Sonargaon University (Su) : CSE2002012001 - 12A

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Department: Computer Science and Engineering

Program: B. Sc. Engineering
Final Assignment, Summer 2020
Year: 3rd Section: 12A, 13B14B
Course Code: CSE335
Course Title: Computer Peripherals and Interfacing
Name of the Course Teacher: Emam Hossen
Time: 2.5 (Two and half) hours Full Marks: 30

Submission Deadline: September 11, 2020, 5:50PM

1. Hand written assignment must be submitted as a PDF. Save your PDF file using your full ID and section
e.g. CSE2002012001_12A
2. Write your Name, ID, Course Title and Section at the top of the first page. In addition, write your Name,
ID and page number at right-top corner of all the remaining pages.
3. Send your assignment as a PDF copy to the Google Classroom using class code: 7gzuu3r
4. If anyone makes copy of other, then both will get zero.
5. Late submission shall lead deduction of marks.

Answer all the questions

1. a. Describe the structure of a MIDI message. Some examples of MIDI messages are given below. Explain
the types of the messages.
83 3D 79, 94 3C 61, F0, B3 10 7F
b. Explain briefly how daisy chain is accomplished in MIDI.
c. Mention the notable features those can differentiate the GMCH from ICH.
d. Enlist the pros and cons of DMA transfer modes.

2. a. Construct a comparison chart for BSR mode and I/O mode of 8255PPI.
b. Determine the hexadecimal value in Control Word Register (CWR) to reset PC6 in port C.
c. Explain the selected I/O ports and modes if BFH is loaded in the CWR of 8255A.

3. a. Write an assembly program, which determine the subtraction of contents of port B from port C and
store the result in port A by interfacing 8255 with 8085 microprocessor.
b. Describe the result for the following control inputs stored in CWR of 8253PIT.
1C, 0C, 1A, 0A
c. Suppose you are asked to differentiate the modes of 8253PIT. Mention the characteristics by which
you will differentiate them.

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