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Effects of Temperature on Interface Shear

Strength of Emulsified Tack Coats and

Its Relationship to Rheological Properties
Abraham Bae, Louay N. Mohammad, Mostafa A. Elseifi,
Joe Button, and Nachiketa Patel

The objective of this study was to investigate tack coat interface shear of a new HMA pavement layer before the next layer is placed, such
bond characteristics at various temperatures and to relate tack coat as between a HMA leveling course and a HMA surface course.
characteristics in the field to the rheological test results in the labora- The influence of tack coat application on pavement performance
tory. Interface shear strength (ISS) of two emulsified asphalt tack coats has been widely recognized among practitioners in the field; however,
(CRS-1 and trackless) was evaluated at temperatures ranging from the selection of tack coat material type, application rate, and place-
−10°C to 60°C. Two emulsified tack coats were applied on full-scale ment methods has been mainly based on experience and empirical
pavement test sections at application rates of 0.14, 0.28, and 0.70 L/m2. judgment. In addition, quality control and quality assurance testing
Cores were then extracted from the full-scale test sites to be tested in of the tack coat construction process is rarely conducted, which results
the laboratory while simulating different field conditions. Tests were con- in the possibility of unacceptable performance of the interface. This
ducted with a newly developed direct shear device. The binder grade for may lead to premature failure of the overlay, causing a decrease
the residue of CRS-1 emulsion was PG 58-28. The high temperature grade in pavement service life. Excessive tack coat may promote shear
for the residue of the trackless emulsion was PG 82. Trackless material slippage at the interface. In contrast, insufficient tack coat may cause
was brittle at a low temperature, and its low temperature PG grade tensile stresses to be concentrated at the bottom of the overlay,
could not be determined. Within the evaluated temperature range, the ISS resulting in cracking (1).
of the tacked interface increased with the decrease in temperature. One of the major challenges facing state agencies is the choice of
Generally, bonding performance, as measured by the ISS, of the track- the correct type and quantity of tack coat that would perform satis-
less emulsion was superior to CRS-1 emulsion, specifically at temperatures factorily in the field, given the environmental and traffic conditions
greater than 40°C. In addition, results show that interface shear strength at the site. It has been widely acknowledged that optimum tack coat
for both tack coat materials at each application rate increased with an application rates vary with pavement surface type, loading, asphalt
increase of the binder rheology parameter G*/sin ␦. This relationship mix characteristics, and service temperature (2). However, while
can be used to establish a laboratory design threshold for this parameter, considerable research has been conducted in the laboratory, little
to ensure that the selected application rate and tack coat material will effort has been devoted to relating laboratory-measured parameters
perform adequately in the field. to field performance. Such a relationship would allow state agencies to
design tack coat application in the laboratory based on conditions in
the field. This may also lead to development of performance-based
The performance of a hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlay strongly guidelines for selection of emulsion-based tack coat materials.
depends on the interface bond strength between the overlay and the Recently, a research project for tack coat materials and perfor-
underlying pavement layers. A tack coat, which typically consists of mance, NCHRP Project 9-40, Optimization of Tack Coat for HMA
emulsified asphalt, has been commonly used to achieve the necessary Placement, was initiated (3). A unique advantage of the approach
bonding between pavement layers and to ensure that they behave as followed in this project is that all tests results were derived from
a single system that withstands traffic and environmental stresses. pavement cores after carefully monitored tack coat applications in
Tack coat is normally applied to an existing pavement surface before the field. As part of the research activities conducted in this project, the
a new layer of HMA is placed. It may also be applied to the surface objective of this study was to investigate shear bond characteristics
of the tack coat interface at various temperatures, and to relate tack
coat characteristics in the field to laboratory-measured rheological prop-
A. Bae, Louisiana Transportation Research Center, and L. N. Mohammad, erties of the tack material. This led the researchers to establish useful
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana Transportation correlations between tack coat characteristics and interface shear
Research Center, Louisiana State University, 4101 Gourrier Avenue, Baton
strength (ISS) in the field and the measured rheological properties
Rouge, LA 70808. M. A. Elseifi and N. Patel, Department of Civil and Environ-
mental Engineering, Louisiana State University, 3506 Patrick Taylor Hall, Baton of tack coat in the laboratory.
Rouge, LA 70803. J. Button, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M Univer-
sity, 3135 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3135. Corresponding author: L. N.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2180, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
Many studies investigated the effect of temperature on tack coat as
D.C., 2010, pp. 102–109. well as its relationship to the ISS (4, 5). With tests conducted at two
DOI: 10.3141/2180-12 or three temperature levels, results of those studies mostly showed high

Bae, Mohammad, Elseifi, Button, and Patel 103

interface strength at low temperatures and low shear interface strength present the performance of tack coats between two HMA layers, a
at high temperatures. Rheological characteristics of asphalt-based new overlay on an existing pavement. Tack coat was uniformly dis-
emulsions have been examined using conventional tests (6, 7), and tributed with 100% coverage. The existing HMA surface condition
it was recently shown that emulsions can be characterized using the was dry and clean before distribution of tack coat in the field.
performance grade (PG) grading specification system (8). This refer- The two emulsified tack coats employed in this study were a
enced study performed conventional and state-of-practice rheological cationic rapid setting (CRS-1) and a trackless tack coat, which
tests for emulsions, and it attempted to establish useful relationships consists of a polymer-modified emulsion with a hard base asphalt
with interface shear behavior based on laboratory-prepared samples. cement. Performance graded (PG) and softening point tests were
Uzan et al. evaluated the variation of ISS properties with tem- performed on the asphalt binder residues according to ASTM D6373,
perature based on laboratory shear test results (5). Direct shear Standard Specification for Performance Graded Asphalt Binder and
tests were conducted at a constant shearing rate of 2.5 mm/min at ASTM D36, Standard Test Method for Softening Point of Bitumen
two temperatures: 25°C and 55°C. One type of tack coat material (Ring-and-Ball Apparatus), respectively. All asphalt binder residues
(Pen 60-70) was used at five application rates ranging from 0 to were obtained according to AASHTO D244, Residue by Evaporation.
1.94 L/m2. Results of this study showed that the ISS decreased with the
increase in temperature. The tack coat optimum application rate also
varied with temperature: 0.97 L/m2 at 25°C and 0.49 and 0.97 L/m2 at Rheology of Emulsified Tack Residues
55°C. These results seem to agree with the findings of Canestrari et al.,
who concluded that the influence of tack coat type is not pronounced Table 2 presents the Superpave® PG tests conducted on the residue
at high pavement service temperatures (40°C) at which modified of the two tack coats emulsions considered in this study. The binder
and unmodified emulsions behaved similarly (9). Mohammad et al. grade for the residue of CRS-1 emulsion was PG 58-28. The high
concluded that, at high temperatures, the ISS was not sensitive to the temperature grade for the residue of the trackless emulsion was PG 82.
application rate, and mixture characteristics are the controlling The trackless was brittle at low temperature, and the low tempera-
factors (1). ture PG binder grade for this type of tack coat material could not be
Given the results of previous studies, temperature apparently plays determined. While this study assumed the applicability of the binder
a critical role in dictating the performance of tack coat materials at aging protocol for tack coat emulsions, validation of the assumption
the interface. Therefore, the need exists to evaluate the influence of is necessary to understand the aging mechanism for emulsified
this factor over a wide range of temperatures and for different types of tack coats.
tack coat materials. In addition, since tack coat is used as a stand-alone To establish sound correlations between the rheological properties
material in the pavement structure and not part of a mixture, it may of emulsified tack coat materials and the shear strength at the inter-
be possible to correlate the rheological properties of emulsion to the face, both tack coat materials were tested using the dynamic shear
field performance at the interface. To that end, this study attempts rheometer (DSR) at a temperature ranging from −10°C to 60°C, with
to reveal quantitative and qualitative correlations between emulsion a 10°C interval. This was the same temperature range used in interface
rheological behavior and ISS at various temperatures based on testing shear testing. Testing was conducted using an AR2000 rheometer
of field-core specimens. that was set up to work in the dynamic shear mode. Two sample sizes
were used depending on the testing temperature: a sample with a
25-mm diameter and a thickness of 1 mm was used at high tempera-
EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM tures (from 40°C to 60°C), and a sample with an 8-mm diameter and
a thickness of 2 mm was used at low and intermediate temperatures
Test Matrix (from −0°C to 30°C). Figure 1 presents the DSR test results for both
tack coat materials. As shown in this figure, the complex shear modu-
A full factorial experiment was designed to test the effects of lus (G*) increased linearly for both tack coat materials on a semi-
temperature, emulsified tack coat type, and residual application rate logarithmic scale. As expected, the trackless materials produced
on interface shear bond strength; see Table 1. The factorial matrix higher G* values than CRS-1 did.
consisted of eight temperatures, two emulsified tack coats, and three
residual application rates, resulting in a total of 48 test conditions.
Each test condition had two replicates to minimize variation due to Interface Shear Strength Sample Preparation
experimental errors, resulting in a total of 96 interface shear tests.
Test temperatures ranged from −10°C to 60°C, with a 10°C interval. Test lanes were prepared at the Louisiana Transportation Research
Three residual application rates were considered in this study: 0.14, Center (LTRC) Pavement Research Facility to accommodate the test
0.28, and 0.70 L/m2. The experimental program was designed to factorial, as presented in Table 1. The total length of each lane was
56.4 m long and 4.0 m wide. Each lane contained a test section and
a truck access section. The length of the access section was selected
TABLE 1 Test Factorial to ensure that the distributor truck could achieve the required speed,
to apply the correct tack coat application rate. Specimens for each test
Variable Content Level
condition were cored from the corresponding lane. Before applying
Emulsified tack coat Trackless, CRS-1 2 CRS-1 and trackless tack coats, the mean profile depth (MPD) was
Residual application rate 0.14, 0.28, and 0.70 L/m2 3 measured using a road surface profiler, DYNATEST 5051 Mark III,
according to ASTM E1845. Both existing test lanes showed a consis-
Temperature −10°C, 0°C, 10°C, 20°C, 30°C, 8
40°C, 50°C, 60°C tent surface roughness of 1.09 mm, which indicates that the roughness
Replicates Two replicates at each temperature 2 of the existing surface was kept constant in the conducted experiment.
An Etnyre computerized tack coat distributor truck, Model 2000,
Total number of tested specimens 96
was used in the application of tack coat materials. While the trackless
104 Transportation Research Record 2180

TABLE 2 Performance Grade Results for CRS-1 and Trackless Tack Coats

Aging Status Test Property AASHTO Method CRS-1 Trackless

Original binder Rotational viscosity, Pa-s 135°C T316 0.3 2.5

Dynamic shear 10 rad/s G*/sin δ, kPa T315 3.0 (52°C) 19.0 (64°C)
1.3 (58°C) 7.6 (70°C)
0.6 (64°C) 3.4 (76°C)
1.5 (82°C)
0.7 (88°C)
Softening point (°C) 42.5 76.0
Rolling thin-film Mass change (%) T240 0.1 N/A
oven residue Dynamic shear, 10 rad/s G*/sin δ, kPa T315 2.9 (58°C) 16.9 (70°C)
7.4 (76°C)
3.4 (82°C)
1.5 (88°C)
Pressure-aging Dynamic shear, 10 rad/s G*sin δ, kPa T315 3,306 (19°C) 10,907 (25°C)
vessel residue, Bending beam creep stiffness, S, MPa 60 s T313 86.8 (−12°C)
100°C 187.0 (−18°C)
Bending beam creep stiffness, m-value 60 s T313 0.340 (−12°C)
0.310 (−18°C)
Direct tension 1.0 mm/min (%) T314 1.1 (−18°C)
PG grading PG 58-28 N/A

NOTE: N/A = not available.

Trackless residue broke during testing.

tack coat was applied at a temperature of 82°C, the CRS-1 tack coat Test Procedure
material was applied at a temperature of 68°C. Tack coats were applied
in the undiluted state. Application rate was adjusted by altering the A direct shear device, known as the Louisiana Interlayer Shear
truck speed and nozzle type and size. To verify the amount of applied Strength Tester (LISST), was developed for the characterization
tack coats, geotextile pads were placed according to ASTM D2995, of ISS of cylindrical specimens (4). The device consists of two
and the amount of tack coat collected on each pad was measured. main parts: a shearing frame and a reaction frame. Only the shearing
Researchers verified that both tack coats were accurately sprayed with frame is allowed to move, while the reaction frame is stationary.
low coefficients of variation (4). A cylindrical specimen is placed inside the shearing and reaction
A 12.5-mm HMA mixture was placed on top of the tacked surfaces frames and is locked in place with collars. Loading is then applied
at a thickness of approximately 76.2 mm. A material transfer device to the shearing frame. As the vertical load is gradually increased,
was used to transfer the mixture from the haul trucks to the hopper of shear failure occurs at the interface. The loading system was a
the paver, to eliminate problems associated with construction traffic universal testing machine manufactured by James Cox & Sons, Inc.
on tacked surfaces. A minimum of six test specimens were obtained This machine had a temperature chamber that can control the test
from each test section using a Simco 255 pavement test core drill. temperature from −20°C to 80°C. The maximum load capacity that the
Before testing, cored samples were cut to a height of 152.4 mm, actuator of machine can exert was 111.2 kN. Temperature condi-
avoiding disturbances to the interface and the top layer. tioning and interface shear testing were conducted inside the test
chamber. Figure 2 illustrates the followed test procedure. As shown
in Figure 2a, two replicate samples were conditioned for at least 4 h at
the test temperature. Samples were then placed in the middle of the gap
between the shearing and the fixed frames inside the testing chamber,
to minimize temperature loss (Figure 2b) and were then conditioned
Complex Modulus, G* (kPa)

1.0E+05 CRS-1 for 30 min at the target temperature to compensate for temperature loss
during sample placement on the LISST device (Figure 2c). Finally,
1.0E+04 shear load was applied by the shear loading frame at a loading rate of
y = 430,032e-0.159x
R² = 0.99 2.54 mm/s until failure, as shown in Figure 2d.


y = 30,875e-0.168x
R² = 0.99 Interface Bond Strength at Various Temperatures

Table 3 presents the ISS test results for trackless and CRS-1 speci-
mens. These values represent the average for two test specimens. At
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
temperatures over 50°C, some specimens collapsed due to their own
Temperature (°C)
weights before shearing. This mostly occurred at a low application
FIGURE 1 Relationship between complex modulus (G*) rate and for the CRS-1 emulsion. This indicates that the trackless tack
for trackless and CRS-1 unaged residues and temperature. had a greater shear resistance than CRS-1 did at high temperatures. The
Bae, Mohammad, Elseifi, Button, and Patel 105

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 2 Illustrations of test procedure for interface shear testing: (a) sample conditioning (4 h), (b) assemblage of sample and
LISST device, (c) stabilization of test temperature (30 min), and (d) application of shear loading.

binder PG grade used in the asphalt mixture was PG64-22. Therefore, been expected. This may be attributed to the highly oxidized and
test temperatures ranging from 0°C to 60°C did not exceed the binder coarse HMA surface at the selected site that required greater tack coat
PG grading range. Penetrating shear failure within the mixture was rates than expected. For CRS-1, the ISS did not consistently increase
not observed during the testing process. with the increase in application rates at a temperature of 20°C or
Figure 3a and 3b presents the variation of the ISS with application higher. However, ISS consistently increased with application rate
rates and test temperatures. For both tack coats, as the application for the trackless material, even at high temperatures.
rate increased, the ISS increased at all temperatures, and the highest Variation of the ISS with test temperatures at each application
ISS values were measured at the rate of 0.70 L/m2. Therefore, for rate is presented in Figure 4. As shown in this figure, the ISS of
the range of application rates from 0.14 to 0.70 L/m2, there was no trackless increased from 60°C to 0°C, and then started to decrease
optimum strength at the intermediate application rate, as might have towards −10°C. This is due to poor elongation properties of the
106 Transportation Research Record 2180

TABLE 3 Interface Shear Strength at Various Test Temperatures

Mean Interface Shear Strength (kPa)

Trackless CRS-1
(°C) 0.14 L/m2 0.28 L/m2 0.70 L/m2 0.14 L/m2 0.28 L/m2 0.70 L/m2

−10 910 1,763 2,554 1,018 1,357 2,287

0 876 1,814 2,771 770 1,181 1,491
10 610 1,338 2,225 589 628 830
20 274 702 1,155 317 319 314
30 151 316 519 76 116 148
40 26 123 235 20 13 22
a a a
50 30 98 19
a a a a
60 37 124

Specimens collapsed by their own weights before shear loading was applied.

-10 C 0C
10 C 20 C
Interface Shear Strength (kPa)

30 C 40 C
2250 50 C 60 C
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Residual Application Rate (l/m2)


2250 -10 C 0C
10 C 20 C
Interface Shear Strength (kPa)

30 C 40 C
50 C






0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80
Residual Application Rate (l/m2)

FIGURE 3 Variation of ISS with residual application rate and test

temperature: (a) trackless and (b) CRS-1.
Bae, Mohammad, Elseifi, Button, and Patel 107

1200 2000

2800 Trackless
1600 Trackless CRS-1
CRS-1 2400

Interface Shear Strength (kPa)

Interface Shear Strength (kPa)

Interface Shear Strength (kPa)

1200 2000

600 1000 1600


0 0 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
(a) (b) (c)
2 2 2
FIGURE 4 Variation of ISS with test temperature: (a) 0.14 L/m , (b) 0.28 L/m , and (c) 0.70 L/m .

trackless at low temperatures; see Table 1. In contrast, the ISS of the bonding performance of the trackless was superior to that of the
CRS-1 kept on increasing as the temperature decreased. However, CRS-1 as the temperature increased. The ratio of the k-modulus and
the trackless material still produced higher shear strengths than ISS was not plotted at a temperature greater than 40°C, since the
CRS-1 did at low temperatures and at application rates of 0.28 and bonding resistance of CRS-1 was significantly lower than that of the
0.70 L/m2. trackless material. The ISS values for the trackless emulsion tested
at temperatures greater than 40°C were much higher than those of
similar specimens with CRS-1 emulsion, shown in Table 3. Since the
Interface Stiffness Characteristics temperature at a pavement interface can reach 40°C or higher during
at Various Temperatures the summer months, the trackless type of emulsion would provide
greater shear resistance than the CRS-1 emulsion.
Stiffness of the interface is an important property for characterizing
the strength of bonding at the interface and for calculating the response
of the pavement structure to traffic loading. The interface stiffness Relationship Between Interface Shear Strength
is defined by Goodman’s constitutive law, as follows (9): and Tack Coat Rheology
τ = kξ (1) The parameter G*/sin δ is used as an indicator of the binder suscep-
tibility to permanent deformation in the Superpave binder specification
τ = interlayer shear stress (kPa),
ξ = interlayer displacement within the interface, and 350
k = interlayer tangential modulus (kN/mm3).
Interface Shear Stress (kPa)

The k-modulus is computed by dividing the peak stress by the Peak stress
displacement at failure from the stress versus displacement curve. 250
Figure 5 presents a typical interface shear stress and displacement 200
response curve. The peak stress (ISS) and the k-modulus were k-modulus
calculated, shown in Figure 5. 150
Variations of the k-modulus ratio and the ISS ratio between the Trackless 0.14 l/m2 at 30 °C
trackless and CRS-1 are shown in Figure 6a and 6b, respectively. In
Figure 6a, it is observed that the k-modulus of the trackless material 50
was greater than or equal to that for the CRS-1 tack coat, except
for residual application rate of 0.70 L/m2 at 30°C. In addition, the 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
difference between the two tack coats was marginal at an application Displacement (cm)
rate of 0.14 L/m2, except at a test temperature of 30°C, shown in
Figure 6b. However, at an application rate of 0.28 and 0.70 L/m2, FIGURE 5 Typical ISS versus displacement.
108 Transportation Research Record 2180

2.0 4.0

k-modulusTrackless /k-modulusCRS-1
0.14 l/m2 0.28 l/m2 0.70 l/m2
3.5 0.14 l/m2
0.28 l/m2
1.5 3.0

ISSTrackless /ISSCRS-1
0.70 l/m2

1.0 2.0


0.5 1.0


0.0 0.0
-10 0 10 20 30 -10 0 10 20 30
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 6 Ratio of trackless to CRS-1 in regard to (a) k-modulus and (b) ISS.

system. It was, however, adopted in this study because it simulates application rate also increased. However, it was found that the inter-
oscillation in a shear mode, which closely resembles the interface face stiffness did not vary noticeably with the residual application rate,
shear mode between two layers. The relationships between ISS as shown in Figure 8. Therefore, it may be concluded that the amount
and G*/sin δ and between k-modulus and G*/sin δ are presented in of tack coat material influences the ISS but not the interface stiffness.
Figures 7 and 8, respectively. Results presented in Figure 7 indicate It is believed that the interface stiffness modulus would be mainly
that as G*/sinδ increased, the ISS for both tack coat materials at each influenced by the surface texture or roughness.

3000 3000
0.14 l/m2
Interface Shear Strength

Interface Shear Strength

2500 0.14 l/m 2500
0.28 l/m2
0.28 l/m2
2000 2000 0.70 l/m2
0.70 l/m2


1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500

0 0
1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06
G*/sinδ (kPa) G*/sinδ (kPa)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 7 Relationship between ISS and G*/sin ␦: (a) trackless and (b) CRS-1.

12,000 7,000
10,000 0.14 l/m 6,000
k-modulus (kN/m3)

k-modulus (kN/m3)

0.28 l/m2
8,000 0.70 l/m2
4,000 0.14 l/m2
0.28 l/m2
2,000 1,000 0.70 l/m2
0 0
1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06
G*/sinδ (kPa) G*/sinδδ (kPa)
(a) (b)

FIGURE 8 Relationship between k-modulus and G*/sin ␦: (a) trackless and (b) CRS-1.
Bae, Mohammad, Elseifi, Button, and Patel 109

As shown in Figure 7, the ISS values did not exhibit much dif- establish a laboratory design threshold for these parameters, to ensure
ference for a G*/sinδ value below about 100 kPa and 1,000 kPa for that the selected application rate and tack coat material will perform
trackless and CRS-1, respectively. At higher G*/sinδ values, the acceptably in the field.
difference in ISS between the three application rates became more
pronounced. Also noticed was that the trackless material produced
greater ISS differences than CRS-1 did at the same G*/sinδ values. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The relationship shown in Figure 7 between the ISS and G*/sinδ may
be used to establish a laboratory design threshold for this parameter, This paper is based on the results of NCHRP 9-40, Optimization
to ensure that the selected application rate and tack coat material of Tack Coat for HMA Placement. The authors acknowledge the
would perform acceptably in the field. However, setting this limit on assistance of the Technical Review Panel for NCHRP Project 9-40
G*/sinδ would require field validation of tack coat performance and and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.
that the required ISS be greater than the predicted shear stress at the The authors also acknowledge the assistance of Asphalt Products
interface due to traffic or thermal loading, or both. The variation of Unlimited, Blacklidge, and Coastal Contractor Bridge, Inc., in pro-
the limit on G*/sinδ with surface texture and surface type should also viding the tack coat products and construction of the test lanes at the
be investigated. The influence of surface texture on tack coat ISS has LTRC Pavement Research Facility.
been investigated as part of NCHRP 9-40 (10). Results indicated a
direct relationship between the roughness of the existing surface and
the developed shear strength at the interface. Therefore, a milled HMA REFERENCES
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interface increased with the decrease in temperature. In general, the 10. Mohammad, L. N., A. Bae, M. Elseifi, J. Button, and N. Patel. Effects
bonding performance, as measured by ISS, of the trackless emulsion of Pavement Surface Type and Sample Preparation Method on Tack
was superior to that of the CRS-1 emulsion, especially at temperatures Coat Interface Shear Strength. In Transportation Research Record:
greater than 40°C. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2180, Transporta-
tion Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.,
• Results of this study show that the ISS for both tack coat 2010, pp. 93–101.
materials at each application rate increased with an increase of the
binder rheology parameter G*/sinδ. This relationship can be used to The Bituminous Materials Section peer-reviewed this paper.

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