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“eva 1 ran Qt] THE eH oe Leas ' om i Sn fag SP a AT og! ar sar ATE enka é TERT emer Se | “ane Oe © wher, Be ST SETS Owe Bre say, » a1 Feu 8 wh ee ae | aT aes —Huamy rer @ © WAY Ow ear & © ob) Ry aw © Key -& 83] aay Se heey, , wef “Saleyp sae La ny SEF - sar GRA wig weep - “SIT . ery sae eft 4 GMT MET ray carey Orta @SrxFs Og 4 ® hep o 4.4] EV BAT Nex Ae — aE ere rr chor eT es : HIG erat BVT - 13 4g nahh a apy fer — 1555 @infinity Engineering Academy (7887811411 ® »*SOCCCOCSCOSCOS OOO. © Sreys -weyey - )962. @ ads -aq orgy - 1924 25] Two Volfke parable} Fores of magoruda foo and Joon are achag Tn such g Way that their lines. of aeHon are (bomm 9 Part Determine the magnitude of the resolant Force 4 the pojat at which ft acts, ® Zoo N-, 5ommy @ 2oon , tommy © loon, 25mm @® soed, 25mm 9.6] The Lawis theorem js applicable only for @ coplaner forces ® corcurrent Forces, © coplaner and eomcurreat @) Day +3Pe Of Forces Forces, AA] Mig gradu of REC CTO mild expesure) @® Mie ®mM\5 © me ® mos BB] for ghalled Fourdation skeptens. te = g ® < 25 @ = 25 © 225 ® tone Bray which 6 Foversin oF four-bar mechanism ® covpliag cod of Vecomeatfuc ® cobieworth quicw return metjon Mechqajam © eliprical” ++rammel. ® olgham's coupling , Glo} _ FS widely Yyacd jn tool steels because fhe tool wil) majoteaia fes hardness even att red heak. , ® chromium ® Nga, | ) © Tvegsten ® vanadium i) ;? oO o 9 Q oO Oo Qo Qo ° oe infinity Engineering Academy 7887811411 ® 2 ee Qi} what is the meaning of the phrase aterae ee. 7 AJ without Something <] The First state Q) the way things ore bd) Lifelegs things . 2 B10] For which vedue of x will the mahix given below beome singular 9 x ° ) Ae 3 ) 4 9 2 > 12 6 oe y Al 4 qjeé Qo ) a} 8 Dp] in non- mates , each with 4 > Bay Ler A, B,¢,0 be nxn > then Gia s ze delerminant, if age =T . Qooteta? ag CDA ay Oca p] dees not necessarily enist. Bie] A trensfrmer has maximum eFRicieny of go, ot Full load , upp ‘the eFReiency of transformer at half fload and game pf ig Al 87-87. c] g0-37. B) 95-6 ¥. meen SGFSChOO0G ODF ¢ B\5} K 20 KVA cingle phase ransPrmer hag eFAcveney of go 7. of Full load and also at half Full toad . the pF fs unity in both cases ‘Then Find core losses. 4] 8.33 Kw elles cecal BJ 2 Kw oy bé7 Kw ~sayfyer 1) ‘J fos: B, afer —araéie Deae - Rae. 2] Ans: c ; eT oe wey aay eo sthy gay Wey, , 3] Aas: 9, . ; “eter refer Cay Bee iq ae, 5 AF HROF way HET Seige ge) ey Sar ees B50. C14 Her) es HY py FEET Saris 4) Aos:c her Saat Peay ease) Sea, cee | RT FOS BT Hoya FBI ware q rey epost apart ARE. Bl Aas: Rm fas: A a Feed ee iooeoooooogogco 4oon te Magotiude oF Resultant Force, Sjoce, Fiven Force arc ua)ike 45 parallel R= 400 —]od = Boon Polne where ReSuffont Force acts @infinity Engineering Academy 7887811411 @ Goo K = foo XI Fo K= Bomm ee ; 6] ys. A / The Lamis sheorem 98 applfcqht only Far Coplaner Forces, 4] _Ags: Min grade for Ree ( to mild expesund = 20 For Pee = Mie P] ras: & Shallo® Fouadation ? terzaghi Br<) , Sktplens 2 < 25 a]_ms: fh | toveraion of Bar Foor bar mechaniam - couphynq red jocomotfve other arc example oF gifder crank mHechanjam. \e] Aas. ¢ Red hardness 7S yne mars femprajure ay wusch feol shows Fe strenggh ft iS also Called aS hot hardness. Juogstin fF —p het hardness 4 »D® 3 ee leer oogo00000 O20 oO oO 6 Co oC oO o e eo oC ce Go oe CG Sol® J] > 8 > Status Guo = the way things are, the existing State of affairs , especially reagording Social ox poli Heal Issues. som p] aa of a mabix , IAl=0 — Por singularity g % oO = g (0-12) (0-24) -0 (24-2) 4 bo 12 6 ° es -46 424% =O n= Sol” 12] 70 ie @ Given ABeD = F > ABeporc! = Bic™ > AB = Dic! eS cing = Aloe! > 8 =< Kx! oc “1 s Bw =(a' ot a) . +1 5 Dey a(n g! = cpa Soraya a. det Xiner has Full load of P watt then 7 og = Ph _ ag Wy = Dey P+ 20; wre £ Ae one 5 > wie Pwudr. = Dey Nout at halP load effreiency will be given a6 ia Nsreaay ~ (%+ Ce)? 4%) - VY) 2 36) 2 8 2 gts ~ G+ Ye) + GD ryee rt ex a 37-8"), sols} » p Given, 20 kVA, Neo? Maina) 82%, % PRAT. Nan = 2Oat a Oo: 2Ox1t Wi +Wey wy + Wa = 6 —- © ee oe aa Toxlt Wit Way a QW, + Oy = 10 — ® after solving 4° @ &® | %, =réé kW = tron loss Won = 3d5 KO. = Copper logs . 2 0 of RetgPTaT — 2 a V]-ahar spf shay. stare Bey Ray cara ay sy! © sine way EN AB a © TT area SREY syd gael ea Fel ~erayg zy or TOs ® sorter amg Ast aq vcard, » 421 Sosa Sr sary > madd tr B) ° “SY Seay worry atg 9 @ vals ~adaep aT ahy ean Ow day wt BATAAN ART, > 8.3] Ralre tii] spfepaap aah Bhai ear DSA Me ee Smee woe a aes RTA, 2 Sey ay eT aa “ayransy ery oer, Panty 3 eT SRE aay Tapp ® 1q2 ®rq¢4 Gray y Ober 5 4.4) sringar prattey Yar aig Mey area “BRKT yey aaa, ae ey capt Feays ° OHS heer ny Senn @ yea ® ay ong, infinity Engineering Academy 7887811411 @ jae The Cealre oF gravity oF hemisphere ffes at g Afstance oF ___ from jes bape mM eaysored Alon tne verPtaa) redrus, Os © & ‘ Br g g a OF OX ao] 4 Lely of weight Seon 12 lag on gq rough horfamntal plane havicg a Coegficient of Frfehon AS 0.5. Fiad the magaitade of the Force, wich Can move the body , wahsle acting at an ABNe OF 95°. woth horizmtea), ®r @ esd © BRIN” @ aod a] leadiag. 4 type F sejl Structure load Jess and gal Medjom Menge, ® ease Pile Owet © ghalloo, QB] Mia. grade OF concrete Fer Pre-Stressed Preteasiming 4 Post teasioniag @®@ M40 4 mo ® M2 4 30 © mas 4 ™50 ® mee 4 meo Q.9] Resilience TS the Capachty of Lire to ® Absorb energy withouh Fractore ® fbSorb KE, © Mosrb elastic c.g, a Matersal ® Resist deformation, oO p Coo0cocevuocese 00 G©ooo eooecoo gto] fs aq Pmpertant Property FS Press work B® gregh ® eng ness © Malleabys lity ® At) of Above, @infinity Engineering Academy 7887811411 ® 2 e ) ) ) ) 7 ) ) > SCoeco0oooeago oO aw oA vate of inflaHon makes exports AiFPreudt. A] great J lorge a) high p) tay. gm} FF xza(ersine) and YsaCt~ ca 6) then AY pin be equa to. de 4] sin (8) gq t($) a) cs (2) py cot CB) Q13] The funcHon ftw) =12%*- Iga Bxt2 has its maxima ab A] -1 only Cage Bl] 2 ony oO] -2 only, S14] The form Factor in reference to a.c wave form represent raHo of. A] The average value {> the RMS value. B] The peak value fo the RMS value c) The Rms value to the overage value D) “The Rms value tp the peak value. Q15) The equation for 25 cycles current sine wave having vms value bf Bo Ampere , will be. AJ go sin ost BJ] 30 gn 50 mt. oJ 4n4 sino wstt vy 42-4 an sont: | 4 oecoeoocqoogoqgaqacea SAAB = 0 Vl aasic, ee HRM Syo HE Doe “award 2) Ans: c, StS sap sien sedan pee “arenas arma ear ath ey alesfeara, 3] Aasic : Saeartr Heer wah ey GAA, ONS eta oar, AG og aay BAG Seg rer aes “ayaa Sy sray. Sep MT Baley wzgeariagay ~aa 4] Aas vc “wate “aaa Aha sofamaha—-geene A ee aA ea “ea fe sem ary. Ara stanly Aekar “artes, Ba ae, 5) Aas: A The 6.G. of hemisphere { ag From jt8 bape, 61 Aas: e¢ MO at distance of Biveo WeESooNn, Y=. A= 25° wlth Yorjronhe} F= Peosct ss ome =P CeS25°= Px0.9068 Fist Boon @infinity Engineering Academy G7887811411 @ Hoad_ Resel ving. Fortes Verttcally | R=W- PBiak = Boo — PAID 25° = Boo — po. 4226, We Kno that Ehe forces of Friction (F ) O-406BP = WR =D X (Boo- PKO.4226) CR «B= O-GoSBP -H OVI2eB p = f.093P sow - Pera = SE! 43 Aas. D . sqructural load less and Go ghaled Fest , SoFL_ Madi vm Aease . strat. lead Neavy 4y SojL is o Rafe 4 Deep medion feoee . Fl mas: A, pretensioniag 40 A Rove. Post teasioning So 4 Above, q] Aas. ¢ ResfVlenta 1S Khe abiltty of material to absorb energy when Tk i deformed elastically | and releadse that nergy Upon Boload tng. Wo] _gas: ¢ me\leabritiy — Sigoiflcant plastic deformasay vader PERS raprere which may be expressed os Pereentag? elongation or Percant areca eduction 39 AL direction. ¢ compresfue Stress) sol uy > B when we menHon inflaton - the word * high’ is More appwopriate than “large”. “great " ov “tall” 2 Hence . opt'on @ is — convert Sol" in] > c 5 : . 5 Given 1 = a (0+ S90) & Y = a(I-« 6) oO due 4 ' ss 4 (14 caso) a = a(o+sine) > ay ay . . a a> Ds we _ 4 sine ~ 2 sinG) ses G) 9 4% B Ciscoe) 62. cos (8) O o ° = +2n(%) o 49 ran (%) oO co ° © sol” ig} > ° e Gr fea = In a8 ga? -Tax +2 oO flex) = 36x%- Sex -72 =O 6 Qo a weu-2 20 c ° Ke +2] ° Pen) = 72% - 36 Se > . , } i G fC) = -198 <0 2. IR 1S) maxima 6 " Gd) 2 144-36 = 10870 ve th 1s minima , ° sol” 14] F ¢ the form Factor Is given as, eee Average value . gol” 15] 7 D. Given, Teme 7 304 ee ad Tmax = FexQor 424% eqn of current ts Now, the te Tae Sin DE g=4ra 619 (or xeet) = bag sin Gort) i: HID B13 i S11 Satie arary ogo fe —aq~ ais A She SIRT SIE RAAT cit TS “toey aya ® = * a Os Ow 7 4.27] IEPAy MAT etapa Rep 2K : © HA ar 9 ) Oe © * a8] arta “yf--atep nee Dee CASS AS TMT ray eller aye Tee” GRE say FRB Fare ® 28 Way jog sf, ® 2¢ eager 10.4 -aHy, © 29 NET apy © 2 Vary josh, ) d ) ) oO > 2841 © wR -ranaiety Be epee ary “gg ; wah gee one. » @ ee sifyattay BeoTigtge ° @ wile FY ve Weer “Precaqatler ° 3 ot Ae. at 3° @ say eT a fears wear AGEs ore @1y7 vege @ i.2 9 aster © i,eG 4 @rgqz ® ag -Pragr 1o) @infinity Engineering Academy ©7887811411 @ eooooogo 2-5} three Forces , Achy on q rigfd bedy , are Tepredented jo magahude , direcHon and Iine oF. action by the 3 sides fF a Ale taxen jo, order slose mee ie tqua) on —_ Freq of the Ale, ® single @ Tie GO thrice ® none. 9.6] IF the Sum of all the forces acthyg on 9 body FS Zers , dyeq the bedy may be Provided the Porces are, ® concurrent | @ “parallel © Line Parallel @ Volfne paredjet. &F] Migimum nomiaal cover for column © 22mm © asm © 4orm @ bomm AS] Terzaghi theery Assume fouddation fatter fs— ® Graeral. shear @® Lecal Shear © Pvachiag shear @D all of Above, §.3 | creep Ps defined as . © pregressrve AFormatim Under Joad, ® progressive deformation under oad at high Pressore © Pragrssive deformation uncer Joad ap Sub Ztro femprature @D progressive deformation uader load at his pressure, = = sane rarer arene ere eer a eetetrinmareetorenresi:: «etal Q > a ooe@ooooo0°o 8-197] machine dusigO joclude, ® selection of Maperial, ® Beleezion of Components © Selection of Arrangemtet.- ® an infinity Engineering Academy (7887811411 ®@ www. 6 Sti] Tn the Following question , select the word et opposite in meaning to the given word . o “forge ’, 9 ° A] Ruin €] goleter , 8) Pabricate p] Ornate oO 3 @i2} The complete gol” of the ordinary diFFerenHal 24% > oO ay . 7 7% 3% 4 Jee 4 qe 5 Seth hay =o |S ‘ * 9 oO then 95 q oe 3 aj fea. 4° el pe4, 423 > a) Pre tre oJ Pee, 424 o ° S gig]? A sol” of the following differential eq” is given oO ay dy ° “3 ore eA ec o oO a) gt e 7” on Jye e+e co 22 ose Be dele ol ys ee 0 3™ o S giajy fn a balanced Star connected system, Ne e . . 3 voltages are = ——_ ahead of ‘their respecHve o phase vol tages 8 ° Al 20° e] 120° B1 60° DT] ego” Bitsy A 8g ster connected balanced oad consumes P watts of power fom a balanced supply. FF the Same lead 1's connected in delta t the the Same supply, the power consumptton wail! be. aj Pp c] 3P 8) fap } % yuve Dubus >D 0 e| “ze UR eT —13 - SS a] fas: fp . , 21 Bas: 4 / Sy Te ST Sl] fas: c “ae Ra Ra a Sas) a5 23 aA gah ak 4] Aose ce eR, saa ~apP ST gah sys HE. AaPES ea eles —Peoitargey SRT SFE, SI ERT ot FeTaTG Se Brisa weiGey eer “a nh Pans ST,

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