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What do you understand by noise? What is the difference between sound

and noise? Write a brief note as to how noise reduction happens through
various means.

Noise is unwanted sound considered unpleasant, loud or disruptive to

hearing. From a physics standpoint, noise is indistinguishable from sound, as
both are vibrations through a medium, such as air or water. The difference
arises when the brain receives and perceives a sound.
Acoustic noise is any sound in the acoustic domain, either deliberate
(e.g., music or speech) or unintended. In contrast, noise in electronics may not
be audible to the human ear and may require instruments for detection.


Sound is what we hear. Noise is unwanted sound. The difference
between sound and noise depends upon the listener and the circumstances.
Rock music can be pleasurable sound to one person and an annoying noise to
another. In either case, it can be hazardous to a person's hearing if the sound is
loud and if they are exposed long and often enough.
Sound is produced by vibrating objects and reaches the listener's ears as
waves in the air or other media. When an object vibrates, it causes slight
changes in air pressure. These air pressure changes travel as waves through
the air and produce sound.


A proper architectural design helps in noise control in buildings to a
great extent. It helps in minimizing many costly techniques of noise control in
The arrangement of elements like window placing, door, the position of
the bedroom, balcony, courtyard by proper acoustical planning help in
reduction of unwanted noise within the building.
Sources of Noise in Buildings

Techniques for Noise Reduction in Buildings through Architectural Acoustic

Design –

Noise in the building can be control by following methods:

▪ Room arrangement
▪ Use of solid walls
▪ Planning for single story houses
▪ Proper arrangement of balconies
▪ Having courtyards

Room Arrangement in Buildings for Noise Reduction –

Considering the rooms in a building based on sensitivity, we can divide

into less sensitive rooms and more sensitive room. Now fewer sensitive rooms
are the kitchen, bathroom etc. More sensitive rooms are bedrooms, living
The arrangement of rooms must be made in such a way that more
sensitive rooms are away from the noise and the less sensitive rooms are
toward or closer to the noise source.
The arrangement of rooms for noise control is shown in figure-1. This
planning was applied widely over a 100-acre land which comprises of
residential buildings. The building was near to a planned expressway.
As per the concept of arrangement the kitchens and bathrooms were
placed near to the expressway and the bedrooms, living rooms where keep
way from it. Thus, more sensitive rooms get a shielding effect.

Room Arrangement in Buildings for Noise Reduction

Use of Solid Walls in Buildings for Noise Reduction –

The use of solid walls means, to use a wall with fewer openings. Mostly
walls used in building construction are masonry. When it comes to high-rise,
concrete walls are used. Whatever be the material chosen, both behave
massive and resist noise in a very efficient manner.
Now having an opening in walls will reduce its efficiency in noise control.
The openings in the forms of windows or doors that are facing directly towards
the noise, would welcome noise into the building.
The efficiency of walls can be explained in figure-2. Here the wall barrier
between the building and the noise is not at an adequate height, but the lower
floors must feel comfortable with less noise. This is possible because the
barrier has no opening.
To have the complete role of a barrier, opening in walls facing the direct
noise must be planned accordingly and if possible, eliminated. In a case where
elimination is not possible, reduction in the size of openings is recommended.

Use of Solid Walls in Buildings for Noise Reduction

Planning for Single Story Houses –

This is an architectural planning step taken before planning the design of

the building. For example, consider that we have a land where the construction
has to be conducted, but we have a noise source at a particular distance from
the site.
The plan is to construct a two-story building. We also have a barrier in
between the site and the noise source. The situation is that the reduction of
noise from the source is efficient only when the building is a single story. When
a more story building is planned the barrier, height will be insufficient.

Under such situation, it is always recommended to compromise with the

plan and go for an economical and quality construction. Another option is to
adopt a split-level design for the building, that would meet all the
Proper Arrangement of Balconies for Noise Reduction –

Balconies provide access to the external environment as well as

ventilation in the form of light and air. But the improper arrangement of
balconies would give complete discomfort, hiding all its advantages through
Balconies have higher exposure to outside environment. If the building is
faced towards a highly traffic prone area, with balcony facing the same side, it
would promote the intensity of noise entering the building, as shown in figure.

Balcony Facing the Road attracts Noise into the Building

The problem is mainly seen in highly populated cities, where high rise
building facing the highway is constructed. In such cases, measures to reduce
direct impact of noise must be carried out. Balconies can be placed in a
shielded area than direct open area.

Having Courtyards for Noise Reduction –

Having courtyards helps in reduction noise control in buildings. This can

be an added measure of noise reduction in architectural planning and design.
The Proper architectural design may also provide for noise reduction in
an area outside of the building. They provide an acoustical privacy. A shielding
effect is provided by these courtyards. It is constructed in residences, schools,
hospitals, colleges etc.

Courtyards for Noise Reduction in Buildings

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