Jab We Met

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Aditya Kashyap is a wealthy industrialist struggling with his business and personal life.

With his
company in a bad condition and his girlfriend marrying another man, he becomes depressed and
wanders aimlessly until he boards a train, wanting to get away from his life and thinking of ending his
life. Inside, he meets another passenger, Geet Dhillon, a jovial and talkative girl. Irritated by her
talkativeness, he lashes out at her, but she thinks nothing of it, understanding that he is upset.
During midnight when Geet sees that Aditya has got off the train, she searches him at Barnagar
Station and lets him know the train is leaving but ends up missing it herself. She gets angry on him
and blames him for her missing the train and blackmails him to help her reach her home safely.
Aditya starts running and Geet chases him, till they get into a taxi, whose driver was a calm and
unaffected man by their situation. Aditya decides to drive himself and helps her get to the next
station Ratlam. Geet again misses the train since she was drinking water and not aware that the
train was leaving. When she came out of the station, some goons started following her but did not
harm her in anyway. An unidentified man approaches her and asks her to accompany him (thinking
she is a call girl) but Geet gets afraid. She notices Aditya and befriends him. She forcefully tells
Aditya that she won't leave him alone until he drops her back home. They hire a room till morning at
Hotel Decent (which was run illegally) where Aditya shared with Geet about his heartbreaking
situation. However, police arrive at the hotel and the duo manage to escape the hotel and reach Bus
stand. The duo start their trip to reach Geet's house in Bhatinda. During their trip, they bond and
Aditya begins to feel better, enjoying himself with Geet. At her home, he meets her large family, who
shower him with affection for taking care of Geet and asks him to stay for a week. Geet tells her
sister Roop to elope with Aditya in a playful mood, but Aditya signals Roop not to pay attention to
her. Roop suspected something between Aditya and Geet. However, Geet's family tries to get her
engaged to Manjeet, her childhood friend, but Geet deliberately hugs Aditya to give a belief to
Manjeet that she loves Aditya. Manjeet walks away from there, disheartened. Geet now decides to
run away and she already shared with Aditya about the man she loves, Anshuman. Sure that her
family wouldn’t agree to their marriage, she plans to run away, marry Anshuman, then come back
and beg for forgiveness. That night, when the duo were silently running, Roop notices them and
wakes up the entire family, but till then Aditya and Geet hide on a terrace. Despite trying hard, her
family could not find them and assumes she has eloped with Aditya. The two head to Manali, where
Anshuman lives. She tells Aditya to come to meet Anshuman with her, but Aditya, now in love with
her, bids her farewell to allow her marry Anshuman.
Nine months later, Aditya’s company is now a lot more successful and Aditya is more positive about
life, having been influenced by Geet. He launches a calling card in Geet's name, which her family
notices on TV. Believing Geet and Aditya are together, her uncle angrily confront Aditya, revealing
that Geet has not contacted them for nine months and they have no idea where she is. Baffled by,
Aditya promises that he will bring her back in 9 Days. He travels to Manali to meet Anshuman and
discovers that Anshuman rejected Geet on the day Aditya dropped her off.

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