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Cumulative Test 4
1 cross
Answer Keys A 29 shallow
30 confusing
31 icy
Units 1–5 32 repetitive
Grammar 1 entertainment
1 33 eruption
1 played 34 motivation
2 were watching 35 misspelt
3 doesn’t know 36 disgusting
4 is going to study
5 ’ll help Use of English
6 was
7 are marrying / are going to marry 1 Both of photos = Both of the photos / Both of them /
8 were sleeping Both of these photos
9 won’t forget 2 at = in
10 ’ll carry 3 boring = bored
2 4 to
1 b 5 on = in
11 b 6 what = how
12 c 7 Though even = Even though
13 b 8 I still = I’m still
14 c 9 to = on
15 a 10 sound = sounds
16 c
17 a Listening
18 c
19 b
A 2
B 5
Vocabulary C 1
3 D 3
1 tell E 4
20 relieved F –
21 probably Transcript
22 tired
23 bled 1 Last month, I had a school exam, and I was really
anxious about it. I studied hard, but I didn’t sleep the
24 lake
night before the exam. In the morning, I felt terrible.
25 script
But my dad said, ‘Don’t worry − it isn’t a really
26 causes
important exam so just do your best.’ I felt more
27 give up relaxed after that, and I wasn’t anxious in the exam.
28 offered The questions were all fine too, and I did really well.
So I won’t be worried next time.

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Cumulative Test Answer Keys A

The Test audio can be played from the Teacher’s Resource Disk or you can use the downloaded MP3s.

2 I went paintballing with some friends for my brother’s

birthday. I was doing quite well until I decided to walk
through a river. I didn’t think it was risky − but the
water was moving very quickly, and it was really
Units 6–9
deep. Then I fell and went under the water. Luckily a
friend saw me, and he pulled me out before the river Grammar
carried me away. It was a really scary experience. I 1
don’t think I’ll go paintballing again for a long time! 1 won; would be
3 Last year a TV company filmed some scenes for a 41 had shown
period drama in my town, and they were looking for 42 went
extras. I was so excited because one of my favourite 43 had stolen
actors was in the film. It wasn’t difficult to get a part 44 had given up
as an extra, and I was with some of my friends on the
45 had broken
day too. We had a really good time, and we earned a
46 would give
lot of money. I didn’t see my favourite actor though
47 has (never) seen
because he wasn’t in the scene that day. I was really
sad about that! 48 had; would / could travel
49 have (you ever) visited
4 My family and I stayed in a holiday home in the
countryside last summer. The weather was terrible, 9
but we played lots of board games and watched 1 for
some good films. It rained all week, but when we 50 won’t be posted
woke up on Sunday morning, there was a flood. 51 had found
There was water in the living room and the kitchen. 52 have been sold
We got really wet when we tried to save our things! 53 couldn’t do
Luckily, it was the last day of our holiday, and all of
54 been
our things were OK. We felt sorry for the owners of
55 are given
the house, though. It wasn’t nice for them. But we
56 they weren’t
were delighted to go back to our own dry house!
57 aren’t allowed
5 I’m really good at tennis, so last week I applied for a
58 were going
job as a tennis coach for a holiday company. It’s for
the next summer holidays. I didn’t expect to get the
job, so I was delighted when I did. They want me to Vocabulary
start off working in England this summer, but if they 10
like me, I can work in a different country next year. 1 aquarium
The company has jobs all over the world. I really
2 Burglars
want to travel, so it’s like a dream come true.
59 greengrocer’s
60 remote
Reading 61 an aisle
8 62 single
1 D 63 killed
37 G 64 cardboard
38 F
39 B 1 gum
40 E 65 guide
66 investigation
67 code
68 season
69 ticket
1 buying; on
70 to stay; by
71 to pay; for
72 to pass; to
73 caring; for
74 going; of

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 2 Cumulative Test Answer Keys A

The Test audio can be played from the Teacher’s Resource Disk or you can use the downloaded MP3s.

Fiona Yes − my best advice is to try to look like a local,

Use of English
not like a tourist. Try to find out where you’re going
13 before you go there, so you don’t have to ask for
1 Shall directions and look at maps on the street. And of
2 Finally course, don’t carry lots of money around with you or
3 sure wear very expensive clothes. You don’t want to
4 wrong encourage muggers to attack you.
5 refund Presenter Great. Now, Mark from Manchester wants to
6 honest know … Is it safer to use a credit card than carrying
7 reason cash on holiday?
8 what Fiona Well, I think credit cards are much better than
9 As cash. If someone steals your credit card, it’s difficult
10 why for them to use it. The criminal won’t know your PIN
number, and in most countries you need a PIN
number to use a credit card now. Oh, and when you
Listening buy something while you’re travelling, make sure you
14 work out how much it costs in your currency. Many
1 b young people aren’t very good at maths. They buy
75 c things, and then they’re shocked when they get home
76 b and their parents show them the credit card bill.
77 a Presenter OK, and the last question today is from Vani,
78 b in Cambridge. Is it safe to go camping in France?

Transcript Fiona Well, Vani, it’s fine to camp in most parts of the
world if you use a campsite. But if you go camping on
Presenter In the studio today we have Fiona Stratton. the beach or by the side of a road, for example, it can
Fiona’s been around the world, and she’s written be dangerous. I wouldn’t do that if I didn’t know the
several travel guides about different countries. We’ll area really well, unless I was with a local.
hear about those books later, but first, Fiona’s going
Presenter Right, thanks Fiona. Now, about your travel
to answer travel questions that listeners have posted
guides. What …
on the Teen FM website. Hello, Fiona.
Fiona Hi, Mike.
Presenter So our first question today is from Karen in
Cheshire. She wants to know … Is it OK to change 15
money on the street in Bulgaria? 1 Gareth
Fiona Well, Karen, many tourists do this in countries 79 –
like Bulgaria, but I think you should always change 80 Davina
money in a bank. Compared to banks, people on the 81 Ben
street may offer more money. But If you change 82 Katie
money with a stranger, you may not get the correct
money − or even ‘real’ money. So my advice is, don’t
do it. Units 1–9
Presenter Great. Now, Emma from Essex is going to
Peru before she starts university. She wants to know
if it’s safe to go to remote places alone.
Fiona OK, Emma. Only go to remote places if you’re on
1 is going to meet / is meeting
a tour. If you’re alone, stay in more touristy places.
And if you’re ever alone in a dark street and you don’t 83 won’t pass
feel safe, go towards a well-lit place with lots of 84 didn’t go
people in it, like a shop or restaurant. The people 85 have never visited
there can help you to call a taxi, for example. It’s 86 would learn
always better to be safe. Also, many people don’t use 87 had eaten
travel guides, but these guides can tell you which 88 wasn’t doing
places are dangerous in a city. That’s why I think you 89 won’t come
should always read one before you go somewhere.
Presenter Now, there are a lot of questions on the
Teen FM website about how to avoid crimes like
muggings when you’re travelling.

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The Test audio can be played from the Teacher’s Resource Disk or you can use the downloaded MP3s.

1 listening
Use of English
90 much
91 worse 21
1 How exciting!
92 gone
2 It looks like the tree is bigger than him in this photo.
93 since
3 She can’t stand yoga.
17 4 The theme/common theme in both/the photos is life
1 don’t have to / needn’t under the sea.
94 too cold 5 Both photos show a crime.
95 she hated 6 Even though I lost my receipt, they gave me a
96 haven’t been given refund./They gave me a refund even though I lost my
97 more powerful than receipt.
98 had finished 7 What’s wrong with it?
99 will be sent 8 What is more, it’s a violent crime.
9 In conclusion, schools need to offer a wider range of
Vocabulary subjects.
10 We could always take our bikes.
1 greengrocer’s
100 architect Listening
101 shower 22
102 news bulletin 1 F
103 desert 117 F
104 art gallery 118 T
105 arsonist 119 T
106 wood 120 F
1 dental records
107 greenhouse gas
108 part-time
109 chewing gum
110 bag drop
111 fossil fuels
1 exhausted
112 furious
113 loyal
114 unbelievable
115 examination
116 underpaid

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 4 Cumulative Test Answer Keys A

The Test audio can be played from the Teacher’s Resource Disk or you can use the downloaded MP3s.

Transcript Dave Hmm, that’s a difficult question. Lots of people

say it’s the 3D printer, because it allows you to print
Presenter Today in the studio we have Dave Bridges.
any object. But I’m more interested in inventions that
Dave has organised a competition to find the best
help people around the world. I think Trevor Bayliss’s
young inventor in the country. So Dave, can you tell
radio is amazing because it doesn’t use electricity or
us a bit more about the competition?
batteries. Poor people in very remote places in Africa
Dave Yes, sure. My friend and I decided to have the are using it right now.
competition because we know that young people are
Presenter Great! So have you got any more advice for
great at thinking of amazing ideas for inventions. I’ve
young people before they enter this competition?
seen some fantastic ideas from people as young as
eight years old. We’ve decided to allow young people Dave Yes. You need to think of a product that lots of
aged fourteen to nineteen to enter this year’s people will want to use. If you can do that, it’ll be a
competition. But next year we’re going to allow eight- great invention!
to thirteen-year-olds to enter too. Presenter Thanks very much, Dave. It’s been great to
Presenter That’s great. So what are you looking for? talk to you.
Dave Ideas, really. Maybe you use a product every
day, but you think it could be improved or changed in Reading
some way. Or perhaps you’ve got an idea for 23
something really new – a totally new product. It could 1 c
be something very simple, like a plastic cover to
121 d
protect a bike seat from the rain. Or it could be
122 a
something much more difficult to make, like a solar-
123 a
powered gadget.
124 b
Presenter Great. So how can people enter the
Dave They need to send us a description of their
invention – whether it’s completely new or an
improvement on an old design. We want to know
what it is, how they thought of the idea and why they
think people would want to use it. They also need to
provide a very good drawing of the invention.
Presenter So they don’t need to actually make the
Dave They can if they want to. If it’s a simple idea, then
why not build it? But if you’ve designed something
difficult to make, then it’s best to just draw a plan.
Presenter Great. So what happens when people send
their designs to you?
Dave The designs will be judged by a team of five adult
inventors. There are some really famous inventors
taking part. Each adult inventor will choose the idea
that he or she likes best. They will then work on the
design with the young inventor. Cameras will film
them while they are working too. There will be a
special documentary on Channel Ten about making
the inventions.
Presenter Right. And what will happen after that?
Dave Well, then the final inventions will be made into
products. And we hope that they will become
popular, sell and make a lot of money!
Presenter So tell me, Dave. What do you think is the
best invention from the last twenty years?

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 5 Cumulative Test Answer Keys A

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