History Taking About Appendicitis

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Dida : Assalammualaikum Wr Wb
I’m dr. dida, please sit down. What is your name?
Rijal : I’m Rijal
Dida : how old are you?
Rijal : I’m 30
Dida : where is your address?
Rijal : Genuk Indah Semarang
Dida : what is your job?
Rijal : I’m tailor

Dida : what has the problem been?

Rijal : pain in the stomach
Dida : when did the problem start?
Rijal : 2 days ago
Dida : can you tell me, how was it start?
Rijal : suddenly my body is hot and my stomach hurts.
Dida : where is the pain?
Rijal : in the belly button
Dida : does the pain go anywhere else?
Rijal : yes doc, in the lower right abdomen
Dida : okey, what’s the pain like?
Rijal : sharp pain
Dida : do you get it all the time or only intermittent?
Rijal : only intermittent
Dida : does it interfere with your activities?
Rijal : very annoying when I work
Dida : what make it worse?
Rijal : when I do work or when after eating
Dida : what make it better?
Rijal : when I rest and bow
Dida : does it come with any other symptoms?
Rijal : sometimes I feel nauseous, headache
Dida : did you feel limp?
Rijal : ofcourse sir, I had no appetite
Dida : what medicines have you tried?
Rijal : nothing, I’m just take a rest

Dida : have you had similar symptomps before?

Rijal : no
Dida : have you ever had major surgery?
Rijal : no
Dida : who is at home?
Rijal : my wife and my son
Dida : does anyone in your family have a serious illness?
Rijal : no
Dida : or maybe with your friend? Your neighbour?
Rijal : I think everyone is fine
Dida : how about your home environment?
Rijal : yesterday it was flooded
Dida : do you drink alcohol?
Rijal : yes
Dida : do you smoke cigarettes?
Rijal : yes doc
Dida : for a while, you are suspected of having appendicitis. To be sure, a supporting examination
will be carried out. Any question?
Rijal : no doc
Dida : ok, get well soon
Rijal : thank you

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