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Joe’s Journey 
Hello and welcome from my home in the land of the long white cloud - Aotearoa, New Zealand. 
Since time is of the essence - i’m going to get straight to the point. 
This first installment is about​ shining a light on the human game. 
Or more specifically - the journey the a​ verage person takes from cradle to grave. 
We will do this by following the life journey of a fictional character named Joe - who we will 
introduce shortly. 
By the end, if i’ve done my job, then any sane, rational thinking person would think:  
“I hope there is another way because it’s a losing game if I think I am a body” 
If that’s not the case, that’s as far as they should go in this training series. 
Because in the next installment, we are are going to expose how the human game was set up at 
the very beginning.   
So there’s my word of caution. 
Believe it or not, there are o
​ nly two ways to view the human experience​. 
One - ​you are the Dreamer​ who is dreaming the whole thing.  
Two - y​ ou are the body​ who is separated from the everything else. A body who acts and thinks 
independently of the world it’s living in. 
Let’s put that 1st far fetched option, that you are the dreamer of the dream, to the side for now. 
Instead let’s explore the only other perspective open to us, that you are the body.  
And what that would mean if it were true. 
Hey, I get it…. 
Humans aren’t the only players’ in the game of life. 
But they are the only ones who can read and make sense of these words. 
Therefore let’s stick to just the human experience.   
As Shakespeare said: 
​“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” 
To him, life was a great big play.   
It’s a play that always begins for a new character with a decision made by its parents to 
If everything goes swimmingly, then roughly 9 months later, a new baby pops onto the stage of 
As I mentioned at the start, we’ll ​call our new fictional character Joe a
​ s we follow him through 
his journey on the stage. 
From the very start, we have to highlight Joe’s ultimate human destiny is a ​ lready etched in stone. 
No matter what Joe decides to do with his life, what roads he decides to go down, they all come 
to t​ he same dead end​. 
The best Joe can do is make the most of the short time he’s been given on the stage.  
To fill it with as many memorable experiences as he can before he gets is final curtain call. 
And this is how a regular old Joe like him spends his stage time: 
There’s his formative years, where Joe grows up in his family unit, makes friends, plays sports 
and gets educated.  
Then he leaves home to travel to university.  
There he gets trained for a professional career that will pay the bills. 
In between having his head in the books, Joe finds time to fall in love.  
After leaving university, him and his partner travel a bit before settling down. 
They find well paying jobs, buy a house and get married. 
A few years later they have their first child and a few years after that their second.  
Joe’s time is now spent making money to support the family and his energy on making sure the 
family is happy and healthy. 
Along the way Joe picks up a hobby or two to give him some interests beyond just work and 
By the time he reaches retirement, grandchildren are rapidly adding branches to the family tree.  
With all the focus on the next generation, Joe is now on the home run.  
It’s just a short hop, skip and a jump to his final resting plot. 
“Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans everything” 
“Without teeth, without eyes, without everything.” 
Unfortunately all the time Joe was on stage, he never recognised he was on a f​ ool’s journey​.  
The same one that all the characters living under the “​ I am the body”​ delusion share.  
To paraphrase Shakespeare again: 
“Joe was but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour 
upon the stage, and then is heard of no more. It is a t​ ale played by an idiot, full 
of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” 
But let’s cut Joe some slack.  
He was the salt of the earth kind of guy after all! 
It wasn’t his fault he was born into an environment that from day one, and each one after that, 
only reinforced he was the character he appeared to be playing on the stage. 
It’s no wonder, that by the time Joe reached maturity he was so invested in his body identity.  
To question this identity, that he could be something else, would have been crazy.  
That’s what others he shared the stage with would have said anyway. 
And for Joe, what others think of you was very important. 
Yet the consequence of not questioning his identity was tragic! 
It left him with only one road to walk down - the one marked ​“Dead End Street.” 
Like a little lamb, Joe blindly & unquestionably walked ​“the way of dusty death.”  
If you’re like me, and every other rational thinking person walking down this dusty road, it would 
give you ​some serious pause. 
You’d want to know: 
Why are things the way they are? 
How did all this get started? 
Why does it seem like there’s no other way out?  
You’re in luck. 
Those are the questions we are going to answer in our next installment - ​“How The Human 
Game Was Set Up.” 
We are going to rip up the stage’s floorboards and peek into the darkness underneath to reveal 
how the stage and the human game that is played on it was set up at the very beginning.  

Creation Model   
Welcome to the second the installment in our series. 
If you cast your mind back to the last lesson, you’ll remember our f​ ictional character we named 
And his hopeless plight of slowing, but surely, walking ​“The way to dusty death.” 
Now we are going to expose why most people walk the same road in the world. 
We will do this by going through our ​creation model​ together. 
This will explain how the world was set up at the very beginning. 
And why people are born with the default ​“I am the body”​ belief - just like Joe.  
The goal of this lesson is to arm you with enough knowledge so you’re ready for the final 
That’s where you’ll learn the simple, yet powerful, 2-step technique to break free from the dusty 
Now, let’s develop our model to explain how we all ended up living with the “I am the body” 
belief in time and space. 
We will start our model with the Awake state.  

Here designated by the blue box.  
Since this is a ​purely non-conceptual​ state the best concepts can do is describe it. 
So to actually know it, you’d need to e
​ xperience it directly. 
Those who have reached the Awake state have used terms such as the kingdom of heaven, 
nirvana and Brahman to describe it for those who perceive themselves somewhere else. 
However, will use the concept:  
That’s because it describes what the state is actually like. 
We can do that by breaking Satchitananda into 3 parts: 
● Sat - it has beingness, that it is real. 
● Chit - it is conscious. It is aware of being real. 
● Ananda - it is blissful.  
So Satchitananda means: 
The Awake state is real, is conscious of being real, and its experience is blissful 
It is b
​ lissful​ because the Awake state enjoys these three attributes. 
● Eternal 
● Unchanging 
● self-sustaining 
And since it is aware there is nothing other than itself, it is t​ otally fearless.  
So let’s call the Identity of the one who experiences Satchitananda in the waking state: 
​The True Self 
In reality, the ​Awake State, Satchitanada and True Sel​f are all synonymous with each other 
because there is only one unshakable beingness at this level.  
Yet for the purposes of our model it helps to think about their relationship like this: 
The True Self abides in the Awake State and its nature is Satchitanada.  
The True Self only has 2 powers: 
1) Eternally be itself 
2) Go to sleep. 
This leads us to the “Sleep State” in our model. 
Here represented by the black box. 

So although the True Self can asleep it can ​never actually change itself​.  
We can understand this same phenomenon from our human experience at night. 
When we fall asleep we are able to dream we are someone else, in another time and place. 
Yet the whole time our true identity remains u ​ nchanged​ beyond the veil of sleep. 
And it’s​ exactly​ the same for the True Self at the metaphysical level. 
Therefore, once we leave the Awake State in our model, everything is just mythology because it 
only occurs in the imagination of the True Self. 
Remember, nothing is true except the experience of Satchitanada.   
When the True Self enters the Sleep state, it splits into 3 parts. 
● The Dreamer  
● The Higher Self 
● The Ego 

In the Sleep State, the True Self assumes the identity of the Dreamer through the psychological 
dynamics of r​ epression & dissociation. 
The mental process of pushing unwanted and conflicting information out of 
conscious awareness and into the unconscious. 
The mental process of disconnecting from one’s true sense of identity.  
So when the True Self closes its metaphysical eyes, it’s pre-sleep identity and experience is 
push out of awareness through repression and through dissociation it ​now experiences itself as 
the Dreamer.  
From now on, the Dreamer is the only one who has conscious experience outside of the Awake 
And it’s experience is always determined by the one and only power it has. 
It’s power of decision.  
A power that can only ever decide between two experiences.  
The first is to ​choose the Higher Self.  
This renounces its throne as an independent Dreamer and undoes its repression and 
dissociation so it can wake back up to its True Self beyond the veil of sleep.  
The second it to c ​ hoose the Ego. 
This also results in renouncing its throne as the Dreamer, as it falls into a Dream State. 
Represented here in our model by the green box. 

So the experience the Dreamer has​ is solely up to its own choice​ for either the Higher Self or 
Therefore the Dreamer is always the master of its own destiny while it sleeps.  
Now, let’s take a closer look at the T
​ he Higher Self -​ who represents the choice to wake up in our 
It’s role in the Sleep state it to r​emember​ for the Dreamer that it’s real identity is the True Self. 
Since the Higher Self only accepts the ​Awake State is real​, it’s one and​ only goal is to wake​ the 
Dreamer from the Sleep State. 
Everything else is irrelevant to the Higher Self. 

Now onto the final piece in this triplet: 
The Ego. 
This part, which we could also call the L ​ ower Self​, represents the Dreamer’s c
​ hoice to dream​. 
It is responsible for manifesting a dream for the Dreamer to experience individuality in.  
Since the Ego ceases to exist in the Awake state, it’s only goal is to keep the Dreamer asleep. 
Remember, the Ego isn’t bad. 
Firstly as an illusion​ it isn’t real​ - so it can’t be either good or bad. 
Secondly, without the Dreamer choosing it, the Ego is powerless. 
And thirdly, it just performs its duty - to manifest a dream world of individuality. 
The Ego achieves this by splitting itself into 3 parts. 
For reasons we will explain in the next lesson, we will call these 3 parts: 
● iBody 
● iWorld 
● iGod 
These are always the 3 aspects of the Ego’s dream world. 
Going back to our “all the world is a play” analogy from our last lesson: 
Joe is the iBody who lives on the stage of time and space called the iWorld, 
whose creation is attributed to an iGod. 
The iGod also gives the play and the Joes life within it whatever sense of reality they have. 
Now that we have set the stage, let’s go back to the first decision the Dreamer has to make 
when it appears in the sleeping state: 
● To Wake up by choosing the Higher Self 
● Or to Dream by choosing the Ego  
And since we are currently fast asleep in the Ego’s dreamland, it comes as no surprise that the 
Dreamer chose the Ego. 
But why the Ego? 
The Answer is simple: 
Because the Ego spoke first and sold the dream exactly like the master 
marketer it is. 
Once the Ego had the Dreamer’s attention, it projected its carefully prepared highlight’s reel on 
the silver screen. 
You know, romantic walks on the beach, filling concerts as a rock star, exploring ancient ruins, 
and being the ruler of a vast kingdom. 
However, since individuality is directly opposite to the experience of S
​ atchitananda in the Awake 
state​, everything on the Ego’s highlights reel was actually ​upside-down and back-to-front.  
Unfortunately, this bit of logic went out the window as the Dreamer slide into a hypnotic trance 
of wanderlust as it watched the silver screen. 
And just as the Dreamer reached out to touch the screen, the Ego slyly introduced a bit of FOMO 
as it threatened to withdraw its dreams of romance, fame, power, and adventure….forever. 
Now confronted with a metaphysical “​ fear of missing out”,​ the Dreamer lost all its composure 
as it dropped to its metaphorical knees and pleaded to the Ego: 
“Oh great and powerful one, please make all the dreams you offer me come 
So without even looking back to consult with the Higher Self, the Dreamer had s ​ igned, sealed 
and delivered​ itself into the Ego’s dream world. 
And in the process handing the Ego f​ ull creative control​ from now on.. 
The first spell the Ego casts on the Dreamer is to have it magically represses the​ Voice of the 
alternative, the Higher Self​, out of awareness. 
This is necessary because the Higher Self, who says “​ none of this is real”​, is in direct conflict to 
the Ego’s insistence that its Dream is now reality. 
However, there is an even greater threat to the Ego than the Voice of the Higher Self. 
And that is the Dreamer’s one and only power it can’t lose: 
Its power to choose. 
Therefore, once the Dreamer has chosen the Ego, at any time it c
​ an simply choose against the 
Ego​ for the Higher Self and wake up. 
This is the Ego’s true worst nightmare. 
That’s because the existence of the Ego’s dream world relies only on the 
Dreamer choosing it. 
If the Dreamer chose to wake up, the Ego and it’s dream would merely dissolve back into the 
Awake State. 
Since the Dreamer can never lose its decision making power, the only way the Ego can avoid 
worst nightmare, is to have the Dreamer f​ orget it has this power. 
The Ego achieves this by putting the Dreamer though an extreme form of​ dissociation. 
This results in the Dreamer taking on a new identity called the iBody. 

But keep in mind, dissociation and repression are all smoke and mirrors. 
The whole time the D​ reamer remains beyond the Ego’s Dream​, just as the True Self remains 
beyond the veil sleep.  
So it’s only the Dreamer’s ​awareness​ that enters our metaphysical dream state. 
Again we can think of this dynamic occuring in our dreams at night. 
When we fall asleep, the Dreamer part of our mind, dissociates from who and where we are, as it 
falls into dream. 
We then become identified with the d ​ ream figure​ who is experiencing the dream from the f​ irst 
person’s perspective. 
Once this has happened we become unaware that everything is just a c ​ reation of our own mind. 
Rather we react to the other figures in the dream as if they are characters with a real 
independent existence.  
If you’ve ever become lucid in your dream, then you’ll have recognised that you’re actually 
beyond the dream and your ​true identity is not in it at all.  
It’s no wonder this realisation normally ​wakes you up immediately​. 
Now, back to our model…. 
To cement it’s precarious existence, the Ego now removes any desire for the Dreamer to ever 
want to remember it’s true power of decision. 
The Ego does this by having the Dreamer completely identify with the iBody’s life story - just like 
Joe did. 
Then the Ego only allows witnesses in the Sleep state that c ​ onfirm​ the iBody is the Dreamer’s 
true identity. 
The Ego has full creative control at this level. 
And since identity is everything, the Ego’s goal is complete once the Dreamer has adopted the 
iBody as its true identity. 
That’s because:  
No one would choose against their very own identity.  
No, that would be madness. 
So to quickly recap. 
The Ego’s three part play to eradicate the Dreamer’s ability to choose against it, goes like this: 
Firstly, through repression the Ego pushed the ​Higher Self out of the Dreamer’s awareness​, 
along with the fact the Dreamer itself ​chose to enter the Dream State. 
Then through disassociation, the E ​ go made the Dreamer think it is iBody​. 
This also wiped the memory of its ​decision making power. 
And finally through identification, the Ego r​ emoved any desire for the Dreamer​ to question it’s 
new iBody identity. 
So by the end of this chain of events the True Self has: 
Fallen from its blissful, deathless Awake State, all the way down to the Ego’s 
dream. Living as a limited, time-bound iBody in a completely dissociated state. 
And the unfortunate consequence of this, as we saw on Joe’s fool’s journey, is the True Self has 
to walk “the way of dusty death.” 
Because death is what gives an illusionary dream a sense of reality.  
It makes a​ dream come true​, whilst simultaneously making the A
​ wake state seem like the 
Death successfully successfully turns reality on its head. 
And yet reality remains always as it always was and as it always will be in the Awake State. 
As we saw from our dream analogies, just because something is out of awareness, it doesn’t 
mean it has ​changed and is not still there to be woken up to. 
So all that has happened is a series of ​repressions, dissociations, and mis-identifications.  
Psychological blocks that can be undone with a bit of hard work. 
And that’s what the next lesson is all about. 
You are going to learn a powerful 2-step technique wake up the Dreamer within. 
This will give you back your true power: 
Your power to choose! 
2-Step Technique  

Welcome to our final lesson.  
Congratulations on making it this far.. 
To quickly recap our journey to this point. 
In our first video we saw how Joe’s no win destiny was already mapped out as soon as he 
stepped on the stage. 
Then in the 2nd video we exposed how his life and the world itself was set up through a series 
of ​repression, dissociations and misidentifications. 
So those two videos have set the stage nicely for today’s lesson, which r​ esolves it all. 
The goal today is: 
To teach the Dreamer how to awaken from its iBody identification. 
We will do this by sharing a two step technique called ​Self Enquiry. 
But our first port of call is clarifying why the letter​ “i”​ is before the i​ Body, iWorld and iGod. 
Now let’s recall the True Self’s nature is a concept-free blissful beingness, which we termed 
Therefore there’s: 
No thinker or thinking in the True Self because they are only concepts.  
As mentioned in the last lesson, when the True Self closes its eyes and the Dreamer arises in 
the Sleep State, it has only t​ wo experiences to choose between - to wake back up or to dream. 
Yet before the Dreamer even makes this first choice, it is already having an experience, since it 
does have a sense of being separate from the True Self. 
This is more of a feeling, a conscious awareness, which we could call​ peace. 
At this point the Dreamer is ​still concept free ​because the thinker hasn’t been birthed in it yet. 
So the choice to wake up at this moment just dissolves the Dreamer’s experience of being 
separate from its own True Self. 
Peace levels up to unlimited bliss. 
However once the choice for the Ego is made, s
​ omething new is added​ to the Dreamer’s 
And that is called: 
“The Thinker” 
Whose function it is to think thoughts. 
Yet this thinker, and every thought it has from now on, i​ s just the Ego​. 
But through dissociation this Thinker becomes the Dreamer’s new Identity. 
So after this first decision, the Dreamer goes from​ “feeling” it is independent, to actually 
“thinking” it is independent. 
And the first thought the Dreamer ever has is the ​first person singular pronoun “I”. 
So this “I” thought, is the thinker, who is also the ego. 
From now on we can use these three terms interchangeably to refer to: 
The one who thinks it has an real independent existence outside of the Awake 
State. The one who thinks it has replaced the True Self and is now the real self. 
Yet this new supposed real self can only confirm its existence through the circular reasoning 
thought process, that was perfectly expressed by the 1​ 7th century philosopher Rene Descartes. 
“I think therefore I am” 
Another way to say that is: 
Since I can think thoughts, I must be real. 
So to recap:  
After the Dreamer chose the Ego its experience of being a conscious awareness with the power 
to choose is repressed. 
Then through dissociation the Dreamer becomes a thinker, which is just the “I” thought.  
Essentially, when the Dreamer chooses the Ego, it becomes the Ego. 
Now the Ego is living its dream through the Dreamer, whilst the Dreamer actually thinks this 
Dream is now its reality. 

However the Ego is home and hosed yet! 
At this stage its identity is very unstable because it is ​just one flimsy “I” thought. 
So to give itself more stability it must attach itself to something else. 
And the primary form the “I” thought attaches itself to is: 
A host body. 
Now the “I” thought will claim its identity is the body who sees the iWorld from the 1st person 
From now on, when it says “I”, it will always point back to the body.  
That’s why it is called an iBody: 
“I” thought + Body = iBody 
Since the Ego is now Dreaming the Dreamer, the Dreamer will now believe it is housed in the 
iBody’s brain. 

And the first conscious thought that runs through the iBody’s brain is: 
“I am a body” 
So by taking the fragile “I” thought and associating it with a solid body, the Ego has taken the 
first step to increase its stability and believability. 
Yet the Ego magician has also performed another key trick here from ever getting found out. 
And that trick is: 
That’s because a body identity takes the focus a​ way from being a thinker to a doer. 
Remember from our first video, the life of Joe’s iBody was more about the a ​ ctions​ he take than 
the ​thoughts he thinks​. 
Therefore once the ego is seen as the body, it is highly unlikely that the thinker who thinks all the 
iBody’s thoughts will ever get investigated. 
Therefore the only option for the Dreamer is to make the most out of what little time it has been 
given as an iBody. 
Now, let’s move onto the 2nd aspect in the Ego’s dream: 

The iWorld’s sole purpose is to provide witness that confirm: 
The Dreamer’s identity is the iBody. 
Be that the:  
● Physical body 
● Emotional body 
● Psychological body 
● Spiritual body 
It is the home of billions of other iBody’s who believe: 
​The “I” thought is housed in the body. 
That’s why it’s called the iWorld. 
Furthermore, the iWorld also provides the Ego with almost unlimited forms outside of the iBody 
to attach itself to. 
The logic is: 
The more names and forms the Ego can surround the iBody with the more stable it will be. 
And through misdirection, it will be safer since attention is placed further away from the crime, 
which is the Dreamer’s decision for the Ego.  

You could think of these names and forms as little shields that block the Dreamer from 
“Who is it that wants to attach to all these forms?” 
To sum up: 
The purpose of the iWorld witness to the reality of the iBody, which therefore proves the “I” 
thought is true. 
With this circular reasoning in place, the Ego now thinks its existence it is beyond question, or 
so it believes...  
That leads us onto the final aspect of the Ego’s dream world: 

This 3rd step in how the Ego tries to confirms itself is its master stoke. 
That’s because: 
​The iBody gets attached to a God greater than itself through worshipping it.   

So if the iGod is real, then the iBody and the iWorld must be real too, along with the one who is 
really doing the worshipping - T ​ he Ego.  
And that’s why it’s called the iGod: 
Its function is to confirm the “I” thought. 
So the presence of the iGod is another shield that stops the thinker from being questioned, 
because the logic goes: 
If the “I” thought was created by a greater power than itself, then it is beyond 
question, let alone being able to be undone. 
So by worshiping an iGod, the Ego takes its illusionary existence as one thought and elevates it 
to a seemingly immortal status, which is beyond reproach. 
Now the iBody walks the iWorld in certainty because it believes its very existence was a gift 
from the iGod. 
There might heaven or hell, or even nothing at all when the iBody dies, but the one irrefutable 
present fact, is that t​ he Ego, the “I” thought is real. 
Yet this is just another form of circular reasoning, which goes: 
“Since I think there is an iGod who sees every I do as an iBody and is keeping 
track of it all, then I must be real.” 
However all this has no reality outside the thinker thinking it does, so the simplicity of the error 
will never be seen until: 
The thinker of these thoughts is questioned.  
So to sum it up: 
By having an iGod who appears to acknowledge the iBody, then the Ego’s ultimate goal is 
That the “I” thought is real, and the True Self in the Awake State is the illusion. 
Or so it would seem… 
Now we are going to open this ancient cold case back up for investigation, through a process 
Self Enquiry 
This is a two step technique which was originally taught by Sri Ramana Maharshi, a 20th 
Century Indian Sage. 

At the age of just 16 ​Venkataraman​, as he was called then, spontaneously awoke to his True 
Self, and then ​remained in the Awake State for the rest of his iBody’s life.  
What was interesting is V​ enkataraman​ had no spiritual interest or training before he woke to his 
True Self. 
When devotees later came to see him for guidance to reach the Awake State, ​Self Enquiry​ was 
the instruction he gave. 
Before we continue, I want to quickly highlight that from now on I will use the terms “You” and 
“Dreamer” interchangeably, since that is your only true identity outside the Awake state.  
So when I refer to “you”, I am talking to you as the Dreamer. 
Now back to Self Enquiry. 
It goes like this. 
Step 1: 
Isolate the thinker, the “I” thought. 
This is done by transferring attention away from thoughts the thinker thinks, to 
the thinker itself. 
Step 2: 
Investigate who this thinker, this “I” thought is. 
It really is as simple as that! 
But don’t let its simplicity fool you. 
The Ego’s dream has been carefully designed to avoid this powerful investigation from 
happening, and any resistance you have from practicing it comes from the Ego. 
That’s because when you look for an illusion it vanishes. 
Just as when you bring light to darkness, it flees. 

Now let’s go through this Self enquiry technique together so you can use it when whatever you 

Step 1: 
Isolate the “I” thought. 
How do you do this? 
First, become aware of the thoughts running through your mind at any given time and then 
“To whom do these thoughts arise?”  
The thought that will arise in answer to this question is ​“to me.”   
That is exactly the same as our​ first person pronoun “I” thought. 
So we could translate that answer from: 
To “me”, to, to “I” 
They mean exactly the same thing.   
Congratulations you have achieve the first step in Self Enquiry, you have successfully isolated 
the thinker who up until now has hid behind all its thoughts. 
I told you this was easy. 
Here you can see how this one small step, is one giant leap in your freedom from the ego. 
By simply questioning, “​ To whom do this thoughts arise”​, the thinker is cut away from all the 
forms the it normally attaches itself to. 

So now you are on the path of retracing the journey the Ego has led you down. 
If you remember in the last lesson we explained how the Ego used the psychological tricks of 
repression, dissociation and identification ​to stop you from remembering who you are.  
Therefore we have to undo them in reverse order, starting with i​ dentification. 
And that’s what the first enquiry does, since it unshackles your identification with iBody, and all 
the names and forms in the iWorld.  
Now your identity as turned from the iBody back to the naked “I” thought. 
Once that has occured it is time to make the second Enquiry by asking: 
“Who am “I”?” 
In other words, who is this ​“I” thought, this thinker,​ who has been thinking all the iBody’s 
However, after asking “Who am I?”, it is normal for the Ego to use its psychological defense of 
identification again. 
It does this by actually trying to answer the question by attaching itself to a name or form. 
Remember, it has to do this, because as an illusion it needs something else to attach to, so it 
can maintain its fragile existence. 
If Joe, our fictional character just did the ​“Who am I?”​ enquiry, the thought ​“I am Joe”​ might 
● Or I am a man,  
● Or I am a child of God, 
● Or I am XYZ, where XYZ could be substituted for any name or form you like. 
But you has seen what the Ego has just done right? 
You got it!  
The Ego sneekly just tried to shield itself again by attaching to another name and form.  
It is trying to transfer attention away from itself as the thinker, to all the thoughts it normally 
thinks about.  
When this happens, the enquiry must restart so we get the “​ I” thought, the thinker to stand 
naked again. 
If we continue with Joe’s enquiry, after the “I am Joe” response occurs, then he must ask: 
“Who is Joe?” 
So he gets the response: 
“I am!” 
Which is the “I” thought standing naked again. 
Don’t get to hung up on asking the right question in the first step of this enquiry.  
As long as the question is framed to get the​ first person singular response​, it is the right 
Remember to keep it simple! 
With the “I” thought is standing naked, it’s time for the second enquiry again. 
Which is the question: 
Who am “I”?  
This second enquiry is designed to: 
​ ake the Dreamer from its “I” thought identification. 
Because asking the question presupposes there is ​someone beyond the “I” thought​ who is doing 
the enquiry. 
And that someone is you: 
The Dreamer. 
The one who is looking for the “I” thought in Self Enquiry is you - the inner witness. 
Therefore the attitude to take for this Enquiry is to be keenly aware, l​ ike you are a scientist doing 
an experiment under a microscope. 
You are trying to get a glimpse of a tiny little particle that moves very fast. 
Blink and you might miss it. 
Therefore the goal of this enquiry isn’t to get a conceptual answer. 
The aim is for an experience that is: 
​Free from the “I” thought. 
So this second step in Self Enquiry starts to undo the ego’s second psychological block, 
That’s because the “who am I?” enquiry draws your attention away from being the thinker in the 
brain and raises your awareness out of the dream state, back to the source of the “I”thought in 
the Sleep State. 
If the enquiry is successful, then the “i” thought will disappear along with the thinking process. 

That has to happen since the illusionary “I” can’t remain in awareness unless it attaches itself to 
another concept, which you are stopping it from doing. 
We could think about this like a tree. 
In this metaphor the “I” thought is the trunk, and all the names and forms that grow off it are like 
the brunches and the leaves. 
If we were to prune the leaves, then new ones will just grow back. 
However, if we cut down the tree trunk at the very base, then the whole tree will collapse and 
nothing new will be able to grow from it.  
In the same way, if we cut down the thinker, the “I” thought, then: 
The whole thinking process must subside too.  
What will remain is just a silent conscious awareness, which it the peaceful experience of the 
naked Dreamer: 
As it was before it first chose for the Ego. 
Therefore that silence conscious awareness is the Dreamer waking up from its long maintained 
dissociation with the “I” thought. 
The goal of Self Enquiry i​ sn’t to wake the Dreamer from the Sleep State. 
The goal is to remove the “I” thought from the Dreamer’s identity: 
To wake the Dreamer from the Dream State. 
Once this is achieved the aim becomes to remain in that thought free state as long as possible. 
That is done by taking an observer's position, who witnesses the arising of the thinker and its 
thoughts, with a sense of detachment. 
If you fall out of this detached state and become re-identified with the thinker, then ​Self Enquiry 
should be commenced again. 
Remember to be patient. 
It is unlikely that one glimpse of being the Dreamer will result in a total awakening like it did for 
Sri Ramana. 
That’s because you might not be ready to let go, since your identity is so strongly t​ ied up with 
the Ego’s. 
But remember, when we strip it all back, as we have just done, the ego is just one unexamined 
“I” thought that in reality, has nothing to do with anything.  

And all the witnesses in the Dream State were just designed to: 
Confirm the “I” thought was real.  
Self Enquiry normally requires continual practice, to slowly undo the cognitive dissonance 
between being the iBody, who you aren’t, and the Dreamer, who you are.  
So to quickly recap: 
Before the Self Enquiry commences the Dreamer is living obliviously as an iBody in an iWorld 
like Joe was. 
Here is is categorised as a “doer”. 

During the Enquiry attention is drawn away from the iBody and the iWorld of names and forms 
and focuses on the “I” thought. 
Now it is categorised as a “thinker”. 
Then once the “thinker” crumbles under investigation the Dreamer becomes a ​peaceful, thought 
free conscious awareness. 
Now it is categorized as a “be-er”. 

So practicing Self Enquiry is: 
​The choice against the Ego because it is the renunciation of the “I” thought.   
Therefore your single responsibility outside of the Awake State is: 
To withdraw your identity out of the Ego’s dream and remember you are the 
Then the realisation will come that since you were never the thinker, then ​neither were you any of 
the thoughts it thought. 
And since that uninvestigated “I” thought could only function in the Dream State, then you were 
never the iBody​ either. 
Once you have reclaimed your Dreamer identity, through your vigilant practice of Self Enquiry:  
The True Self will take the last step and wake you from the Sleep state, back to 
the experience of Satchitananda. 
And you’ll live happily ever after.  

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