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Christine Joy N.

B124-RZ101 (WF/2:30-4:00)



A lot of things happened in the past which is good and bad but we can say that
history is something that can help us to know more about the country and it’s
citizen. History is what shapes the country and what they are now. History can help
us to understand about a lot of things. This can guide us to learn and be more
knowledgeable about a certain thing that our country holds.

With history, we can know the origin of our culture and tradition and why it is
somewhat similar to other countries like in Spain. As we were colonized by them,
we can see that some of their culture and traditions is the same as ours. Also, our
language can be traced back and it origin from Spanish. It also helps us to
understand people. We all know that Filipinos have a colonial mentality. This is due
to the fact that we were colonized by three countries. Filipinos tend to prefer a lot of
things from other countries. Moreover, with the help of history, we can understand
the beliefs and why people behaved in a certain way that they do. For example,
there’s this issue about a TikTok influencer who had a tattoo of a “rising sun” which
symbolizes the Imperial Japan. A lot of Koreans were enraged of seeing these
tattoo saying that the influencer is insensitive of what happened to the past and
what they suffered. The history affects a lot of people that is why they behave in a
certain way that they do.

History can be very overwhelming especially if we hear stories and facts from
those who’s teaching them and even to those who experienced it. A lot of worst
things happened but recognizing them and understanding them can be very
beneficial for us. With this, we can say that history teaches us a lot of things from
the past and even in the present.

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