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Class : My First Grammar 2

Name : Midterm Exam (Units 1 ~ 3) Score : / 100

A. Choose and write.

1. You (am / are) ________________ singers.

2. I see a bird. (A / The) ___________________ bird is in the bird cage.

3. He has (some / a) ______________________ cookies.

4. (Who / Whose) _____________________ socks are they?

5. A car is (big / bigger)__________________ than a bike.

B. Circle the correct answer.

6. There is ice.
a  some  any

7. That is _______________ bag.

 John  Johns  John’s

8. You ____________ a nurse.

 don’t  aren’t  isn’t

9. The woman is ____________ than the man.

 taller  tallest  tall

10. My __________________ are small

 foot  feet  feets

My First Grammar 2 (Midterm)

C. Look at the pictures and write.

11. What are they? They are __________________.

12. What are they? They are ______________________.

13. How big is the gorilla?

It is __________________ than the rabbits.
14. Where is the gorilla?
The gorilla is ______________ the slide.

15. What does Sam have? Sam has ________ hot dog.

D. Circle the mistakes and correct them.

ex. My dad is tall than my mother. ________tall - taller___________

16. I see four child. ___________________________________

17. Jina and Becca have a French fries. ________________________

18. Where are the car? ________________________

19. Africa is hot than Korea. _____________________

20. John and Tom isn’t taxi drivers. _________________________

E. Write the words in right order.

21. soccer player/Are/a/you/? ______________________________________________

22. is/diary/it/Whose/? _________________________________________________

23. have/ Paul/Sam/and/water/some/. __________________________________________

24. are/The/under/cats/stool/the/. ____________________________________________

25. is/a turtle/A train/than/faster/. _________________________________________

My First Grammar 2 (Midterm)

Class : My First Grammar 2
Name : Final Exam (Units 1 ~ 6) Score : / 100

A. Choose and write.

1. Are they (nurse / nurses) ________________________?

2. (Do / Does) ________________________ she study Math?

3. Is Paul (swimming / swim) ______________________ now?

4. (Whose / Who) __________________________ is singing?

5. (They / There) _________________________ isn’t any milk.

B. Circle the correct answer.

6. Turtles run fast.

 doesn’t  aren’t  can’t

7. Cats climb trees.

 can  are  does

8. _____ the window.

 Not open  Don’t open  Doesn’t open

9. Max is _________________ than me.

 tall  taller  tallest

10. is your dad doing?

 Who  What  Whose

My First Grammar 2 (Final)

C. Look at the pictures and write.

11. Are they tigers? _______, ___________ ________________.

12. What’s the baby doing? The baby _____ __________________.

13. What are they? They ________ _____________________.

14. Every evening, what does the girl do? She ______________.

15. What is she doing? She __________ ________________.

D. Circle the mistakes and correct them.

ex. He aren’t eating now. _________aren’t - isn’t____________

16. Amy have many friends at school. _________________________________

17. This is my book. That is my Janes book. ______________________________

18. My mom don’t drink coffee. ____________________________

19. I see four juice under the table. ___________________________

20. Can I come in? Yes, you do. ____________________________

E. Write the words in right order.

21. A car/more/a bike/expensive/is/than/. ______________________________________

22. cleaning/Who/floor/is/the/? _________________________________________________

23. hallway/run/Don’t/the/in/. _________________________________________________

24. goes/school/to/She/. ______________________________________________

25. these/are/What/? _____________________________________________

My First Grammar 2 (Final)

My First Grammar 2
(Midterm Exam)

Answer Key

1. are 2. The 3.some 4. Whose 5.bigger

6.  7.  8.  9.  10. 

11. mittens 12. boxes 13. bigger

14. on 15. a

16. child – children 17. a - some 18. car – cars (or are-is)

19. hot - hotter 20. isn’t - aren’t

21. Are you a soccer player?

22. Whose diary is it?

23. Paul and Sam (or Sam and Paul) have some water.
24. The cats are under the stool.

25. A train is faster than a turtle.


1 U1_L1 6 U2_L1 11 U1_L4 16 U2_L1 21 U1_L2

2 U2_L4 7 U1_L3 12 U2_L1 17 U2_L3 22 U1_L4

3 U2_L3 8 U1_L1 13 U3_L3 18 U3_L1 23 U2_L3

4 U2_L3 9 U3_L3 14 U3_L1 19 U3_L3 24 U2_L4

5 U3_L3 10 U2_L1 15 U2_L3 20 U1_L1 25 U3_L3

My First Grammar 2
(Final Exam)

Answer Key

1. nurses 2. Does 3. swimming 4. Who 5. There

6.  7.  8.  9.  10. 

11. No, they aren’t 12. is sleeping 13. are leaves

14. reads 15. is singing

16. have - has 17. Janes - Jane’s 18. don’t - doesn’t

19. four - some 20. do - can

21. A car is more expensive than a bike.

22. Who is cleaning the floor?

23. Don’t run in the hallway.

24. She goes to school.

25. What are these?


1 U2_L1 6 U4_L3 11 U1_L2 16 U4_L2 21 U3_L3

2 U4_L2 7 U6_L2 12 U5L1 17 U1_L3 22 U5_L1

3 U5_L2 8 U6_L3 13 U2_L1 18 U5_L2 23 U6_L4

4 U5_L4 9 U3_L4 14 U4_L1 19 U2_L2 24 U4_L2

5 U6_L1 10 U5_L4 15 U5_L4 20 U6_L2 25 U2_L4

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