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Serquina, Johniza Hope G.

September 5, 2020

Nursing Ethics Reniel Sanchez

Episode 3:

My daily mantra in life is that “You learn something new every day” and that is what I
experience every time I watch this series. Even Dr. Kang Dong-Jo was amazed on how Teacher Kim
does his work in the operating room. You can really see the passion in everything he do. Even with
the nurses working there, they’re very attentive and focused on what they are doing. With that,
let’s look into some ethical and unethical issues in this episode.

 1st scenario- When the receptionist heard that Dr. Kang Dong-Jo was the Top 1 in the board
exam, he quickly convinced President Yeo to let him stay in Doldam so that many patients
will visit the hospital. In response, president Yeo stick to his principle which he said “what is
important is he’s willingness”. When a worker does not enjoy or is not comfortable in
his/her workplace, this might affect the performance of their work. With the case of Dr.
Kang Dong-Jo, he’s still in awe and confused because he felt embarrassed when he saw the
skills of Teacher Kim. Yes it’s unbelievable, but don’t think of it as a competition, in fact use
it as an advantage to learn from his skills.
 2nd scenario- We talked about informed consent earlier, and surprisingly it was mentioned
in here. Given with that scenario, when a patient needs to have a surgery right away, I think
it’s not a violation to proceed with the procedure because the patient is in the middle of
death and life. It’s good that Teacher Kim thought of calling the family to get their consent.
In that way, they will not have to wait for them for an hour. I remember during our 1 st
meeting in health informatics, we were asked by the teacher what if the doctor is not
present and he/she needs to give an interpretation to the result. The answer was somewhat
the same with having consent through the phone. We can utilize the technology nowadays
in order for us to give data and information right away.
 3rd scenario- If I were in that situation where Dr. Kang Dong-Jo and Dr. Seo-Jeong were
having an argument, I would also feel irritated. It’s not appropriate to act that way
especially in front of a patient. How can a patient trust you as their health provider if they
acted that way.
 4th scenario- Dr. Kang Dong-Jo is torn between going to the dinner and beg to the president
to bring him back or take his duty and save the patients from having an abdominal pain and
accidents. Thank God because compassion and kindness prevailed! No matter what the
situation you are into, when you committed something, prove it and do it willingly. Always
remember that we are in the field of saving lives. We have sworn that during the oath
taking. In fact, it is also the right of the person to live. If we tend to ignore them without a
proper reason that would be unethical and a violation to commit. But sadly, in Dr. Kang
Dong-Jo’s situation, he still thinking of the dinner with the president so it affected the way
he treat the family of the client. Like what I always say, it’s not appropriate if we
incorporate our own problem in our work because it might affect the performance.
 5th scenario- When Dr. Seo-Jeong composed herself already, she saw a woman going to the
ICU. Because of her instinct (maybe) she followed her and to her surprise, the woman has a
plan to kill the patient. In that scenario, the woman almost killed the patient but Dr. Seo-
Jeong respect the woman to express her feelings and afterwards told her that it was a wrong
patient. Sometimes, because of anger and grief, they are not in the right state of mind. We as
health providers should respect their situation they are dealing. Same through with Dr. Seo-
Jeong, when they finally express their feelings, comfort is the next step so that they can
understand the things you will be explaining to them.

Indeed that it was a tiring Friday for them. Good thing that the basic principles were still
observed even if they are violating some rules that affected their performance. The team still
deserve a commendation for doing their job as they learn from their mistakes. It’s hard to be in
that aspect of life but if the important virtues like passion, compassion, humility, respect and
courage are in you, everything else will go smoothly and follow according to God’s plan.
Serquina, Johniza Hope G. August 30, 2020

Nursing Ethics Reniel Sanchez

Episode 4:

Maybe that’s how it goes. You need to hear the truth from one of the people who sees your
performance in order for you to reflect and think of the things you need to improve. Just like in
school, teachers are there for you to guide and teach you a lesson. If you are close to failing, they are
the one who give you an advice and tell your shortcomings frankly. In this episode, we will
encounter new faces and the question is… Are they going to affect the performance of the
protagonist? Is the action ethical or unethical? Are they violating any rules or not? Let’s find out!

 1st scenario- This is a funny scenario for me when Nurse Oh yelled at the hallway while
Teacher Kim and Dr. Kang Dong-Jo are fighting. I can feel her emotion because sometimes
when you are drained in work you tend to get irritated especially if you see that it’s toxic.
For me, all that Nurse Oh have said was true. You have no right to belittle someone even if
you are mad at them. Think of the challenges of a health worker to be in that position. Each
one of us has its own struggles. What Teacher Kim should have done is to talk to them in
private because imagine if they are in a big hospital, many will see them and they will all
have a bad reputation and at the same time, have a big impact to the performance of the
hospital. Respect with each other and to the institution is much needed in here!
 2nd scenario- I still don’t know why is teacher Kim acting that way but I believe something
had happened before that made him like that. (that is what we need to watch out for the
upcoming episode) In this scene, we saw the chairman asking him for the second time to be
his personal doctor/operate on him for a heart transplant. And for his response, he wanted
new equipment for Doldam Hospital. With that POV, I can say that it is utilitarianism, the
most common form of teleology. For teacher Kim in order for him to operate the chairman,
they should sponsor new equipment that can be use in the future which shows “the greatest
good for the greatest number of people”. It will be very beneficial to the hospital if that will
be granted especially they have skilled doctor and nurses.
 3rd scenario- This is the time when Nurse Oh asked Dr. Kang Dong-Jo why he wanted to
leave Hospital and Teacher Kim asked Dr. Yu why she wanted to stay. Both have different
answer. But what touched me is the answer of Dr. Yu that she wanted to stay because she
likes to learn something from teacher Kim. In order to become a good health care provider
you have to learn from people with the most experienced because they are the one who will
tell you the real life situation scenarios. Yes both of them are passionate in their work but
you must be eager to learn in order for you to become better. If the attitude is like Dr. Kang
Dong-Jo who focuses on being just the best, we will have a problem. It’s like you are just
doing it for yourself and not for the sake of the patients you will encounter.
 4th scenario- This is probably one my favorite scene, when Dr. Kang Dong-Jo asked what
kind of doctor is Teacher Kim. You can really say that teacher Kim is a good doctor because
of his dedication in his work and compassion to the patients. Another line he said to Dr.
Kang Dong-Jo that touched my heart was “You can blame the system and the world. You can
blame all the people who messed up the world if you want. But nothing will change even if
you keep blaming others.” And with that, Dr. Kang Dong-Jo finally, found out that teacher
Kim is the doctor before who said the same line that made him a doctor today. Sadly,
Teacher Kim refuse to acknowledge it and that is what we need to look forward in the next

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