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REMEMBER THIS: You don’t need everything to be happy

Dianne Nicole Ramos

I used to think that in order to be happy, I had to have it all. Beauty, riches, brains; I
felt like I had to be the best at everything. But I was wrong, and I had to learn that
the hard way.
Turns out, all you need is to be yourself.
Be your own kind of beautiful. If you accidentally hit someone as you make your way
to the other side of the room, say “Sorry”. If you have to sneeze, even in a fancy
restaurant, you don’t need to hide it. Just let that sneeze out and say, “Excuse me”.
And after a long hard day, when all the fancy jewelry is gone and there’s no trace of
makeup on your face, don’t forget to say “Thank You”. Because a thankful heart is
the most beautiful heart of all.
Don’t count your riches through coins and bills. Real riches are the friends that you
laugh so hard with that you forget where you are. Real riches are the number of
moments in the day that you stop to realize how wonderful life is. Real riches are the
days you spend under the golden sun. Because the life you live now is worth more
than you could ever know.
Be smart in your own way. No, you don’t need a perfect score in everything; instead,
channel your mind into taking in your surroundings. Ask people how their day was,
and listen very closely. If you’re lucky, I mean really lucky, you’ll be able to tell that
just like you; they’re on their way to happiness too. Let your mind fly and wander,
because it might just land on an idea. One that sparkles so bright, your mind dances
in joy.
Don’t look for happiness because I promise you, if you look too far, you won’t ever
find it. Happiness is right where you are; with a beating heart, a gorgeous smile, and
a curious mind, staring right back at you in the mirror.

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