Understand Qur'an - : The Easy Way

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Understand Qur’an -

The Easy Way

For Children - Book 1


w E


Compiled by
Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem
Understand Qur’an Academy – Hyderabad, INDIA
For Elementary School Children

With transliteration
A simple starter course for Elementary School children
based on Daily Recitations.

Compiled by
Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem

Reviewed by
Dr. Syed Shah Taqiuddin Ahmad Al-Firdawsi An-Nadwi Al-Maneri
Head, Dept. of Arabic & Islamic Studies, IIS, Dammam, KSA
Dr. Abdul-Moiz
(Graduate, Jamia Nizamia, Ph.D. Osmania Univeristy, Hyderabad)
Lecturer, Department of Arabic, Delhi University
nd Ac



Hyderabad, India

Understand Qur’an Academy – Hyderabad, INDIA


Understand Qur’an Academy – Hyderabad, INDIA
Foreword .................................................................................................... iv
Preface ........................................................................................................v
Transliteration Table.................................................................................... vi
Qur’anic Surahs
Lesson 1 (Al-Fatihah 1-4; Detached pronouns-Masculine gender).................... 1
All Rights Reserved
Lesson 2 (Al-Fatihah 5-7; Singular and plural-Masculine gender)..................... 3
Lesson 3 (Al-Kawthar; Detached pronouns-Feminine gender) ......................... 5
Lesson 4 (Al-Ikhlaas; Singular and plural-Feminine gender) ............................ 7
Lesson 5 (Al-Falaq; Attached pronouns) ........................................................ 9
Lesson 6 (An-Naas; Attached pronouns).......................................................11
Parts of Salah
Lesson 7 (Before & After Wudu; Attached pronouns) ....................................13
Lesson 8 (Iqamah; Attached pronouns with a preposition).............................15
Lesson 9 (Starting prayer; Attached pronouns with a preposition) ..................17
Lesson 10 (Rukoo’ and Sujood; Attached pronouns with a preposition)...........19
Lesson 11 (Durood; Attached pronouns with a preposition) ...........................21
Daily Supplications
Lesson 12 (Before sleep and after getting up; Attached pronouns with a preposition)
Lesson 13 (While entering bathroom and coming out of it; Attached pronouns
with a preposition) ................................................................................25
Lesson 14 (Before and after eating; Attached pronouns with a preposition) ....27


LESSON 1-14 ....................................................................................WB 2-15
Quiz-1 .......................................................................................................16
Second Revised Edition: July 2005
Quiz-2 .......................................................................................................17
Quiz-3 .......................................................................................................18
Quiz-4 .......................................................................................................19
Quiz-5 .......................................................................................................20

ii iii
All praise be to Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of this universe, and may peace and blessings of Allah be upon his
Prophet, Muhammad.
Allah says very explicitly in His Book, "(This is) a Book (the Qur'an) which We have sent down to you, full of bless-
ings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember [38:29]." If we
. don't understand the Book, how can we ponder on its verses! Ahadeeth also emphasize the learning of
the Qur’an. The Prophet of Allah, Muhammad, pbuh, said, "The best among you are those who
: . have learnt the Qur'an and teach it (to others)" [Bukhari].
This book is written as a simple starter course towards understanding the Qur’an for
elementary school children. We plan to present 3 books, one each for Grade 3rd,
4th, and 5th, respectively. In these three books we will cover Daily Recitations,
i.e., Surah Al-Fatihah and the last 10 Surahs; Parts of Salah; and Daily
. Supplications. The syllabus for the three years is distributed in such a way
that easier parts are covered first. Consequently, the book for Grade 3
contains five Surahs, simple parts of Salah, and brief supplications.
Each lesson contain three parts: (1) Spoken Arabic which contains mostly
conventional Arabic phrases; (2) Grammar; and (3) Daily Recitations.
. Each of these three parts can be taught in a completely interactive mode.
Fortunately, a Muslim spends almost AN HOUR (the cumulative time for the five
. daily prayers) EVERYDAY talking WITH ALLAH, our Creator, in Arabic!!! Therefore, we strongly believe that
teaching of the Arabic language for a Muslim should start with these parts. There are numerous benefits of using
this approach such as:
(i) Practice is an extremely important factor in learning a new language. During the daily prayers, we
. repeat about 150 to 200 Arabic words (about 50 sentences). By understanding these parts, we will
familiarize ourselves with the structure and style of Arabic language.
" ": (ii) We will instantly feel the effect of this language learning in our day-to-day life. This sense of achieve
ment cannot be felt in any Arabic learning course that is based on any other material.

. It is extremely important to develop a positive attitude towards learning a new language with enthusiasm. Conse-
. : " " quently, each lesson starts with a conventional phrase or sentence from Spoken Arabic. These sentences will give
a good start for a beginner. A majority of the words used in these sentences occur in Al-Qur’an.

Another UNIQUE approach of this course is the way Arabic Grammar is taught. Using TPI (Total Physical
Interaction), the students are taught pronouns and the complete conjugation table for verbs. Using this approach,
learning grammar becomes fun and excitement rather than that of boring exercise.
( )
The students should be strongly encouraged to do the following homeworks EVERYDAY:
1. At least FIVE minutes study of the Word-for-Word translation from this book.
2. At least FIVE minutes recitation of the Qur'an from the Mushaf that has no translation.
3. At least FIVE minutes recitation of the Qur'an from memory during activities such as walking.
. We are planning to release a teacher’s manual for this course. May Allah help us achieve that target as soon as
possible. If you are a teacher, we will really appreciate your input in this regard.
/ Many people have contributed in the compilation and review of this course. Sister Aisha Fozia helped me in editing
the book. My son, Sulaiman also helped me during review. I would like to thank several teachers whose input
was crucial in getting this book compatible with elementary school students. May Allah reward them all. May He
also protect us from errors and forgive us if they have occurred in this book. If you find any error, please notify
us so that it can be rectified in future editions. We will really appreciate and pray for you for your suggestions and
. comments.

Abdulazeez Abdulraheem
August 06, 2004.
. . Selected References:
1. Learn the Language of the Holy Qur’an. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi. Chicago: Iqra International Educational Fdn., 1995.
. 2. Vocabulary of the Holy Qur’an. Dr. Abdullah Abbas Nadwi. Iqra International Educational Foundation, Chicago. 1996.
3. Access to Qur’anic Arabic. AbdulWahid Hamid. Muslim Educational & Literary Services (MELS), London, UK, 1998.
4. ‫ ﺕﺍﺝﺭﺩﻭ ﻡﻱﺭﻙﻝﺍ ﻥﺁﺭﻕﻝﺍ ﻅﺍﻑﻝﺃﺏ ﺓﻱﻡﺝﻉﻡ ﺓﻡﺉﺍﻕ‬Dr. M. H. Abulfatooh. Arabic Language Institute of King Saud University. Maktaba Lebanon,
Lebanon (1990).

iv v
SURAH 1: AL-FATIHAH (Verses 1-4)

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP), i.e., read the Arabic text, translate you
each Arabic word one-by-one, and then translate the whole sentence without repeating the Arabic 'anta

When you meet someone you say: you all


wa-ra…matul-laah `alaiykum 'as-salaamu I


II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI), i.e., See it; Think it; Say it; Show we
it; and Read it with others. Use the following guidelines for showing what you mean. It will make na…nu
the learning of these words extremely easy as well as enjoyable.

III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP), i.e., read the Arabic text,
1. When you say (he ), point the index finger of the right hand towards your right as if translate each Arabic word one-by-one, and then translate the whole sentence without repeating
the Arabic text.
there is a person sitting on your right. When you say (they ), point all the four fingers

of your right hand towards your right. In a class, both the teacher and the student should

practice this together. * I seek refuge in

Allah from Satan, 'A-`oo’u billahi minash-shai¨aanir rajeem.
the outcast.
2. When you say (you), point the index finger of your right hand towards your front.

When you say (you all), point all the four fingers of your right hand towards your ---------------------- ********** The opening ********
front. In a class, the teacher should point his fingers towards the students and the 1. In the name of
Allah, the Most ( )
students should point their fingers towards the teacher. Gracious, the
Bismil-laahir- Ra…maanir Ra…eem.
Most Merciful.
3. When you say (I), point the index finger of your right hand towards yourself. When
2. All the praises
you say (we) point all the four fingers of your right hand towards yourself. and thanks be to ( )
Allah, the Lord of
the worlds. Rabbil `Aalameen. lillaahi Al-…amdu

Please note that the following six pronouns have occurred 1160 times in the Qur’an.
3. The Most
Detached / Personal Pronouns Gracious, the ( )
Most Merciful.
Ra…eem. 'Ar-Ra…maanir
4. The Master of ( )
the day of
they Yawmid-deen. Maaliki

1 2
SURAH 1: AL-FATIHAH (Verses 5-7)

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

When someone says Salam to you, you respond with: III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

wa-barakaatuh wa-ra…matul-laahi wa-`alaiykumus-salaam

5. You alone do
( )
we worship and nasta-`een. wa 'iyyaaka na`-budu 'Iyyaaka
You alone do we
ask for help.
II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … ( )
6. Guide us to the 'Ihdina‹-Širaa¨al Musta-Âeem.
Pronouns (with examples) straight path.

He is a Muslim.
7. The path of
huwa muslim those You have `alay-him 'an-`amta Širaa¨al la’eena
bestowed your
They are Muslims. favors on them;
hum muslimoon
not of those who
earned ( Your)
You are a Muslim. `alay-him Ãayril maÄÆoobi
warth on
'anta muslim themselves nor of
those who go
You are Muslims. astray. ( )
'antum muslimoon wa laÆ Æaaal-leeen.

I am a Muslim.
'ana muslim

We are Muslims.
na…nu muslimoon

3 4

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

Say the following: 1) when you start anything; 2) when you see something good in others.

'il-la bil-laah Laa Âuw-wata Maasha-'allahu bismil-laahi :
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.
II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; …
You have used your right hand for showing the masculine gender forms. Now use the left hand for
showing feminine gender forms. *********** The abundance ***********
Detached / Personal Pronouns No. Person **************** ********************
1. Indeed, We
have granted ( )
hiya you Al-Kawthar.
'a`-¨aynaakal-kaw-¦ar. 'Innaaa
2. Therefore pray
to your Lord and ( )
sacrifice (to Him
you alone). wan…ar. li-Rabbika Fa-‹alli
3. Indeed, your
you all
enemy, he is ( )
cut-off (the one
'antunna without huwal-'abtar. shaani-'aka 'Inna


5 6
I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

Say the following: (1) during times of trouble; (2) by way of saying good-bye, after saying Salaam.

illa billaah wa laa Âuw-wata Laa …awla

'amaanillah fee
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.
II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; …
Learn the following using TPI. Use the left hand for showing feminine gender forms. ***** The Sincerity of Faith *********

Pronouns (with examples) ******************* ********************

She is a Muslim. 1. Say, “ He is ( )

hiya muslimah Allah, [Who is]
One. 'A…ad. Hu-wallaahu Ául

They are Muslims. 2. Allah, the Self-

hunna muslimaat Sufficient. ( ) ( )
3. He did neither
beget and nor wa lam yoolad. Lamyalid 'Allaahu‹-Šamad.
You are a Muslim.
is He
'anti muslimah begotten,
( )
You are Muslims. 4. And there is
none 'a…ad. kufu waº Wa lam yakul-la-Hoo
'antunna muslimaat
unto Him.”
I am a Muslim.
'ana muslimah

We are Muslims.
na…nu muslimaat

7 8

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

While taking oath (1) or (2):

: :
wallahil-`a–eem Wallahi III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; …
Please note that the following six attached pronouns have occurred thousands of times in the ************** The Daybreak *****************
****************** ****************

Lord ... + ( )
1. Say, “I seek
refuge in the bi-Rabbil-falaÂ. 'a-`oo’u Ául
his Lord his Lord of the
Rab-buhoo ... hee ... hoo ( )
2. From the evil of
their Lord their that which He khalaÂ. maa sharri Miº-
Rab-buhum ... hum ... him created;

your Lord your

--- 3. And from the ( )
evil of darkness
Rab-buka .... ka when it is waÂab. 'i’aa ÄaasiÂin sharri Wa miº
your Lord your
Rab-bukum ... kum
4. And from the
evil of those who
( )
blow in the fil-`uÂad. Wa miº-sharrin-naffaa¦aati
my Lord my
--- knots,
Rab-bee ... ee 5. And from the ( )
our Lord our
--- evil of the envier
when he envies.” …asad. 'i’aa …aasidin Wa miº-sharri
Rab-bunaa ... naa

9 10

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

You may say the following when (1) remembering Allah; (2) thanking Allah and when someone
asks you, “How are you.”

: :
'Al-…amdu lillaah Yaa 'Allah
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … *************** The Mankind ***************
Please note that the following six attached pronouns have occurred thousands of times in the
Qur’an. Since they occur in an attached form, they can not be counted alone. ******************** ********************

way of life ... + 1. Say, “I seek ( )

refuge in the
Lord of mankind, bi-Rabbin- naas. 'a-`oo’u Ául
his way of life
deenuhoo 2. The King of
Mankind, ( ) ( )
their way of life 3. The God of
Mankind, 'Illaahin-naas. Malikin-naas.
4. From the evil
your way of life of the whisperer, ( )
deenuka the one who
withdraws after Miº-sharril-waswaasil khan-naas.
whispering –
your way of life
deenukum 5. Who whispers ( )
into the chests /
hearts of fee‹udoo-rin-naas. yuwas-wisu 'Alla’ee
my way of life
mankind –
6. From among ( )
our way of life Jinn and
deenuna mankind.” wan-naa‹. minal-jinnati

Practice also: (she) and (her way of life).

11 12

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

You may say (1) or (2) when seeking refuge in Allah.

: :
Na-`oo’u billah 'A-`oo’u billah

III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … ***** 1a. Prayer before starting ablution (Wudu) *****
Attached pronouns for FEMININE GENDER * In the name of
Way of life ... + Lord ... +
-- ***** 1b. Prayer after finishing ablution (Wudu) *****
her way of life her Lord her
I bear witness that
Deenuhaa Rab-buhaa ... haa there is no god

their way of life their Lord their

--- except Allah
alone, there is no
'illal-laahu 'ilaaha 'al-laa ash-hadu

Deenuhunna Rab-buhunna ... hunna partner to Him;

and I bear

your way of life your Lord your

--- witness that
Muhammad 'anna wa-'ash-hadu lahoo laa shareeka Wa…dahoo
Deenuki Rab-buki .... ki (pbuh) is His
slave and His
your way of life your Lord your
--- Messenger.

Deenukunna Rab-bukunna ... kunna O Allah! Make me 'Allahum-maj-`alnee wa rasooluhoo. `abduhoo Mu…ammadan
among those who
my way of life my Lord my
--- repent and make
Deenee Rab-bee ... ee me among those
who purify
our way of life our Lord our
--- themselves. minal muta¨ah-hireen. waj-`alnee minat-taw-waabeena

Deenunaa Rab-bunaa ... naa

13 14

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

Say the following when (1) you ask for forgiveness of Allah; (2) praising Allah.

: :
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
Sub-…aanallaah 'AstaÄfirul-laah words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

*** 3. Iqamah ***

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … * Allah is the
greatest. Allah is
the greatest. 'Allahu 'akbar. 'Allahu 'akbar.
Please note that the preposition for ... +
comes 1367 times attached * I bear witness
that there is no
with the following 7 pronouns for him; his
god except Allah.
(including ). It may also be lahoo illal-laah 'ilaaha 'al laa 'ash-hadu
* I bear witness
mentioned that preposition may
for them; their that Muhammad
have other meanings too, when lahum (pbuh) is the
Messenger of
it comes with a verb, etc. Mu…am-madar rasoolul-laah 'anna 'ash-hadu
It may also be mentioned here for you; your
that from now onwards we will laka * Come to the
focus on singular feminine forms * Come to the
for you; your …ay-ya `alal falaa…. …ay-ya `ala‹-‹alaah
only because the rest of the lakum
feminine forms are not used * Indeed the
extensivley in the Qur’an. for me; mine prayer is
Indeed the prayer Âad Âaamati‹-‹alaah Âaamati‹-‹alaah Âad
is established.
for us; our
lana * Allah is the
greatest. Allah is
Practice also: (she) and (for her) the greatest. laa 'ilaha 'illal-lah 'Allahu 'akbar. 'Allahu 'akbar.
* There is no god
except Allah.

15 16

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

Say the following: (1) when you promise or while expressing desire to do somthing; (2) giving

: :
fee sabeelil-laah in sha'allah

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; …
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.
from ... +
***** Starting Prayer for Salah*****
Please note that the preposition from him
comes 3026 times (alone and minhu Glorified are You
attached with the following 7 O Allah, and with wa bi…amdika sub…aanakal-laahum-ma
from them Your praise;
pronouns including ). It may
also be mentioned that and blessed is
Your name; And
preposition may have other from you high is Your jadduka wa ta`aalaa wa tabaarakasmuka
meanings too, when it comes with minka Majesty;
a verb, etc.
from you all and there is no
god other than
You. Äayruka wa laa 'ilaaha
from me

from us

Practice also: (she) and (from her).

17 18

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

Say the following ( ? ) when you encourage someone to continue; ( ? ) when you say it to show your
trust in Allah.

: :
`alal-laah. tawak-kaltu `alal-laah. tawak-kal
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … ** 5. Things pronounced When bowing / raising up *****

with ... + about ... + * Glory be to my

Lord, the
rabbi-yal `a–eem sub…aana
about Magnificent.
with him
ma-`ahoo `aºhu
Please note that the * Allah listens to
preposition comes 404 about the one who
with them …amidah limaº sami-`al-laahu
them praised Him .
times and the word ma-`ahum `aºhum
comes 163 times (alone and
about * Our Lord, all the
attached with the following 7 with you
you praise be to You .
ma-`aka `aºka wa lakal-…amd Rab-banaa
pronouns including ). It
may also be mentioned that about
with you all -------------------- ***** 6. The Adhkaar of Sujood (Prostration) *****
you all
preposition may have other ma-`akum `aºkum
* Glory be to my
meanings too, when it comes Lord, the Exalted.
with a verb, etc. with me Rabbi-yal 'a`-laa sub…aana
ma-`ee `an-nee
* Glorified are You
about our Lord, and with
with us Your praise; O
ma-`a-naa `an-naa Allah! Forgive me. 'Allahum-maÄfir lee wa bi…amdika Rab-banaa sub…aanakal-laahum-ma

Practice also: (she), (about her) and (with her).

19 20
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

Say the following: (1) When you congratulate someone; (2) In response to congratulation
**** 9. Durood (Sending prayers on the Prophet, pbuh) ****
: :
* O Allah! Send
baarakal-laahu feek Mubaarak peace on
`alaa mu…am-madiºw ‹al-li 'allahum-ma

and on the family

of Muhammad;
II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; …
Mu…ammadiº 'aali wa-`alaa
as You sent peace
in ... + on Ibraheem and
on the family of
in him 'ibraaheema 'aali wa-`alaa `alaa 'ibraaheema kama ‹allayta
Please note that the preposition feehi
Indeed, You are
comes 1658 times (alone worthy of praise,
in them
Feehim full of glory.
and attached with the following 7 …ameedum-majeed. 'in-naka
pronouns including ). It may in you
feeka * O Allah! Send
also be mentioned that blessings on
Muhammad `alaa Mu…ammadiºw baarik 'allaahum-ma
in you all
preposition may have other
and on the family
meanings too, when it comes
in me of Muhammad;
Mu…ammadiº 'aali wa-`alaa
with a verb, etc. Fiy-ya
as You sent
in us blessings on
feenaa Ibraheem and on
the family of 'ibraaheema wa `alaa 'aali `alaa 'ibraaheema Baarakta Kamaa
Practice also: (she) and (in her)
Indeed, You are
worthy of praise,
full of glory. majeed. …ameedum 'innaka

21 22
SUPPLICATIONS – Before sleep & After getting up

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

After Salam, you may say the following (i) when you meet someone in the morning; (2) when
somebody welcomes you by saying (1), i.e., the response of (1).

: :
‹abaa…an-noor ‹abaa…al-khair

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; …
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall
in, with ... +
***** 1. Before sleep *****
Please note that the preposition
in him,
with him O Allah! In Your
comes 510 times (attached bihee name I die and I
live. wa-'a…yaa 'amootu bismika 'al-lahum-ma
with the following 7 pronouns in them,
including ). It may also be with them ---------------------
bihim ***** 2. After getting up *****
mentioned that preposition may
in you, All praise and
have other meanings too, when it thanksgiving be
with you
comes with a verb, etc. bika to Allah Who 'a…yaanaa lil-laahil-la’ee 'al-…amdu
gave us life after
in you all, He had given us
with you all death,
bikum and unto Him is
the resurrection. wa-'ilaihin-nushoor 'amaatanaa ba`da maa
in me,
with me

in us,
with us

Practice also: (she) and (in her, with her)

23 24
SUPPLICATIONS: Entering bathroom & coming out of it

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new words
and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

After Salam, you may say the following (i) when you meet someone in the evening; (2) when
somebody welcomes you by saying (1), i.e., the response of (1).

: :
III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
Masaa-'an-noor Masaa-'al-khair words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … ***** 3. While entering bathroom / toilet *****
* O Allah! Indeed, I
seek refuge in
on ... + You from the foul bika 'a-`oo’u 'in-nee 'al-laahum-ma
male and female
devils / evil and all
Please note that the preposition on him
malicious things.
comes 1423 times (alone `alayhi

as well as attached with the ------------------- minal khubu¦i wal-khabaaa'i¦i

on them
following 7 pronouns including
). It may also be mentioned that ***** 4. When coming out of bathroom / toilet *****
when a preposition comes with a on you
* (O Allah! I ask)
Your forgiveness.
verb or a verbal noun, its `alayka
meaning changes according to
on you all * All praise is for
the verb with which it comes and Allah who removed
the language to which it is from me the
suffering (injurious 'a’haba lil-lahil-la’ee 'al-…amdu
translated. on me
things, pollution)
`alayya and kept me in
on us
`alaynaa wa-`aafaanee `an-nil'a’aa

Practice also: (she) and (on her)

25 26
SUPPLICATIONS: Before & After Eating

I. Spoken Arabic: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP).

Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. III. The Main Lesson: Use the three-step-procedure (3SP). Learn the meanings of new
words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

kaifal-…aal? …aaluk? kaifa

***** 5. At the time of wearing a new garment *****

* All praise and

thanksgiving be to
haa’aa kasaanee lil-laahil-la’ee 'al-…amdu
II. Grammar: Learn using Total Physical Interaction (TPI): See it; Think it; Say it; Show it; … Allah Who clothed
me with this

toward and provided me

with it without any …awlim-min-nee miº Äairi wa razaÂaneehi
power from me
Please note that the preposition toward him
comes 736 times (alone as 'ilayhi nor any might/
well as attached with the strength.
toward them Âuw-wah (Âuw-watin) Wa laa
following 7 pronouns including
). It may also be mentioned ---------------------- *****6. At the beginning of meal *****
that when a preposition comes toward you
* In the name of
with a verb or a verbal noun, its 'ilayka Allah
meaning changes according to
toward you all
the verb with which it comes and
the language to which it is * In the name of
toward me Allah at its
beginning and its
'ilayya wa 'aaakhirihee fee 'aw-walihee bismil-laahi

toward us ---------------------- ***** 7. At the end of meal *****

* All praise and
Practice also: (she) and (toward her) thanksgiving be to
'a¨-`amanaa lil-laahil-la’ee 'al-…amdu
Allah Who fed us
and gave us to
drink, and made
us from among the
Muslims. Minal muslimeen. wa-ja`lanaa wa-saÂanaa

27 28
SURAH 1: AL-FATIHAH (Verses 1-4) SURAH 1: AL-FATIHAH (Verses 5-7)

I. Spoken Arabic: I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:

wara…matul-laahi `alaiykum 'as-salaamu wabarakaatuhu wara…matul-laahi wa`alaiykumus-salaam

II. Grammar: Write the 6 masculine forms of the words (he, they, you, you all, I, and we). II. Grammar: Write the 6 masculine forms of the sentences (He is a Muslim; They are
Write it using English letters (Transliteration) if you can not write Arabic: Muslims; You are a Muslim; You are Muslims; I am a Muslim; We are Muslims). Write it using
English letters (Transliteration) if you can not write Arabic:

III. The Main Lesson:

III. The Main Lesson:

A`oo’u billahi minash-shai¨aanir rajeem
( )
nasta-`een wa 'iyyaaka na`-budu 'Iyyaaka
************* The opening *************
( ) ( )
bismil-laahir- Ra…maanir Ra…eem
'Ihdina‹ Širaa¨al Musta-Âeem

( )
Rabbil `Aalameen lillaahi Al-´amdu
`alay-him 'an-`amta Širaa¨al la’eena

( )
Ra…eem 'Ar-Ra…maanir
`alay-him Ãayril maÄÆubi

( )
Yawmid-Deen Maaliki
( )
wa laÆ Æaaalleeen

3 4

I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following: I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:

(2) ( ) ()
illa billaahil walaa Âuw-wata Laa…awla
billaahil Laa Âuw-wata Maasha'allahu bismil-laahi

II. Grammar: Write the 6 feminine forms of the words ( she , they, you, you all, I, and we). 'amaanillah fee
Write it using English letters (Transliteration) if you can not write Arabic:

II. Grammar: Write the 6 feminine forms of the sentences (She is a Muslim; They are
Muslims; You are a Muslim; You are Muslims; I am a Muslim; We are Muslims). Write it using
English letters (Transliteration) if you can not write Arabic:
III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:
Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

************** The abundance ************** III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:
************************ ************************ Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

********* The Sincerity of Faith *********
'a`-¨aynaakal-kaw-¦ar. . 'Innaaa
************************ ************************

(2) (1)
'Allaahu‹- 'A…ad Hu-wallaahu Ául
wan…ar li-Rabbika Fa-‹alli

(3) (3) (2)

walamyoolad Lamyalid Šamad
huwal-'abtar shaani-'aka 'Inna

'a…ad kufu waº Walamyakul-la-Hoo

5 6

I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following: I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:
While taking oath: You may say it when (1) remembering Allah; (2) thanking Allah

( ) ( )
: : Al-´amdu lillaahi Yaa Allah
wallahil-`a–eem Wallahi

II. Grammar: Write the 6 masculine forms of the words (His Religion, Their Religion, Your
Religion, Your Religion, My Religion, Our Religion). Write it using English letters (Transliteration) if
II. Grammar: Write the 6 masculine forms of the words (His Lord, Their Lord, Your Lord, Your you can not write Arabic:
Lord, My Lord, Our Lord). Write it using English letters (Transliteration) if you can not write Arabic:

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:

Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall. III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:
Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

********************* The Daybreak *********************

******************* The Mankind *************
************************ ************************
************************ ************************
sharri Miº- bi-Rabbil-Fala 'a-`oo’u Ául
(2) (1)
Malikin-Naas bi-Rabbin-NAAS 'a-`oo’u Ául

'i’aa ÄaasiÂin sharri Wamiº khala maa
Miº-sharril-Waswaasil 'Illaahin-Naas

(4) (3)
fil-`uÂad Wamiº-sharrin-Naffaa¦aati waÂab
yuwas-wisu 'Alla’ee khan-Naas

(5) (6) (5)

…asad 'i’aa …aasidin iº-sharri
wan-Naa‹ Minal-Jinnati fee‹udoo-rin-Naasi

7 8

I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following: I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) Sub-…aanallaah 'AstaÄfirul-laah
Na`oo’u billahi A`oo’u billahi

II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (for him; for them; for you; for you all; for me; for
II. Grammar: Write the 6 FEMININE forms of the words (Her Lord, Their Lord, Your Lord, us; for her ).
Your Lord, My Lord, Our Lord) and (Her Religion, Their Religion, Your Religion, Your Religion, My
Religion, Our Religion).

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:

*** 3. Iqamah ***
III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:
***** 1a. Prayer before starting ablution (Wudu) *****
'Allahu 'akbar. 'Allahu 'akbar.


illal-laahu 'ilaaha 'al laa 'ash-hadu

***** 1b. Prayer after finishing ablution (Wudu) *****

'illal-laahu 'ilaaha 'al-laa ash-hadu

'ash-hadu 'an-na Mu…am-madaº rasoolul-laah

anna wa-'ash-hadu Lahoo Laa shareeka Wa…dahu

…ay-ya `alal falaa…. …ay-ya `ala‹-‹alaa.

Allahum-maj-`alnee warasuluh `abduhu Mu…ammadan

Âad Âaamati‹-‹alaa Âaamati‹-‹alaa Âad

minal muta¨ah-hireen. waj`alnee minat-taw-waabeena

laa 'ilaha 'illal-lahu 'Allahu 'akbar. 'Allahu 'akbar.

9 10

I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:Say the following: (1) when you promise or while I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:Learn the meanings of new words and remember
expressing desire to do somthing; (2) giving charity. the context for ease of memorization / recall.

( ) ( ) : :
fee sabeelil-laah in sha'allahu tawak-kaltu `alal-laahi `alal-laahi tawak-kal

II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (from him; from them; from you; from you all; from II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (with him; with them; with you; with you all; with
me; from us; from her ). me; with us; with her ) and (about him; about them; about you; about you all; about me; about
us; about her ).

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:Learn the meanings of new words and ***** 5. Things pronounced When bowing / raising up *****
remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

***** Starting Prayer for Salah***** rabbiyal `a–eem sub…aana

wa Bi…amdika sub…aanakal-laahum-ma

…amidah Limaº sami`al-laahu

jadduka wata`aalaa wa Tabaarakasmuka

walakal …amd Rab-banaa

Äayruka walaa'ilaaha ***** 6. The Adhkaar of Sujood (Prostration) *****

Rabbiyal 'a`laa sub…aana

'Allahum-maÄfirlee wa Bi…amdika Rab-banaa sub…aanakal-laahum-ma

11 12
PARTS RELATED TO SALAH: Durood SUPPLICATIONS – Before sleep & After getting up

I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following: I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:
Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

baarakal-laahu feeka Mubaarak

‹abaa…an-noor ‹abaa…al-khair

II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (in him; in them; in you; in you all; in me; in us; in
her ).
II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (in/with him; in/with them; in/with you; in/with you
all; in/with me; in/with us; in/with her ). Here in/with is for öÈ .

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:

**** 9. Durood (Sending prayers on the Prophet, pbuh) ****

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:

`alaa mu…am-madiºw ‹al-li 'allahum-ma Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall

***** 1. Before sleep *****

Mu…ammadiº 'aali wa`alaa wa'a…yaa 'amootu Bismika 'al-lahum-ma

***** 2. After getting up *****

'ibraaheema 'aali wa`alaa `alaa 'ibraaheema kama ‹allayta

'a…yaanaa lil-laahil-la’ee 'al…amdu

…ameedum-majeed in-naka
wa'ilaihin-nushoor 'amaatanaa ba`da maa

`alaa Mu…ammadiºw baarik 'allaahum-ma

`alaa 'ibraaheema Baarakta Kamaa

13 14
SUPPLICATIONS: Entering bathroom & coming outof it SUPPLICATIONS: Before & After Eating

I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following: I. Spoken Arabic: Translate the following:
Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.

kaifal- …aal? …aaluk? kaifa

Masaa-an-noor Masaa-al-khair

II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (on him; on them; on you; on you all; on me; on us; II. Grammar: Write the Arabic words for (toward him; toward them; toward you; toward you
on her ). all; toward me; toward us; toward her ).

III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:

Learn the meanings of new words and remember the context for ease of memorization / recall.
***** 3. While entering bathroom / toilet ***** III. The Main Lesson: Translate the following:
***** 5. At the time of wearing a new garment *****

bika 'a`oo’u 'in-nee 'al-laahum-ma

haa’aa kasaanee lil-laahil-la’ee 'al…amdu

minal khubu¦i wal khabaaa'i¦i

Âuw-watiº Walaa …awlim-min-nee miº Äairi warazaÂaneehi

***** 4. When coming out of bathroom / toilet *****

*****6. In the middle of meal (if one forgets to say Bismillah at start)*****
wa 'aaakhirahee fee 'aw-walahee bismil-laahi

***** 7. At the end of meal *****

'a’haba lil-lahil-la’ee 'al…amdu

'a¨`amanaa lil-laahil-la’ee 'al…amdu

wa`aafaanee `an-nil'a’aa

Minal muslimeen waja`lanaa wasaÂanaa

15 16
Quiz No. 1 Marks: 25 Quiz No. 2 Marks: 25
(After Lesson-3) (After Lesson-6)

I. Circle the right answer by selecting the meaning of the Arabic word: I. Circle the right answer by selecting the meaning of the Arabic word:

: (a) all praise and thanks (b) all worlds (c) owner (a) became light (b) became intense (c) knots

: (a) owner (b) way (c) day

(a) good (b) evil (c) thing
: (a) straight (b) path (c) guidance
(a) same (b) one and only (c) eternal
(a) You have given us (b) We have given us (c) we have given
(c) the Self-
(a) the Great (b) the Merciful
(a) your enemy (b) my enemy (c) his enemy
(a) equal (b) only (c) none
II. Match the following:
II. Match the following:
we ask for help
he envied
those who received wrath
those who blow
the daybreak
you have bestowed favors
he created
those who go astray

III. Translate the following words:

III. Translate the following words:
: :
: :

: :
: :

IV. (SPOKEN ARABIC) Write the meanings of the following words:

IV. (SPOKEN ARABIC) Write the meanings of the following words:
: :
: :
: :
: :
V. (GRAMMAR) Write the Arabic words for: he, they, you, you all, I, and we (for masculine gender
only). V. (GRAMMAR) Write the Arabic words for: she, they, you, you all, I, and we (for FEMININE gender

17 18
Quiz No. 3 Marks: 25 Quiz No. 4 Marks: 25
(After Lesson-9) (After Lesson-12)

I. Circle the right answer by selecting the meaning of the Arabic word: I. Circle the right answer by selecting the meaning of the Arabic word:

(a) I say (b) I bear witness (c) the prayer (a) the Exalted (b) the Magnificent (c) the Eternal

(a) partner (b) enemy (c) freind (a) to the one who (b) to him who (c) to them

(a) His slave (b) His messenger (c) Messenger (a) your praise (b) helped him (c) praised Him

(a) feed me (b) help me (c) make me (a) the Exalted (b) the only (c) the Magnificent

(a) His son (b) His slave (c) His messenger (b) and with Your
(a) and with his praise (c) their help

II. Match the following: II. Match the following:

the prayer Send peace

the greatest. the resurrection

those who repent

Forgive me

those who purify themselves Indeed, You are

the prosperity
You sent peace

III. Translate the following words:

III. Translate the following words:
: :
: :
: :
: :
IV. (SPOKEN ARABIC) Write the meanings of the following words:
IV. (SPOKEN ARABIC) Write the meanings of the following words:
: :
: :
: :
: :
V. (GRAMMAR) Write the Arabic words for: for him, for them, for you, for you all, for me, for us, for
Her. V. (GRAMMAR) Write the Arabic words for: from him, for them, from you, from you all, from me,
from us, from HER.

19 20
Quiz No. 5 Marks: 25
(After Lesson-14)

I. Circle the right answer by selecting the meaning of the Arabic word:

(a) the good things (b) the evil & bad things (c) toilet

(a) the great (b) O Allah (c) Lord of the world

(a) clothed me (b) fed me (c) helped me

(a) and gave me water (b) and clothed me (c) and provided me

(a) from (b) them (c) him

II. Match the following:

fed us

and kept me in health

bad things


I seek refuge

III. Translate the following words:

: :

: :

IV. (SPOKEN ARABIC) Write the meanings of the following words:

: :

: :

V. (GRAMMAR) Write the Arabic words for: on him, on them, on you, on you all, on me, on us, on


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