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1. How would you describe the main conflict?

2. It is an internal conflict within the character?

3. It is an external conflict caused by the surrounding or environment the main character finds
himself/herself in?

The short story of Aida and herself struggles to identify who should be considered as the chieftest
mourner given the standing of both women and efforts they gave for the man which was the conflict of
the story. Aida made the readers also confused as she exerted the good qualities of the mistress and she
did not become overly bias to her aunt, which made the story captivating.

The author felt a conflict within her as she was her own Aunt’s Nephew not originally the husband’s.
Aida was close to his Poet uncle and she felt devasted because she knew that her Aunt had a mistake in
their marriage but she loved her so she was on her side. Aida believed that the wife felt guilty, sympathy
and also love for the man and that doesn’t make her the chieftest mourner even her standing but she
felt conflict to her standing because she was the wife’s aunt. The other woman sacrificed her life as
exaggeratedly as it seems, she accepted him even he was still married. Aida might also be contradicting
in her thoughts as she witnessed the woman who have been with his uncle for many years.

In the end, Aida seemingly figured the answer the conflict that Esa was truly the chieftest mourner
as she didn’t find it funny when the Esa left and Aida saw a tear dropped on Esa’s eyes. The author
shared the dreary experience of her family’s life and his uncle’s unfaithfulness. Her aunt’s marriage was
elusive but the presence of Esa brought conflict was captivating.

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