Word Formation: A. B. C. D. E

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2.2. Word formation
Fill each gap with the correct word form.
There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of known numeral systems. By numeral system, we mean a set
of symbols used to represent (a) _________ . Most numeral systems are decimal systems, also called
base – 10 systems. This includes the numeral system we use, which is called the Arabic system, although
it actually comes from India. One reason why base 10 is used is that (b)___________ have ten fingers,
and we first used our fingers to count on. Another reason is that decimal systems (c) ___________ to be
easy to use for (d) _________ and calculations. For one thing, only ten different (e) _________ are
needed to represent any whole number.
A. 1. quantity 2. quantifiers 3. quantifies 4. quantities
B. 1. human 2. humans 3. humanity 4. humanities
C. 1. tend 2. tends 3. tendency 4. tendentious
D. 1. count 2. counting 3. countable 4. countenance
E. 1. symbolizes 2. symbolics 3. symbols 4. symbolicals

2.3. Word formation
Fill each gap with the correct word form.
Dolls are a useful way to learn about a society. Doll (a) __________ draw on their knowledge of
their (b)___________, and they often use traditional materials and traditional skills to create dolls. This
is (c) ___________ true of Native American dolls. Some Native American dolls are simply toys. They
are used to amuse children. There are two main types of these. Some dolls model adult activities, roles,
and costumes. You might see dolls that hunt, dance or carry babies on their backs. Other dolls represent
(d) _________ figures. They are meant to educate Native American children about (e) _________
a. 1. makes 2. makers 3. makings 4. made
b. 1. culture 2. cultural 3. culturally 4.
c. 1. certain 2. certainty 3. uncertain 4.
d. 1. spirit 2. 3. spiritually 4.
spiritless spiritual
e. 1. religious 2. religion 3. religions 4.

2.2 Word formation (5 items*2 marks each=10)

Fill each gap with the correct word form.
Sir Isaac Newton, the English scientist and (a)___________________, was one of the most
important figures of the (b)__________________ revolution in the 17th century. One of his greatest
(c)________________ was the discovery of the three laws of motion, which are still used today. But
he also had a very unusual personality. Some people would say he was actually insane. The simple fact
was that Isaac found it impossible to have a calm (d)_______________ with anyone. As soon as
someone said something that he disagreed with, he would lose his temper. For this reason, he lived a
large part of his life in (e)____________ from other scientists.
a. 1. mathematics 2. mathematician 3. mathematical 4.
b. 1. science 2. scientifically 3. scientology 4. scientific

c. 1. achievements 2. achieve 3. achievable 4. achiever
d. 1. discuses 2. discuss 3. discussion 4.
e. 1. isolate 2. isolated 3. isolation 4. isolator


2.3. Word formation

Fill each gap with the correct word form.
Exercise is essential in promoting general good health. It helps in controlling or losing (a)
__________ and also in stress management and illness prevention. Through regular exercise, we
strengthen not only our external muscles but also our heart and lungs. Exercise (b)___________ the risk
of heart disease, which is a (c) ___________ to men over 50. Regular exercise also affects our outlook
on life. It allows us to get rid of tension, (d) _________ and frustration. During exercise, the brain
releases powerful chemicals called endorphins, which are associated with happiness and (e) _________,
so exercise taken regularly improves the fitness of your body and of your mind.
a. 1. weigh 2. weight 3. weighty 4.
b. 1. less 2. lessen 3. lessens 4. lesser
c. 1. threat 2. threaten 3. threatment 4.
d. 1. anxious 2. anxiety 3. anxiously 4. anxion
e. 1. relax 2. relaxed 3. relaxing 4.


No. Variation B Variation D Variation H Variation I
2.3A 4 2 2 2
2.3B 2 1 4 3
2.3C 1 4 1 1
2.3D 2 4 3 2
2.3E 3 1 3 4


Task 4. Word Formation
Fill in the sentences with the correct word form. ( 3 points)
35. These spoons are made of …………… silver.
A. real B. reality C. realistic D. realist E. realizable
36. Put the potatoes into boiling water, ………… after peeling them.
A. prefer B. preferably C. preferable D. preference E. preferential
37. The old man did the ………..for the documentary.
A. narrate B. narrative C. narration D. narrator E. narrators

Task 4. Word Formation
Fill in the sentences with the correct word form.
35. My friend has very ……………… offered to help out with the food and drink for the party.
A. kindly B. kindness C. kind D. unkind
36. My guitar playing has improved ………….

A. signify B. significantly C. significance D. significant
37. You look …….. nice in both dresses.
A. equal B. equality C. equally D. equalize

Task 4. Word Formation
Fill in the sentences with the correct word form. (3 points)
35. We were ………… that we would receive a successful exam
A. hopeful B. hope C. hopelessly
D. hopelessness E. hoped
36. ……………. is becoming increasingly popular among young people lately.
A. Vegetable B. Vegetarianism
C. Vegetate D. Vegetarian E. Vegetation
37. A novel is currently being ………….
A. dramatic B. dramatically C. dramatized
D. dramatist E. drama

Task 4. Word Formation
Fill in the sentences with the correct word form. (6 points)
35. The audience was ……… about the children’s
A. excited B. exciting C. excitement
D. excite E. excitingly
36. My mathematics teacher has very good
A. method B. methodology
C. methodological D. methodically
E. methodism
37. The suspects were taken in for ………….at the police station.
A. question B. questioner C. questioning
D. questionnaire E. questionable


Variation Variation Variation Variation
35 A A A A
36 B B B B
37 C C C C


Task 3. Word formation / 5x2= 10/
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
15. Ann is an …….. woman in her early thirties.
A. attracted B. attraction C. attractiveness
D. attractive E. attractively
16. The …….. of new technology has helped us a lot.

A. introductory B. introduction C. introduced
D. introducing E. introduce
17. Visiting Singapore will be an …….. experience.
A. forget B. forgetfully C. unforgotten
D. forgetful E. unforgettable
18. John seems to have …….. problems.
A. finance B. finances C. financial
D. financially E. financier
19. After …….. he started looking for a job.
A. graduate B. graduated C. gradually
D. graduation E. graduations

Task 3. Word formation
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. / 5x2= 10/
15. The runners sprinted around the track in a(n …….. .direction.
A. clockwork B. clock C. clocking
D. anticlockwise E. anti clocking
16. It’s …….. to argue with him. He always does what he wants anyway.
A. point B. pointing C. pointer
D. pointless E. pointed
17. Ulaanbaatar has about 1.400.000 ……..
A. inhabitant B. inhabits C. inhabitants
D. inhabited E. inhabiting
18. There are some minor …….. between the latest model and the old one.
A. difference B. differs C. differences
D. different E. differing
19. These trousers are too long. I’ll have to ……………..them.
A. shorten B. shorts C. short
D. shortens E. shortening

Task 3. Word formation
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. / 5x2=
15.The government has decided to start a(n) ………….campaign to make people aware of the danger of
A. smoked B. anti –smoking C. smoking
D. semi –smoking E. bi-smoking
16.There were a few people standing around outside the main …….. to the building.
A. entering B. entered C. enter
D. entrance E. entrant
17. Mongolian attracts hundreds of thousands of ………..every year.
A. tours B. tourism C. touring
D. toured E. tourists
18. A good student must know how to study ........
A. effectively B. effect D. effects E. effectiveness C. effective
19. They boiled the water in order to …….. it.
A. pure B. purify C. purity
D. purification E. purified

Task 3. Word formation
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. / 5x2=
15. He’s a …….. lawyer. Everyone in town knows him. 10/
A. succeed B. successful C. success
D. succession E. successor
16. The teacher should …….. the information so that everybody understands it.
A. simplify B. simple C. simplicity
D. simply E. simplification
17. She was upset because she felt that they had been very …….. treated.
A. badly B. bad C. worse
D. worst E. bad tempered
18. She has been working for the …….. for more than ten years.
A. organize B. organized C. organization
D. organizer E. organizing
19. She is suffering from a serious …………and it’s going to take her a long time to recover.
A. ill B. ill feeling C. illness
D. ill health E. ill tempered


№ А В С хувилбар D хувилбар
хувилбар хувилбар
15 D D B B
16 B D D A
17 E C E A
18 C C A C
19 D A B C



2.1 Word formation /4x2=8/

Read the sentences below and choose the word that best fits in each sentence.
a. It is almost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for young people leaving school today to get a well-paid job.
1) impossibility 2) possibly 3) possibility 4) impossible
b. Maria Sharapova is probably the most . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . female tennis player of all time.
1) succeed 2) successful 3) successfully 4) success
c. I sometimes wonder whether the world would not have been a better place without the . . . . . . . . .
1) invent 2) inventions 3) inventive 4) inventively
d. Many people think it is very . . . . . . . . . . whether a cure will be found for cancer before the year
1) doubt 2) doubter 3) doubtful 4) doubtfully

2.1 Word formation /4x2=8/
Read the sentences below and choose the word that best fits in each sentence.

a. We could take on extra staff. That’s one . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. possible 2. possibly 3. possibility 4. impossible

b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is something that achieves positive results.
1. Successful 2. Successfully 3. Successive 4. Success
c. The first safety razor was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by company founder king Gillete in 1903.
1. invented 2. inventions 3. inventive 4. inventively
d. I am having . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about going to Africa. May be I’ll stay here.
1. doubtfully 2. doubter 3. doubtless 4. doubts

2.1 Word formation /4x2=8/
Read the sentences below and choose the word that best fits in each sentence.

a. No, I am still considering the various . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. possible 2. possibly 3. possibilities 4.impossible
b. She enjoyed great . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with all three records in the States.
1. successive 2. successful 3. successfully 4.success
c. He is very . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He is always dreaming up new gadgets.
1. invent 2. inventions 3. inventive 4. inventively
d. John is so nice. It‟s a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . working with him.
1. please 2. pleasure 3. pleased 4. pleasing

2.1 Word formation /4x2=8/
Read the sentences below and choose the word that best fits in each sentence.
a. He may . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . decide not to come, in which case there‟s no problem.
1. possible 2. possibility 3. possibly 4. impossible
b. A number of patients have been . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . treated with the new drug.
1. successful 2. success 3. successfully 4. succeed
c. When BSB company advertised for a new Production Manager, they received over sixty
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .for the job.
1. apply 2. applications 3. applicator 4. applicant
d. We don‟t think guns are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .toys for young children.
1. suit 2. suitability 3. suitably 4. suitable


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2,1 a4b2c2d3 8 2,1 a3b4c1d4 8 2,1 a3b4c3d2 8 2,1 a3b3c2d4 8

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