal position from the calendrical date by simple transfer; thus the 21st day of
Kislīmu (ix) corresponds to Sagittarius (ix) 21° (see obv. 5′–6′). In addition, BRM IV,
19 provides a second zodiacal position, the so-called micro-zodiac. According to the
micro-zodiac, the 30°-area of each zodiacal sign is subdivided into twelve sections
(dodekatemoria) which are again named after the zodiacal signs. Each zodiacal posi-

The two Late Babylonian sources were first edited by UNGNAD, Besprechungskunst (edition of
BRM IV, 19 and 20); a new edition can be found in GELLER, Melothesia, 27–58 (edition of STT 300;
BRM IV, 19 and 20). The texts were discussed by BOTTÉRO, Mythes et rites, 100–112; REINER,
Astral Magic, 108–12; STOL, Epilepsy, 115–17; SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber und Behexung, 160–61.
A comprehensive analysis and partial edition of all three sources was given by SCURLOCK, Sorcery.
STT 300 rev. 21–5; see already HUNGER, Kolophone, no. 362; the tablet is dated to the post-
canonical eponym Bēl-aḫu-uṣur. For amulet-shape tablets and the magic diagram on their lug, see
REINER, Plague Amulets; MAUL, Zukunftsbewältigung, 175–90; CMAwR II, commentary on
text 11.4.
STT 300 rev. 19: šipātu(ÉN.MEŠ) mu-du11-tu sam-tak-ki bīt(É) tuppi(⸢DUB⸣) (literally: ‘incanta-
tions, knowledge of the wedges of the tablet house’); for a different reading and interpretation, see
GELLER, Melothesia, 50, 57.
For a tabular overview of the contents of BRM IV, 19, see Appendix 2. Only very few dates are
slightly different in the two texts: ritual no. 17 (STT 300: ii 13; BRM IV, 19: ii 12); no. 41 (STT 300:
vii 16–20; BRM IV, 19: vii 11); no. 58 (STT 300: viii 28; BRM IV, 19: viii 18); no. 58 (STT 300: viii
28; BRM IV, 19: viii 21).
See STOL, Epilepsy, 116; differently ROCHBERG, Path of the Moon, 157–8, who, however, does
not explain the motivation of giving the first position in the zodiac (λ1) twice.
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 73

tion corresponds to a micro-zodiacal position which is calculated by multiplying the

degree of the zodiacal sign by twelve and advancing in the circle of the zodiac by that
number. 47 Thus the sign corresponding to Sagittarius 21° is Virgo 3°, because the
distance between Sagittarius 21° and Virgo 3° is 252° = 21°×12 (see Appendix 3 for a
tabular overview).
Another, fully preserved Late Babylonian tablet preserves a parallel text to
BRM IV, 19. The tablet, which belonged to Iqīšâ, a well-known scholar and exorcist
in late fourth century Uruk, was published as BRM IV, 20.48 This text, which apart
from minor differences contains the same list of rituals as BRM IV, 19,49 gives no
calendrical dates at all, but indicates favourable periods of time for the performance of
āšipūtu rituals by zodiacal sign only (qaqqar mul… ‘region of constellation …’); occa-
sionally two or even three possible zodiacal signs are named (for a tabular overview of
the content of the text, see Appendix 3). Mostly, the constellations given in BRM IV,
20 are not the zodiacal positions directly derived from the calendrical dates, but the
calculated micro-zodiacal positions, as documented in BRM IV, 19 (but in BRM IV,
20 without an indication of the degree).50 Most of the zodiacal attributions in BRM IV,
20 are therefore twice removed from the original hemerological recommendation in
the calendrical format, as attested in STT 300.
The simple zodiacal date format of BRM IV, 20 is found in two further Late Baby-
lonian texts: like BRM IV, 20, the Late Babylonian fragment SpTU V, 243 was found
at Uruk, though it probably comes from a different, slightly earlier, library context.51
The small fragment LBAT 1626 (BM 35537 = Sp 3, 43) was probably found at Baby-
lon.52 The indication of dates for the performance of magic rituals by zodiacal sign is
also attested in ritual texts of that period.53

This was first described for BRM IV, 19 by NEUGEBAUER/SACHS, Dodekatemoria; see also
ROCHBERG, Path of the Moon, 157–8.
For the library of Iqīšâ, see CLANCIER, Bibliothèques, 47–61, with previous literature.
Ritual no. 27 is listed in BRM IV, 19, but not in BRM IV, 20; rituals nos. 49, 68, 69 are listed in
BRM IV, 20, but not in BRM IV, 19.
At the end of BRM IV, 20, a commentary section is added that explains a number of the tech-
nical ritual terms. The subscript of this commentary section refers to the incipit of the commented
text as ‘10th Nisannu: the (favourable) time period (for rituals for) changing (someone’s) mind’
(itiBÁRA U4.10.KAM ud-da-kam ŠÀ.BAL.BAL). Moreover, not all entries in the commentary are includ-
ed in the preceding text in BRM IV, 20. Thus, SCURLOCK and FRAHM are certainly right in assuming
that the commentary associated with the zodiacal almanac was based on a text that included dates in a
calendrical format and was closer to a text like STT 300; see SCURLOCK, Sorcery, 125; FRAHM, Text
Commentaries, 31 and 128.
See CLANCIER, Bibliothèques, 58–9 and 399. The fragment was edited by VON WEIHER, SpTU
V, 35–6, and by GELLER, Melothesia, 59–60.
LBAT 1626 was discussed by REINER, Astral Magic, 110–11 (cf. also SCURLOCK, Sorcery,
125), and edited by GELLER, Melothesia, 58–9.
Cf., e.g., SpTU II, 23 obv. 1–2: rituals for loosening an adversary’s grip on the 10th of Ayyaru
and in Virgo of Taurus (corresponding to the hemerological date in STT 300 obv. 7 and the micro-
zodiacal date in BRM IV, 20 obv. 3; see ritual no. 14 in the tabular overviews in Appendix 1 and 3);
BM 47457 obv. 15: instruction of performing a ritual for being popular and successful in the area of
74 Daniel Schwemer

As is evident in BRM IV, 19, the original relationship between the calendrical and
the astral date format is mechanical. The astral date therefore probably refers to the
position of the sun in relation to the zodiac with a simplified correlation between (the
day of the) month and (the degree of the) zodiacal sign.
It is less clear how the attribution of a ritual to a calculated micro-zodiacal sign is
relevant to the date of its performance and how it can be used on its own, as in
BRM IV, 20, without any reference to the pertinent primary zodiacal constellation.
Based on Graeco-Roman parallels, ERICA REINER suggested that the references to the
signs of the zodiac in texts like BRM IV, 20 refer ‘to the region of the sky where the
moon stands in that particular moment’.54 In view of the close connection between the
calendrical date and the zodiacal attribution, this seems to be an unlikely scenario for
the primary zodiacal attributions. But it may well apply to the calculated constellations
and would thus provide a set of favourable time periods that is entirely different from
the original hemerological recommendations in the calendrical format. Given that the
moon moves swiftly through the zodiac within a month, the lunar-zodiacal system
would also produce a multiplication of suitable dates.
The use of the zodiac for indicating the right period of time for performing magic
rituals certainly connects the Late Babylonian exorcist’s almanacs with Greek magical
texts like PGM VII 284–99 (cf. supra, 4.5). In her thorough analysis of STT 300,
BRM IV, 19 and IV, 20, JOANN SCURLOCK argues that the zodiacal dates are not the
only feature shared with Greek magical texts, but that the types of rituals listed in the
almanacs include ‘originally non-Mesopotamian’ rites that show a marked Graeco-
Egyptian influence. Moreover, SCURLOCK recognises in the hemerological dates of
STT 300 an Egyptian calendrical pattern.55 I remain unconvinced by her arguments for
the following reasons: first, although it is true that the 10th and the 21st day of a month
are often mentioned in STT 300, many other days of the month occur as well. On the
whole, the calendrical dates of STT 300 do not suggest an Egyptian 36 weeks – 12
months pattern. Why one would regularly pick the last day of the first decan and the
first day of the last decan also remains unexplained.
The types of rituals listed in STT 300 and the related texts include defensive and
aggressive rituals. The terminology used for the rituals is traditional Sumerian and
Akkadian in the technolect and specialist orthography that is characteristic for this
genre of text. I count 104 entries in STT 300.56 Of these, 46 have a defensive, cathartic

REINER, Astral Magic, 108.
SCURLOCK, Sorcery, passim, especially 125, 143. The opposite process was argued by MAT-
THEW W. DICKIE already several years ago, who remarked with regard to similarities between Greco-
Roman and Mesopotamian magic and, more specifically, between Babylonian texts like the Exor-
cist’s Almanac and Bolus of Mendes: ‘There is the very real possibility that texts originally written in
Akkadian on cuneiform tablets were translated into the lingua franca of Babylonia and Syria, Arama-
ic, and that they made their way to Egypt through the medium of that language.’ (DICKIE, Learned
Magician, 188).
This number may be slightly too high. It is not always entirely clear which items form one ritu-
al. For example, rituals nos. 34 and 35 may have to be combined. Also rituals nos. 64–6 may have to
be interpreted as only one ritual (thus SCURLOCK and GELLER; cf. the following footnote).
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 75

or therapeutic character.57 A further twelve are rituals for gaining attractiveness and
success and thus prevailing in society (é-gal-ku4-ra and similar).58 28 ritual types rep-
resent aggressive rituals with the goal of exerting power over other people (e.g., love-
magic of various kinds, forcing back runaway slaves, soothing an adversary’s anger or
removing a man from his office). These kinds of rituals formed a ‘grey area’ in Meso-
potamian magic. They were not considered illegal and exorcists copied tablets with
instructions for them; but they were – understandably – regarded with suspicion, and
some of them were occasionally included in catalogues of methods of witchcraft in the
prayers recited during anti-witchcraft rituals.59 Five ritual types are ambiguous, neither
defensive nor aggressive, or unclear.60
Rituals nos. 1, 3–4, 7–17, 20, 27–8, 31–2, 43–50, 56–7, 63–5, 72, 75, 82, 85–6, 89–90, 92, 96–
7, 102–4. The passage STT 300 rev. 1–3 (nos. 60–71; cf. BRM IV, 19 rev. 34–8, 20 rev. 39–42) is
difficult: [ it] iAPIN U4.28.KÁM LÚ IGI ⸢LÚ⸣ ZI-e ŠÚR.ḪUN.GÁ <EME.SIG> NU! GABA.RI lu ÚŠ ⸢TAG4 lu

UŠ11⸣.Z[ U lu munusUŠ11.Z] U, lu! MUNUS! DINGIR !(text: [ MU]NUS? lu DINGIR) DU11.DU11 ⸢lu⸣ IDIM ina
É.GAL ZI-ḫi KIMIN ana ŠÀ DAB.DAB SAG.DU LÚ ana DAB-[tim], [ L] Ú ÁG <KI> LÚ ana KU5-si MUNUS
ÁG KI MUNUS ana KU5-si DÍM-ma AL.[ SIL] IM, ‘28th Araḫsamna: Making a man rise against another
man; calming an adversary’s anger; not being receptive to slander; or causing a dead person to depart;
or (against) a warlock; or (against) a witch; or making a prophetess speak; or removing a magnate
from the palace. Ditto: for seizing the ‘heart’; for seizing a man’s head; for alienating a beloved man
from a man; for alienating a beloved woman from a woman. You perform (it on that date), then it will
be successful’. SCURLOCK and GELLER understand the phrase lu lúUŠ11.ZU lu munusUŠ11.ZU lu MUNUS
DINGIR (thus clearly in BRM IV, 19) DU11.DU11 (BRM IV, 19: šu-ud-bu-bi) to refer to only one ritual
(here nos. 64–6). If this were correct, the characterisation of these rites as ‘defensive’ would, of
course, be rather doubtful. Note also that SCURLOCK, Sorcery, 137, interprets KIMIN in STT 300
rev. 2 as a repetition mark for lu ÚŠ (thereby connecting nos. 68–9), whereas I take it to refer to a
repetition of the date.
Ritual nos. 24, 33, 51, 54–5, 58–9, 62, 78–9, 98–9. The reading of ritual no. 99 (STT 300
rev. 14) is unclear. I remain unconvinced by the reading proposed by GELLER, Melothesia, 50, 57
(with a collation by S.V. PANAYOTOV, p. 53); é-lat ‘beyond’ would be very unusual, with regard to
usage and orthography; also KÚRUN.NA-⸢su⸣ ‘of his tavern’ can hardly be right: sābû means ‘tavern
keeper’, not ‘tavern’ (the copy records traces of the expected LÚ before KÚRUN.NA).
For this area of Mesopotamian magic, see SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber und Behexung, 159–60,
and SCHWEMER, Ancient Near East, 29, 39–41. Relevant are the following ritual types in STT 300
(and the related texts): nos. 5, 18–19, 22–3, 25–6, 30, 36–9, 41, 52–3, 60–61, 67–71, 77, 81, 87–8,
93, 100–101. GELLER, Melothesia, 55, translates entry no. 30, IGI.NIGIN.NA, as ‘bringing about a
volte-face’. The Sumerogram IGI.NIGIN.NA usually stands for ṣūd pānī ‘vertigo’ or ṣīdānu ‘vertigo’,
literally ‘spinning (of the face)’. This condition was associated with states of confusion and derange-
ment. As a type of ritual IGI.NIGIN.NA designates rites that caused the condition of ‘vertigo’ in anoth-
er person and, as such, this kind of ritual is included in lists of methods of witchcraft within anti-
witchcraft incantations; see CMAwR I, text 8.3, 1.: 23; Maqlû I 91 and IV 12; SCHWEMER, Washing,
49, 54–5 (= CMAwR II, text 7.12); KAR 35 obv. 16 (with duplicates, ed. CMAwR II, text 11.4).
SCURLOCK, Sorcery, 126, regards the ‘inclusion of homosexual magic (love of a man for a man …)’
as a certain indicator that the ritual types listed in STT 300 are influenced by Greek tradition. The
relevant entries are no. 25 (KI.ÁG NITA ana NITA ‘love (magic), male to male’) and nos. 70 and 71
([ L] Ú ÁG <KI> LÚ ana KU5-si ‘for alienating a beloved man from a man’ [the two later texts have
‘king’ here!]; MUNUS ÁG KI MUNUS ana KU5-si ‘for alienating a beloved woman from a woman’). The
ritual types nos. 70 and 71 refer, I would argue, to a more general concept of râmu (‘to love’, ‘to feel
affection’, ‘to cherish’, rather than ‘having sex with’). This line of argument may also be applied to
ritual type no. 25 (thus BOTTÉRO, Homosexualität, 467–8; cf. also NISSINEN, Homoeroticism, 35),
76 Daniel Schwemer

Finally, there are eleven entries that name methods of harmful witchcraft:61 ‘distor-
tion-of-justice’ magic (DI.BAL.A, dibalû); hate-magic (ḪUL.GIG, zīru); ‘cutting-of-the-
throat’ magic (ZI.KU5.RU.DA, zikurudû); ‘seizing-of-the-mouth’ magic (KA.DAB.BÉ.DA,
kadabbedû). These entries were understood by ERICA REINER, MARTEN STOL and
myself to refer to the well-attested defensive rituals against these types of witchcraft.62
In contrast, JOANN SCURLOCK and MARK GELLER have argued that the references to
these four methods of witchcraft should be interpreted literally as referring to the per-
formance of witchcraft – after all, the entries do not say ZI.KU5.RU.DA.BÚR.RU.DA ‘Un-
doing “cutting-of-the-throat” magic’ etc.63 Those who prefer to interpret the entries as
defensive rituals can point to the fact that the apparent methods of witchcraft are men-
tioned side by side with UŠ11.BÚR.RU.DA, rituals for undoing witchcraft, in STT 300.64
Also it would be surprising if an āšipūtu almanac included favourable dates only for
these types of black magic without naming any dates for the widely attested, corre-
sponding defensive rituals. The interpretation of the entries as referring to aggressive
witchcraft rituals is, however, not only supported by the ostensible meaning of the
entries. It is clear from other texts that the specific methods of witchcraft like zikurudû
were less stigmatised than kišpū (UŠ11), the main term for witchcraft; indeed one pre-
scription for kadabbedû is preserved.65 Furthermore, no. 34 in our almanac texts (‘Rit-
uals for entrusting a person to a ghost’) indeed looks very much like a description of

even though KI. ÁG NITA ana NITA should be compared with the structurally parallel entries KI.ÁG
NITA ana MUNUS ‘love (magic) male to female’ (nos. 18 and 22) and KI. ÁG.GÁ MUNUS ana NITA ‘love
(magic) female to male’ (no. 19), where a sexual connotation is certainly understood. However,
intimate friendship between men, homoeroticism and homosexual practices were neither unknown
nor deemed generally illegal in ancient Mesopotamia, though being the passive partner in anal inter-
course between two men was regarded as a disgrace to be suffered only by prostitutes (see COOPER,
Buddies, 82–4, for this interpretation of Middle Assyrian Laws, A 19 and 20; cf. also NISSINEN,
Homoeroticism, 19–36).
No. 76 is unclear. No. 2 (‘Acquiring and calming head-illness’) is phrased as aggressive and de-
fensive. Nos. 66 (‘Making a prophetess speak’) and 84 (‘Locating treasure’) are neutral, though one
could argue that ritual type no. 66 implies exerting power over the woman who is to serve as a proph-
etess. SCURLOCK interprets no. 42, ‘Inviting (qerû) a god or a goddess’, as a ritual for summoning
deities to a banquet, as is attested in Greek rituals; according to her, in traditional Mesopotamian
thought such an action would amount to suicide. It is true that ‘being called (qerû) by one’s personal
gods’ is a euphemism for dying in Akkadian; but this is unrelated to inviting a deity for an offering,
an action well attested in Mesopotamian royal inscriptions and literature.
Nos. 6, 21, 29, 40, 73–4, 80, 83, 91, 94–5.
See REINER, Astral Magic, 109–10; STOL, Epilepsy, 115 (implicitly); SCHWEMER, Abwehrzau-
ber und Behexung, 160–61.
SCURLOCK, Sorcery, passim; GELLER, Melothesia, 27. For the explicit rubric
ZI.KU5.RU.DA.BÚR.RU.DA, see, e.g., BAM 461 (ed. CMAwR II, text 10.6.2). But note the reference to
rites against zikurudû as né-pe-ši ša ZI.KU.RU.⸢DA⸣.M[ EŠ] in PARPOLA, Letters, 300 obv. 4’.
See STT 300 obv. 4, rev. 4. Also compare the implicit phrasing in rev. 18: ina 12 ITI.MEŠ kal
MU.AN.NA U4.27.KÁM U4.28.KÁM U4.29.KÁM SAG.ḪUL. ḪA.ZA DÍM -ma ⸢AL.SILIM⸣, ‘Over twelve
months, the whole year, the 27th, 28th (and) 29th day: (ritual against) the Sangḫulḫaza-demon. You
perform (on one of those dates), then it will be successful’. Nobody would suggest that simple
SAG. ḪUL. ḪA.ZA here implies anything but a ritual for dispelling that demon.
See SpTU II, 22 + III, 85 rev. IV 11–12 (ed. CMAwR II, text 3.4, 3.: 5–6).
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 77

(illegal) witchcraft; but it should be noted that all the phrases of this entry are negated
in STT 300 (but not in the corresponding entries in BRM IV, 19 and 20).66
Overall, there can be no doubt that the exorcist’s almanacs – the hemerologies with
calendrical dates and the astral magic texts with (micro)-zodiacal dates – included both
defensive and aggressive ritual types – whether the latter included even ritual types
that were usually regarded as witchcraft remains a moot point. Aggressive rituals were
well known in Mesopotamian āšipūtu; and for a number of the types of aggressive
rituals mentioned in the almanac texts, ritual instructions have been found in the tablet
collections of Babylonian and Assyrian āšipu-exorcists.67 In our overall perception of
Mesopotamian āšipūtu, the aggressive rituals – like love-magic, rituals for defeating
competitors or for forcing back runaway slaves – tend to be marginalised. This ten-
dency is, in my view, not due to a ‘non-Mesopotamian’ character or origin of these
aggressive rituals, but rather to the fact that our perception of Mesopotamian āšipūtu
rituals relies heavily on the royal tablet collections of Nineveh (the so-called ‘Library
of Ashurbanipal’) which usually seem not to have incorporated the aggressive rituals.68
These rituals may have been considered unnecessary for the protection of the king, but
the king’s scholars may also have regarded them as dubious. In any case, it is worth
noting that not one of the extant sources of the so-called Exorcist’s Almanac comes
from Ashurbanipal’s Library.

6. Conclusions

A comparative reading of the rituals and incantations attested in the Greek magical
papyri and the Mesopotamian lore of āšipūtu shows that there are significant parallels
between those two bodies of magical texts. One can observe very few specific simi-
larities that may be regarded as unquestionable cultural borrowings (in particular the
use of the name of Ereškigal). Moreover, there are a number of more general similari-
ties that may well be due to cultural contacts and the diffusion of certain rites and

See SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber und Behexung, 161; SCURLOCK, Sorcery, 134, wonders wheth-
er the scribe was ‘confused or could … not bring himself to list these rites without canceling them, as
it were’.
For love magic, see SCHWEMER, Akkadischer Liebeszauber, 70–71, n. 27; for rituals for calm-
ing an enemy’s anger and success at court, see SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber und Behexung, 128, and
STADHOUDERS, Time to Rejoice; for a leather pouch for inflicting ‘seizing-of-the-mouth’ (ka-
dabbedû) on an adversary, see SpTU II, 22 + III, 85 rev. IV 11–12 (cf. SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber
und Behexung, 129); for rituals to force back runaway slaves, see LKA 135 obv. 11–16 (cf. also
BM 40482); for a short ritual that would ensure the obedience of slaves, see BM 36330 l. e. 27–30
(cf. SCHWEMER, Ancient Near East, 40). For Sm 1379, a small fragment with behavioural omens
referring to the performance of aggressive magic and witchcraft, see SCHWEMER, Abwehrzauber und
Behexung, 159–60 (an almost equally fragmentary duplicate of this text has now been identified by
H. STADHOUDERS in the Babylon collection of the British Museum).
But note that a (pseudepigraphic?) request by Ashurbanipal for collecting tablets from Babylo-
nian libraries explicitly includes rituals of the genre é-gal-ku4-ra; see CT (BM) 22, 1: 22, ed.
FRAME/GEORGE, Royal Libraries, 280–81.
78 Daniel Schwemer

symbolic gestures across the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. But since the
Greek and Mesopotamian texts in which these similarities can be observed are, as
texts, dissimilar and clearly unrelated to each other, the diffusion of these motifs re-
mains, necessarily, an ill-defined process that was probably fairly removed from our
actual sources. The isolated way in which the name of Ereškigal is used in the Greek
magical texts confirms the hypothesis of a distant relationship. Closer contacts and
mutual influences may be attested in the Hellenistic Period, especially in the area of
astral magic. But the interpretation of the exorcist’s almanacs as evidence of a trans-
formative influence of Greek magic on Mesopotamian āšipūtu from the seventh centu-
ry onward does not, in my view, stand up to scrutiny.
By way of conclusion, I would like to emphasise the narrow scope of the present
study which was concerned with a very limited body of texts. There can be no doubt
that a more comprehensive comparative approach to Mesopotamian, Egyptian and
Greek magical texts would reveal more common traditions and motifs between these
bodies of texts,69 even though the scarcity of relevant sources from second and first
millennium Syria will always hamper our understanding of the diffusion of Mesopo-
tamian magical lore in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond.

Examples have, of course, already been identified. Apart from the contributions mentioned
above (especially by E. REINER and C. FARAONE), cf., e.g., FISCHER-ELFERT, Sāmānu, or various
remarks on the similarities between the use of magic stones in Mesopotamian āšipūtu and in Pliny’s
Naturalis historia in SCHUSTER-BRANDIS, Steine (147 with n. 381; 425 with n. 810).
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 79

Appendix 1

Tabular overview of the hemerological data in STT 300 (consecutive numbering of

rituals by the author):
No. Month Day Ritual purpose Akkadian terminology
1 i 1–30 Acquiring potency ŠÀ.ZI.GA
2 1–30 Acquiring and calming head-illness SA[ G].KI.DA[ B] TUK-e ù [n]u-[u]ḫ-ḫi
3 Loosening an adversary’s grip Š[ U?].[D] U8?.⸢A?⸣
4 [?]–30 Removing lilû-demon and epilepsy [ LÍL].LÁ.EN.NA AN.TA.[ ŠU] B.[ B] A ⸢ZI⸣-ḫi
5 10 Changing someone’s mind ŠÀ. BAL.BAL
6 21 ‘Distortion-of-justice’ magic DI.B[ AL].A
7 21 Undoing witchcraft UŠ11.BÚR.DA
8 Illness not to approach a man ⸢ana⸣ NA G[ IG]-⸢šú⸣ NU TE-e
9 Curing (a disease of) the head SAG.D[ U] ana TI-ṭi
10 Dispelling raʾību-disease ⸢ra-i-ib-šu⸣ [ana š]u-ṣi-i
11 Healing a wound [s]i-im-ma ana T[ I-ṭ]i
12 Stopping a woman’s bleeding MÚD MUNUS ana KU5-si
13 Evil not to approach a house ḪUL ana É NU TE-e
14 ii 10 Loosening an adversary’s grip ŠU.DU8.A
15 12 Undoing a curse NAM.⸢ÉRIM.BÚR⸣.DA
16 Keeping a curse away from a man [NA]M.ÉRIM ana LÚ KU5-si
17 13 Removing lilû- and ardat lilî- LÍL. LÁ.EN.NA KI.SIKIL LÍL. LÁ. EN.NA Z[ I]-
demons ḫi
18 iii 10 Making a man fall in love with a KI.⸢ÁG⸣ NITA ana MUNUS
19 21 Making a woman fall in love with a KI.⸢ÁG.GÁ⸣ MUNUS ana [NI] TA
20 4 Removing illness G[ IG?] ⸢ZI?-ḫi?⸣
21 30 Hate-magic ḪUL.GIG
22 30 Making a man fall in love with a KI. ÁG NITA ana MUNUS
23 ii, iii 1–30 Love-magic KI.⸢ÁG⸣
24 Succeeding at court É.GAL. KU4.RA
25 iv 10 Making a man fall in love with a KI. ÁG NITA ana NITA
26 21 Attracting a woman [MUNUS GIN].NA
27 12 Removing lilû- and ardat lilî- LÍL. LÁ.EN.NA KI.SIKIL LÍL. LÁ. EN.⸢NA⸣ ZI-
demons ḫi
28 21, 29 Undoing love-magic(?) affecting a [ KI?.Á] G? NITA ana MUNUS ana [ B]ÚR-ri
29 v 10 ‘Cutting-of-the-throat’ magic [ Z] I.⸢KU5⸣.[R] U.DA
30 10 Causing ‘vertigo’ IGI.NIGIN.NA
31 29! Removing various forms of epilep- AN.[ T] A.⸢ŠUB.BA⸣ be-en-nu d⸢lugal-ir9⸣-ra
sy, ‘hand-of-a-god’ and ‘hand-of-a- ŠU.DINGIR.RA ŠU.⸢GIDIM⸣.MA ZI-ḫi
80 Daniel Schwemer

32 vi 10! Purification by the river ordeal d

33 21 Succeeding at court É.GAL. KU4.RA
34 24 Rituals for entrusting a person to a⸢GIDIM⸣ DAB-ti KI LÚ ana NU KÉŠ!(ka) NU
ghost (but negated in this text!) LÚ ana ÚŠ NU pa-qá-<di> ana ŠÉŠ-ši ana
35 Dispelling losses šu-ṣi-i
36 iv, v – Frightening a female rival DAM.TAB. BA pur-ru-di
37 Removing a man from his position ù LÚ ina KI.GUB-šú ZI-ḫi
38 vii 10 Calming an adversary’s anger ŠÚR!(sag).ḪUN.GÁ
39 11, 21 Attracting a woman MUNUS GIN.NA
40 16–20 ‘Cutting-of-the-throat’ magic ZI.KU5.⸢RU⸣.DA
41 Attracting a woman MUNUS GIN.NA
42 16, 17 Inviting a god or a goddess DINGIR ana qé-re-e d15 MIN
43 Curing sagallu-disease SA.GAL ana TI-ṭi
44 Purifying a house É ana ḫu-up-pi

45 Confining an ill person GIG ana e-se-ri (~ Bīt mēseri)
46 Curing an anal disease DÚR.GIG ana TI-ṭi
47 Curing a bladder stone NA4 ana TI-ṭi
48 Stopping bowel movements ŠÀ.SI.SÁ ana ka-le-e
49 Removing a fever KÚM-ma ana ZI-ḫi

50 17 Confining an ill person GIG ana e-se-ri
51 21 Having a good reputation in the LÚ ina É.GAL MU.NE ana MUNUS.SIG5 MU
52 vi, vii – Removing a man from his office ana LÚ ina qí-ip-ti-šu ZI-ḫi
53 Setting a man against another man LÚ ina IGI LÚ GAR-ni
54 viii 10 Being in good repute with a prince NUN ina É.GAL MU.NE ana SIG5-ti MU
55 21 Being popular and attractive IGI-ka [ana I]GI-ka SÙ!(muš)

56 22 Confining an ill person GIG ana e-se-ri
57 Removing lilû- and ardat lilî- LÍL. LÁ.EN.NA KI.SIKIL LÍL. LÁ. EN.NA ZI-ḫi
58 28 Nobles not being receptive to slan- IDIM u ⸢NUN⸣ EME!(ka).SIG NU GABA.RI
59 28 Not encountering slander NU IGI šil-la-ta
60 viii 28 Making a man rise against another LÚ IGI ⸢ LÚ⸣ ZI-e
61 Calming an adversary’s anger ŠÚR.ḪUN.GÁ
62 Not being receptive to slander <EME.SIG> NU! GABA.RI
63 Causing a dead person to depart lu ÚŠ ⸢TAG4⸣
64 Against a warlock(?) ⸢lu lúUŠ11⸣.Z[ U]
65 Against a witch(?) [lu munusUŠ11.Z] U
66 Making a prophetess speak(?) lu! MUNUS! DINGIR! DU11.DU1
67 Removing a magnate from the ⸢lu⸣ IDIM ina É.GAL ZI-ḫi
68 KIMIN Seizing the ‘heart’ ana ŠÀ DAB.DAB
69 Seizing a man’s head SAG.DU LÚ ana DAB-[tim]
70 Alienating a beloved man from a [ L] Ú ÁG <KI> LÚ ana KU5-si
71 Alienating a beloved woman from a MUNUS ÁG KI MUNUS ana KU5-si
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 81

72 viii – Purifying a man LÚ ina KI ⸢kib⸣-ra ŠU.GUR-ri

73 ‘Distortion-of-justice’ magic DI.BAL. A
74 ‘Seizing-of-the-mouth’ magic KA.DAB.BÉ.DA
75 Undoing witchcraft UŠ11 ana BÚR-ri
76 Unclear IGI x x
77 ix 10 Making a woman talk (love magic) [MUNUS] DU11.DU11
78 21 Having a good reputation a-mir-ka ŠU.SI ana SIG5-tim ta-ra-ṣi
79 Having a good reputation [ana] ⸢SIG5⸣-ka ŠU.SI ⸢SIG5⸣-ti ana ⸢ta⸣-ra-
80 12‘Seizing-of-the-mouth’ magic KA.DAB.BÉ.DA
81 [?]
Causing someone to abandon his qí-b[it K] A-šú ana šu-ud-di-i ù lu ZU
plans or knowing about them(?)
82 ix [?] Removing lilû- and ardat lilî- LÍL. LÁ.EN.NA KI.SIKIL LÍL. LÁ. EN.NA ZI-ḫi
83 ‘Seizing-of-the-mouth’ magic KA.DAB.BÉ.DA
84 x [10] Locating treasure ši-kin KÙ.SI22 KÙ.BABBAR
85 11 Gaining a god’s favour DINGIR IGI.BAR
86 Soothing a god’s anger DINGIR.ŠÀ.DAB.⸢BA⸣ BÚR
87 21 Slaves not to flee ⸢ÌR NA⸣ NU Z[ ÁḪ]
88 Slaves to be true to their master ŠÀ ÌR u GÉME <NU> KÚR
89 Gaining a god’s favour DINGIR IGI.BAR
90 Soothing a god’s anger DINGIR.ŠÀ.DAB.BA BÚR-ri
91 12 ‘Cutting-of-the-throat’ magic ⸢ZI.KU5.RU.DA⸣
92 Removing lilû- and ardat lilî- [ L] ÍL. LÁ.EN.NA KI.SIKIL LÍL. LÁ. EN.NA ZI-
demons ḫi
93 xi 10 For a wife not to be attracted by MUNUS [ana NIT] A ⸢IGI NU ÍL⸣
other men
94 21 Hate-magic ḪUL.GIG
95 ‘Distortion-of-justice’ magic DI.BAL. A
96 xii 27 Undoing witchcraft UŠ11.BÚR.RU.DA
97 28 Keeping evil away from a house GÌR [ Ḫ] UL-tim ina É NA KU5-si
98 29 Brisk trade for a tavern iš-di-iḫ LÚ.KÚRUN.NA sa-da-ri
99 Unclear, concerning a (harbour?) É kur a x [x i]š-⸢di-iḫ LÚ.KÚRUN⸣.NA
tavern ⸢KAR? TUK!??⸣
100 x, xi 21 Slaves not to flee ÌR NA NU ZÁḪ
101 Slaves to be true to their master ŠÀ ÌR u GÉME NU KÚR
102 xi, xii 27 Undoing witchcraft UŠ11.BÚR.RU.DA
103 xi, xii – Uncanonical spells TU6.TU6 BAR.RA
104 i–xii 27–29 (Dispelling) an evil demon SAG. ḪUL. ḪA.ZA
82 Daniel Schwemer

Appendix 2

Tabular overview of the preserved sections of BRM IV, 19 (numbering of rituals indi-
cates correspondences to STT 300):
No. Month Day Zodiacal Micro- Ritual purpose
sign zodiacal sign
54 viii 10 Scorpio 10° Pisces (xii) 10° Being in good repute with a prince
55 viii 21 Scorpio 21° Leo (v) 3° Being popular and attractive
77 ix 10 Sagittarius 10° Aries (i) 10° Making a woman talk
78 ix 21 Sagittarius 21° Virgo (vi) 3° Having a good reputation
84 x 10 Capricorn 10° Taurus (ii) 10° Locating treasure
87 x 21 Capricorn 21° Libra (vii) 3°Slaves not to flee
88 (x) Slaves to be true to their master
93 xi 10 Aquarius 10° Gemini (iii) 10° For a wife not to be attracted by other
(xi) men
94 xi 21 Aquarius 21° Scorpio (viii) 3° Hate-magic
96 xii 27 Pisces (xii) 27° Aquarius (xi) 21° Undoing witchcraft
97 xii 28 Pisces (xii) 28° Pisces (xii) 4° Keeping evil away from a house
98 xii 29 Pisces (xii) 29° Pisces (xii) 17° Brisk trade for a tavern; eclipse
7 i 21 Aries (i) 21° Capricorn (x) 3° Undoing witchcraft
8 Illness not to approach a man
9 Curing (a disease of) the head
10 Dispelling raʾību-disease
11 Healing a wound
12 Stopping a woman’s bleeding
13 Evil not to approach a house
17 ii 12 Taurus (ii) 12° Libra (vii) 6° Removing lilû- and ardat lilî-demons
27 iv 12 Cancer (iv) 12° Sagittarius 6° Removing lilû- and ardat lilî-demons
31 v 29 Leo (v) 29° Leo (v) 17° Removing various forms of epilepsy,
‘hand-of-a-god’ and ‘hand-of-a-ghost’
34 vi 24 Virgo (vi) 24° Cancer (iv) 12° Rituals for entrusting a person to a
35 ghost
Dispelling losses
41 vii 11 Libra (vii) 11° Aquarius (xi) 23° Attracting a woman
42 vii 16 Libra (vii) 16° Aries (i) 28° Inviting a god or a goddess
43 Curing sagallu-disease
44 Purifying a house
45 Confining an ill person
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 83

46 Curing an anal disease

47 Curing a bladder stone
48 Stopping bowel movements
58 viii 18 Scorpio 18° Gemini (iii) 24° Nobles not being receptive to slander
59 viii 21 Scorpio 21° Leo (v) 3° Not encountering slander
60 (viii) Setting a man against another man
61 Calming an adversary’s anger
62 Not being receptive to slander
63 Causing a dead person to depart
64 Against a warlock(?)
65 Against a witch(?)
66 Making a prophetess speak(?)
67 Removing a magnate from the palace
68 Seizing the ‘heart’
69 Seizing a man’s head
70 Alienating a beloved man from the king
71 Alienating a beloved woman from a
80 ix 12 Sagittarius 12° Taurus (ii) 6° ‘Seizing-of-the-mouth’ magic
85 [x] [11] [Capricorn [11°] Taurus (ii) 23° Gaining a god’s favour
86 (x)] Soothing a god’s anger
36 [iv/v] […] [Cancer/Leo […] [Capricorn […] Frightening a female rival
(iv/v)] (x)]
84 Daniel Schwemer

Appendix 3

Tabular overview of BRM IV, 20 (numbering of rituals indicates correspondences to

STT 300):
No. Ritual purpose Constellation Relation to month
5 Changing someone’s mood Leo (v) Micro-zodiac
6 ‘Distortion-of-justice’ magic Aquarius (xi) Micro-zodiac
14 Loosening an adversary’s grip Virgo (vi) Micro-zodiac
15 Undoing a curse Aquarius (xi) Micro-zodiac
18 Making a man fall in love with a Libra (vii) Micro-zodiac
19 Making a woman fall in love with a Pisces (xii) Micro-zodiac
25 Making a man fall in love with a man Scorpio (viii) Micro-zodiac
26 Attracting a woman Aries (i) Micro-zodiac
29 ‘Cutting-of-the-throat’ magic Sagittarius (ix); Gemini (iii) Micro-zodiac; un-
30 ‘Averting-the-face’ magic (or verti- Gemini (iii) Micro-zodiac
32 Purification by the river ordeal Capricorn (x) Micro-zodiac
33 Succeeding at court Cancer (iv) Micro-zodiac
38 Calming an adversary’s anger Aquarius (xi) Micro-zodiac
54 Being in good repute with the king 5° before […] Unclear
51 Having a good reputation in the palace Pisces (xii) Micro-zodiac
55 Being popular and attractive Leo (v) Micro-zodiac
77 Making a woman talk Aries (i) Micro-zodiac
78 Having a good reputation Virgo (vi) Micro-zodiac
84 Locating treasure Taurus (ii) Micro-zodiac
87 To return a runaway (slave) Leo (v); Libra (vii) Unclear; micro-
93 For a wife not to be attracted by other Gemini (iii) Micro-zodiac
94 Hate-magic Scorpio (viii) Micro-zodiac
96 Undoing witchcraft Aquarius (xi); Pisces (xii) Micro-zodiac; zodiac
97 Keeping evil away from a house Taurus (ii); Aquarius (xi) Unclear; unclear
98 Brisk trade for a tavern Cancer (iv); Aquarius (xi) Unclear; unclear
7 Undoing witchcraft Capricorn (x) Micro-zodiac
8 Illness not to approach a man
9 Curing (a disease of) the head
10 Dispelling raʾību-disease
11 Healing a wound
12 Stopping a woman’s bleeding
13 Evil not to approach a house
17 Removing lilû-demon Taurus (ii); Libra (vii) Zodiac; micro-zodiac
Beyond Ereškigal? Mesopotamian Magic Traditions in the Papyri Graecae Magicae 85

17 Removing the ardat lilî-demon Taurus (ii); Gemini (iii); Zodiac; unclear;
Sagittarius (ix) unclear
17 Removing lilû- and ardat lilî-demons Sagittarius (ix) Unclear
31 Removing various forms of epilepsy, Leo (v) Micro-zodiac
‘hand-of-a-god’ and ‘hand-of-a-ghost’
34 Rituals for entrusting a person to a Cancer (iv) Micro-zodiac
35 ghost
Dispelling losses
41 Attracting a woman Libra (vii) Zodiac
42 Inviting a god or a goddess [Aries] (i) Micro-zodiac
43 Curing sagallu-disease
44 Purifying a house
45 Confining an ill person
46 Curing an anal disease
47 Curing a bladder stone
48 Stopping bowel movements
49 Removing a fever
58 Nobles not being receptive to slander Gemini (iii) Micro-zodiac
59 Not encountering slander [Leo] (v) Micro-zodiac
60 Making a man rise against another
61 man
62 Calming an adversary’s anger
63 Not being receptive to slander
64 Causing a dead person to depart
65 Against a warlock(?)
66 Against a witch(?)
67 Making a prophetess speak(?)
70 Removing a magnate from the palace
71 Alienating a beloved man from the
Alienating a beloved woman from a
80 ‘Seizing-of-the-mouth’ magic [Taurus (ii)] Micro-zodiac
2 Acquiring and calming head-illness […] Unclear
1 Acquiring potency […] Unclear
– Consent of the king […] Unclear
100 Slaves not to flee Scorpio (viii) Micro-zodiac
85 Gaining a god’s favour Taurus (ii) Micro-zodiac
86 Soothing a god’s anger
36 Frightening a female rival Capricorn (x) Micro-zodiac
37 Removing a man from his position
52 Removing a man from his office Aries (i) Micro-zodiac
53 Setting a man against another man

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