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Recoletos de Bacolod Graduate School

METRES 030 (Qualitative Research)

First Semester, SY 2020-2021


An Augustinian Recollect Center of Learning which makes knowledge (scientia) a structure of
wisdom that leads one to the exercise of love (caritas).

A Catholic University committed to the integral formation of the human person with passion for
excellence and service to the Church and society.

An Augustinian Recollect University that educates the mind and heart by providing the climate,
the structure, and the means to develop the vocation, knowledge, skills, talents, and attitude of
the community as permeated by the Gospel values for the service of humanity, love, and praise to
the One God.

The University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos translates its mission statement into the following
four domains of schooling.

Academic: Continuing education with religion as the core to qualified persons with
preferential option for the poor from elementary to the graduate levels;

Non-Academic: Opening of opportunities for the development of skills and talents in the
areas of sports and cultural endeavors;

Community Extension: Complementation of the study programs with inter-disciplinary

outreach projects that will enable the academic community to be involved in the
promotion of the total development of man;

Research: Enrichment of existing academic programs and broadening of knowledge

through functional, ethical researches for the authentic good individuals and the society.

OBJECTIVES. At the end of the formation, the students are expected to be:

Spiritually sound individuals who are CHRIST-centered and MARIAN-inspired.

Intellectually cultured individuals who are able to rationally and eloquently

communicate their ideas and appreciate the arts as a reflection of the infinite beauty of

Morally healthy individuals who can weigh values with a great sense of accountability;

Physically healthy individuals who give due respect to the human body, keeping it fit as
a temple of the HOLY SPIRIT;

Culturally conscious individuals who value heritage earned by past generations,

enriching it by promoting desirable traditions and rendering authentic service to the
Church and the country for the common good;

Socially concerned individuals who are sensitive and responsive to the needs of the
marginalized sector of the community and the society;

Technically proficient individuals who have superior skills in the practice of their
professions; and,

Scholarly leaders of science who extend the frontiers of knowledge through

experimentation and verification, bringing about a deeper evaluation of problems that
will make them see profoundly the synthesis of faith, reason, culture, and life.


Orthodoxy in Catholic Faith. Demonstrate mastery and interiorization of the Catholic

Faith and Church Teachings.

Integrity in Moral Life. Assimilate the Catholic moral principles in the light of the
Beatitudes and live them up virtuously in diverse situations.

Dynamism in Prayer. Give fitting worship to God integrating the liturgical, devotional
and sacramental life of the Church with personal conviction.

Contemplative in Nature. Lead a life animated by prayer and immerse actively and
holistically in different spiritual and liturgical activities in the community

Communitarian in Character. Apply the Augustinian meaning and implications of

friendship and communion in community life.

Apostolic in Character. Imbibe the joy of the Gospel and express it in apostolic activities
through community service, care of environment, interfaith and intercultural dialogue and
other sustainable initiatives.

Marian. Show/practice filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary through Marian
devotional and liturgical activities.


Interiority: “Do not scatter outside. Enter into yourself because truth dwells in the
interior man” (St. Augustine, De Vera Rel. 39, 72)

Freedom: True freedom is living “not as slaves under the law, but as free persons under
grace” (St. Augustine, Rule 8, 47)

Truth: “The voice of truth does not keep silent, the lips do not move but it yells to the
heart” (St. Augustine, De Vera Rel 39, 72)

Solidarity and Justice: “Do you give bread to the poor? It would be better if nobody
would feel hungry, and thus you would not give somebody something to eat” (Ep. Io. 8,

Community: “Charity… is understood in this way: That it places the common good first
before one’s own and not one’s own before the coon good” (St. Augustine, Rule 5, 30)

Friendship: “To love and be loved is the most important thing for me” (St. Augustine,
Confessions 3, 1).


Service: The willingness, availability, and readiness to share generously one’s time,
resources and expertise to the University and to the community.

Interiority. A constant search for the truth by returning into oneself, discovering Christ
and recognizing Him in others. It is associated with contemplation, interior silence, prayer,
truthfulness, and communion.

Moral Integrity: The desire to live a virtuous life worthy of emulation.

Marian (Discipleship): The love, admiration, and dedication to Mother Mary.


Justice and Peace: The commitment to give what is due to others, upholding what is
fair, just and lawful, for unity and harmony.

Community Life: The acceptance of the uniqueness of the individual member, while
working together in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation.

Love: The selfless giving, forgiveness, and compassion one has for others.

Passion for Excellence: The zeal to do the best in everything that one does.

Activity 1: Activating Prior Knowledge

Task 1. Before learning more about qualitative research, find out what you know, what you want
to know, and what you learned about qualitative research. Fill out the chart below for your

The KWL Chart

What I know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Task 2: Share it! Directions: Share to the class what you have accomplished and take note of
what your classmates also have shared.

Task 3. Read the following through the University website and
answer the questions that follow:
3.1. University Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives (VMGO), and
Core Values

3.2. Your College VMGO and Core Values

3.3. Answer the following questions in only one paragraph.

What could be the most significant importance of Qualitative Research to

your professional development? Which aspect of the Philosophy and VMGO
would this course achieve? What Core Values and Graduate Attributes do
you intend or hope to develop or improve through this course?

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