Tools and Resources: Communication

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University of Redlands strives to meet the needs of its growing student body by

recognizing the ways in which teaching and learning with technology can
enhance the educational experience for our students. Offering online courses is
one way we are able to expand access to the quality education here at U of R.

Continuity planning is essential to the University’s operational effectiveness and

ability to fulfill our mission of research, teaching and learning. The recent
experience with the COVID-19 virus has underscored the importance of ensuring
that we are prepared as an academic community to continue operations under
any range of circumstances that may cause disruption.

Tools and Resources 


During a potentially disruptive event, it is important for instructors to establish and maintain open com

Tips for effectively communicating with students online: 

 Be consistent with the digital tool selected for online communications, and be sure to post this
prominent location, such as the Syllabus page in Moodle. 
 Set expectations for how students should engage in the communication, including how they s
 Set expectations with students for how quickly the instructor will respond to online communica
 Utilize Universal Design and promote accessibility.


Purpose: Quickly contact all enrolled students through email.


Email Courses Announcements

Courses Messages 

Self Service Class Roster

Live/Synchronous Purpose: Communicate in real-time with students remotely.

There are many ways in which instructors can host lectures with their student
asynchronously, using digital tools provided by U of R.

To optimize your synchronous WebEx lecture, we recommend: 


During a potentially disruptive event, it is important for instructors to establish and maintain open com

Tips for effectively communicating with students online: 

 Be consistent with the digital tool selected for online communications, and be sure to post this
prominent location, such as the Syllabus page in Moodle. 
 Set expectations for how students should engage in the communication, including how they s
 Set expectations with students for how quickly the instructor will respond to online communica
 Utilize Universal Design and promote accessibility.


 Use headphones or earbuds with a microphone to minimize surround

your voice.
 In your WebEx settings, opt to Mute Participants upon entry into the m
meeting, instructors are able to mute and unmute participants at any point. 
WebEx (Web conferencing)

Microsoft Teams (Both Text Based and Web Conferencing) 

Courses Chat (text-based instant messaging with a class) 

Yammer (Private Social Network) 

Self-Directed/Asynchronous Purpose: Provide self-directed discussion activities.

Some courses rely on rich, classroom discussion to enhance students’ learnin

Through Moodle Discussions, instructors can simulate an in-class discussion

Tips for administering effective online discussions: 

 Communicate clear guidelines in the prompt that establish your expec

contribution to the discussion. Many instructors choose to provide details abo
formal/informal), number of posts, length (e.g., number of words), frequency,
elements that constitute “value added”). 
 Use threaded discussion responses to allow students to respond to on
in an organized way in each discussion board post. 
 Be present in the discussion board by providing feedback and coachin
 Encourage students to participate in a variety of ways that work for th
including text, audio, or video. 
 Create questions and prompts that require complex thinking and appl
repetitive student responses. 
Courses Forums (facilitate class discussion)

During a potentially disruptive event, it is important for instructors to establish and maintain open com

Tips for effectively communicating with students online: 

 Be consistent with the digital tool selected for online communications, and be sure to post this
prominent location, such as the Syllabus page in Moodle. 
 Set expectations for how students should engage in the communication, including how they s
 Set expectations with students for how quickly the instructor will respond to online communica
 Utilize Universal Design and promote accessibility.


Courses Collaborating (facilitate student reflection and class comments via di

Courses Wiki (facilitate collaborative content creation) Located within Moodle

Lectures or Readings Purpose: Provide self-directed learning content.

For a virtual, asynchronous meeting, instructors can choose to record a lectur

Capture tool or upload a pre-existing video or audio file through Kaltura within
Within Kaltura, instructors have the ability to edit and enhance their lecture co
media, text resources and quiz questions. 

To optimize your asynchronous Kaltura lecture, we recommend: 

 Draft a script or an outline of your ideas for your lecture before record
 Use headphones or earbuds with a microphone to minimize surround
your voice.
 Record longer lectures into smaller, separate video lectures, organize
By watching video lectures of less than 15 minutes each, learners are more li
retain key information.
 Include quiz questions throughout your lectures to engage learners an
understanding as they watch. 
 Upload PDF files, websites and media that support the content of you
learners a comprehensive and immersive learning experience.
Courses Lessons (create structured learning content, embed videos, and link

Course Design Assistance ( Pedagogy, Learning Models, TPACK, SAMR Mo


One Drive (post files, such as PowerPoint or PDF files)

Library Resources & Reserves 


During a potentially disruptive event, it is important for instructors to establish and maintain open com

Tips for effectively communicating with students online: 

 Be consistent with the digital tool selected for online communications, and be sure to post this
prominent location, such as the Syllabus page in Moodle. 
 Set expectations for how students should engage in the communication, including how they s
 Set expectations with students for how quickly the instructor will respond to online communica
 Utilize Universal Design and promote accessibility.


PowerPoint Recording using Kaltura (record a lecture and post to Courses)

Web Conference Recording (use WebEx and then uploading to Kaltura ; be s

transcriptions and closed-captions for all videos)


Purpose: Assess student learning.

Instructors may leverage Moodle tools to formatively and summatively assess

low-stakes assessment of student learning, instructors may use the Assignme
collect student work.  Instructors can then us Feedback Tool to make annotat
students work, as well as provide rich feedback in written, audio, or video form
assessment of student learning, instructors can create exams using the Quizz

Tips for administering effective exams online: 

Papers, Quizzes, or Tests
 Create complex questions that require deep, analytical thinking skills
 Use time limits for the exam availability to maintain students’ focus du
 Allow students multiple attempts (e.g., 2) to allow for troubles with inte
 Randomize the questions of a quiz to maximize academic integrity.
Courses Assignments (Assign, receive, and grade student papers)

Courses Tests & Quizzes (Schedule and grade online exams or quizzes)

Courses Gradebook (Share grades and feedback on student performance)


Software Purpose: Tools for student to complete assignments off campus.

Office 365 (Office suite of products)


During a potentially disruptive event, it is important for instructors to establish and maintain open com

Tips for effectively communicating with students online: 

 Be consistent with the digital tool selected for online communications, and be sure to post this
prominent location, such as the Syllabus page in Moodle. 
 Set expectations for how students should engage in the communication, including how they s
 Set expectations with students for how quickly the instructor will respond to online communica
 Utilize Universal Design and promote accessibility.


SPSS (e-mail with your account to receive access)

ESRI (How to access ArcPro and ArcOnline)

Adobe CC (Temporary access to the adobe suite)

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