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Acoustical Comparison Between Samples of Good

and Poor Vibrato in Singers

*Jose A. Diaz and †Howard B. Rothman

*Carabobo, Venezuela
†Gainesville, Florida

Summary: The purpose of this research was to analyze samples of frequency

vibrato taken from recordings of eight different singers, which were classified
as examples of good or poor singing. The samples were analyzed by a software
package, which makes use of the linear prediction coding (LPC) method to
determine the time varying rate and extent of the frequency vibrato wave.
Four parameters, which relate to the periodicity of the samples, were extracted
from the time varying rate and extent and investigated in order to verify or
reject the hypothesis that the best vibrato samples were the most symmetric
ones. Ten samples per singer were analyzed, 5 good and 5 poor, for a total
of 80 samples. The results show that the samples judged as good were the
most periodic ones.
Key Words: Vibrato—Singers’ voice—Speech Processing—Spectrogram—
Linear Prediction Coding (LPC).

INTRODUCTION pedagogues, vocal critics, and scientists who study

Historically, in order to determine the quality of vibrato, agree that the samples with better quality
are the most periodic ones,2 that is, the ones whose
a vibrato sample, experts in the area of vocal music
rate and extent are more constant and regular
and the singing voice would listen to, analyze, and
over time.
judge the quality of vibrato samples.1 This is a
The main objective of this research was to study
subjective process; however, there is agreement
in detail the periodicity features of vibrato samples,
among experts. Most experts, that is, singers, vocal in order to verify or reject the hypothesis that the
best samples were the most periodic ones. In order
to accomplish this objective, signal processing al-
Accepted for publication August 9, 2002. gorithms and software were used to extract and
Presented at the II Iberoamerican Congress on Acoustics held
in Madrid from October 16 to 20, 2000.
analyze some parameters related to the periodicity
From the *Department of Electrical Engineering, University of the vibrato wave. There was also an expectation
of Carabobo and †Department of Communication Sciences and that the parameters directly related to vibrato quality
Disorders, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. could be identified. Therefore, this research presents
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jose A. Diaz, a novel approach to vibrato analysis because there
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Carabobo, does not appear to be any other analysis being per-
Venezuela, P.O. Box 025685, Miami, FL 33102-5685. E-mail:
formed to measure vibrato in singers or musical
Journal of Voice, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 179–184
instruments in which the time varying rate and extent
쑕 2003 The Voice Foundation of the vibrato samples were analyzed at a resolution
0892-1997/2003 $30.00⫹0 as good or better than 80.58 samples per second, nor
doi:10.1016/S0892-1997(03)00002-X through the use of linear prediction coding (LPC).3–9


FIGURE 2. Example of frequency vibrato.

FIGURE 1. Spectrogram of vibrato sample. which was developed by one of the authors, was
selected for sample analysis because it provided
SAMPLE SELECTION the time varying rate and extent in Hertz of the
frequency vibrato wave. This software generated
For this research, eight professional singers (5 sample spectrograms (see Figure 1), from which the
male, 3 female) with years of experience were vibrato samples were extracted. Figure 2 shows
chosen from a database of vibrato samples that is kept the frequency vibrato wave extracted from the sixth
at the Department of Communication Sciences and harmonic in Figure 1.
Disorders at the University of Florida. Four different The software used the LPC method to generate the
individuals with singing experience or with experi-
time varying rate and extent waves of the frequency
ence in studying the singing voice listened to all
vibrato, which represent how the rate and extent of
samples from the eight singers in order to classify
the frequency vibrato wave vary along the time axis.
the samples produced by each singer as samples of
good or poor vibrato. The judges were instructed to These two waves were created by taking a small
classify the samples depending on their quality, as segment of the vibrato signal (170 ms.), applying
good (pleasing to the ear) or poor (disagreeable to the LPC method, and obtaining the rate and extent
the ear). in Hertz of the segment from the LPC parameters
The results provided by each judge were com- obtained. Then, the software selected a new segment
pared, and the samples that were judged as good of the same length (170 ms.), shifted 12 ms. to the
or poor by the four judges were chosen for analysis; right and analyzed it. This process was repeated
the other samples were rejected because the until the entire signal was analyzed.
judges did not unanimously agree on their quality. The length of the vibrato segment was chosen to
From the chosen samples, five samples of good vi- be equal to 170 ms. because a longer segment would
brato and five of poor vibrato were randomly se- show the average rate and extent of the segment,
lected for each singer, which resulted in a total of and a shorter segment would not contain enough
80 samples (8 singers times 10 samples/singer). All data for a reliable result. Then, all rate and extent
samples selected fulfilled the following criteria: values were plotted on separate windows (see Fig-
1. Length greater than 1.5 s. ures 3 and 4). These two waves represent the time
2. No change in pitch. varying rate and extent of the frequency vibrato
3. No change in vowel. wave seen in Figure 2. Notice that the time scale
4. Absence of accompanying musical instru- in Figures 3 and 4 is shorter than that of Figures 1
ments or noise. and 2. This is because the LPC method requires a
segment of the vibrato wave to calculate one value
SAMPLE ANALYSIS of the rate and extent. It is important to note that
The MMSV1 (Mathematical Model of Singers’ the time varying extent wave represents the extent
Vibrato, The Mathworks, Natick, MA) software, of the wave in Figure 2, and it does not represent

Journal of Voice, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003


the amplitude vibrato wave, which contains the am-

plitude variations associated with the frequency
The main advantage in using this software com-
pared to other methods was the time resolution
(number of samples per second), which is 80.58
samples per second in Figures 3 and 4. This allowed
the variation patterns in rate and extent of the fre-
quency vibrato to be observed and compared.
If the frequency vibrato wave was a sinusoidal
wave, the waves in Figures 3 and 4 would be straight FIGURE 3. Time varying rate of frequency vibrato.
lines because the rate and extent of a pure sine wave
are constant over time. Therefore, as the waves in
Figures 3 and 4 approach a straight line, the fre-
quency vibrato becomes more periodic, and the
departure from a straight line shape indicates the
degree of aperiodicity in the frequency vibrato
As a result, in order to measure the periodicity
of a vibrato sample, four parameters were selected
that measure the deviations of the waves in Figures
3 and 4 from a straight line. These parameters are
as follows:
FIGURE 4. Time varying extent of frequency vibrato.
1. Total time varying rate deviation (maximum
rate minus minimum rate) in Hertz.
2. Variability (standard deviation) of the time
varying rate in Hertz.
3. Total time varying extent deviation (maximum The 80 samples chosen for analysis were analyzed
extent minus minimum extent) in Hertz. using the MMSV software in order to generate the
4. Variability (standard deviation) of the time time varying rate and extent waves for each of them.
varying extent in Hertz. Then, the four parameters mentioned above were
Parameters 1 and 2 were extracted from the time calculated by a Matlab-based program (The Math-
varying rate wave and parameters 3 and 4 were ex- works, Natick, MA), which also saved the parame-
tracted from the time varying extent wave. Param- ters in an Excel-compatible format for later analysis.
eters 2 and 4 (variability) represent the spread of
the time varying rate and extent in Hertz.
In order to make a meaningful comparison among
samples and singers, the four parameters mentioned RESULTS
above were converted into percentages of the aver- Tables 1 through 8 show the results of the four
age value of the wave from which the parameter was parameters under analysis for the eight singers after
extracted. This was necessary because the MMSV they were converted into percentages as explained
software can extract the vibrato wave from different above. The first column indicates the parameter
harmonics; therefore, for higher harmonics, the name. Columns 2 and 3 show the average values ob-
variability is higher and it should not be compared tained for the good and poor samples, respectively.
to a time varying wave extracted from a lower Single-factor analyses of variance10 (ANOVAs) with
harmonic. By converting each parameter into five samples per group, and two groups (good and
percent of the average wave value, this error was poor samples) were applied to the four parameters
canceled. of the eight singers (critical value of F = 5.32

Journal of Voice, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003


TABLE 1. Results for Singer Number 1

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 4.1672 5.388 4.403696 0.069099 No

Time varying rate total dev % 19.48266 25.12942 3.369403 0.103744 No
Time varying ext variability % 6.7132 7.9686 0.74747 0.41245 No
Time varying ext total dev % 49.85025 56.05383 0.341805 0.574902 No

TABLE 2. Results for Singer Number 2

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 5.2718 5.438 0.046982 0.833826 No

Time varying rate total dev % 23.07027 26.39093 0.652133 0.442698 No
Time varying ext variability % 5.4446 13.8324 13.61278 0.006134 Yes
Time varying ext total dev % 38.4382 100.0234 16.93521 0.003366 Yes

TABLE 3. Results for Singer Number 3

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 6.6054 10.4638 2.911387 0.126346 No

Time varying rate total dev % 30.66759 48.50149 3.11204 0.115722 No
Time varying ext variability % 7.555 13.9394 8.675875 0.018553 Yes
Time varying ext total dev % 56.5322 103.4366 9.830369 0.013903 Yes

TABLE 4. Results for Singer Number 4

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 4.5234 5.2498 0.372504 0.558578 No

Time varying rate total dev % 21.00638 23.78328 0.22438 0.64838 No
Time varying ext variability % 9.1682 11.8154 2.435761 0.157218 No
Time varying ext total dev % 68.10582 89.01863 2.424016 0.158102 No

TABLE 5. Results for Singer Number 5

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 3.3768 4.3642 3.630769 0.093181 No

Time varying rate total dev % 15.50761 21.98027 3.753822 0.088691 No
Time varying ext variability % 4.5994 6.3954 7.808637 0.023399 Yes
Time varying ext total dev % 37.0789 47.01511 2.875563 0.128376 No

for α = 0.05, df1 = 1, and df2 = 8). Columns 4 and the variables under study were higher for the poor
5 show the F and P values respectively. No arc- samples in four singers of eight. No significant re-
sine transform was performed on the data. Column 6 sults were found for singers numbered 1, 4, 6, and
indicates whether the obtained results were significant. 8. These results support the hypothesis that the best
Significant results were found in four of the eight samples were the most symmetrical ones and serve
singers, which indicates that the mean values of to validate the listeners’ classification of the samples.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003


TABLE 6. Results for Singer Number 6

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 3.1004 4.3288 1.997513 0.195265 No

Time varying rate total dev % 14.52671 19.16041 1.05888 0.333575 No
Time varying ext variability % 6.2266 10.4394 5.171822 0.052548 No
Time varying ext total dev % 48.69182 71.93773 3.480643 0.099067 No

TABLE 7. Results for Singer Number 7

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 7.1548 7.471 0.032922 0.860532 No

Time varying rate total dev % 33.52693 32.18296 0.029144 0.868687 No
Time varying ext variability % 6.5218 10.9056 6.52134 0.033979 Yes
Time varying ext total dev % 46.75865 78.79748 6.500981 0.034191 Yes

TABLE 8. Results for Singer Number 8

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 4.1346 4.6404 0.148622 0.709904 No

Time varying rate total dev % 17.21066 29.39715 1.006298 0.345165 No
Time varying ext variability % 6.4406 7.2862 0.617938 0.454466 No
Time varying ext total dev % 44.56048 55.2096 1.728126 0.225085 No

Analysis of the vibrato rate for the of the variability of the time varying extent yielded
individual singers significant results in four singers of eight, whereas
We can see from Tables 1 through 8 that the the total deviation of the time varying extent yielded
variability in rate for the poor samples was always significant results in three cases of eight.
higher than that of the good samples. The total devia-
tion of the time varying rate was higher in seven
of the eight singers and was only smaller for singer Comparison between good and poor samples
7. The higher total deviation of the time varying for the entire group
rate for the good samples in singer 7 indicates large Table 9 provides a summary of the results after
oscillations of the time varying rate, which were not comparing the good and poor samples of the entire
perceived as poor vibrato. The statistical analysis group. The first column shows the parameters
of the variability of the time varying rate did not under analysis. Columns 2 and 3 show the average
show significant results, nor did the total deviation results for good and poor samples. Single factor-
of the time varying rate. ANOVAs with eight samples per group (8 singers)
and two groups (good and poor samples) were ap-
Analysis of the vibrato extent for the plied to the four parameters under analysis (critical
individual singers value of F = 4.60 for α = 0.05, df1 = 1, and df2 =
We can see from Tables 1 through 8 that the 14). Columns 4 and 5 show the F and p values
variability and the total deviation of the time varying respectively. No arc-sine transform was performed
extent for the poor samples were always higher than on the data. Column 6 indicates whether the ob-
that of the good samples. The statistical analysis tained results were significant or not.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003


TABLE 9. Comparison Between Good and Poor Samples

Avg good samp Avg poor samp F value p value Significant

Time varying rate variability % 4.7918 5.918 1.562169 0.231838 No

Time varying rate total dev % 21.87485 28.31574 2.527292 0.134214 No
Time varying ext variability % 6.583675 10.3228 10.99749 0.005095 Yes
Time varying ext total dev % 48.75204 75.18655 10.06189 0.006788 Yes

Analysis of the vibrato rate for the It could also be seen that the oscillations in the
entire group rate and extent of frequency vibrato wave were
Table 9 indicates that the mean values of the found mainly in the time varying extent wave, rather
four parameters were always smaller for the good than in the time varying rate wave, which shows that
samples than for those of the poor samples. In Table it was more difficult for singers to control the extent of
9, the variability and the total deviation of the time the vibrato pulse than the rate at which the vibrato
varying rate do not show significant results. How- pulse occurred. Taken together, these results show
ever, it is important to note that the poor samples a direct relationship between the periodicity of the
used in this study showed higher oscillations in rate vibrato wave and its perceived quality.
than that of the good samples, although no significant
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Journal of Voice, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2003

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