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Coaches Covid-19 Checklist


Treeton Terriers JFC return to competitive football and training:

Before attending any game or training session with Treeton Terriers, please take the time to read the below and
provide an electronic response to indicate that you understand yours, your child’s and your team's responsibilities
now during the return to competitive footballing activities.

Everyone should self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you or anyone in your
team is symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual COVID-19 infection you must not participate or

Competitive match play is now permitted, with social distancing in place before and after the match, and in any
breaks in play;

Players and officials should sanitise hands before and after a game as well as in scheduled breaks throughout a game
or training session;

Ball handling should be kept to a minimum;

Our football coaches are encouraged to limit persistent close proximity of participants during match play and

Goal celebrations should be avoided by both teams;

Equipment should not be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in
training or matches and thoroughly afterwards. Where possible, coaches should only handle equipment in training;

Goalposts, corner flags and the match ball will be sanitised before kick-off, at half time and full time as a minimum
and where possible during breaks in play;

Players, coaches and officials should arrive changed and shower at home. Use of changing and shower facilities at

Participants and spectators should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and
walking or cycling if possible. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle;

Away teams and their spectators visiting Treeton and playing on the Cowfield adjacent to Washfield Lane, are
requested to park on the road and enter and exit by the top field entrance near the top of the hill indicated on
attached satellite image in red.
The Home team and their spectators will use the carpark and enter and exit via the bottom field entrance indicated
on the satellite image in blue;

Supporters, parents, and other spectators should remain socially distanced whilst attending events. Spectator groups
must be restricted to discrete six-person gathering limits and spread out, in line with wider Government guidance,
ensuring space for officials, coaches and substitutes;
Treeton Terriers will keep a record of attendees at a match or training session, including contact details, to support
NHS Test and Trace. Away teams must provide this information. All information will be deleted after 21 days;

If a participant gets injured, a member of their household will initially be asked to assist, but others will still need to
socially distance unless a life or limb threatening injury necessitates compromising guidelines to provide emergency

Our first-aiders will be equipped with the appropriate PPE (including face coverings) to protect themselves and
others if they need to compromise social-distancing guidelines to provide medical assistance;

Clubs must be affiliated with their County Football Association to play matches.
The age group manager will check that opposition teams are correctly affiliated;

Our team dedicated Covid officer will ensure to the best of their ability that all guidance is followed.
Everyone will need to follow the advice or instruction of the covid officer when on our site;

Treeton Cricket and Football Club has its own separate track and trace system and Covid 19 safety measures in place,
please ensure you complete the required forms for their records should you enter that area of the site and comply
with all signage and one way systems.

Full FA guidance on the return to grassroots football and the most up to date UK government guidance can be found
by following the links below.

It is the away team’s responsibility to pass this information on to their players and spectators prior to attending
the site and the team manager must reply electronically to confirm that this will be carried out.

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