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If the pool of pasteurized human milk banks is to grow, who specifically should
be targeted as the donor? Profile the donor in clear terms based on your
In the Banking on Breast Milk case, the article clearly explains about the targeted donor.
According to Planning Alternative Tomorrows With Hope (PATH), any lactating woman
who is in good health, and has enough milk after feeding her baby satisfactorily, would be an
ideal donor.
The article also clearly details about the profiling of the donors:
Eligible Donors:

 Any new mother who can lactate.

 Mothers who have good health.
 She has enough milk after feeding her baby satisfactorily.

Non-Eligible Donors:

 Any woman who uses illegal drugs takes over 2 ounces of alcohol or its equivalent,
 Any women who have taken three caffeinated drinks per day
 Any women tested positive for HIV, hepatitis B, and C, and syphilis, are taking
radioactive drugs, and
 Any women who have received a blood transfusion in the past 12 months.

2. Who should be targeted in terms of media definition? Is there any difference

between donor and media targets?

Category of Communication Specific Directing key Target

communication manager channels of messages audiences
Interpersonal Health care  Hospitals Benefits of  Lactating
providers  Factsheets breastfeeding: and
(lactation  Posters Encourage human bereaved
counselors,  Video milk donation to mothers
doctors, and save lives,  Fathers and
nurses) information on families
breast milk
expression, provide
help to breastfeed.
Community- Lactation  Social HMBs provide safe  Caretakers
oriented support groups, networks and high-quality of
donating mothers  Community DHM that reduces vulnerable
events mortality for infants
premature infants  Community
without access to
Mass media Ministry of  TV  Women who General
health  Radio donate milk can population,
 Newspapers save lives. policymakers,
 Social media  Women need a community, and
supportive religious leaders
environment in
the community
and workplace
that promotes
and human milk
 HMBs facilitate
an important
link between
nutrition and
newborn care

3. What kind of appeals can work in this scenario?

As we know Breastfeeding to the new-born is immediate nutritional but not every child could
able to get in, that’s where breastfeeding banks come forward to solve the problem, but we
need a healthy mother to donate it for that we need to have a right set of appeals which touch
their heart to help or save child’s life.
We need to have an Appeals which can be an emotional or at a personal level.
The Personal Appeal

Personal appeal advertising connects with people on a human level, using a variety of
emotions. These ads usually have to do with family or other human-to-human interactions.

The personal appeal is a good choice for humanitarian organizations trying to get people to
donate to their cause.
The example below shows a campaign from Feed SA, a non-profit organization that operates
food programs in South Africa.  By pasting images of impoverished children on the bottom of
shopping carts, they helped raise awareness about world hunger through empathy. The words
on the cart handle read, “See how easy feeding the hungry can be?”

The Fear Appeal

Fear is a powerful type of emotional appeal. It can get people to act because they want to
avoid certain consequences, one mother can understand the fear of losing a child, the same as
a fear appeal can realize other mother emotions.

Trust Appeal

It is mentioned in the case that mom’s asked question “will they sell milk commercially”
Nowadays trust is one of the most effective triggers in emotional marketing, and many brands
try to jump on the trust board in their ads. Before customers trust and buy from you
repeatedly, you should persuade them to trust you, using emotional appeal advertising. Try to
be open and transparent with your customers. Everything should be visible in public view.

4. Is this issue of any relevance to “Young India”? If yes, explain. If not, is it

relevant at least as a cause?
To answer the question of relevancy, we need to have a basic understanding of the term
“Young India” and the legal marriage age in India.
Young India - Any Indian who is in the age group of 18 – 35 is categorized as Young Indian.
The legal marriage age in India- According to the “CHILD MARRIAGE RESTRAINT ACT”
of India, the legal age for women is 18 and 21 for men.
We can see a correlation in terms of age in the above two terms, any person who is legally
ready for marriage also comes under the Young India category. Therefore, most women who
give birth to babies fall under the category of Young India and these are the women who
require pasteurized human milk to feed their babies, when the women cannot lactate or the
mother dies during the delivery of the baby. So, this issue of banking on breast milk has high
relevance to “Young India”.
5. As compared to the campaign for ‘Blood Donation’, What makes a campaign for the
Human Milk Bank significantly different?
a) Identify problem statement while developing a campaign
Profit of breastfeeding for the new babies as a general awareness is less. In the social
environment, fewer people are vocal about this subject.
Whereas for Blood donation because of the previous campaign and Government push from
the Health department, large people know about the topic and have awareness.
b) Target Audience:
For Human Milk Bank target people are mothers giving birth to the child. They may be
working or Home Maker. Here Milk needs to be pure. So little more constraints are there.
Making women people come to Human Milk Bank is tougher and convince them to undergo
testing is challenging
People who are not having HIV, hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and syphilis are eligible to donate
with no upper age limit. So, targeting normal people is somewhat easy. The people both men
and women get convince and come.
c) Finding Key stakeholders:
There are very fewer NGOs and Milk Banks in India that can organize the campaign for
breast Milk. Hospitals that are exclusive to cater needs of this are also less. The campaign
should be national wide to bring awareness and Quite a large funding amount is required.
Expertise and staff should be appointed. To get surplus Milk, scalable equipment is required
like Mechanical and Electrical Breast Pumps. Storage and Processing is another huge
problem So that should take into consideration. The publicity of campaigns through Social
Media through content marketing plays an important role in the success of the campaign. So,
finding partners for them also requires funding.
Whereas for Blood donation camp we will get financial Help, Hospitality, Medical
representatives, Publicity quite easily when compared to the Human Milk Bank campaign.
d) Primary Objective and Secondary Objectives:
Mothers should get inspired by content stories offline and Online and they should come to
Milk Bank available near and give extra milk to the bank to feed other small babies. The
secondary objective will be Knowledge and belief that giving extra milk they can save a life.
Another objective is the campaign should gain positive traction in Media.
Blood donation knowledge and Belief is already there. So achieving the objective that is
people going to hospitals or blood banks giving blood is a little bit easy.
e) Implementation:
For the implementation, we need to note that the place is targeted which is near to Human
Milk Bank and Hospitals which are having Processing and Storage capabilities. The
coordination will be key. If there are Public-private partnership the objective should reach
ground level. There should be more organizations like PATH which are helping standardize
technical and operational guidelines, while also helping hospitals to create infrastructure for
storage and processing.
For blood donation campaigns the blood can be collected anywhere in institutions or
companies. Later they can be transferred to the blood bank. The storage of Blood is already

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