امتحان ENT دفعة ٣١

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‫اللجنة العلمية جروب ‪ -C‬دفعة بصمة طبيب ‪31‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬

1- The best investigation done for a patient suspected to have chronic sinusitis is
a.Coronal computerized tomography of the nose and sinuses
b- Occiptomental x ray
c- Magnetic resonance imaging.
d- Non of the above.

2- For nasopharyngeal examination

a.Anterior rhinoscopy is sufficient
b- Posterior rhinoscopy is an easy and sufficient method.
c. Endoscopic examination is the best method
d- Radiologic evaluation is superior to the above methods.

3-The primary treatment of acute maxillary sinusitis is

a- Puncture and lavage of the sinus.
b- Inferior meatal antrostomy
b- Medical treatment.
c- Functional endoscopic sinus surgery.

4.Anatomy of the solenoid sinus all statements are correct except:

a.it’s fully developed at birth
b. It’s bounded superiorly by sella turcica
c. The internal carotid artery run in it’s medial wall
d. The vidian nerve run below its floor

5.Trotter's triad include the following except:

a. Unilateral deafness
b. Unilateral facial pain
c. Unilateral facial paralysis
d. Unilateral soft palate paralysis

6. Indication for tracheostomy are the following except :

a. trauma that results in severe injury to the thyroid cartilages
b. Subcutaneous Emphysema appears in face ,neck ,or chest.
c. Facial fractures that may lead to upper airway obstruction
d)Severe skin infection of the neck

7.Early complications of tracheostomy are the follewing except :

a)Subcutaneous emphysema
b) Early post operative bleeding
c) Tracheitis. d)Tracheomalacia. c)Plugging with mucus
31 ‫ دفعة بصمة طبيب‬-C ‫اللجنة العلمية جروب‬ 3
8.Which of the following plays a role in the pathogenesis of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma:
a)Human Papilloma virus
c) Epstein-Barr virus
d)Human immunodeficiency virus
e)Influenza B virus

9. Treatment of choice for nasopharngeal carcinoma is:

a. Surgery
b. Radiotherapy
c. Chemotherapy

10.Halar cell:
a)is the most anterior ethmoid cell
b)is a pneumatized ethmoid cell that projects along the medial roof of the maxillary sinus
c)is the most posterior ethmoid cell over the sphenoid sinus
d)none of the above

11.The Internal (anterior) nasal valve is defined by the following structures except:
a)The caudal end of the upper lateral cartilage
b)The nasal septum
c)The posterior end of the inferior turbinate
d)The soft tissue surrounding the pyriform aperture

12.the air flow in the nose should be :

a. Linear
b. Turbulent
c. both. d. None of the above

13. In trotter's triad unilateral facial pain is due to involvement of :

a. Facial nerve
b. Glosopharyngeal nerve
c. Trigeminal nerve
d. Hypoglossal nerve

14.One of the side effect of streptomycin may be:

b) Hyposmia
c) anosmia
d) parosmia. e) none of the above

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I5.Offensive nasal discharge occurs in except !
a)Neglected foreign body
b) dentogenic maxillary sinusitis
c) Ethmoidal sinusitis
d)Chronic suppurative otitis media
e)Lung abscess

I6.The following about nasal foreign body are true EXCEPT:

a)Can be animate or inanimate
b)Unilateral offensive nasal discharge
c) Intermittent epistaxis can occur
d)The foreign body is removed carefully by forceps
e)Can lead to rhinolith formation

17.The most common sinus to be involved in inflammatory sinus disease is :

a) Frontal sinus
b) ethmoid sinus
c) Maxillary sinus
d) Sphenoid sinus

18.The most common postoperative complications of endoscopic sinus surgery is:

a) orbital hematoma
b) Orbital emphysema
c) synechia
d)CSF leakage

19.The Kiesselbach's plexus is in the Little's area is formed by:except

a)Sphenopalatine artery
b)Greater Palatine artery
c) Anterior ethmoid artery
d) Posterior ethmoid artery
e)Superior labial artery

20.All are true about CSF leakage from the nose except :
a)Increases on leaning forward
b)Watery with salty taste
c) Can occur through the paranasal Sinuses
d)Beta-1 transferrin is diagnostic
e)surgical intervention only after 2-3 weeks of medical treatment

31 ‫ دفعة بصمة طبيب‬-C ‫اللجنة العلمية جروب‬ 5

21.Nasal bone fracture is the following EXCEPT:
a)May be associated with septal dislocation
b) Lateral view X-ray for medicolegal importance
c)Septal hematoma can occur and lead to nasal obstruction
d) After the first two weeks of trauma the reduction is done
e)Straightening of the septum may be done by Ash's forceps

22.The nasolacrimal duct opens at the level of:

a)superior meatus
b) middle meatus
c) Inferior meatus
d)Sphenoethmoidal recess
e) Superior meatus

23.The blood supply of the anterior-superior portion of the septum and lateral wall of the nose is:
a) Descending Palatine artery
b) Anterior ethmoid artery
c)Posterior ethmoid artery
d)Sphenopalatine artery
e)Pharyngeal artery

24.Which of the following drugs is linked with rhinitis medicamentosa:

a)Intranasal steroid spray
e)Beta blockers

25. Rhinolalia clausa is associated with the following except :

a. Allergic rhinitis
b. Adenoid
c. Palatal paralysis
d. Nasal polyp
e. Nasal bone fracture

26. A patient with complete anosmia will still respond to inhalation of :

a. Coffee
b. Garlic
c. Ammonia
d. Vanilla
e. Silver nitrate

31 ‫ دفعة بصمة طبيب‬-C ‫اللجنة العلمية جروب‬ 6

27.proptosis in a 17 year old patient with acute sinusitis is an Indication of :
a. Mucocele
b. Subperiosteal abscess
c. Frontal lobe abscess
d. Frontal sinusitis

28. Posterior nasal packing with Foly's catheter is required :

a. Epistaxis is severe and patient is shocked
b. Anterior pack fails to control the bleeding
c. Site of the bleeding in the nose can't be located
d. The patient is more than 60 years old

29. The most effective medical treatment of nasal polyps is :

a. Decogestant nasal drops
b. antihistamine
c. Topical steroid
d. Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs

30.main cause of acquired subglottic stenosis is :

a. Bronchoscopy
b. Laryngoscopy
c. Prolonged intubation
d. High tracheostomy
e. Gastroesophageal reflex

31. Rehabilitation of voice after total laryngectomy all the following are true except :
a. Esophageal speech
b. Tracheoesophageal fistula with one way valve
c. Tracheostomy
d. Electronic larynx

32.all the following are true in using bronchoscopy in subglottic stenosis except :
a. Diagnosis
b. Therapeutic
c. Grading of subglottic stenosis
d. Surgical repair
e. Type of stenosis

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34. In T3 (cancer larynx) all are true except :
a. Vocal cord fixation
b. deep invasion
c. Cancer intralaryngeal
d. Choice of treatment is surgical
e. Radiation treatment is the best

35. All the following cause airway Obstruction in laryngeal trauma except :
a. Blood clotting
b. Foreign body
c. Pieces of cartilage
d. Neurogenic shock
e. Tracheostomy block

36.all the following are Indications for total laryngectomy except :

a. Advanced cancer larynx
b. Uncontrolled perichondritis
c. Functionless larynx
d. Laryngeal incompetence
e. Unilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis

37. Regarding vocal cord fixation in cancer larynx all these are true except :
a. Deep invasion of cancer
b. Laryngeal joint destruction
c. Subglottic carcinoma
d. Recurrent laryngeal nerve destruction

38. Barrier of cancer larynx spread these are true except :

a. Quadrangular membrane
b. Frame work of larynx
c. Conus elasticus
d. Perichondrium
e. Laryngeal muscles

39. All the following are precancerous lesions except :

a. Leukoplakia
b. Single papilloma
c. Keratosis
d. Chronic atrophic laryngitis
e. Calcification of laryngeal cartilage

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40. All these are hidden areas in the larynx except :
a. Subglottic area
b. Anterior commissure
c. Laryngeal surface of epiglottis
d. Laryngeal ventricle
e. Posterior commissure

41. In laryngeal polyp all are incorrect except :

a. Originated at Free margin of the vocal cord
b. upper surface of the vocal cord
c. Under surface of the vocal cord
d. Anterior commissure

42. A 4 years old child was presented in emergency room with history of sore throat ..... is hoarse Fever
inspiratory stridor muffling voice odynophagia:
a. Acute epiglottitis
b. Acute laryngitis
c. Retropharyngeal abscess
d. Ludwig's angina

43. All laryngeal muscles are paired except :

a. Posterior cricothyroid muscle
b. Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
c. Interarytenoid muscle
d. Cricohyoid muscle
e. Vocalis muscle

44. The Early laryngeal function develop is:

a. Protection
b. Breathing
c. Phonation
d. Cough reflex

45. The main different between laryngeomalacia and laryngeal web clinically is :
a. Stridor
b. Difficult breathing
c. Change of voice
d. Congenital lesion

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46. Laryngocele is
a. Mucous filled sac
b. Air filled sac
c. Serous filled sac
d. Mucopurulent filled sac

47.the main difference between a single laryngeal Papilloma and laryngeal polyp:
a. Pedunculated mass
b. Smooth surface mass
c. Limited mobility of the vocal cord
d. Hoarseness of voice
e. Surgical treatment is the ttt of choice

48. The infant is an obligatory nasal breathing in first 6 months due to:
a. Omega shape epiglottis
b. Big epiglottis
c. High up epiglottis behind uvula
d. Small larynx

49.all the following are Indications for total laryngectomy except :

a. Advanced cancer larynx
b. Uncontrolled perichondritis
c. chronic atrophic laryngitis
d. Functionless larynx
e. Laryngeal incompetence

50. Earache following tonsillectomy is referred through:

a. Vagal nerve
b. Facial nerve
c.glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Mandibular branch of trigeminal

51. Waldeyer's ring consists of except:

a. Nasopharngeal tonsil
b. Tubal tonsil
c. Cerebellar tonsil
d. Palatine tonsil

52. Adenoid face include the following except:

a.open mouth
b. Pinched nose. c. Rhinolalia aperta d. High arched palate

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53. Complications of adenoidectomy except:
a.grisel syndrome
b. Velopharyngeal insufficiency
c. Haemorrhage
d. Trigeminal neuralgia

54. Structure passing between the upper border of the superior pharyngeal construction and the base of
the skull ( morgagni. ) include all except :
a. Cartilaginous part of auditory tube
b. Tensor tympani muscle
c. Levator Palatine muscle
d. Ascending palatine artery

55. Blood supply of the Palatine tonsils Except :

a. Tonsillar branch of facial artery
b. Descending pharyngeal artery of external carotid
c. Ascending palatine artery
d. Dorsalis lingual artery

56. Adenoid hypertrophy may lead to the following except :

a. Adenoid face
b. Otitis media with effusion
c. Sensory neural deafness
d. Night mares

58.The most dangerous complication of Ludwig's angina is:

a) Acute laryngeal oedema
d)Nasal obstruction

59.The swelling in acute retropharyngeal abscess is :

a)In the middle line
b) Lateral to the middle line.
c)Appears from outside the neck
d)None of the above.

60.The dysphagia in cardiac achalasia starts to:

a)Solids then to fluids.
b) Fluids then to solids.
C)Fluid & solids at the same time. d)None of the above

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61.The value of post-tonsillectomy position is :
a)To pevent backward falling of tongue
6)To prevent inhalation of the vomitus or blood.
C)To detect bleeding
d) All of the above

62.Paul-bunnell test is diagnostic for:

a. Diphtheria.
b. Acute follicular tonsillitis.
c) Infectious mononucleosis.
d)Thrush stomatitis.

63.Beck's triad occurs due to:

b) Retropharyngeal abscess
c) Parapharyngeal abscess
d)Vincent angina

64.The following are signs of chronic tonsillitis EXCEPT:

a)Enlarged cervical lymph nodes
b)Inequality of the size of the tonsils
c) Pus in the tonsillar crypts
d) Edema of the uvula

65.The commonest cause of esophageal stenosis in children :

a) Corrosive intake
b) Carcinoma
c)Achalasia of the cardia

74. Traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane treated by :

a. Conservative with regular otoscope follow up
b. Tympanoplasty
c. Ear drop
d. Regular suction of the ear

75. Pain in the ear with speech and mastication diagnostic of :

a. Herpes Foster oticus
b. otitic barotrauma
c. Furuncle
d. Foreign body in the external canal.

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76.cause for otitic barotrauma is:
a. Obstructed eustachian tube.
b. a patent eustachian tube
c. a hypermobile tympanic membrane
d. Rapid ascent during air flight

77.A continuously draining ear after acute suppurative otitis media is:
a. Otitis media with effusion
b. Otitis externa
c. Cholesteatoma
d. Mastoiditis

78.The following muscles are supplied by the facial nerve except :

a. Buccinator
b. Stapedius
c. Posterior belly of digastric
d. Stylopharyngus

79.The anterior relations of the bony external auditory canal is:

a. Eustachian tube
b. Tempromandibular joint
c. Tympanic membrane
d. Auricle

80.The cone of light in the right ear is directed to:

a. 3 o'clock
b. 5 o'clock
c. 7 o'clock
d. 11 o'clock

81.the pathogenesis of an otogenic brain abscess:

a. retrograde thrombophlebitis
b. CSF spread
c. both of the above
d. none of the above

82. A mucopurulent otorhea is most probably due to:

a. Cholesteatoma
b. Otomycosis
c. Acute suppurative otitis media
d. Acute necrotizing otitis media

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84. About the mastoid antrum :
a. Largest mastoid air cell
b. Comunicate anteriorly with epitympanum
c. Lateral semicircular canal in its medial wall
d. All of above
e. None of the above

85. A 35 years old has right offensive otorea. Otoscopically there is a marginal perforation with
pulsating discharge. The most probable pathology is :
a. Acute suppurative otitis media
b. Cholesteatoma
c. Chronic tubotympanic otitis media
d. Cholesteatoma with intracranial complication

86. Regular attack of fever and rigors with marked anemia in cholesteatoma patients is :
a. Meningitis
b. Malaria
c. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis
d. Typhoid

87. Reffered otalgia in a case of pyriform fossa carcinoma is along the :

a. Glossopharyngeal nerve
b. Vague nerve
c. Hypoglossal nerve
d. Cervical spine C1 C2

88. The main pathology responsible for diabetic malignant external otitis :
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Pseudomonas infection
c. Diabetic angiopathy
d. Facial nerve paralysis

89. The following are criteria for the acute mastoiditis except :
a. Sagging of the Posterior superior deep part of external auditory canal wall
b. Reservoir sign
c. Tenderness of the mastoid tip
d. Obliteration of the retroauricular sulcus

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90.A continously discharging ear for 3 year duration in a patien with chronic otitis media and smal
central perforation requires:
a. Myringoplasty
b. Tympanoplasty.
c. Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy
d. Medical treatment

91. The most common fracture of the temporal bonding accidents is:
a. Longitudinal fracture
b. Transverse fracture
c. Horizontal fracture
d. mixed fracture

100.Saucer shaped audiogram indicates

a.congenital HL

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‫ال تـــــنسونــا من صالـــــح الــــدعـــــاء‬

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