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Bueno, Ana Marie M.

STEM2B EAPP November 21, 2019


I. Introduction
A. Attention-grabber Issue
“Homework is a best work, but if a human hates it, it’s a worst work,” says Vidhya
B. Description & Background
According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, a homework is a work given to a student to do
at home.

C. Thesis Statement
Homework should not be banned because it helps students to improve grades, master
certain skills, and acquire important life lessons.
II. Body
A. Counterargument
1. Homework puts unnecessary stress on students.
a. Disrupts family time
b. Develops cheating habits
B. Main Arguments
1. Homework helps students to improve grades.
a. Some students try to impress their teachers
b. Allows student to perform more
2. Homework helps students to master certain skills.
a. Helps develop positive skills and study habits
b. Helps improve thinking and memory
3. Homework helps students to acquire important life lessons.
a. Enhance self-esteem, perseverance, and independence
b. Enhance responsibility and proper use of time management
III. Conclusion.
A. Restatement of Thesis Statement
It is useless to deny the fact that homework is very beneficial for students for it helps
them to improve their grades, master certain skills, and acquire important life lessons.

B. Why Position is Important

It is important because it benefits in terms of developing good habits in students.
C. Powerful Closing Statement
Everything you do, homework or not, is just a matter of responsibility and time
Bueno, Ana Marie M. STEM2B EAPP November 21, 2019

“Homework is a best work, but if a human hates it, it’s a worst work,” says Vidhya Vijay.
According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, a homework is a work given to a student to do at
home. Nowadays, many organizations, such as the Department of Education, are supporting the
bills on banning homework for it only impacts students with negativity. However, according to
Harris Cooper (2003), about 77 percent find the link between the amount of homework students do
and their achievement outcomes was found to be positive. Homework should not be banned because
it helps students to improve grades, master certain skills, and acquire important life lessons.

A poll of high school students in California shows that 82% of the respondents believes
homework was their greatest source of stress. In addition, due to the pressure they feel in
completing a task in time, it affects their family’s quality moment. Furthermore, having homework
might also result in developing cheating habits in students. For example, when they cannot be able
to cope up with the workload, they might copy it from their classmates or in the internet. Hence,
homework puts unnecessary stress on students.

On the other hand, having homework is not that bad at all. In fact, it helps students in many
ways. It helps them to improve grades, master certain skills, and acquire important life lessons.

First, homework helps students to improve grades. When a teacher gives an assignment,
some students try to work really hard on their assigned tasks and do it neatly just to impress their
teachers. Also, research by the Institute for the Study of Labor concluded that homework led to
better GPAs and higher probability of college attendance. This simply shows that homework helped
students practice, improve, and perform more than they could. Thus, earning themselves a better

Next, homework helps students to master certain skills. It serves as a tool for a student to fix
in their head what they had learned in school such as doing tasks linked to recent lessons which
improves their thinking and memory. At the same time, it also lead to strengthen their
understanding and gaining confidence resulting to develop positive skills and study habits such as
advance reading, writing an experiment, etc. Hence, homework helps students to have dominant
positive certain skills.

Lastly, homework helps students to acquire important life lessons. By being independent
with perseverance and determination, one will be responsible in completing a task in a timely
manner which results to proper use of time management. When this happens, a task will be passed
on an exact deadline which makes the student feels good and enhances self-esteem. In fact, a
research by the City University of New York noted that students who engage in self-regulatory
processes while completing a homework are generally higher achievers than those who do not.

To sum it up, it is useless to deny the fact that homework is very beneficial for students for it
helps them to improve their grades, master certain skills, and acquire important life lessons.
Therefore, homework should not be banned because it is important and it benefits students in terms
of developing good habits. No matter how others say this disrupt their family time and inner peace, I say
Bueno, Ana Marie M. STEM2B EAPP November 21, 2019

it is a matter of responsibility and proper time management. Now, my question is, to ban or not to ban?
You choose.

List of References

Cooper, H. (2003). A synthesis of research. Does homework improve academic

achievement. Retrieved from

Eren, O., & Henderson, D.J. (2008). The impact of homework on student achievement.
Journal on Econometrics, 11(2), 326-348. Retrieved from

Fuglei, M. (2017). The homework debate: How homework benefits students. Retrieved from

Glenda, F. (2016). Why homework is actually good for kids. Retrieved from

Regoli, N. (2019). Should homework be banned pros and cons. Retrieved from

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