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Name: Jade G.

Guill Subject: Teaching English through Literature

Section: BEED III-A Instructor: Ms. Charma Rose Tadeja

Read the article and answer the following questions:

1. What did you learn from the article ”Reading English through Literature?

Base from the Article, I learned that literature plays an important role when it
comes to Teaching English. Many teachers considered Literature as a tool in
Language teaching because it includes basic language skills and language areas.

Also I learned that there are many different benefits can be acquired through literature.
This includes the promotion of student thinking skills that can be gathered in reading
short stories. Moreover, student can attain good behavior and personality through
drama since it is the reenactments of social events. There are many other benefits of
using literature in Language teaching but for me, I learned that Literature helps one
person to develop holistically if it is being taught thoroughly.

Even so, as a teacher we must keep in our mind that there are things that to be
consider in order to capture the interest of our students. Choosing relevant literature
can be done through considering needs, motivation, interest, cultural background as
well as the language level of the students.

2. How important is Literature in Teaching English? Cite examples from the article or
from your personal experience.

Literature is used in teaching the four macro skills such as reading, writing
listening and speaking. Through Literature students can learn how to read words by
reading different types of stories or poems with these students can understand the
positions of themselves as well as the others by transferring their knowledge gained
from reading into their own world.

Literary works can open up an individual’s mind into the culture of one country. Also It
enables them to know the syntax and discourse function of sentences, students also
became more productive and adventurous when they begin to perceive richness and
diversity of the language they are trying to learn and begin to make use of some of that
potential themselves.
Literature helps student acquire a native-like competence in English, learn the features
of modern English…as well as become creative, critical and analytical learners.
Literature is not only tool for developing the written and oral skills of the student in the
target language but also it is a window opening into the culture of the target language,
building up cultural competence in students.

In my recent times being a student even as now, Literature helps me to be familiar in

English, I am fond of reading different kind of Literature, It also helps me to develop
my confidence in speaking English in the front of others. I can say that I am not fluent
in English but I’m doing my best to improve myself to attain knowledge through

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