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Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

A discrete choice experiment applied to the
Scandinavian transboundary Fulufjället National Park
Sviataslau Valasiuk1,2 , Mikołaj Czajkowski1 , Marek Giergiczny1 , Tomasz Zylicz1
, Knut Veisten3 ,
3 3 4
Iratxe Landa Mata , Askill H. Halse , Marine Elbakidze , Per Angelstam 4

Using an economic valuation approach, we assessed people’s stated preferences for policy aimed at enhancing restoration of
functional networks of naturally dynamic boreal forest habitats as a public good. Active landscape restoration can improve
the functionality of boreal forest habitats as green infrastructure, which is essential for biodiversity conservation and delivery
of multiple ecosystem services that production forests are poor at providing. In contrast, so far designation of protected areas
in Fennoscandia has focused on remnant patches of near-natural forests, and not on forest landscape restoration. We assessed
citizens’ preferences for forest landscape restoration in a transboundary region primarily managed for sustained-yield wood
production for the forest industry, and which hosts the transboundary Fulufjället National Parks in Sweden and Norway.
We conducted a discrete choice experiment by asking Swedish and Norwegian citizens to choose among two options for the
Fulufjället area, including (1) extension of passive protection on one side or both sides of the border, by additional area
protection and restoration of forest naturalness, and (2) a status quo option. The scenario assumed that extension of the
protected forest area would imply a compulsory tax administered bilaterally by the two countries. Just over half of the sample,
in both countries expressed willingness to pay for forest landscape restoration. Alternatives that contemplated larger extensions
of forest landscape restoration were assigned higher willingness-to-pay. Public awareness and support, combined with spatial
planning, are necessary for forest landscape restoration to become a viable tool for biodiversity conservation in Scandinavia.
Key words: naturally dynamic boreal forests, passive protection, stated preference valuation, transboundary nature protected
areas, willingness-to-pay

2013a). The core attribute of the term green infrastructure

Implications for Practice
appeared to communicate the need to maintain natural capital
• A stated preference study indicated that restoration of by means of spatial planning (e.g. Thomas & Littlewood 2010;
near-natural forest landscapes is a socially desirable land
Čivić & Jones-Walters 2014). Natural capital highlights the key
management in Scandinavia.
role of maintaining ecosystems that deliver the benefits desired
• Respondents in Sweden and Norway on average stated
positive willingness-to-pay for restoration of naturalness by people (Daily 1997). Sufficient quality, size, and function-
in human-transformed forests adjacent to the transbound- ality of land cover patches are three core features (Angelstam
ary Fulufjället National Parks. et al. 2011). A key tool toward functional green infrastructure
• Scandinavian respondents were willing to pay for forest
landscape restoration on either side of the border, although Author contribution: TZ, SV, KV conceived the study; MC, MG, KV, SV, ILM,
significantly less on the foreign than on the domestic part. AHH, ME, PA designed the survey scenario and questionnaire; MC, SV generated
experimental design, MC, MG, SV analyzed the data; SV, KV wrote the manuscript;
• Willingness-to-pay increased with respect to the extent of MG, PA, ILM, AHH, TZ edited the manuscript.
forest landscape restoration of the domestic segment of the
1 Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Długa 44/50, Warszawa 00-241,
transboundary Fulufjället National Parks.
2 Address correspondence to S. Valasiuk, email
3 Institute of Transport Economics, Gaustadalleen 21, Oslo NO-0349, Norway
4 Faculty of Forest Sciences, School for Forest Management, Swedish University of
Introduction Agricultural Sciences, Forest-Landscape-Society Network, Skinnskatteberg SE-730
21, Sweden
Green infrastructure refers to strategically planned networks of
natural and semi-natural areas, in both rural and urban settings, © 2017 Society for Ecological Restoration
doi: 10.1111/rec.12563
designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem Supporting information at:
services and to conserve biodiversity (European Commission

Restoration Ecology 1
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

is effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representa- landscapes (e.g. Angelstam & Andersson 2001). With few and
tive, and well-connected systems of protected areas that meet fragmented natural areas left, forest landscape restoration is
evidence-based knowledge about how much area needs to be set thus necessary to improve functionality of existing habitats
aside for biodiversity conservation (Angelstam & Andersson toward functional green infrastructure (e.g. Angelstam et al.
2001; Svancara et al. 2005; CBD 2010). The long history of 2011).
natural resources’ use in many European countries clearly Apart from biodiversity conservation per se, a pertinent ques-
points to the need for landscape restoration (e.g. Halme et al. tion concerning landscape restoration toward a functional green
2013) to sustain functional green infrastructure for biodiversity infrastructure is whether nature protection increases human
and human well-being (Dawson et al. 2017). well-being or not. Are individuals/households willing to sacri-
Forest landscape restoration is the process of regaining eco- fice other land use alternatives (forestry, area for snowmobiles,
logical functionality and enhancing human well-being across hunting, etc.) for restoring managed forest areas’ biodiversity,
deforested or degraded forest landscapes (e.g. Mansourian et al. and thus leaving some areas passively protected? Are they at the
2005; Chazdon & Laestadius 2016). A common challenge is to same time willing to pay the costs of such a decision (including
define benchmarks for ecological restoration (Degerman et al. lost profits implied by it)? A considerable part of the remain-
2004; Törnblom et al. 2011; Toledo et al. 2012) and to develop ing pristine nature areas in Europe is located in border areas
effective planning and management approaches based on multi- between two or more countries. Examples of European trans-
level collaboration among sectors and land owners (Angelstam boundary National Park (NP) areas where landscape restora-
et al. 2011; Axelsson et al. 2013). This implies viewing land- tion toward naturalness takes place, are the Thayatal–Podyjí
scapes as coupled human-nature systems, and applying trans- transboundary NP, shared by Austria and the Czech Republic,
disciplinary approaches that integrate academic disciplines and and in the Šumava–Bayerischer Wald transboundary NP, shared
practitioners (Naveh 2005). Such an approach requires diag- by the Czech Republic and Germany (Vasilijević & Pezold
noses of both ecological and social systems (Angelstam et al. 2011). Transboundary regions are particularly interesting with
2013), as well as subsequent proactive spatial planning and man- this respect, as such regions are economically peripheral, and
agement (Elbakidze et al. 2015). thus less intensively managed. At the same time, in such regions
Re-wilding is another term used for landscape restoration a range of interests can be wider (and possibly more conflict-
through passive or active restoration of landscape properties ing), which makes transboundary landscape restoration particu-
(e.g. Gamborg et al. 2010). This concept gained impetus in larly challenging. There is a significant interest among scholars
Europe after the EU introduced measures for curbing agricul- in economic assessment of citizens’ preferences toward public
tural production, e.g. by leaving farmland fallow for tree and environmental goods, and there is a policy interest in learning
grass growth (i.e. the “set aside” or nonintervention approach about these preferences, with a particular interest in how people
in EU policy). Similarly, given sufficient time, also intensively value the nature shared between neighboring nations.
managed forest areas can be transformed back into some The aim of this study is to assess people’s preferences for
semi-natural and, eventually, a near-natural state (Peterken landscape restoration of boreal forests primarily managed for
1996; Rey Benayas et al. 2008), provided that planners and timber production, with the aim to improve the functionality
managers succeed to navigate complex decision-making of green infrastructure. We chose the transboundary Fulufjället
processes (Dawson et al. 2017). (in Swedish), or Fulufjellet (in Norwegian), in northern Europe,
To ensure that natural capital is maintained, forest landscape shared by Sweden and Norway (Zachrisson 2009; Norwegian
restoration efforts need to engage a wide range of stakeholders. Environment Agency 2014). A large part of this area are the two
A key prerequisite for governors’ and managers’ uptake of transboundary Fulufjället NPs that include a boreal forest and
new knowledge is to collaborate with multiple stakeholders alpine heath continuum. In order to improve these NP’s ability
and actors involved in planning and management of green to conserve species, habitats, and natural processes, there is a
infrastructure, including nongovernmental organizations, busi- need for increasing the area of semi-natural forest habitats by
nesses, as well as government agencies and local government passively protecting additional adjacent forest areas under the
units. Given current high rates of land use intensification, NP management regimes.
transport infrastructure development, urbanization, and other Although economic considerations increasingly appear in the
types of landscape change away from naturalness (Halme et al. literature on biodiversity conservation and landscape restoration
2013), it is crucial to provide both policy- and decision-makers (e.g. Crossman & Bryan 2006; Weber & Stewart 2009; Robbins
involved with governance and management of natural resources & Daniels 2012; Schultz et al. 2012; Armsworth 2014), Iftekhar
with analyses of people’s preferences (including those for et al. (2016) noted that “with few exceptions, ecological restora-
landscapes). tion studies that include economics focus solely on evaluating
In Europe’s boreal forest biome, the extent and number of costs of restoration projects.” One of the reasons is that unlike
protected areas has increased considerably over the past century costs, benefits may not be adequately signaled by the market
(Elbakidze et al. 2013). However, systematic analyses of the transactions because citizens’ preference for landscape restora-
amount of different representative natural and semi-natural tion by extension of protected areas may only to a limited extent
ecosystems, and comparison with evidence-based knowl- be signaled by human behavior (Larson 1993). Although pro-
edge about how much area is enough to maintain functional tected areas are being visited by people, this may not reflect the
habitat networks, show that there are severe gaps in boreal forest nonuse (passive use) values they attach to them (Krutilla 1967;

2 Restoration Ecology
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

Carson et al. 1999). Measuring nonuse values is not straightfor- Norway can be explained by their remote location in relation to
ward, as economists cannot refer to people’s actual choices. A centers of economic development (Angelstam et al. 2004). This
widely used method for valuing public goods, particularly those is linked to low human population density, combined with rela-
that people value without the need of direct use (e.g. visits), tively limited physical accessibility from both sides of the bor-
is contingent valuation (Mitchell & Carson 1989). The method der. Thus border areas between countries host valuable nature
is survey-based. A sample of affected population faces a sce- areas, some of which are protected, although often with no for-
nario for some possible change in a public good, e.g. a change mal transboundary management. The area around Fulufjället
in some land use. Then, they are asked if they accept a new pol- mountain is a good example. Humans have not used the land
icy according to which everyone has to pay some amount for the above the tree line (>900 m above sea level) intensively, while
good, such as protecting natural forests, or to choose among pol- the forests at lower altitudes have been used for timber pro-
icy options that may include different levels of area protection, duction. Some areas that are currently not yet used for forestry
or levels of enlargement of protected areas. are adjacent to the NP and would represent candidates for pas-
The latter elicitation format is known as discrete choice sive landscape restoration. Additionally, there is opportunity for
experiments (DCE) (Carson & Czajkowski 2014). DCE have active habitat restoration (e.g. Halme et al. 2013).
gained much popularity in recent years, as they allow respon- Fulufjället is a mountain plateau area situated within the
dents to trade off more elements in a policy choice involving municipalities of Älvdalen in Dalarna County (Sweden) and
biodiversity conservation or other public goods (Carson 2012). Trysil in Hedmark County (Norway). The large core part is
The DCE respondents are presented with hypothetical policy either bare rock or rock overgrown with lichens, and is sur-
scenarios and asked to choose the variant that they prefer most, rounded by near-natural boreal forests on the mountain slopes
given the associated cost to their household budget. Here we and in adjacent valleys. There are remnants of old-growth
use the term “contingent valuation” in line with the nomencla- coniferous forests, which host rare and endangered species,
ture in stated preference research, as suggested by Carson and also including large mammal carnivores (PAN Parks 2009;
Louviere (2011); the term “contingent valuation” is independent Länsstyrelsen Dalarna 2011; Norwegian Environment Agency
of the preference elicitation method used, so it encompasses 2014). On the Swedish side, Fulufjället NP was established in
both open-ended questions and close-ended choice questions 2002 (Naturvårdsverket 2002). This provided an impetus for
(including DCE). Previous studies have applied DCE to land- Norway to establish the adjacent Fulufjellet NP on their side of
scape restoration in several different land cover types. Christie the border in 2012 (DN 2012; Miljøverndepartementet 2012).
et al. (2006) valued restoration of natural grassland habitats The two adjacent NPs at the border between Norway and
in United Kingdom, and Dallimer et al. (2015) applied DCE Sweden (see Fig. 1) have not yet been presented or promoted as
to natural grassland restoration in three European countries. a transboundary protected area. Instead, each country presents
Hoyos et al. (2012) applied DCE to the assessment of land- its own protected area (Länsstyrelsen Dalarna 2006; Norwegian
scape restoration in a Natura 2000 site in the Basque country, Environment Agency 2014). The larger Swedish part, 385 km2 ,
Spain. Regarding forests, Meyerhoff et al. (2009) assessed a has a well-established zoning system comprising four zones:
field-to-forest conversion program in Lower Saxony, Germany, (1) a wilderness zone (see category I of IUCN, in Dudley
and Liekens et al. (2013) valued forest restoration on former 2008); (2) a low-intensity activity zone; (3) a high-intensity
agriculture land in Belgium. activity zone (both zones 2 and 3 would probably fall into
In this study, we fill the gap in terms of valuation of benefits of category II of IUCN); and (4) a development zone (category
boreal forest landscape restoration. We therefore surveyed sam- V of IUCN). The latter zone includes the major NP entrance
ples of the Swedish and Norwegian human populations, apply- with car parking, cafeteria, and a visitor center, and trails to
ing choice experiments. A total of 2,531 individuals were asked Sweden’s tallest waterfall (Länsstyrelsen Dalarna 2006). The
to choose among two options for the Fulufjället area, namely NP in Norway was established without zoning, and covers a
(1) extension of the NP, on one side or both sides of the border, considerably smaller area (86 km2 ). As most Norwegian NPs, it
as specified in the choice experiment task, and (2) the status is not designated as a “visitor park” (Haukeland 2011), but aims
quo option. The scenario explained that NP extension would at nature protection. The entrance to the NP on the Norwegian
imply costs for the respondents in the form of a compulsory tax side, a relatively small and simple gate structure at Storbekkåsen
administered bilaterally by the two countries for a 5-year period. without other visitor facilities, was established in the years
To our knowledge, this study represents the first stated prefer- after the NP designation. The connection with a larger Swedish
ence study valuing forest landscape restoration for boreal biodi- protected area was important for the establishment of the NP on
versity conservation and human well-being in a transboundary the Norwegian side (Miljøverndepartementet 2012).
protected area. In general, the nature protection regime in Swedish and
Norwegian NPs allows very limited infrastructure and normally
bans motorized transport. Forests within both NP areas are
Methods dominated by old-growth stands, and logging is banned other
than for safety and maintenance of trails (Naturvårdsverket
Study Site 2002; Miljøverndepartementet 2012). The forest areas around
Like in many other countries of Europe, the remnants of natu- the Fulufjället and Fulufjellet NPs range from semi-natural
rally dynamic forest areas along the border between Sweden and forest (particularly in the areas with lowest wood productivity

Restoration Ecology 3
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

Figure 1. Fulufjället/Fulufjellet map. National border with dash dot line. Shaded areas indicate possible park extensions, as presented in the CE survey

and/or low accessibility) to forests managed to provide raw review and collection of information from NP administrations
material for the forest industry. A recent analysis of green (particularly for the Norwegian side through the County Gov-
infrastructure functionality stressed the need for improved forest ernor of Hedmark, as the NP assignment was very recent);
protection and landscape restoration in this region (Angelstam besides, an interdisciplinary workshop was arranged, in late
& Andersson 2013). November 2013. The workshop gathered experts on the ecosys-
Forestry was traditionally an important local industry on tem of the area, on NP management, and economic valuation
both sides of the border. On the Norwegian side, relatively of nature preservation and restoration in order to frame the
large old-growth forest areas around Fulufjellet were cut as valuation study into a wider interdisciplinary context. A draft
recently as around 1990, after Statskog SF, the Norwegian of the questionnaire, in English (see final English version of the
state-owned land and forestry enterprise, bought the forest area questionnaire in Appendix S1, Supporting Information) was
from a private Swedish owner (H. Ch. Gjerlaug 2013, Hed- developed in 2014. The questionnaire consisted of five parts,
mark County Fylkesmannen, Hamar, personal communication). namely (1) introductory questions, (2) scenario, (3) DCE, (4)
On the Swedish side, despite increase in protected areas and debriefing block of attitudinal questions, and (5) a block of
voluntary set-asides, habitat network functionality declined by questions on respondent’s socioeconomic characteristics.
35–42% from 2002 to 2012 (Angelstam & Andersson 2013). In early 2015, the adjusted questionnaire version in Swedish
In both countries, there was some local opposition to NP and Norwegian languages was tested in focus group sessions
creation (Wallsten 2003; Blanco & Fedreheim 2011), includ- (Krueger & Casey 2015), one in Stockholm and one in Oslo,
ing representatives of forestry, reindeer husbandry, and indus- both including seven participants. The focus group participants
trial tourism interests. However, in Sweden, local support has indicated that the presentation of passive protection, that is
grown after the NP was established (Zachrisson 2009; Wallsten gradual restoration of structures, such as standing and lying dead
2012). Currently, nature protection within this transboundary wood, multilayered tree vegetation, and of large and old trees
area implies challenges. For example, the existence of different in “production forest” adjacent to natural forest remnants, was
management regulations at each side of the border affects, as somewhat demanding. The recommended solution was stepwise
well as the development of infrastructure for recreational activ- introduction of key concepts, and applying more illustrations
ities such as appropriate transboundary trails. and fewer words. The focus group participants also called for
more clarifications of the choices among different options of
extending the passive protection of forests.
Questionnaire Development
After initial assessment of the Fulufjället area for forest land- Scenario and Experimental Design
scape restoration, a questionnaire draft was developed in The main idea of the survey scenario was the spatial expansion
2013–2014. The survey preparation phase included literature of the passive protection on the adjacent areas to the Fulufjället

4 Restoration Ecology
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

Figure 2. Choice card visualization example.

and Fulufjellet NPs, in order to restore natural dynamic forest forest habitats. Hence, any square kilometer, contemplated for
ecosystems remnant “islands” and improve functional and struc- additional passive protection was presented as identical from
tural connectivity of intact forest habitats for species. On the the perspective of the program goals, regardless of its particular
Norwegian side, a proposed extension of the protected forest location.
area could comprise the Bergåa river valley, which would link In addition to protected area expansions, the DCE also
the small Fregn Nature Reserve (4 km2 ) to Fulufjellet NP. On included a cost attribute for enabling monetary valuation of
the Swedish side, the Fulan river valley, to the east of Fulufjäl- the choices. Financial costs are involved in the NP designa-
let NP, is also a forest area relatively intensively managed for tion/expansion process, a considerable part being administrative
wood production, while Lillådalen to the northwest of Fulufjäl- work and consultations, but also remuneration of landowners
let NP is already designated a Nature Reserve (E. Zuñiga 2014, for the future loss of income from forest harvesting because
Fulufjället NP, Mörkret, personal communication). of the protection regime establishment. The existence of such
In the scenario presented to the samples of citizens, four costs and compensations are assumed either known or being
possible sizes of protected area extension (attribute levels) were perceived as comprehensible/realistic for survey respondents,
introduced, namely 0 km2 , 20 km2 , 40 km2 , 60 km2 , on both thus representing a credible cost attribute (“payment vehicle”).
sides of the border. These attribute levels were visualized and A bilateral Swedish-Norwegian fund would administer tax
verbalized in a manner facilitating correct scale perception by payments from the citizens during a 5-year period, and it would
the respondents (for instance, 40 km2 extension attribute was coordinate the extension of the protected area on both sides of
said to be equal in area to the square plot of land with the side the border.
of about 6.3 km, and so on). An additional textbox described Next, the respondents faced 16 choice tasks, which always
how these levels of extension could be located in the three included the status quo option of no change (and no costs),
yellow-marked areas adjacent to the NP related to the specific together with one, two, or three alternatives describing the size
areas on the Fulufjället map (Fig. 1). of NP extension (20, 40, or 60 km2 ) on both the Swedish and
To simplify the respondents’ choice experiment task, they Norwegian sides; and the annual tax cost to the respondent
were informed that as a result of passive protection introduc- (see Fig. 2). Every respondent was asked to indicate for each
tion, near-natural forests would be restored in some 200 years choice task the best option from his/her point of view. Cost
in any particular direction from the two adjacent NPs. In the attributes of the choice tasks (or bids) were suggested for the
future, the restored areas would thus have the same biodi- pilot survey with respect to the factor of purchasing power
versity conservation potential as existing protected areas in parity (PPP) in order to maintain equality of the choice task
terms of providing natural forest habitat for rare and endan- conditions for citizens of the both countries involved. The bids
gered species. Therefore, all possible areas of extension were have been denominated in national currency units in NOK and
assumed to be of uniform restoration value as future natural SEK, respectively.

Restoration Ecology 5
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

Survey Administering and Sample

Uijt = 𝜎i ai cijt + 𝜎i b′i Xijt + 𝜀ijt (2)
The questionnaires were adapted to an internet-consistent for-
mat (CAWI), and pilot-tested in September and October 2015, Note that due to the ordinal nature of utility, this specification
with a sample of 458 Swedes and 282 Norwegians with the help still represents the same preferences as (1) does. The estimates
of existing internet panels. As the questionnaire was found to 𝜎 i ai and 𝜎 i bi do not have direct interpretation, but if interpreted
work well in the pilot, it was carried over to the main survey in relation to each other, the scale coefficient 𝜎 i cancels out.
without further changes, except that the design of the choice Given the interest in establishing estimates of WTP for the non-
attribute levels was adjusted in order to improve statistical monetary attributesXijt , it is convenient to introduce the follow-
efficiency. As the main survey, carried out in November and ing modification which is equivalent to using a money-metric
December 2015, comprised 889 Swedes and 902 Norwegians, utility function (also known as estimating the parameters in the
the sample used for subsequent analyses comprises in total WTP space; Train & Weeks 2005):
1,347 Swedes and 1,184 Norwegians. The computer-assisted
web interviews (CAWI) survey was hosted by IQS Sp. z o.o.
( )
(, a Polish internet panel agency, b′ ( )
which applied a quota sampling based on households’ geo- Uijt = 𝜎i ai cijt + i Xijt + 𝜀ijt = 𝜆i cijt + 𝜷 ′i Xijt + 𝜀ijt
graphical distribution within the country, as well as the edu- (3)
cational level. Table S1 provides descriptive statistics of the Note that under this specification, the vector of parameters 𝜷 i
datasets from both countries. is now scale-free and can be directly interpreted as a vector of
implicit values for the attributes, Xijt . All the reported discrete
Econometric Analyses
choice models have been estimated in the WTP space.
The utility function specified in this study included six
The status quo alternative meaning no extension of the trans- dummy-coded variables associated with the levels of spatial
boundary NP area, was the respondent’s best choice in about extension of the passive protection domestically and abroad, the
46% of the choice tasks in the Swedish sample and in about continuous monetary cost variable, and an alternative-specific
45% in the Norwegian sample. Moreover, 28% of the Norwe- constant for the status quo. In the MXL model we accounted
gians and 24% of the Swedes consistently chose status quo for the panel-structure of data, a normal distribution for the
in all the 16 choice tasks. With the purpose of identification nonmonetary random parameters, and log-normally distributed
of protesters, that is respondents who for some reasons under- cost coefficient. The negative cost parameter was assumed
state their true willingness-to-pay (WTP) and therefore bias the log-normally distributed to impose the theory-driven restric-
modeling results (Fonta et al. 2010), additional questions were tion that marginal utility of money is positive. Finally, we
asked about the motivation of systematically choosing status note that all parameters were allowed to be freely correlated.
quo. After removal of protesters (those indicating that it is the The model was estimated using maximum simulated likelihood
government who must finance nature restoration programs, not techniques, using 10,000 shuffled Sobol draws. The models
them), the dataset (main surveys plus pilots) was reduced to were estimated in Matlab. The software used here (estimation
1,000 Norwegian respondents and 1,166 Swedish respondents; package for DCE data) is available at
while status quo alternative in the protesters-free sample was DCE under CC BY 4.0 license. The dataset, additional results,
picked as a respondents’ best choice in about 35 and 38% of and estimation codes are available from
choice tasks, respectively. supplementary-materials.
The subsequent econometric analyses followed the random
utility theory (McFadden 1974), which assumes that the utility
a person derives depends on observed characteristics and unob-
served idiosyncrasies, represented by a stochastic component.
As a result, individual i’s utility resulting from choosing alter- Table 1 presents the estimation results using the two national
native j in choice set can be expressed as: sets (Norwegian and Swedish) based on every respondent’s 16
choices between status quo option and various options involving
Vijt = ai cijt + b′i Xijt + eijt (1) NP extensions (also known as program alternatives). The MXL
model was estimated in WTP-space, and therefore all model
where the utility expression is assumed additively separable in coefficients can readily be interpreted as marginal WTP for
the cost of the alternative, cijt , and other attributes, Xijt ; ai and bi attribute levels. Although the respondents faced costs denom-
denote estimable parameters; and eijt is a stochastic component inated in their own currency (2015-kroner, SEK or NOK),
allowing for factors not observed by the econometrician to affect the modeling results are given in tens of EUR (2015) using
individuals’ utility and choices. It should be emphasized that ai PPP-weighted exchange rate for Swedish kroner (SEK) and
and bi are individual-specific, thus allowing for heterogeneous Norwegian kroner (NOK), with the average exchange rates of
preferences among respondents and leading to a mixed logit 2014 and PPP adjustment based on the 2014 gross domes-
model (MXL; Train 2003). Normalization of the variance of the tic product per capita. Our model assumes that all parame-
stochastic component of the utility function (eijt ) leads to the ters, except for the cost, are normally distributed and hence the
following specification: estimate of mean and standard deviation are provided. Highly

6 Restoration Ecology
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

statistically significant standard deviations obtained for all the restoration actions, aggregated annual WTP of Sweden and Nor-
program attributes in both country-specific MXL models com- way (all for themselves) can be compared to the total WTP
municate that the data exhibits considerable heterogeneity of (international cooperation). If the citizens of Norway only paid
preferences. Table 1 presents the parameters of the underlying for the extension of the park in Norway, and the citizens of
normal distribution, in tens of EUR. Sweden only paid for the extension of the park in Sweden, the
All the estimated model’s parameters are consistent with a aggregated WTP would be substantially lower than the aggre-
priori expectations. Parameters of the means for the status quo gated WTP resulting from implementing a joint international
are negative and significant, indicating that on average respon- program. This result illustrates the earlier finding that respon-
dents prefer implementing the extension to keeping the status dents in one country are also WTP for the extensions in the other
quo, irrespective of the scale of the extension. The parameters country. Once this effect is taken into account, the estimated
of all extension-specific dummy variables are positive, highly social welfare from extending the park is clearly higher. We
significant, and they are increasing in the size of the extended acknowledge, however, that considering the uncertainty asso-
NP area. Therefore, both samples are, on average, willing to ciated with these estimates, the differences are not statistically
depart from the status quo and willing to pay positive amounts significant.
of money for the implementation of the contemplated landscape
restoration programs, implying passive protection and restora-
tion of the forests adjacent to the existing NPs. Although respon- Discussion
dents generally prefer extensions of the park on their side of
the border, they also express positive WTP for extensions on Forest Landscape Restoration Is Socially Desirable
the other side of the border—all the appropriate coefficients are The results obtained for Norway and Sweden were similar. Just
positive and statistically significant. over half of Norwegians and Swedes were willing to pay for
Table S2 presents the estimated correlation coefficients of the passive protection toward forest landscape restoration by
parameter estimates. We found that respondents who prefer allowing natural aging of forest stands of additional areas adja-
some level of extension typically are also in favor of other scale cent to existing NPs—including those previously transformed
of extensions, while disapprove the status-quo (SQ) option. by humans. Selecting areas for restoration of forest naturalness
WTP for extensions within one’s country are more strongly adjacent to an existing protected area may result in a positive
correlated with each other, than with extensions abroad, but feedback loop. Liekens et al. (2013) found that “developing a
they remain positive and relatively high. However, respondents nature area adjacent to an existing nature area increases WTP”
who prefer extensions in their country, also have relatively (p. 556).
higher WTP for extensions abroad, and more negative WTP Additionally, over 60% of the respondents answered
associated with the SQ option. These results were consistent in positively to the explicit question (asked before the choice
both countries. experiment) about support for spatially extended protection
Assuming that the preferences, stated by surveyed samples of of Fulufjället. Therefore, passive protection of transboundary
Norwegians and Swedes reflect the preferences of general pop- forests aimed at forest landscape restoration is a socially desir-
ulation of Norway and Sweden, respectively, aggregated annual able land management option by many citizens to improve
WTP for forest landscape restoration of the Fulufjället area has green infrastructure functionality in Norway and Sweden. The
been simulated for various forest restoration programs. Table 2 estimated average WTP would most probably be sufficient to
presents aggregated mean WTP (in millions of EUR) for vari- indemnify the loss of the current land use and financing the
ous combinations of extensions in the two countries. Note that management of the extended bilateral NP area.
because the parameters are correlated, the aggregated WTP for a At the same time, less than half the samples of Norwe-
policy is not a simple sum of marginal WTP. We used Small and gian and Swedish citizens picked the status quo as their best
Rosen (1981) formula and simulation approach similar to Cza- option. In a similar survey of samples of Poles and Belaru-
jkowski et al. (2014) to calculate WTP for 15 possible extension sians about passively protecting larger shares of the transbound-
programs. WTPs for the particular programs were multiplied ary Białowieza ̇ Forest, the status quo option was picked as
by the voter turnout record from the recent national elections respondents’ best choice in the majority of choice tasks they
(held in the years 2013 and 2014, respectively), because the lat- faced (Valasiuk et al. 2017). In a study about public attitudes
ter seem to be good proxies for the total adult population in toward forest landscape restoration by re-wilding in Switzer-
between the national censuses in the countries under considera- land, Bauer et al. (2009) estimated an approximately 50-50 divi-
tion. Appropriate numbers of adult individuals were 7,614,029 sion of wilderness proponents and wilderness opponents. In
for Sweden and 3,655,788 for Norway (IDEA 2014). The aggre- Scandinavia, opposition against the ideas of landscape restora-
gated annual WTPs range from EUR100 to EUR200 million tion aimed at increased naturalness (cf. Peterken 1996) has pri-
in Norway, and from EUR150 to EUR270 million in Sweden. marily been related to re-wilding by conservation of large preda-
These are substantial amounts that could easily outweigh the tors (Ericsson & Heberlein 2003; Broberg & Brännlund 2008),
costs of introducing extensions of passive protection, including or de-domestication by introducing large herbivores (Gamborg
the foregone benefits of land users in Fulufjället. et al. 2010).
Finally, in order to examine social desirability of trans- An important aspect of the theoretical validity of the results
boundary cooperation compared to the unilateral natural forest is that WTP increased with increasing area of NP extension

Restoration Ecology 7
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

Table 1. The MXL model results (WTP-space, EUR @ PPP). *** Significant at the 1% level; ** Significant at the 5% level; * Significant at the 10% level.

Norway Sweden
Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
(standard error) (standard error) (standard error) (standard error)

Status-quo (SQ) −24.53*** (0.82) 54.45*** (2.81) −16.76*** (0.36) 69.50*** (2.46)
NO + 20 km2 13.48*** (0.58) 19.95*** (0.98) 2.67*** (0.30) 16.05*** (1.09)
NO + 40 km2 20.26*** (0.59) 33.05*** (1.44) 3.39*** (0.43) 22.49*** (1.25)
NO + 60 km2 22.76*** (0.64) 45.18*** (1.73) 2.75*** (0.47) 28.79*** (1.20)
SE + 20 km2 4.47*** (0.48) 11.53*** (0.74) 12.41*** (0.46) 17.33*** (1.03)
SE + 40 km2 6.62*** (0.59) 15.33*** (0.82) 15.87*** (0.43) 30.81*** (1.32)
SE + 60 km2 5.91*** (0.71) 20.62*** (0.88) 16.40*** (0.54) 39.92*** (1.53)
Cost 0.43*** (0.06) 1.49*** (0.06) 0.52*** (0.06) 1.71*** (0.06)
Model diagnostics
Log-likelihood (LL) function at convergence −9,562.45 −11,031.74
Log-likelihood (LL) function at constant(s) only −17,276.36 −20,010.45
McFadden’s pseudo-R2 0.4465 0.4487
Ben–Akiva–Lerman’s pseudo-R2 0.5883 0.5947
Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)/n 1.2000 1.1866
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)/n 1.2211 1.2051
n (observations) 16,011 18,668
r (respondents) 1,001 1,167
k (parameters) 44 44

Table 2. Aggregated annual mean WTP for the extension of passive protection (million EUR @ PPP; 95% confidence interval in parentheses). *** Significant
at the 1% level; ** Significant at the 5% level; * Significant at the 10% level.

SE + 0 km2 SE + 20 km2 SE + 40 km2 SE + 60 km2

Norwegian WTP
NO + 0 km2 – 106.16*** (91.39;122.28) 113.97*** (97.54;130.82) 111.56*** (93.98;128.90)
NO + 20 km2 138.96*** (122.21;157.36) 155.46*** (136.86;175.76) 163.06*** (143.20;184.10) 160.49*** (139.42;183.74)
NO + 40 km2 163.63*** (144.27;184.34) 180.20*** (159.20;202.62) 187.74*** (164.88;212.08) 185.30*** (161.31;210.25)
NO + 60 km2 172.98*** (150.76;197.00) 189.59*** (165.47;214.65) 196.94*** (171.81;222.95) 194.47*** (168.09;221.55)
Swedish WTP
NO + 0 km2 – 222.34*** (182.91;263.85) 248.13*** (203.78;295.73) 252.54*** (203.46;303.51)
NO + 20 km2 148.53*** (109.07;188.82) 243.22*** (195.34;291.73) 268.33*** (216.55;323.16) 272.54*** (215.75;331.08)
NO + 40 km2 153.76*** (111.12;196.86) 248.41*** (197.10;301.11) 274.24*** (217.94;331.25) 278.55*** (216.69;340.10)
NO + 60 km2 149.05*** (102.45;195.37) 243.36*** (189.44;299.51) 269.50*** (210.05;329.39) 273.63*** (210.55;338.52)
Total WTP (all for themselves)
NO + 0 km2 – 222.34*** (182.91;263.85) 248.13*** (203.78;295.73) 252.54*** (203.46;303.51)
NO + 20 km2 138.96*** (122.21;157.36) 361.30*** (344.55;379.70) 387.09*** (370.34;405.49) 391.49*** (374.75;409.90)
NO + 40 km2 163.63*** (144.27;184.34) 385.97*** (366.61;406.67) 411.76*** (392.41;432.47) 416.17*** (396.81;436.87)
NO + 60 km2 172.98*** (150.76;197.00) 395.32*** (373.09;419.33) 421.11*** (398.89;445.13) 425.52*** (403.29;449.53)
Total WTP (international cooperation)
NO + 0 km2 – 328.49*** (274.30;386.13) 362.10*** (301.31;426.55) 364.10*** (297.44;432.42)
NO + 20 km2 287.49*** (231.28;346.18) 398.68*** (332.20;467.49) 431.39*** (359.76;507.26) 433.03*** (355.17;514.82)
NO + 40 km2 317.40*** (255.40;381.20) 428.61*** (356.30;503.73) 461.98*** (382.82;543.33) 463.85*** (3,780;550.35)
NO + 60 km2 322.03*** (253.20;392.37) 432.95*** (354.91;514.16) 466.44*** (381.85;552.34) 468.10*** (378.65;560.07)

(Carson & Mitchell 1993). Indeed, the program alternatives Netusil (2001) found bell-shaped patterns for the valuation of
that contemplated bigger extensions of passively protected area urban parks and natural areas.
on domestic segment of the transboundary Fulufjället mountain However, for neither national segment did WTP exhibit strict
were systematically assigned higher WTP. The bell-shaped linearity: WTP per square kilometer with both Norwegian and
preference structure manifested for the foreign segments by Swedish respondents decreases in the additional area of pas-
both national samples might point at satiation of appropriate sive protection, contemplated by the program. The decreasing
preferences at some finite level of spatial protection. Moreover, value per unit when increasing the scope, or scale, of protec-
bell-shaped preferences for preserving nature can actually be tion is well known from former valuation studies (Rollins &
found in the literature, also for countable attributes (scales) Lyke 1998; Veisten et al. 2004) and might be explained with
similar to those we applied; for instance, Lutzenhiser and the decreasing marginal utility derived by respondents from

8 Restoration Ecology
Is forest landscape restoration socially desirable?

additional units of the good under consideration, which is visitors, and do not participate in non-governmental organiza-
consistent with economic theory. tion initiatives. Additionally, evidence-based ecological knowl-
A substantial part of both nationalities was willing to finance edge about biodiversity conservation targets (e.g. Müller &
forest restoration and the NP extension at the other side of Bütler 2010), assessment of green infrastructure functionality
the border. This resulted in positive and significant WTP for by spatial analyses (e.g. Elbakidze et al. 2016), and approaches
the spatially extended passive protection of the foreign part of as well as opportunities to spatial planning (Angelstam et al.
Fulufjället thus setting the preferences mutually cooperative. 2011; Blicharska et al. 2011; Elbakidze et al. 2015) are needed.
However, the coefficients with the extension of the foreign part
of the contiguous binational NP area were much lower than for
the domestic one, and the tendency was the same for Norwe- Acknowledgments
gians and Swedes. Therefore, respondents seemed to derive (on The study has been carried out within the framework of TRAN-
average) higher utility from extension of a protection regime of PAREA project (, financed by
an additional square kilometer of their domestic part than from the Programme CORE of the Polish-Norwegian Research
the equal extension in the foreign part of the transboundary NP Co-Operation, which is administered by the National Cen-
area. This finding is consistent with the literature, as Dallimer tre for Research and Development (NCBiR), Warsaw. The
et al. (2015) compared preference for nature restoration on contributions of Per Angelstam and Marine Elbakidze were
domestic and foreign areas, finding that WTP was higher for funded by the Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas [grant number
the domestic program. However, their study did not involve 2011-1737] to Per Angelstam. Mikołaj Czajkowski gratefully
transboundary nature areas. Difference in WTP for domestic acknowledges the support of the Polish Ministry of Science and
and foreign parts of the transboundary area can be underpinned Higher Education. The authors are grateful to the participants
with some form of strategic or protest behavior of the respon- of the project workshops and field trips as well as to the two
dents. However, accounting for the variety of potential reasons anonymous reviewers for their valuable contribution.
for such a behavior deserves a separate in-depth analysis.
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Planning Practice & Research 25:203–222 The following information may be found in the online version of this article:
Toledo M, Poorter L, Peña-Claros M, Alarcón A, Balcázar J, Leaño C, Licona
JC, Llanque O, Vroomans V, Zuidema PA, Bongers F(2012) Driving Appendix S1. The survey questionnaire.
factors of forest growth: a reply to Ferryet al. (2012). Journal of Ecology Table S1. Descriptive statistics for socio-economic characteristics of the sample.
100:1069 – 1073 Table S2. Estimated correlation coefficients of WTP for respective attribute levels.

Coordinating Editor: Eric Higgs Received: 1 October, 2016; First decision: 9 December, 2016; Revised: 7 May,
2017; Accepted: 10 June, 2017

Restoration Ecology 11

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