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Project 1

Topics for Blogs

a. Ayurvedic benefits of Tea (types of tea as mentioned in the menu attached)
b. Health benefits of different types of Tea
c. Health benefits of Kullhad (or having tea in kullhad)
d. Recipe of different types of tea
e. Illustration of different types of tea
e. Top 10 places to visit Indore. Include Chai Sutta Bar in the list. (Can be done for
every city where the Chai Sutta Bar outlets are present)
f. Publishing the recipes sent by customers in the ‘Aaj Kuch tea-fani’ challenge
g. Asking people to share their favorite memories at CSB and making a blog on that.
h. Making a list of how people can spend time in lockdown
i. Ask people to share their favorite memory related to ‘Chai’ and make a blog on
j. A blog on how CSB helps the Kulhad making community
k. A blog on social activities of CSB
l. A blog about how CSB is a good employer and share experiences of employees
from management to in-store staff
m. A blog on our happy franchisee owners
n. 10 best businesses to invest in

Please choose any 1 topic out of the above mentioned or any other of your choice relevant to Chai Sutta
Bar and the food industry.
Chai Sutta Bar is introducing a ‘blog’ tab on its website. Please write good content for the same on the
topic chosen.
Please be thorough with your work. Do read articles and blogs before going ahead with the actual writing.
Avoid plagiarism. You are given one week for this task. (Deadline: 16.05.2020 EOD)
Please contact us if you have any query. This is an individual task.
Making a list of how people can spend time in lockdown
-Gourav Shrivastava

Lockdown, a term which was used before as a sign that a country is at war, or the situation
outside is quite dangerous to go, but today, even though its sill dangerous to go out, but we are
not at war, at least not with a country or a group or a person, but an intangible force, a virus.
Almost the whole globe is hit by a pandemic called “Corona Virus” or “Covid-19”, a virus
whose source is still not clear, its long term implications are not known, and its cure is beyond
our medical science’s capability. Due to which most of the countries around the world had no
option other than applying lockdown, to save the citizens from this influenza, that too without
any end date.

This pandemic has totally changed the world as we ever knew it, it made us realize how pity we
are, how ignorant we are, how weak is our medical science, how useless is our materialistic
aspirations, this phase of life has totally broken the barrier between the rich and the poor, a
beggar or maybe the Prime Minister of the country, it affected us all, and it affected us real bad.
But this is not the end, we hope
many people will consider the year 2020 as a bane, but at your end you can still try to convert it
into boon. A proper analysis of the situation becomes very important, many people has lost many
things, their families, friends, their jobs, well of course not all the losses are recoverable since we
don’t have “Reset” or “Ctrl+Z” button in our lives. So, as life never stops, neither should we.

This is the time we should try to spend time on those things which we always wanted to do, but
never got time from our daily routines, work on our hobbies, . So let’s talk about the things
which every person should try to learn in this lockdown

Cooking – A 30-40 days lockdown won’t make you a Master Chef like Gordon Ramsay, or it
maybe ? never know. But it will definitely make to you at least survive in tough times, this
will not only help you, but also your family, you will have one more thig to help them with,
whenever required.

Workout – Oh! I don’t have time to go to gym, well now you have. But unfortunately gyms are
also locked down. But you can to some basic exercises at your home only like push-ups, chin-
ups, squats, planks etc. What better than YouTube in searching the exercises, it will definitely
help you to stay fit, as because of lockdown we are barely moving our body for any physical

Love your computer - Thanks to the IT Infrastructure of our country, which helped a lot in
continuous working of our economy in tough times. People in most of the companies were
working from home, which make the companies realize that how effective it would be for the
companies to ask their employees work from home only, and it is expected that the situation post
covid might stays the same, employees of most of the companies might be working from home.
Hence it would be better for people to adapt to the new technology as soon as possible.

Reading – Reading a book not only increases your knowledge but also tests how determined you
are towards a particular task. It helps in enhancing your memory, reduces stress, increases your
vocabulary and command on language. So what are you waiting for? Just pick a book and start
reading it

Plantation – Plantation at your home will not only make the environment clean, but it is also
found in various studies that it makes you feel good. And these tough times what else do you
need, which can make you feel good.

And I were to end it in Tony Stark’s way I would say that, after this pandemic ends I hope
families are reunited, I hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has
been restored. If there ever was such a thing.

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