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Final-Term Exam Spring Semester2020

Course Title : Web Technologies Course Code : CS-566

Discipline /Program : BSIT 4 Semester Total Marks : 20

Time allowed : 48 hours Instructor’s Name : F.R.Shamil

Theory Paper

Instructions: Upload your answer sheet within 48 hours on canvas. You must submit in
ms word format. Theory and practical must be solved in separate files and these two files
must be in a zip folder containing theory file and practical file. Hand written is not
allowed. The Solution must be submitted in the template given to you at the bottom of
this question paper. If any student don’t fill the template correctly, then it can effect
your overall impression of being a good student. Submissions other than canvas will not
be entertained.

Case study 1
City pharmacy is one of the famous Pharmacies which provide medicines to customers
prescribed by particular doctors.
The pharmacy has medicines for different diseases. Also, there are several members of
the pharmacy to for keeping /taking medicines in or from the relevant cupboards to
facilitate customers. The pharmacy staff is responsible for the management of
information of medicines, company, sales, and inventory in register books.
To make the City Pharmacy more reliable and convenient for staff as well as for
customers, the whole pharmacy should be computerized to reduce errors chances and
hardworking of the staff members by eliminating manual entry in registers for record-
keeping, remembering cupboard or rack of any particular medicine, making bills for
The system should be able to keep the information of customers and medicine for a
long time.
Working mechanism: The customer comes and provides prescription paper to the
pharmacy staff. The concerned member will check for the required medicine(s) in
computer database and the system shows the total price and medicine name with
medicine id.
The system must maintain the record of all previous patients in the database. If the
patient/customer is a regular customer, then give him/her a 5% deduction in total price.

Case study 2
To facilitate remote area farmers to buy agriculture products, there is a need to build an
online agriculture product store. Through the Internet, customers and business owners
can communicate with each other, share a different type of information and resources.
In today’s e-commerce world, different types of organizations are going to build their
businesses through the Internet. For this purpose, different types of e-commerce
websites are developed to sell their products and services, etc.
In this project, we will build a user-friendly website in order to buy and sell agriculture
products online. The main purpose to build this store is to facilitate farmers to buy
seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers from anywhere through internet connectivity.

Q1: 5 Marks
write the PHP code to implement the scenario mentioned in case study 1 and it must
be without CSS and by using the database and SQL.
Q2: 5 Marks
Design a well design website keeping in view the scenario of case study 2. No need of
databases. You are only asked to design it with HTML and CSS.

Q3: 5 Marks
How to Hide all images with the title attribute containing the word BIMS?
How to change the color of all the links with target _blank to red?
Q4: 5 Marks
Suppose there are 2 different kind of user registered in your database. Ask the
registered user to login.

If the user is admin, then show him/her a PHP page with background color red,
otherwise show the PHP page background color green.
Final-Term Exam Spring Semester2020

Course Title : Web Technologies Course Code : CS-566

Discipline /Program : BSIT 4 Semester Total Marks : 20

Time allowed : 48 hours Instructor’s Name : F.R.Shamil

Practical Paper

Instructions: Upload your answer sheet within 48 hours on canvas. You must submit in
ms word format. Theory and practical must be solved in separate files and these two files
must be in a zip folder containing theory file and practical file. Hand written is not
allowed. The Solution must be submitted in the template given to you at the bottom of
this question paper. If any student don’t fill the template correctly, then it can effect
your overall impression of being a good student. Submissions other than canvas will not
be entertained.

Q#1 10 Marks
Ask the registered user to login. If the user is login with the email address and
password “aaa111” then allow the user to upload the images with only extension png.
All other files are not allowed.

Q#2 10 Marks

Ask the user to register in the system by entering an email id, CNIC and password by
using database.
Suppose, the user can only register if the password and CNIC are not same.

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