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DIPERACTION: @ DisFsaction ys the poocess of bending of Q wave at The Corners of an Bpague object- fox This wv happen, We size of te objeck mush be os Ye order oF wavelenglh of FR Wave used- To prvduce axShraclion using Wsht, only one shit ys wequired The Condilien TS, SY2@ 0 Wid lh oF Yass o\ik musk be oF Tha order oF wavelength os Vigne. AN type oF waves Can Undergo aiSfrachon. The Amount of arFFaachen produced Vary directs wile We wavelength: So Sound ArfFrack ,moae Yan Vighy Aue to sys longes warelenghh. Lo light, ar S$aaclien is maximum Sox weed and \eask Soe violet- Using \ighY Waves, we Cao produte two type oy ai$$eachions: OD) Fresmal Aiffrachien Heae we Use Nes by light Sources Producing sphea cal wavefronys GD Fraunhoffes dissaachen Here we use Sowaces ab in Ginsty giving planax wave fwnte- : Consiclex @ slik 6 wiclYh Produced between two opage objects. A Source of \ighY oF Wavelength \ is placed in Sony oF i} and let yagi us ‘maging j behind j+ : = Shadow S Tmmage of 6st a) Shaclow streen Vere Arr r»- So AifSaachien eters are Negligible - Ligh do nek bend Gnd \aavels SYaaighhony Shadud ‘ r aityeachion bands Shadow Here Ae p> So light bend aot Ye Cornea of the and hence We gery Aare sand beight Whore Wwe achnally these f2inges doe known So. wheo \igbr Vs allowed lo s, \igby spreads ashes Pavcess is called aif Srachen, Opaque objec Sainges in & aegiuns expect oO shadown: as Aiffrachon Sringes - Pass Ynrough narww sil toning ou of Tha shit This Fravn HOFFER DIFFRACTION Ar ASsymoee sur 7 Consides a narvw Slit of rian ds Boamed welween two opaque objects. A Screen 1s placed bebind We slit ay avaistance D doom We shite A Veh oF wavelength A Comms foem in ginily ave allewed bo fall on this Q Soure at Sli}. Since Source 1S ay infinite, We ingdenr Night says ave Parallel. They Foor & planar wave fron). &Y the posilien of The slik as Shown, 2: A Converging Baga lens of Soca) \ens}h A § is placed rn fant YE OS Ya shiy such Yat screenssay vy Sos Bor Dept This Sens Converges Screen \igh¥ on bore es Scyeen Were Size OF te planax wavesaot AC3 is alsod- Ley us take Sk as parent wave front Now each Point of Yrs pareod qmavesront Can act as $resh Go getuacaay wavefronts Starts Saem ws of Yes Parent wavefraonh ACI3- \ Bive Sources - Aisfereny Po These secondary wavefronts Super pose le Aisfrechon “oands« Qo Aitfaachen 1s dae by ne Superposi Hen of secondary wavefronts slarhing Soom dissereoy posnds of re Same Wavesocnt. Constex & porns P on Tre scaeen as Shown. Huygene use the mevhod ob division ch wavefront Bow ertplaining Me foomalren of dissvaclion. Leb us assume, the Siash Agri (1) 1S formed ay p> To erplain the furmmaben of 18) daak (D), let the Parent wavefank is divided Inyo two equs\ parhs each of syze ala. : Dd) Ay point P Pam argyerence \ : Aye cal = A sing Sos Dy dys & . A sine Ss iow = E i dsin@>d GP ansleog aissacchin conchibien Sox \S¥dbitbaactien ox \$3 dark. Danan Now secondgay wavefoents starts Srem the two parts , Saom poinys Which 42¢ seperaled by a aystante A/a Superpese ay poiny P 40 give the $Siask Agate Nwre- hey Secend Asrk (D2) 1S foamed ay P+ To explain Ye Seamatien oF Secund dark, \er The Parent tavesronh ¥$ Aivded into fuur equal parts path ck size ALA. Now secendary wavesrcnts start Srom Ye Parts , Sem poins Which Gre seperated by a distance Al4 superpose at porny Pp bv Sive Wo Secend dark there - 2 ° AY point p D ays pale d sine ate < % ames AYE Mo fie : a sin = a ah [asinw = an) as Condiim dus 24 B AvSfaachon Agak @ > angle os Aystoachion Sux 274 daok Srmi\arly , the Parent wave frenk behaves 45 ry splits wp ink Syl» erghh - - equal pacts Jo explain the Sormatien 6b ara daric, AM daate- -- + So geoera Yee Gondi Hin Sus drbfeachen minima Is \asinOn = >| yee Coden es j : Afsfaachen dooks On 3 angle of AisSaachon © Sox nth ordex dsdtrachen dsok Gieny laa» , re pareny | wave freoy behaves as oh Sprds equal yards Ww explain wae twp in}n Ynree, Sive - ~~ ae Rpamalin of St baigny, 2A baishh - Cordier $02 Av sfoacen mMarvma If = Ne kp yd +, OF \asintn= @n4)3] of diffrachon basby On angie uf drstacchen 40> nh ordes absfacthin bby @, $64 1ST AsSfracien mimina Wi be Aasdexenk fyem O, Sor \st dit achen mowuim@g and So on. ; DIFFRACTION PATTERN: Por an sdeal InjeaSeaence palyean, an brights Are taken tw be of equal Snkenslg. Buy in AvSfrachen, i} vs nor re Case. For AifSyachien Pavleans, Cenlreal marima has mantimwm injenss)s God widlh Compartda Yo BYwes baighds - ! 1 Bo Centacl martimum Tp To {5 the intensily oF Central martimun , Wen nih_baighk wi be ynhensilo oF fenes So. ze (ant) Lineay wich of Centaal mortimu mn = 2dA - as) 4 Sp Wreay wider Siash Mentimum > DA = Fr ae a Angulas wrdla oS Cenkaal mastimumz 2 Asin” A) yan (in yadian), ats. Anguks with oF fyb Maximum = + G Yn radian) ResoL vin PoWER OF OPTI(AL INSTRUMENTS ~ * a * Acording to soy ophics, We image of a point Obseck formed by an oplhcal instsymeot( Say lens) is a point only. oweves, because of Ine diffrachen ebsechs, pre image of A Single point obyeck formed by @ Circuly lens wi bea bashy central cirules %eGion Surrounded by contentae Aark and lighhS wing ov a diffsallien pallean, When two poiml objechs are clue be each OYhes, Hoss AfSfoachen palteans Soamed by an ophiea\ sestoument Wi be very close ly each othes. ‘In sutha Cace, an oves\apping OF Conse) maxima oF patheans ae ecu ¢ Go thal Me achaumenk may Soil fo Show ein Asshinel images: Then We will Say frat, the instaument Sals to sesolve Vem Resolving powes of an ophea\ eas iste abibls of What inshoumsak be produte aistinctly , Seperate images OF two cluse objechs+ Consvaex two nearby objech gy O\ and Oo, watched oe Aiffexeot ene o1 , Oy fi le ae 2 Tnsrourrent 8 Instrument! has a pooy wesolving Powes as tre cenlacl martimum of 0, @nAo, are overlapping - So we WIN Watch 0, AnA Oy as hogeyhes as acingle obs: Through Instonment 2, Ye dentoal matimym sb ol itachi Paltean of + 15 Spam aba posihien Where the Siosk Gecundary minimum of te oles 1s Soomed. So inshunenh 2 win fsust serolve 0, nd Or. Bul inshowment 3 wel Mesolve Wa objechs AS Aisfrachen Central marimum gre Show well seperated: So two pont objects il) be Jusk Besolved ,wWhen Cenkeel meatier ef oithaachen paltean oF one 16 Formed ab Ine posihen where Ie Hash Setendery Minimum of tre olnea lies - Limit oF RESOLUTION. (Alp) Bape She Sein Angules sepesahin between }wo Bbjechs tweet yequiaed So ned ar up heal sas}eumen Can fuck vesolve Mem is called Wms} oF aesoluhien - 2 adage mye 07 GX Arey TE @ FAO, 01 End by Gre Sara Io Py § be vesolved by thebinshanment Cor human eye, Iimib of vevluhan vs One minube ov L degree. TF \sens} of. vesoluen 16 Small, bo better wil be te instoument: Nu mentally feclvin gs: Panag Limit of vesoluhen fox a betes ophtal msbument, secoluing ‘power mus} be beebt high and limit of ayese\ulien hurd be sma) - eo RESOLMINGD POWER GF MICROSCOPE AND TELESCOPE foo a micavScope Resolving poweas apsine ‘ objeche 17 —_ ech Y~ > Refocchve index of medina aie \Wenif of yesolulion = 22> 2Psinb Pore lelescope Resolving Powes = 2: 22> Lym} cf weselulion = \e22d Dd DD diameter oF objechve lens of lelescere fresneris pistanc® (Ze) eS ae Pyesnels clistance is he Minimum Aistance @ beam of Weby Gomrns fravel bedere obs Aeviahin Sacm Shrargnhline pale becomes signiby can\ So ibys Ne manvmum daAyrance eequsved fox arspractien eifechs jp become visi ble: Zp A ss te Widln of SUb, Yeon S07 & \igh of wa velengh >, wre fresne’s distance vs ony ofa narrow Sh} mush Diameters of pupl of eyes d-\rom Qnd fox a wavelengik Azb006 A, ZR 2 1-610 mam. Bo infveny of a Shh, wpb tre Faecnel's distance, \ight appeas tw teavel chaaight Gnd ray oplics 1s valid - Buk beyond Ihab aArsfaacheo ettects become vis ble and wave oplis 1¢ Wala- Dopprer eFPPCT TN LiGHT : 4 Whenever Yherse 16 G elalive motien between & source of light and observe® ,, Ihe apparanl frequen oF light veceived by observed V5 differeny from ho Fone frequenty of Light emilted actualy Srom Ing Sourte of light- Consider a Arstank stax mowns wilha veloilov and prducing light ef faequenty D7 and wavelensin A> Then $o% Gn observes On earth, the apparanl Srequenty received 1S a De ee 3x10 ms CEQ \ yy -N Ui v= 0 (SS) = pees ee) \ m ; fae ea 9 ; Ay ae Simlarly, change in ee twavieleng hr Dee are t | when star VS fouling Towards earth, Saeqwency 15 Found Ww be meveasing and wavelensth V's weducing - Zs ts Ched blue Shi Sr When lar iS moving away Srem earth, Soeqrency 16 Summa fp be Bedutihg Gro weveleng Yh 1s Incaeasins. TY 15 called ved shidt. Pragati: 0 Polawisalion is not Shown by dl type of waves. Bo Wuygens ware Yuvay Sails lo explain polaaisalin, Polarisation is ernrplarned using elechoe magnehe VWreory . Plwisalion 1s shown only by brancvease waves OF electro magnetic waves+ Longiludina) waves dv nel exhibit polarisation. So Sound Gwook = polarised. According ty ele chao magnelic Yheowy | Soptuslly Perpendiinled Whraling elec and magnehc Sieds Crist ina wegrom, trey Prepagale aS an elecho MASNeKE wave 1m a chrechon Pespenditulss lo boln. Ooly—elecsc_ Heid asiogel Sinte lishh rs an eleckso Magnetic wave, 1b 1S associabed Wilh \lechic ancl magnelc Held Vibsahons- Bubonly Rlechaic eld Vethos agsociated wilh light toaves Conlabule Ophtal Properties Jo ligne. So we Mee lo Consider Ya elecknc field Vethuy Only Sox Explaining polgaischin Contioley orxdinary Wight propagahng in He X ayrvechin. So its Qssocrated elechnc herd vector Wil) have Vibratens 1m all Possible adroechens Pespendiiulas Yo prwepagahen of hight So electnc Herd here wit) have Wibralens in bole Y anck z divechens, Gach a Ughy, Whose Qscucialed elechsic fied veclw has viboahens i more than one diaechens Vs Gied a unpolarised light. So ordrnory light 18 alway s or unpelarised. tin heb euch an unpelanced light yo 4@\\uwed ling Pass through & Crystal as Shown. qTrAnsorssyen Ars Plane Polerised Ighy Uapclansed gh Polar Sex Now fhe emnesging lighh has its elechnic fd Wh rahng In only one aArvechion. Such a \shr Whuse elechac hed vethos has its wibratiens \iembed ba single drsechen Yo Knuwn as & Plane Pelaviced igh} . Here vib eshens Jn IY Aivedhan Which Bre pavallel Wire hansmrnen Ox's of the Cuyshsl Benavr in Ye polavised Wighb- This process in which the vibsahens of eledhaic fieid Mechs are vestiched Yo Single Aisechen foo ligh} 1S called Polarisahon. The Crystal used for Me purpose 16 known OS @ polavisey » Tourmaline Caystal, calcite Crystal, Nicol paism, polavoid sheels ele ag. Some IMPorlany Pelowises Crystals - During pelansaWen, ihtensily of Iigbh seduces The EmMeyZING IbJensils Fmom @ polaases Is always ha) he inJensils of Phe tnesden) Wight, Whatevea be the ange ay which Yra polarises 1s Placed wilh respec Jo Ne Incident lighh- So emergin3 inyensily Soom a polarisea y's independeny of Yee wlalive oaientabion OFM polan'ses win Bespecy YO Mao ircilenk bank - | A plane formed by We Airechen of prpagalien of light and Ve diavechion of wibadlens ob elechacirerd Which remain in Ye Polawsed beam 15 celled plane oF Wbvatien- SO herve sh rs XY Plane. Also a plane foomid by aAirechin ch prepagahon of \shh and he Aivechions OF Wbvahens which are removed ausing Polarnsahen 1S \enown as plave of Polaricahin. Co tere i} 1s Xz Plane. Plane of Polavicalien anol plant of \ibvalien Ore always peapendrtnlat Matus LAW. Leta plare polansed hhgny coming oul OF A polarvises 15 allowal b Pass Thoongh & Coycha lol” Same Sype- Since {ntoming Wanr fs already polasied , Av fur Yt Polarisabion wil) happen, bal sf win be sus analysed by thal Coystal. Such & Crystal is Known at an analyses hek Ye analyser 15 Placecl wilh i}6 toansmision OXIS Making GN Angle © wilh Ine Afeechon of \bvalicn of Rlectrc held of INGmins hghr. t Gna \ysex Polansey The emesging Inkensily Syem an analyser js divectly Procposkcra) fo he Square oF ne Cosine 6 tht angle oF belween the baansmiinen Gout of analysey and Val of sks previews Caysta)- Tdwso of T= To cos 6} Too intensils of tighy Salling onthe Analyser In a Genes 6F caycdals, only ssas} Crystal win be & polarised and atk remaining Cayslals wil be Analysers: Malus law is cpplicable bo Polanses also. Case! T= Toes 02 To Polonsev analyser Weve anus of analyser And polanser a@re poralle) (@= 6) ~ So emerging Mhlensi}5 wile maximum . coger Cases card Yo be Crossed Vere Yo lwo Crysyalt are PoLarisation BY REFLECTION e When unpolarised light is aeflecked Seem a Surface, Yre veflethed Wight may be Complejely Pols asa, Parhally polarised ov unpelarised» Thi Would Depend ont angle of incvdence OFAINEW Let a beam of Wight tenn Which If Unpelansed 15 Coming Yhrough ava. Ib fal\ on te Surfale OF O densey medium of vefrachve mmdex p- Tr gets parhally yetlected anc parbally sessacted, TF we analyse, Ye veslecked Wght Win be Suundl fobe parkally polarysedy TF C40° ov c#ab. Tf werncsease The angle of jnadence, fhe amount oF | Pelansed Components in Yre wetleched hank win glo {neseace- When te angle of fnadence Increases fo G porlitulas walue Cp, He wWSleched lighh wil become Completely polansed. This angle Cp is Called Polarising angle ov Brewster's angle: Taver gncide (ain) fh : ge pull sr angle of wefrachen The vedlected light contain electae fred vWbaahons Which are perpendrculsa Jo the plone of inadlence. The velahve refractive index here wil be numew Cally equal jo tongen) ef he polancihg angle. This ts Knuwn as Brewsheals Jaw. Pracspane here 21 and ap P B, Yo>p At Me polarising angle , ya veslected ancl vedrached Components of ight are feund tobe mutually Perpendicular From Yro Sisure, tps Go+¥ \ge aicp 2a 2 4b cp FD angle of seSrachin

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